Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

v2 Chapter 100: Why can't I pick it up?

In the God's perspective of the director at this time, the camera just happened to reach the team who sailed to the back of the airport and landed.

On the commentary stage, Lord Rong could not help but said, "This team of players is very spiritual. If I remember correctly, they should first search for a wave in Xiacheng District near Port G, and then sail from the sea. In the past, I changed two boats along the way. Although it was time-consuming, it perfectly avoided the encounters in the early stages when the various teams ran away from the north.

"Yes, that's true." Meng Yeqing nodded, and then said with a little surprise, "Well? The team's name seems a little familiar, Seals? This is not the last game and Magic Four. The airdrop was grabbed, was the team that Vic alone killed the team on board? "

"Eh! What you said really is ..." Rongye also responded, "But now there are two people on the shore. If the SEALs come ashore from here, I am afraid they will encounter an ambush."

At this time, the director broadcasted the camera very spiritually and gave them to Liu Zilang.

After seeing the names of Liu Zilang and Pu Taizhuang, the audience on the spot and between the live broadcast was stunned.

哇 "Wow! The team on the shore is actually the two remaining in the magical four boxes!" Meng Yeqing was slightly surprised, and then laughed, "Is this the narrow road of the enemy?"

"It's really Vic them!" Rongye couldn't help laughing, "I'm afraid the SEALs didn't expect to go around a big road, but met their biggest enemy again. It's God! "

"Suddenly I now look forward to Vic's ability to play less with more while playing less with more!"

"Hmm ... I think they should have heard the sound of the ship, so the enemy is bright, they are dark, occupying the initiative, if you go to the cliff to ambush a wave, it may not be ..."

"Wait a minute, how did Vic go back into the house? Is it because they guess there are many people on the other side and want to avoid war?"

Uh ...

In the game, the housing area by the coast.

I saw Liu Zilang and Pu Taizhuang shuttle between the houses, and quickly closed the door at hand, and from time to time put bottles of drinks or accessories on the floor.

When everything was ready, they found a room in the house closest to the sea and squatted down.

The room they chose was the type of side lying without a door. Before entering the door, Liu Zilang also put a first aid kit not far from the door.

Changpu looked so stunned, and then he burst into laughter.

At the same time, next to a yacht near the shore.

I saw four people stepping on the rocks on the cliff, struggling hard towards it.

"Why go ashore here?" One complained. "How good it is to find a flat land."

Upon hearing this, the person who came up with the idea immediately explained, "It's only safe to have a few people ashore here. In case someone sails around like us, when they land ashore and squat us there, it's cool. Now. "

Someone echoed, "Liangzi makes sense, don't get in the ink and climb quickly, there is a room on the top. Let's take a spot when we go up. By the way, I still have a grip."

Another human said, "Well, wait to see me take the M4 gun ass."

Next, though, the journey is a bit "bumpy".

But after a while, the four managed to climb up successfully.

一 One person in the team picked up M4 and inspected the lower quarter with a quadruple lens. "The doors are closed, as if no one is."

The other person nodded and said, "Then go to search for a wave and see how to brush in the next circle."

Uh ...

The house.

Taipu Zhuang glanced through the window, trembling with excitement and nervousness, "They are coming!"

"Don't mess around, we can just wait." Liu Zilang said unhurriedly.

After a while, footsteps came from outside.

Someone is stepping on the green grass in front of their house.

However, at this moment, there was a rumbling sound of an airplane overhead.

Over time, many sounds, including footsteps, were masked.

At this moment, Liu Zilang squatting in the door suddenly moved his heart and cut out a grenade.

Soon after, he didn't pull the string to warm up, but threw the thunder in his right hand directly towards the kitchen door in the house.

After seeing the grenade rolling on the floor, I stopped firmly at the table.

I soon opened the front door of the house.

When he saw the drink and the first aid kit on the ground, he opened the door and came in. The hearts of the four were immediately relieved.

"It really seems nobody."

嗯 "Well, there is a first aid kit over there."

"I still have a bottle of painkillers."

"There is a grenade near the table, Ryoko, bring your Leiduo, it will be useful when you go to the scoring and finals."

After several people entered the door, they spread out immediately, each taking what they needed.

亮 The man named Liangzi went to the grenade and pressed F to pick it up.

Then he froze and found it strange that this grenade could not be picked up ...

What the hell?

Did you get a bug?

Wu Liangzi just flashed this thought.

The next moment, I saw a flash of fire in front of my eyes, and a boom in my ears!

He was blown up instantly.

The man who was picking up painkillers not far from him was also blown up into the kitchen ...

This Nima ... what happened?

的 The two people who were blown down instantly were aggressive!

The man who looked down and was picking up the first aid kit heard the explosion behind him, and turned his head in confusion.

But when he turned around again ...

I looked at the muzzles of the two black holes that suddenly appeared in front of me, and suddenly felt that the whole person was stiff!

"DaDa ..!"

"Da da da...!"

The next moment, a dazzling tongue of fire spurted from the muzzle!

Numerous bullets fired out in a frantic and dense manner in a short moment!

"Sink, someone ..."

When the man was startled, he didn't finish his words, and the whole person thumped on the floor.

Just a blink of an eye, the four people who came in instantly fell into three!

After the other person entered the door, he opened the door to the right toilet to search for something. When he saw the scene behind him, he was still stunned.

At this moment, the voice of the person who picked up the first aid kit was heard, "Look! Someone is overcast!"

听 When the rest of the man heard it, he was suddenly excited!

However, he hadn't waited for any response, and saw that in the originally empty house, two gunmen with guns rushed out from the side!

"Suddenly Suddenly ..."!

I saw that Pu Taizhuang, holding a Victor, took the lead in charge ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It took only 0.7 seconds to fire all 13 .45 bullets!

In the end, before the time was left for the gun, Pu Taizhuang fell down in person.

"Fuck! This is a good shot!"

I am too excited to shout!

Then, a large number of kill tips began to appear on the lower left of the screen.

"Grandpa, how can I use Vector to kill foolish humans!"

"Vic123 killed me with a grenade and called me Ryoko!"

"Vic123 killed the Silver Gun Bully with a grenade!"

"Vic123 uses MicroUzi to kill a little Hanmang first!"

Seeing this swipe screen, the team was dumbfounded.

Why is he again?

In the last game, Vic killed them all by himself, almost leaving them with a psychological shadow.

后 After the game, there were still people around who asked unwillingly how they did "four fights and one kill".

This Nima ... It was called a shame

The four of them can't wait to find a place to drill in!

In this game, they are preparing to regain their fanfare, and they have to win by stability to eat chicken to prove themselves, so they sailed around a large circle.

I did not expect to be here, they met Liu Zilang again.

The key is that if you still have the front as you did last time, you can just kill them.


Inferior skills!

Hey we recognize!

Are we okay?

But this wave ...

都不 Neither of these Nima LYBs brought such beasts?

For a moment, the four of the SEALs almost had their noses crooked.

Uh ...