Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

v2 Chapter 101: Coronation!

In fact, it is not only the team in the game that is so irritated by Liu Zilang.

的 The audience at the scene and the anchor station saw this scene and were also shocked and speechless!

This Nima obviously has the ability to destroy the team by himself, but he chose this ultimate way of old and Yin ...

Is simply outrageous!

All of a sudden, the barrage between the live broadcast went crazy.

"6666, I am completely convinced of this routine! Distressed wave of people coming by boat."

"Vic this thunder really flew up. Seeing that buddy wanted to pick up mine in the past, my Nima people are stupid."

"Hahaha, I don't know if it will leave a psychological shadow on that buddy, and after seeing Thunder, he will never dare to pick it up again."

"23333, I think the worst thing is to go to the door to pick up the first aid kit, and turn your two guns at you. Are you moved?"

"Don't move ..."


In the game at the moment, after licking the team's box, the equipment of Liu Zilang and Pu Taizhuang finally improved slightly.

At least Liu Zilang's usual main and auxiliary weapons, 98K and M16, are now available, but unfortunately this team searched the city and sailed over, which was not fat.

Four people only have a quadruple lens, let alone eight times.

If the dead team knew that Liu Zilang was still suspecting that they were poor, I'm afraid they would throw the headphones and come directly to a "real person PK"!

But it's not bad to have a quadruple. It's better than nothing.

In this case, of course, the high-power lens should give priority to the sniper. Liu Zilang quickly installed the quadruple lens on his 98K.

"Where shall we go next?" Pu Taizhuang asked, holding Victor over.

He just tasted the sweetness with this gun and licked a few bags to fill Victor.

也不 I do n’t take sprays anymore, I directly use SCAR-L and Victor.

子 Liu Zilang heard the words and looked at the map.

At this point, the ring poison has been contracted, and the third safety zone has also been brushed out. The whole is in the southwest direction of the airport island. The land on the north side is completely out of the ring.

However, now that Liu Zilang is in the same housing area, they are still in the next safe area.

子 Liu Zilang thought a little, and then he said, "We have already reduced two people at the moment. I don't think it's necessary to move. Just squat here and stop the people coming from the east."

As soon as Liu Zilang's words were finished, there was a roar of car engines in his ears.

"Is someone running a poison just as soon as I brush?"

He was a little puzzled, and immediately became alert.

Because the poison has not yet started to shrink, most people who choose to transfer at this point in the game want to advance to the next safe area.

And this area of ​​their house is the point in the next safe area.

Uh ...

He could not wait until Liu Zilang went out to investigate a little, and then he found that he had guessed wrong.

Because it was on the edge of the cliff where the team just landed from the beach, at this moment was lying quietly a red and blue airdrop box.

When the Erhai wind blew, the airdrop emitted a thick red smoke, which was extremely tempting.

If there is no accident, this airdrop should have been dropped by the plane just overhead.

Previously, Liu Zilang and they were busy licking their bags after they were overcast in the house. They didn't care to look outside.

At this time, there is no doubt that the sound of the car in your ears is mostly not for occupying points, but for this airdrop.

Uh ...

Facts soon proved that Liu Zilang guessed right.

声 The sound of cars outside really came for the airdrop, and there was more than one team.

The jeep from the east was a team,

The white car that thrashed west was another team.

After encountering a face-to-face on the plain in front of the cliff, the two teams did not dare to get out of the car to lick the airdrop, but crossed each other, and then turned around and returned again.

Aura is too strong to see the situation and cannot hold back. "Let's do it?"

别 "Don't worry, maybe they need audience and applause more than their opponents now." Liu Zilang said earnestly.

Iris is too strong: ...

This Nima described the Yin Man so fresh and refined, he still heard it for the first time.

Uh ...

此时 At this time, these two cars on the plain apparently regarded each other as their own enemy of life and death, and they did not find Liu Zilang and Pu Taizhuang on the side of the house at all.

In this case, naturally, the two people are even more anxious to jump out for a "three-party talks" or something, first observe the wave in secret.

I saw that the two cars wrestled a few waves in the airdrop attachment, and finally the jeep couldn't hold back.

Then turn to attract other teams, this airdrop is even more difficult to get.

Of course, if they knew that it was on the grass near the door of the house not far away at the moment, and a person was lying there holding a quadruple mirror and watching leisurely ...

I'm afraid I'll just turn around and leave.

But at this moment, ignorance is fearless.

I saw that Jeep drove directly towards the airdrop, apparently trying to get ahead first.

The white car team immediately rushed to see the situation. At the same time, another person leaned out of the car window, set up a rifle, and cracked at the jeep.

The next moment, the two cars crashed into the air drop box almost at the same time, and one of them stopped suddenly!

Soon after, everyone in both cars jumped out of the car.

It looks like there are two teams on both sides, holding the gun and "jumping up".

Soon, two lines of system prompts appeared at the bottom left of the screen.

In the first round, each side will fall one person.

自然 Naturally it is impossible to help others at this time, and the remaining two of the two sides quickly contested in the second round.

On the grass in front of the squatter area, Liu Zilang's quadruple mirror.

I saw the two men using their respective cars and airdrops as cover, occasionally tilting their heads to steal a few shots, and then retracted immediately.

The next moment, the two of you actually chased me around the airdrop box and played a "two-man turn".

For the two teams, the intense life-and-death game fell into Liu Zilang's eyes, but it seemed very happy ...

I was idle and bored, and Liu Zilangzhi commented, "There are too many useless bullets on the left ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This way, his magazine should be empty first."

"What do you mean ... the one on the right wants to win?"

He also lay on the grass, holding a holographic Pu Taizhuang in that mammoth, then turned his head and asked.

The clinker Liu Zilang immediately shook his head. "I don't think so. The man on the right is not flexible enough. He almost hit the car several times in a circle."

Speaking of this, he suddenly opened his eyes and shook his fist. "The bullet on the left has changed, now! Go up! Come on!"

The three beside me saw Liu Zilang's excitement and speechless for a while ...

怎么 Why is this Nima just like watching a game?

Uh ...

It's over the airdrop box at this time.

那个 The one on the right clearly heard the sound of the opponent changing bullets, and immediately rushed forward holding the gun.

I heard the footsteps, and the person who changed the bomb suddenly rang and suddenly sprayed!

The next moment, he decisively stopped changing bullets, and when the man rushed up, he cut out two shots of S686 "嘭 嘭"!

All of a sudden, the situation on the court suddenly reversed, the man on the left completed a comeback lore!


子 Liu Zilang blew a whistle with a smile on his lips, "So as a winner, let me crown you."

The words just fall,

I only heard a "bang" shot, and a sniper bullet quickly swept across the plain!

After air-dropping his opponent to show off his opponent, he was supporting his teammates while bragging about how good he had just been.

The next moment, there was a sudden spike of blood on his head!

Then "Bangdang" sounded, and he fell to the side of the car with a grimace.

There was a sea breeze, and the area near the drop box was completely quiet.

Uh ...