Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

v2 Chapter 458: How to lose 4 to 1?

The blue radiation grid behind is close at hand,

It exudes a strange wave of gloss.

However, Liu Zilang was unable to move by the poisoned side stuck in Shangcheng District, making people look worried and worried.

But after the two guns went off, the audience at the scene opened their mouths in surprise.

It seems that he can't believe his eyes.

Big screen game picture.

I saw a sniper bullet suddenly cut through the sky, and shattered the secondary head on Misaka Koto's head.

However, the sniper bullet she shot at Liu Zilang was the moment he squatted,

Suddenly whistling past his head.

When the director's footage passed over the two players, the three commentaries directly on the scene were taken for granted.

"My God! This is what happened just now, isn't ic aimed at olis?"

"Shoulder shot, just shoulder shot! I know ... ic didn't want to hit olis at all, just wanted to give an illusion!"

"Hisse! This acting ... is still an old general on the stage!"

"Yes, when shooting with a shoulder, the field of vision will be much broader than when opening the mirror. Ic is waiting for the enhera sauce."

"It seems that our enhera sauce is still too young compared to old cucumbers like ic."

"It's mainly that the wave and operation of ic are going to the extreme. If it is ordinary people, I really don't have many dare to play this way."

You know, Liu Zilang just exposed his body completely to Misaka Koto.

Quite giving the other side a perfect sideways.

Using teammates as bait,

But Liu Zilang used himself as a bait!

The risks and the strong self-confidence involved are simply breathtaking!

However, everything on the court is not over at this time.

The olis on the other side of the low wall saw the attack on Misaka Kotomi and subconsciously struck out support!


The muffled sound that seemed to be soft came out from behind the wall, and 7.62mm bullets one after another burst into the air towards Liu Zilang!

Full of energy bars, Liu Zilang did not continue to squat, but instead pulled the bolt and ran quickly towards the bank of the inland river.


The bullet whistled through his body,

A stray bullet hit his knee, and a burst of blood bloomed.

Liu Zilang raised an eyebrow,

A click,

The next sniper bullet was pushed into the bore!

Immediately afterwards, he saw a sudden step in the running, twisted his waist and turned sideways!

Eight times 98 muzzles stretched and shrunk!

Between the lens opening and closing,

A bang sounded!

However, Liu Zilang had already closed his gun and continued to run towards the river bank.

At the same time, a blood light burst behind the low wall, and a knockdown prompt appeared on the screen again.

After seeing Liu Zilang's random and spontaneous first-hand sniper, the audience at the scene and the live broadcast room was shocked!

"What just happened? Why don't I seem to see anything."

"It is worthy of the legendary human implantation! The opening of the mirror is the head, this preview is absolutely impossible!"

"Hand speed is also very touching! If the labor and capital have this hand speed, they would rather be single for twenty years!"

"2333 said you as if you are not single now ..."

"Mmmm, old tie, iron heart!"

Low wall location in the upper city.

In a blink of an eye, they were brought down again.

Esker, who had just had a first-aid kit, rushed over to pull the olis that had fallen down.

The expression on the side of Misaka Kotomi who was also kneeling on the ground was stingy!

She stared straight at the screen,

I keep remembering that scene just now ...

The next moment, Misaka Ginmi lowered her nose, and her eyes were watery, she said with a trace of crying,

"Wet! You lie to silver!"


On the bank of the river, Liu Zilang saw a speedboat near him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The reason he turned to the river,

Not for reasons.

Mainly just now he noticed that there were other teams in the vicinity, and after the opponent had taken up a good point, he would probably not turn a blind eye to him who was still outside the circle.

under these circumstances,

Liu Zilang naturally had to run first.

If he doesn't run again, in case he is surrounded by the other two teams, a bouncing is not enough.

On the commentary stage, Joy was a little surprised, "What is ic? Does he want to enter the circle along the river bank?"

"Well ... no! There seems to be a speedboat in the river!" Y guessed, "Is ic going to sail into the circle?"

"It's possible." Su Changming nodded, suddenly surprised, "Well? There's a ship behind! Oh! It's a Japanese team!"

At this time, in the game competition, as soon as Liu Zilang jumped on board, he heard a roar of engine from behind.

He turned around, but found a speedboat like him, rushing towards him.

The only difference was that there were four people on the back boat.

But there is only one person on his side.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zilang was immediately shocked!

This Nima just entered the tiger's den and entered the tiger's mouth!

At this time, it was obviously too late for him to try to abandon the ship.

Because he was obviously found on the opposite side, if he abandoned the ship, he might not have swam ashore,

You have to be stung in the water to be fried.

Thinking of this, Liu Zilang couldn't help but grit his teeth and press hift to increase the horsepower to speed up the boat for a while!

The four on the speedboat behind were obviously shocked when they saw Liu Zilang.

They jumped into the city in this game, but fortunately no one in the city let them develop a beautiful wave.

After the search was completed, as the safety zone was refreshed, the team that wanted to win the rankings adopted the "amphibious amphibious" tactic, which means running poison along the river.

Along the way, they did not encounter any too difficult problems.

The only problem is that the safer the zone gets, the farther it gets ...

When the third circle was brushed into the estuary of the inland river, several people were disregarding safety and insecurity.

After running along the coast, they quickly jumped onto the boat after seeing a speed boat.

The four came all the way, and the river bank was calm.

But they dare not relax their vigilance.

When arriving outside of Xiacheng, they finally found their first opponent on this trip.

But wait,

That ship seems to have only one person!

"It's a lone wolf!"

The sniper apiacta on the team said excitedly.

"Hey hey ..." The endesu three on the boat also gave a strange smile.

To know that Japan's strength has always been at the middle and lower levels in Asia, the UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com team in this qualifier on the one hand wants to hold the ranking, and on the other hand it wants to take the head.

But with their strength, fish and bear's paw can't have both.

However, it is different to meet a lone wolf like Liu Zilang.

Four dozen one,

You tell me how to lose?


This is why they are so excited after seeing Liu Zilang.

Of course, if they knew that the previous one was the last game and killed the three of them at the airport fishing village,

In the end, he shot a tire and killed Liu Zilang, who hoped that the whole village would ride on a motorcycle.

I'm afraid it's more than just excited at this moment ...
