Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

v2 Chapter 764: Thousands of horses gallop, kill the dea

Second floor window.

Liu Zilang's eyes widened instantly!

Like two dragons playing with two leis, the two thunders constantly enlarged in his field of vision.

As soon as Liu Zilang arrived at the window, he encountered this scene. I don't know if the other party has warmed up, and how long it has warmed up.

In case it is just right,

The entrance is instant,

It just explodes at the window.

Then he will be cool.

If he ran at this time, even if the opponent did not warm up to seven minutes.

However, the activity space on the second floor is so large, the coverage of the two mines is too wide, and Liu Zilang is likely to be blown down before he can reach a safe place.

At this moment, Liu Zilang at the window seemed to be in a dilemma.

He exhaled shortly and convulsively, looking at the window like a root under his feet.

"Well! Run away !!!"

"A frying pan! Use a frying pan!"

"Two thunders use a hairy pan, in case one of them is not cold."

Next, no one expected that the moment Liu Lei came up, Liu Zilang suddenly moved!

I saw him step forward suddenly,

Support the windowsill with both hands!

"No, Vic is about to jump?" Everyone couldn't help but be surprised!

The next moment, however, they were stunned until they almost bit their tongues.

I saw Liu Zilang holding up his hands on the windowsill.

Quickly press back.

The whole person fell again.

And just at the moment he was up and down,

The two thunder eyes that flew in from the outside were about to fly into the window, but he was blocked in the window by his entire body, and suddenly pushed out with his chest!

O (oΔo) 〣

O (oΔo) 〣

After a while, the two thunder throwers were almost shocked and even stared out!

The other enthusiasts downstairs who saw the liveliness almost slammed their feet on their feet.

Still this kind of operation? ? ?

What kind of goalkeeper is this?

But the next moment, they found a more serious problem ...

That is, the two were pushed by Liu Zilang's chest, and they were flying back towards them at the same time.

"Fuck, run away!"

"Nima, who threw this!"

"Why the dog thief is so showy today!"


The people downstairs were frightened, and spread out like birds and beasts.

It's not a pity that these two mines seem to be "perfectly cooked".

I saw Ray still in the air,

It suddenly turned into a gorgeous death firework, instantly forming a wave of air-to-ground destruction!

In a blink of an eye, the upper right of the screen was like a flowing waterfall, and there were six or seven messages that were blown down.

And seeing this unexpected scene, the barrage in the live room also exploded!

"Served! This wave really made me bald!"

"It's a header and a chest push. Vic is more of a goalkeeper than today?"

"This is the chest! I didn't expect Vic to have it!"

"2333 water friends give some strength!"

"That's it, stop the ink! So many people will just be reckless!"


In the small building opposite.

Having witnessed all these things, 17Shou couldn't help but opened his mouth, and uttered a sentence after a while,

"Fuck! Brothers!"

Liu Zilang looked down at the people who were kneeling on the ground and crawling around, but couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

He threw a total of six mines back with his chest, but none of them died directly.

There are teammates here.

Liu Zilang only had sprays on his body at this time, and it was obviously not enough to use the sprays to supplement people at this distance.

At this point, it is best to throw a few thunder.

But he was really poor in this game, and he couldn't find any toss.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say to 17shou, "Are there any thunder on your side?"

"Do you want to make up?"

17shou understood it, glanced at the backpack, "I have no mine, only one combustion bottle."

Burning bottle?

Liu Zilang couldn't help but brighten his eyes, hehe said, "Okay, it's boring for a thunder to go straight and make up for it. Let them purify themselves in the flames and regret their crimes in this life ..."

17shou: ...

He finally knew why Liu Zilang was so hated by water friends.

No wonder there were few people squatting in this small building for a long time, but Liu Zilang's side was in full swing, looking like a siege war ...



The combustion bottle fell to the ground!

The blazing flames followed the petrol flowing around, and they burned in an instant.

Several water friends who fell to the ground and were being helped by their teammates hurriedly ran out of the fire.

Shouting as he ran, "Brothers are sorry, I'll kill Vic for revenge."

17shou heard this,

Could not help but almost cracked his mouth.

Liu Zilang heard the words is also a black line in his head!

He originally expected 17shou to throw a burning flask to help him attract a wave of hatred, but he did not expect that hatred is now more concentrated.

"Man is guarding in the building, the pot comes from the sky!"

"Hahaha, this pot also has automatic wayfinding?"

"Vic's face taunts Max by nature. Others use the skills to pull monsters. He just uses his face."

Seeing this happy scene, the water friends in the live broadcast also laughed.

But when the barrage was a joy, Liu Zilang was a little hot.

The corridor on the second floor.

Holding a S12K Liu Zilang, he couldn't help panic.

Because of the messy and hastily footsteps on the floor downstairs, Liu Zilang had already determined that these water friends did not intend to throw anything.

They are playing tactics.

Directly towards the top recklessly.

At this time, there was a gunshot from 17shou, and apparently some water friends were engaging in him.

On the map, Wei Shen and 211, who came from the east-west bridge, are getting closer and closer, but they can't hydrolyze the thirst.

Liu Zilang took a deep breath,

Decided to fight on your own!

The next moment, I saw a figure emerged from downstairs, and rushed straight up, "burst", followed by more than one person.

I have to say that the way the water attacked the building was quite wild.

They want to rely on firepower to suppress, rush directly upstairs, and then give advantage to the number of people.

By that time, with so many guns facing, Liu Zilang would surely die.

Among the flashes of fire, Liu Zilang instantly saw the key.

This bunch of melon skins is too cruel!


Can't put them up!

The next moment, I saw Liu Zilang's gun moving with people!

A sway in the corridor, UU reading www.uukanshu.com dumped S12K in one shot.

Gun bucket spray!

The muzzle of fireworks flashed, and numerous shots, like a rainstorm pear flower, suddenly passed through the corridor entrance!

The man who rushed to the front was stunned by a shotgun, and a cricket at his feet fell directly to the ground!

However, the other party obviously didn't care about this. Their goal was to kill Liu Zilang.

I saw the person who fell to the ground quickly climbed to the corner, and the people behind didn't even look at it.

Just rushed over teammates!

Seeing this, Liu Zilang couldn't help jumping for a while!

This Nima ...

Do you want to be so hard! ?
