Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 106: Jade and stone burned

After taking Su Mingyue over, Mrs. Quan was very enthusiastic.

"The first time I ate, I didn't know your taste, so I just came according to my own preferences. I hope Miss Su doesn't mind."

"Where, I am already very happy when you invite me to visit."

After the two exchanged greetings, Mrs. Quan talked about the idea that had been brewing for a long time.

"Miss Su, I really like you." She said softly.

"Me too." Su Mingyue was very moved.

"I have an idea, but I'm afraid that you and my family won't agree." Mrs. Quan said politely.

"What do you want me to do, just speak!" Su Mingyue did not hesitate.

"Can you... be my daughter?" she asked.

"Huh?" Su Mingyue was surprised.

"I want to recognize you as a goddaughter, can't you?" Mrs. Quan said.

"Of course it's okay, but I'm afraid that my status is ordinary and I can't afford it..." Su Mingyue struggled.

She has no mother and lacks maternal love since childhood.

At first hearing Mrs. Quan's request, there was a bit of anxiety in her joy.

"As long as you agree, I will persuade him." Mrs. Quan promised.

"That's good." Su Mingyue stared at her blankly, "You really look like my mother."

"Really, is your mother okay?" Mrs. Quan asked.

"I don't remember." Su Mingyue shook her head.

"Poor child, did you grow up with Dad?" Mrs. Quan took her hand and rubbed it gently.

Being watched with concern by her, Su Mingyue's consciousness became increasingly chaotic.

"Well, Dad is very nice to me, and never considered remarrying." She murmured.

"Then go back and ask him for instructions, and then reply to me, hoping that he won't be too resistant! I don't know what's wrong, I can't help but want to get close when I see you at first sight." Mrs. Quan said.

The two chatted for a long time, and Su Mingyue did not conceal anything, and confessed to her his past and the trivial matters of Gu Qingfeng's encounter.

"I saw that child grew up, and he has the ability, but he really has a bad temper. You are not wrong to scold him on the Internet for these experiences! By the way, I heard that he has been in your store recently, yes. Don't you want to continue to struggle?" Mrs. Quan asked.

"Well, he just covets my beauty." Su Mingyue said.

"It won't happen in the future! I have been with her mother for many years. When we meet again, you remember to call her brother. That **** is not too stingy and will not bully me. Do you have a boyfriend?" Mrs. Quan asked with a smile.

"Not yet." Su Mingyue was shy. "Then there is a suitable one for you! Alas, it's almost ten o'clock, Mingyue, would you like to rest here tonight?" Mrs. Quan checked the time.

"No, I have to go back and prepare to go to the store." Su Mingyue refused.

When parting, Mrs. Quan kept sending people to the gate.

"No matter what's going on in the future, just come here and treat this as your own home. With you, I have forgotten all my worries!" She reluctantly said.

"I will, you go back to rest soon!" Su Mingyue waved.

Not long after she left here, another car drove into the villa.

The tall middle-aged man walked out, and the first thing he did after entering the house was to hug Mrs. Quan.

"How many times have you said that, don't wait for me, why don't you always listen? I'm not healthy, and I don't pay attention to rest!" He reproached and said distressedly.

"I am not waiting for you, I am accompanying the guests." Mrs. Quan said.

"Really, who is here?" Mr. Quan asked with a smile.

"I mentioned it to you before, Miss Su." Mrs. Quan said cautiously.

The smile on Mr. Quan's face instantly solidified.

"Yuyan, what do you want to do?" he asked in a deep voice.

"I want to recognize him as a goddaughter!" Mrs. Quan said.

"No, I don't agree!" Mr. Quan said.

"Mingyue is gentle and cute. If you see her in person, you will definitely like it!" Mrs. Quan tried to persuade him.

"I don't see it! And you are not allowed to have any contact with her in the future!" Mr. Quan stubbornly sat on the sofa.

"Why?" Mrs. Quan was surprised.

"Not why, for so many years, you should accept the fact that the puffs are no longer there, why are you still looking for comfort from substitutes? Time after time, time after time of temptation, time and again disappointment, we can no longer suffer this torture! "He said bitterly.

"I promise you, this is the last time! From now on, with the bright moon, I will really stop thinking about it!" Mrs. Quan promised.

"I don't agree! You don't like that girl, but treat her as a puff! This is not fair to her, and it is also unfair to our daughter! This matter will not be mentioned in the future." Mr. Quan said.

"Mingyue is different from those girls before. I like her from the bottom of my heart! It is a wonderful feeling, as if our puffs have really come back! Let him be our daughter, okay?" Mrs. Quan pleaded.

"Remember Liu Zhen, who you liked before? You also said at the time that she looks like a puff! As a result, the DNA is completely inconsistent. Because you like it, you swindle and cheat at our house all day long. She even intends to seduce me! And that terrible Tang Shan, who used her relationship with you to raise tens of millions outside, and finally fled away privately, her whereabouts are still unknown! Other scattered things, I won’t talk about it anymore. , These people all pretend to be innocent to win your favor, the result? You are so sad that you want to go to death every time! This time, I will never agree that you will be hurt in any way!" Mr. Quan gritted his teeth.

The two argued over this matter for half an hour, and in the end no one was able to convince each other.

"I don't care, this time I am determined to admit it, no one can stop me!" Mrs. Quan said willfully.

"Yuyan..." Mr. Quan was very angry.

"I don't just want to admit it, I also want to advertise it, hold a celebration party, and invite reporters over!" Mrs. Quan said.

"You, are you trying to **** me off?" Mr. Quan was helpless.

"You have to agree, and you can attend the show that day. If you don't agree, then you don't have to show up!" She went upstairs arrogantly.

Su Mingyue had no idea what happened here, she had been sent back to her residence.

As soon as I entered the alley, I saw a car parked at the door.

Lan Rou is back! Su Mingyue rushed out of the car happily.

After two steps, I suddenly felt wrong.

It is too late to think about retreating.

The man pushed the car door and stared at her coldly.

The driver was a little worried when he saw this, and walked out of the car.

But soon he realized that he knew each other, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Gu, why are you here?" the driver asked.

"Well, just go around, are you?" Mr. Gu raised his eyebrows.

"Miss Su was a guest at home, and my wife asked me to take her back." The driver explained.

"Really, you can go back." Mr. Gu said.

"Okay, see you Miss Su!" The driver drove away.

As Mr. Gu drew closer, Su Mingyue retreated one after another.

"Kicked everyone away, so anxious to get rid of me?" He gritted his teeth.

"I...I don't care about your people." Su Mingyue raised her hand and made a defensive action.

The silent disappearance, now suddenly appeared again, the ghost knows how much he has suffered these days!

As a result, we met, and this was actually the case!

The franchise store matters have been negotiated for her, and she also asked her friends to advertise to attract traffic. What did the woman say?

Do not care! Dare to be so busy for so many days, is he catching up with him?

"Su Mingyue, you are getting bolder now." There was an evil light in his eyes.

"I swore that I will never be bullied by you again!" Su Mingyue said.

Although the voice was not loud and the body was still trembling, his eyes barely saw a trace of firmness.

"You really have grown spine. You are quite powerful, and you actually pleased Mrs. Quan..." He got closer and closer.

"Mrs. Quan wants to recognize me as a goddaughter. From now on, I will be your sister. If you dare to harass you, you will be troubled!" Su Mingyue threatened him.

"...Really?" Mr. Gu suspiciously.

"It's more real than the tip of a needle!" Su Mingyue said.

"What kind of **** sister, my mother is about to menopause, how can I have the ability to have such a big daughter?" Mr. Gu teased her.

"Bah, shameless!" Su Mingyue was annoyed.

"Don't think that Mrs. Quan's thigh is easy to hug..." Mr. Gu kindly reminded.

"I just want to hug, I'm sure!" Su Mingyue interrupted him involuntarily.

"You fucking... OK, you're getting better and better. You won't cry if you don't see the coffin, you will cry in the future!" Mr. Gu aired.

"I'm happy to cry in the coffin, you don't need to worry about it!" Su Mingyue continued.

"If you have the ability, take your hand away and tell me this!" Mr. Gu threatened her.

She put her hand on her head, causing him to always look at the other's arm while talking, which was very uncomfortable.

"I'm not capable, you know." Su Mingyue said.

"Heh!" Mr. Gu laughed furiously.

He stretched out his hand to grab her wrist and pulled to both sides, Su Mingyue was easily fixed to the wall.

She looks like a prisoner.

"You, what are you doing?! There are police patrols around here...well..."

Mr. Gu didn't wait for her to finish, so he kissed it eagerly.

As in the memory, even softer and sweeter than before!

Su Mingyue resisted desperately, she saw a figure, walking staggering towards this side.

Gu Qingfeng didn't realize it, and was still immersed in the desire to be dominated by greed.

"What?!" the drunk cried strangely.

Mr. Gu stopped moving displeasedly and looked back at the guy.

"Fuck! It's actually a pair of wild ducks! Fuck! Most of the night, you guys want to scare people to death!" the drunk cursed.

"No matter how dirty your mouth is, I will **** you right away!" Mr. Gu said coldly.

The drunk was taken aback for a moment, then ran away, clutching his butt, cursing as he ran.

"Fuck! Pervert, even the **** old man won't let it go!"

Although the time is short, this product successfully wiped out the atmosphere.

Su Mingyue wanted to laugh, but she was suffocated by the situation she saw.

Mr. Gu straightened her clothes and warned her frankly.

"It's too late, let's go back, don't keep this spot dangling outside, don't you know if it's not safe?"

The most insecure guy is him! Su Mingyue thought.

If it weren't for the drunkard, specify what happens next!

Under Gu Qingfeng's gaze, she rushed into the yard angrily, and then locked the iron gate.

"Gu Qingfeng, I can tell you clearly that I don’t like you! Even if the earth explodes, neither of us will be possible! Don’t harass me in the future, know? Be careful one day I collect your black evidence and send it directly Police station, let's burn the jade and the stone!"

Across the iron gate and the high wall, she began to attack frantically, as if she had thrown out a dog chain.

"Swear me? Believe it or not, I'm going over the wall now?" Mr. Gu gestured and pulled his tie.

Su Mingyue saw it, and she didn't know how to do it.

"Little man!" Mr. Gu said angrily.