Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 107: Last obsession

In Mr. Gu’s cognition, Su Mingyue’s actions are truly a villain.

But he actually fell into the hands of the villain, which also makes people feel that his fate is unpredictable.

After Su Mingyue entered, he did not leave immediately, but leaned on the front of the car and took out a cigarette.

The light on the second floor was turned on, and a figure was sneaking out behind the screen curtain.

He didn't leave, Su Mingyue was not at ease, so she hid there quietly observing and pondering.

Mr. Gu felt that there was really something wrong with his brain, and he thought she was very cute.

He took out his cell phone and called Su Mingyue directly.

The one upstairs picked it up in a panic.

"Are you peeking at me?" Mr. Gu asked.

"If you don't look at me, how do you know that I am looking at you?" Su Mingyue quibbleed.

Mr. Gu raised his eyes and looked at the window, and at such a distance, he still saw her toes digging on the ground.

"When are you leaving?" Su Mingyue couldn't help asking.

"Shoo me away?" Mr. Gu dragged the end sound.

His voice was deep and magnetic, and it became more and more bewitching when it came out in the dark.

"No, you will misunderstand the neighbors if you stay there! It's so late, go back quickly!" Su Mingyue urged.

"Let them misunderstand, I don't care!" Mr. Gu didn't care.

"But I care!" Su Mingyue was anxious.

"What do you care about? You will be mine sooner or later." Mr. Gu said quietly.

"Don't you, don't talk nonsense! I have made it very clear just now, I don't like you!" Su Mingyue said.

"Then who do you like? Qin Shang's dandy? Or Xu Zhe's idiot?" Mr. Gu was full of malice.

"You're a bitch, you are timid and afraid of ghosts, so if you smoke a cigarette, you can still scream!" Su Mingyue was angry.

"...My mother? Su Mingyue, you wait for me!" Mr. Gu hung up angrily.

He was not angry that Su Mingyue scolded himself, but annoyed her to resist Xu Zhe.

Between her and Xu Zhe, it is definitely not that simple!

Mr. Gu got into the car and made another call.

"Xiaofeng, help me investigate Xu Zhe's current situation, and the connection between him and Su Mingyue."

Xu Zhe said that he would return to Jiangcheng someday, it's best!

After watching Gu Qingfeng leave, Su Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

After washing, she lay down on the bed.

Thinking about Su Wenfeng and about Mrs. Quan, she almost laughed out of satisfaction.

Who would have thought that when she was 23 years old, God would give her a mother! Early the next morning, Su Mingyue called Su Wenfeng for instructions.

"Moon, didn't you meet a liar? Your mind has always been used by someone with a heart, that would be terrible!" He was nervous.

"Probably not. Mrs. Quan is a person with a reputation and is unlikely to do such a thing. I heard someone said that she had a child before, but unfortunately it disappeared later... I don’t know how many tears she shed over this incident. Every time I go by, she is very enthusiastic. Don't you know, she is exactly the same as the mother I imagined when I was a child!" Su Mingyue was excited.

"I'm sorry." Su Wenfeng blamed himself.

"It doesn't matter, if it weren't for you to take in, I still don't know who it fell into." Su Mingyue said relieved.

"Since you are not a liar, you also like him. You can recognize a godmother. I hope she can treat you better. During this period of time, the house is busy with demolition and relocation. "Su Wenfeng said.

"Okay, you must pay more attention to rest!" Su Mingyue urged.

Mrs. Quan was anxious, and confirmed the situation with Su Mingyue at noon.

"Mingyue, did you tell your dad?" she asked.

"Well, Dad said as long as I like it." Su Mingyue replied.

"Thank God!" Mrs. Quan was grateful.

Because of disagreements on this matter, Mrs. Quan and Mr. Quan fell into a cold war.

This kind of atmosphere is very tense, it is a situation that has not been seen in many years.

"Madam, don't you want to delay for a while? Wait until the husband answers, and then announce it will not be too late!" A Rong persuaded.

"I can't wait! You don't know Arong, I see her, I really feel that the puffs are back!" Mrs. Quan whispered.

"I have confirmed that she is not a puff, she has been a few months old for her birthday." A Rong was very calm.

"That doesn't matter, I really, have been suffering for too many years! You help me handle the banquet, and invite all the ladies and ladies who have friendship in the circle!" Mrs. Quan said excitedly.

"Sir..." A Rong hesitated.

"Don't care about him!" Mrs. Quan said.

Quan Tai is very clear that he is indeed not sensible now.

But in her mind, there was a peculiar obsession and impulse.

This is far more blind and urgent than the past experience of being fooled and deceived!

Seeing her vigorous appearance, Arong couldn't persuade her any more, and immediately set out to organize a banquet.

The time is set for September 12, a day when Mrs. Quan specially finds someone to watch.

The venue for the banquet was at the Wealthy Hotel, and Mrs. Quan took up the most spacious and luxurious lobby.

The previous afternoon, Mrs. Quan called and invited Su Mingyue over to eat.

"Let's discuss tomorrow's affairs later. It's fine if someone comes over, don't buy anything!" she reminded kindly.

Nevertheless, Su Mingyue still brought a gift, a few boxes of packaged quick-frozen buns.

"Oh, didn't you tell me not to buy it?!" Mrs. Quan said.

"I made two boxes of crab buns and two boxes of custard buns. They all use the best ingredients. In the morning, let Aunt Rong put them in an oven or a cage and eat them directly." Su Mingyue explained.

"Well, it's so delicate, then I have to taste it!" Mrs. Quan was very happy.

A Rong took the present to the refrigerator to save, and Quan's wife poured tea for Su Mingyue.

"After you agreed to this matter, I just wanted to be happy and asked Arong to notify everyone I knew. Now think about it, there may be some unwelcome people in it... I hope you don't mind then." She said softly.

"Is it Gu Qingfeng?" Su Mingyue asked hurriedly.

"I didn't ask for him, he was specifically removed." Mrs. Quan laughed.

"It's not him!" Su Mingyue felt relieved instantly.

Although Mrs. Quan was vaccinated in advance, Su Mingyue didn't take it to heart.

She just recognizes a godmother, and she doesn't have anything to do with others, whatever they think or say!

Anyway... She has been with the dog man for more than half a year, and she has long been repaired with thick skin!

"Mingyue, what will you wear tomorrow?" Mrs. Quan asked.

"...I haven't thought about it yet." Su Mingyue said.

"You are the protagonist, you have to be beautiful and show off the audience! Go, go to the dressing room and have a look, I heard that retro style is popular this year, maybe there will be a style that suits you!" Mrs. Quan said.

She is enthusiastic and does not mix in the slightest fake, Su Mingyue is hard to be polite.

After the two went upstairs, Mr. Quan came back from outside.

"Where is Yuyan?" he asked.

"Miss Su is here. I will accompany her to choose clothes upstairs. Sir, why not invite her down and show you?" A Rong tentatively.

"No! I don't want to see it!" Mr. Quan was still suffocating in his heart.

"But sir, we will have a banquet tomorrow." A Rong was anxious.

"Whatever her, anyway, I only have one daughter. I don't recognize anyone except the puff!" He went to the study coldly.

Su Mingyue really liked one, but when Mrs. Quan talked about the origin of the clothes, she immediately flinched.

"This dress... I saw it in a designer shop in New York. It is not for sale. I took a lot of effort to get it. You see, this style of dress is for you young people. It doesn't suit me at all. At this age." Mrs. Quan was out of God's way.

This dress was bought four years ago. It was Puff’s 18th birthday.

Even if the child is not around, she still carefully prepares gifts every year.

"Do you miss her again?" Su Mingyue asked.

"After so many years, there is no news at all. I... always feel that I can't wait. I will not think about it anymore if I have you in the future. Hurry up, put it on and show me, if something is not suitable, I will later Just let people come over to make changes overnight!" Mrs. Quan said.

In her expectation, Su Mingyue put on that white silk dress.

Lively and elegant, the size is like tailor-made.

"It's so beautiful! Come over tomorrow morning, let's go get hair done together!" Mrs. Quan said excitedly.

"Okay, which one are you wearing?" Su Mingyue asked.

"I, I haven't decided yet!" Mrs. Quan hesitated.

"I'll pick it for you!" Su Mingyue said.

She likes skirts and she has a foresight in this respect.

So soon, they finalized a burgundy dress with the same lace shawl.

"Will the color be too bright?" Quan Tai hesitated too much.

"Very suitable, you should wear this color if you are so young and beautiful! Mom..." Su Mingyue murmured.

"What do you call me?" Mrs. Quan was pleasantly surprised.

"You are very similar to my mother! Although, I don't remember her at all." Su Mingyue whispered.

"It doesn't matter, starting from today, I will be your mother!" Mrs. Quan hugged her affectionately.

In this kind of warmth and complementarity, both of them wet their eyes.

"Oh, it's more than ten clocks!" Su Mingyue saw the wall clock on the wall, just waking up like a big dream.

"It's okay, the driver will take you back later. Alas, I heard him say yesterday that when I took you home that day, I actually met Gu Qingfeng! That bastard, what did you do to you?" Mrs. Quan asked.

"No, I locked the door, he can't get in!" Su Mingyue proudly.

"That's good! In the future, try not to interact with him! I'm not saying bad things about your friends. This child has been spoiled by Mrs. Gu since he was a child. No one can stand his unique personality! What's more, you are a soft and weak girl, we will want to To find a boyfriend, you must be gentle and considerate. Listen to me, you can't go wrong! There should be many young people who will be there tomorrow. Which boy do you like, just tell me!" Mrs. Quan said sincerely.

"Okay." Su Mingyue looked at her with a smirk.

It feels so good now, she really wants to be with this woman forever!

But this is impossible, it's too late, you have to go home.

Su Mingyue changed her clothes back and went downstairs with Mrs. Quan.

The two men walked into the living room, and Mr. Quan walked out of the study.

Although he insisted on stubbornly and didn't want to look at it, I was curious about what kind of girl actually fascinated his wife like this!

The two of them have always been loving and harmonious, and they have never quarreled for so many years.

Now because of her, there is a gap!

Seeing Mr. Quan coming out with a harsh and provocative expression, A Rong's heart hung in his throat when he saw this.

For fear that a word is different, an unprecedented family war will break out!

"Mingyue, I'll introduce to you, this is... your uncle!" Mrs. Quan changed her name temporarily.

Su Mingyue looked into the corridor, and a gentle middle-aged man was walking towards him.

Although he was getting older, the other party still looked personable.

However, he frowned and looked serious, looking a little scary.

Su Mingyue was a little scared, and subconsciously hid behind Mrs. Quan.

Her response made Mr. Quan very dissatisfied.

He turned to the sofa without squinting and sat down before starting to look at Su Mingyue.

At that moment, time seemed to be frozen.

... Mr. Quan suddenly understood why his wife was so persistent.