Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 108: Everyone can be bullied

Fate is a wonderful thing. Long before Su Mingyue, Mr. Quan had already seen many girls who claim to be similar to puffs.

Those vaguely familiar eyebrows couldn't hide the cunning and expectation.

The girl in front of her was full of tension and panic.

She kept looking around, but she did not dare to look at her.

Nevertheless, that face and the seemingly similar feeling still caused a great inner shock to Mr. Quan.

"What's your name?" Mr. Quan asked knowingly.

"Su, Su Mingyue." She was extremely nervous.

"How old is it?" he asked again.

"Twenty-three." Su Mingyue answered honestly.

Been here many times, but this is the first time I see Mr. Quan.

His appearance is a bit scary!

"Where is it from? What did it do?" Mr. Quan continued to question.

Su Mingyue wanted to answer, but was interrupted by Mrs. Quan.

"It's getting late, Mingyue should go back first, and let's talk slowly together until the next day." She said gently.

"Okay, goodbye to Mrs. Quan and Mr. Quan!" Su Mingyue felt relieved.

After watching her leave, Mr. Quan suddenly felt a sense of loss.

"Yuyan, tell me about the girl's situation again." His voice was a little excited.

"Don't tell me, I told you before that you didn't want to listen, but I suddenly became concerned about this!" Mrs. Quan said in a dull voice.

"You, you know what I think, so why bother to say such cool words!" Mr. Quan was helpless.

Mrs. Quan did not breathe with him for too long, and sat down to tell her all about Su Mingyue.

"The girl’s biological mother left early and grew up with her father. In order to make her live better, the man never remarried. This child grew up in a single-parent family, so he has sensitive personality and lacks self-confidence. After graduation, he joined Xu. Zhe’s company went bankrupt within a short period of time. He joined Hongguo Technology as a customer service, and was finally introduced to Gu Qingfeng by Wei Yongnan..."

After listening to this bizarre experience of Su Mingyue, Mr. Quan was at a loss for a while.

"Mingyue is a solid-eyed child, without so many fancy tactics! If she is greedy for vanity, she doesn't know how much she has benefited from that kid from the Gu family! Why bother to hide from him all day, and still frown about it. This Once I see people, I can't be wrong, you really have to believe me." Mrs. Quan leaned on him.

"She looks... very similar to you." Mr. Quan said softly.

"A Rong also said the same, I can't see it myself, but every time I see her, I feel better!" Mrs. Quan said softly.

"Or, let's test the DNA again?" Mr. Quan tentatively.

"No, it will happen." Mrs. Quan shook her head, "From today onwards, she will be our child."

She was afraid to know the answer, Mr. Quan knew.

The couple have experienced too many disappointments.

Su Mingyue has little hope of being a puff. If the test result shows no blood relationship, Mrs. Quan doesn't know whether she will be conscious of it, and whether she will continue to wait and find out.

Without thinking about it, she was silently determined that she was a puff, maybe...for both parties, it was the best result.

The night sky was quiet and clear, and the stars in the sky seemed to be washed, shiny.

Even if Dongcheng is relatively remote, Su Mingyue rarely sees such a starry sky.

Standing on the balcony, Mr. Quan's depressed and solemn face appeared silently in her mind. He is well maintained and still looks young.

However, in those bright and wise eyes, there was faint anxiety and suffering.

In the sky, a meteor dragged its tail to the horizon.

Su Mingyue closed her eyes quickly when she saw it, and squeezed her hands on her chest.

"I hope that Mrs. Quan's children will come back to them as soon as possible! I hope...Dad is healthy and live a long life!" She prayed silently.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Quan called.

"Mingyue, come over and invite us for breakfast!" she said enthusiastically.

"Is Mr. Quan also here?" Su Mingyue was anxious.

"Yeah, don't be afraid, he just looks serious, but he is actually a paper tiger!" Mrs. Quan said with a smile.

After hanging up, Su Mingyue was in trouble.

I was entangled in my heart, and another call came.

After seeing the three words "dog man", Su Mingyue chose to hang up without hesitation.

As a result, Su Mingyue gritted her teeth with perseverance.

"What are you doing again? I think we have already made it very clear before!" She said unceremoniously.

"Su Mingyue, grab it!" Gu Qingfeng said quietly.

"It's been like this all the time, you just found out." Su Mingyue akimbo.

"...What are you doing?" he asked.

"Do you want to report to you if you pull S?" Su Mingyue said brutally.

In order to verify her own words, she deliberately put her mouth against her arm, blowing out a chuckle.

"You woman, how can you be so thick-skinned!" Mr. Gu said in horror.

"Hmm-um-" She deliberately squeezed out a forceful movement.

"Fuck... you fucking... pull it, I'll talk to you later!" He cursed and surrendered.

After hanging up the phone, Su Mingyue was very happy.

The arrogant and honorable Mr. Gu couldn't accept her vulgar behavior.

Even if they know intellectually, everyone needs to go to the toilet.

But after I came up with that picture in my mind, I still feel very broken.

About ten minutes later, Mr. Gu called again.

"What are you doing?" he said cautiously.

"Squatting in the toilet, haven't gone out yet." Su Mingyue gently patted the toner on her face.

"Are you not afraid to squat out hemorrhoids?" Mr. Gu frowned.

"Don't be afraid, I already have it." Su Mingyue said.

"..." Gu Qingfeng doubted life in silence.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Mingyue was curious.

"You put on your pants first." Mr. Gu struggled.

"Bah, hooligan!" Su Mingyue spurned.

Across the airwaves, let alone her mouth, she dared to touch the tiger's butt!

"Su Mingyue, you deliberately deceived me, right?" Mr. Gu realized later.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Su Mingyue was proud.

"Okay, Su Mingyue, you wait for me!" Gu Qingfeng directly said harshly.

After the phone was hung up, Su Mingyue was a little dazed.

She didn't know the purpose and intention of the other party looking for her.

But Gu Qingfeng is accustomed to being casual and brutal. Maybe some people want to scold her, right?

whispering sound! As long as he doesn't appear in front of him, he doesn't bother to care about him!

After Su Mingyue packed up, the driver sent by Mrs. Quan also arrived at the gate.

Mrs. Quan received her warmly. Mr. Quan looked a little flat, but his sight never left Su Mingyue.

"This is the crab bun that Mingyue personally wrapped. Do you like it or not?" Mrs. Quan clipped it to Mr. Quan.

The other side ate in silence and nodded slightly.

"Not bad." Mr. Quan said.

"That's the dessert you haven't tried Mingyue made. It's even better! After the party last time, several ladies and wives asked me for her contact information." Mrs. Quan was very proud.

Su Mingyue was very nervous by her praise, and at the same time she was a little bit shy, and she had a sense of illusion and unreality throughout.

After eating, the two rested for a while, then changed their clothes to do their hair.

"Mingyue is naturally beautiful, so she looks good no matter how she looks!" The more Mrs. Quan looked at her, the happier she became.

"If you continue to boast, my face will be red!" Su Mingyue was anxious.

"When you get to the hotel later, more people will praise you. Just listen to those words, don't be nervous." Mrs. Quan said with a smile.

She likes Su Mingyue and displays all her jewelry collections.

"Choose whatever you like, take it away and wear it if you like it," said Mrs. Quan.

"No, it's too expensive..." Su Mingyue quickly refused.

"I don't treat you as an outsider anymore, I hope you don't treat me as an outsider." Mrs. Quan said earnestly.

Su Mingyue was struggling to ride a tiger, fearing she would want to be sad, so she chose a set of simple shapes.

At eleven o'clock, they arrived at the reserved hotel.

The guests arrived one after another, and Mrs. Quan took Su Mingyue and introduced them one by one.

"This is my goddaughter Mingyue, I hope you will take care of her more in the future," she said.

"It's easy to say, Miss Mingyue is so beautiful, she is like a mother and daughter to you!" The guest complimented.

Although Su Mingyue has a good family background, she is not good at this kind of communication.

Therefore, with a smile throughout the whole process, he stupidly let Mrs. Quan command.

"Who am I? It turns out to be her? Some people are really amazing, and they have to go in circles after sharpening their heads!" said a frivolous female voice.

The other party's voice is not loud, but Su Mingyue can hear it clearly.

She turned her face and saw a beautiful girl with her chin raised.

Twenty-three or four-year-old, his features are bright and beautiful, and there is a sharp and spicy breath in his eyebrows and eyes.

Who said he didn't wear any jewelry, but the whole person was sitting in the guest seat, still dazzling and shining.

The girl didn't mind her words being heard, and even sneered at Su Mingyue's lips.

Even if Su Mingyue was dull, she could hear that she was suggesting herself.

If I remember correctly, they should have met at the party before.

The young lady's surname is Cui. It is said that her father is an executive of a certain bank, and she is also very good.

Su Mingyue made her custom desserts, and the atmosphere was very harmonious at the time, and the two exchanged contact information.

However, the two did not contact him later, and Su Mingyue didn't know how to offend her.

Mrs. Quan was saying hello to someone, but didn't notice the movement here.

Su Mingyue quickly returned to her senses, and did not take her words to heart.

Someone summoned Mrs. Gu to go out midway, and Su Mingyue was placed in the order.

She was very nervous, smiled and nodded at the person who greeted her without knowing what to reply.

The previous Miss Cui walked towards her with a cup.

On the seat, there were still a few pairs of malicious eyes staring at Su Mingyue.

"Miss Su, right? Congratulations!" Miss Cui smiled.

"Thank you." Su Mingyue said quickly.

Miss Cui stepped forward and lowered her voice.

"Although you look silly, but the method is quite powerful!" There was no smile in her eyes.

"...I don't understand what you are talking about." Su Mingyue frowned.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, take your face down and recognize the godmother, isn't it just for the money? Why, I didn't get any benefits from Mr. Gu before?" Ms. Cui became more malicious.

"You, don't say these unproven words." Su Mingyue was annoyed.

"Joke, I've written all my scheming on my face, do I need to get evidence? Don't think that if you confuse Mrs. Quan, you will be able to go smoothly and everything will be fine. God has eyes. It is impossible to let a person like you. If he succeeds, Mr. Quan has always been calm, and he will never allow his wife to be deceived..." Miss Cui's words were full of contempt.

"Really, what if Mr. Quan likes me too?" Su Mingyue became angry.

Don't think that her aura is weak, everyone can be deceived!

Regardless of the other party's identity and position, saying these inexplicable remarks is excessive!