Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 109: Feng Shui Runner

"Su Mingyue, you are really shameless. As we all know, Mrs. Quan is kind-hearted and Mr. Quan is wise. If he knows about this, how can he indulge you in the wild here? If you are not present today, you will be embarrassed! Don't! I thought that by kneeling and becoming a goddaughter for Mrs. Quan, he would be able to become a phoenix from then on, and not look at how these people look at the jokes! If you are acquainted, you should leave as soon as possible and get out of Jiangcheng, otherwise the days will refer It may be difficult!" Miss Cui said Chi Guoguo's words, but she didn't use her finger to curse at her nose.

"Have I dug your family's ancestral grave?" Su Mingyue was angry and angry.

"What?" Miss Cui was full of disbelief.

"Except for this situation, I really can't think of any deep hatred. It is worthy of you to come out and humiliate me at this time! I like to kneel and be a daughter for Mrs. Quan, and enjoy the process of sparrow turning into a phoenix. It's not your business? "Su Mingyue opened her eyes and said.

Obviously it's a happy thing, but some people come to find it unhappy. Isn't it a shame?

What Miss Cui, what bank executive daughter, she is not rare!

Yes, the ignorant is fearless, that's it!

Miss Cui's face was like an overturned paint tray, red and white, white and green.

"Bah, shameless!" she said angrily.

"Yes, do you want it? You can sell it to you!" Su Mingyue was unwilling to show weakness.

People don't want to be invincible. Miss Cui is a celebrity, and she is not embarrassed to tear her face and curse directly with her.

After cursing a few words, he flicked his hair and walked away on nine-inch high heels.

Su Mingyue drank a cup of juice to moisturize her mouth, but she was also very angry.

When Mrs. Quan was vaccinated last night, she didn't take it to heart. How could she have thought that someone really came out to find faults!

She still can't figure out how she offended Miss Cui!

After a while, Mrs. Quan turned back.

Su Mingyue stretched her heart and took her arm directly, which made Mrs. Quan happier.

And Miss Cui, who was staring at her intently, had sparks in her eyes at this moment!

"Quan... Mom, that Miss Cui seems to be staring at me." Su Mingyue whispered.

"It's mostly because of Gu Qingfeng." Mrs. Quan said with a smile.

"What, do the two of them still have a relationship?" Su Mingyue was puzzled.

"Did you forget? The purpose of the last party?" Mrs. Quan looked at her tenderly.

"You mean, she likes Gu Qingfeng?" Su Mingyue said.

"Yes, she didn't have her in the original guests. This girl replaced one of the ladies with me." Mrs. Quan whispered.

At that moment, Su Mingyue understood the whole story in an instant.

She said that the smell of gunpowder, dare to be jealous!

"Cui Min is nicknamed Pitaya, and she seldom looks at people's faces when she speaks and does things, so ignore her in the future." Mrs. Quan exhorted.

Choi Min? Pitaya? This nickname is apt!

Cui Min slowly couldn't sit still when he saw the two whispering.

So holding the wine, Su Mingyue walked over again.

"Congratulations to Mrs. Quan for finding such a beautiful daughter!" She smiled.

"Thank you, Miss Cui." Mrs. Quan was polite.

"What about Mr. Quan? How could he not come on this occasion?" Cui Min issued a second wave of attacks.

She deliberately raised her voice to speak, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and countless eyes were devoted to Mrs. Quan and Su Mingyue.

"Why didn't Mr. Quan come? Sorry, did I ask the wrong question?" Ms. Cui repeated the key point.

"He has something..." Mrs. Quan was very unhappy.

"Miss Cui is right, how can I not come on this occasion?" a low male voice said.

Mr. Quan walked in, but Mrs. Quan became nervous.

The atmosphere at the scene was weird, and Su Mingyue quietly relaxed her arms, not daring to be as close and presumptuous as before.

Mr. Quan stopped, his eyes gradually turned from Mrs. Quan to Su Mingyue.

"Mr. Quan, your daughter is very beautiful!" Miss Cui started to confuse her.

"Really?" Mr. Quan said lightly.

"Yes, and also very capable. It used to seem to be working by Mr. Gu's side." Miss Cui was excited.

"Well, I like a motivated girl like her." Mr. Quan said.

"Ah? So, do you agree with this matter?" Miss Cui was surprised.

"Of course, my wife and I like Mingyue very much and will treat her as a daughter in the future," said Mr. Quan.

"Oh, that's great, congratulations!" Someone took the lead in sending blessings.

Miss Cui's expression was once again tangled and contradictory.

After a few greetings, she returned to her position in embarrassment.

"Mr. Quan...Thank you." Su Mingyue whispered.

"You child, don't hurry up and call Dad!" Mrs. Quan squeezed her finger gently.

"Dad, father." Su Mingyue said embarrassedly.

Mr. Quan nodded slightly, there was no joy or dissatisfaction on his face.

After speaking a few words to the people present, Mr. Quan and Mrs. Quan sat back in their seats.

Before Su Mingyue sat down, she heard a familiar voice again.

"Auntie Quan is really not interesting enough, don't notify me if there is such a happy event!"

Su Mingyue stood up from her position like a spring.

Mrs. Quan was calm and could not see anything unusual.

"How do you say this, as if I send a notice, you will definitely come!" She said calmly.

Under Yiganren's gaze, Gu Qingfeng came to them.

Su Mingyue stood beside Mrs. Quan, her body and soul trembling.

This dog, isn't he going to retaliate against the phone call in the morning?

Mum, Mia, if she knew this, she should continue to admit it!

"Sit here, next to me! It's been a long time since I saw you, so I really wanted to."

Mrs. Quan got up and calmly changed Su Mingyue between her and Mr. Quan.

Gu Qingfeng's plan fell through, so he had to sit next to Mrs. Quan.

However, his gaze was staring directly at Su Mingyue.

People rely on clothes, horses and saddles. That's a good thing!

This woman had her hair done, and she wore bracelets. Sitting among the couple of the Quan family, she looked like a beautiful princess in an upright manner!

It's just that his temperament was so scared that he couldn't see it, and his eyelids quivered in panic.

What about the brutal force of the phone in the morning? Why are they all missing?

"I heard that you recently invested in a new media company?" Mr. Quan asked.

"Well, in the era of traffic, we also have to keep pace with the times." Gu Qingfeng said.

He and Su Mingyue looked straight, and instantly smiled maliciously.

"Mingyue, we are also old acquaintances. At this moment, don't you want to say something to me?" Gu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows.

"...Thank you, Mr. Quan, for taking care of it." Su Mingyue squeezed from the crack of the ruler.

This spicy chicken man just couldn't see her better!

It was a match made in heaven for him and that Miss Cui Min when he ran out of the scene at this time!

"Mr. What Quan, that's too far-fetched, you have to call me brother according to seniority." Gu Qingfeng said.

"..." Su Mingyue gritted her teeth.

"Qingfeng is right. From now on, you will get along like brothers and sisters." Mrs. Quan said calmly.

"Brother, you have to take care of me like a sister in the future!" Su Mingyue's attitude was instantly clear.

Mr. Gu watched her, slowly turning from complacency to sneer.

"By the way, brother, Miss Cui has been mentioning you just now. She should have something important to tell you. Here, that's the one in the red dress!" Su Mingyue took the courage.

"No, I am here to see you today." Mr. Gu was inhumane.

"Ms. Cui is very beautiful today, and it looks very good with your dress! I think you two are just beautiful couples with talents and women. By the way, when will you marry me a sister-in-law?" Su Mingyue slowly revealed her little girl. Dezhi's face.

"Come on, Mingyue talks a lot today. I didn't know how to see you before." Mr. Gu grinned his teeth.

"I'm so happy that I have parents and a brother who is so... um, happy." Su Mingyue said.

This woman was sure that the elders were present. He didn't dare to raise the table and curse, so he dared to provoke at this moment.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. From now on, my brother promises to make you happy every day!" Mr. Gu said.

There seems to be peace between the two, but undercurrents are raging. Everyone on the table can see clearly, but it is inconvenient to clarify their affairs.

The two of you came here insinuatingly to start a verbal battle, but Miss Cui was so angry.

If possible, she really wants to kill that woman!

Something, I really thought it was just a dish on the table!

Dare to grab her target, and wait!

Midway, Su Mingyue wanted to drive off, but was persuaded by Mrs. Quan.

After sending all the guests away, Mrs. Quan turned to say goodbye to Gu Qingfeng again.

"Thanks for your hard work, go back and rest early!" she said.

"Then you and Uncle?" Mr. Gu tentatively.

"We accompany Mingyue to stroll around." Mrs. Quan really didn't give him any chance.

Gu Qingfeng was unhappy and left a warning look at Su Mingyue.

Everyone is tired, how can you have the energy to go shopping? Mrs. Quan personally sent Su Mingyue back to her residence.

"How do you and Qingfeng go back?" Mr. Quan Lu asked abruptly.

"Didn't I tell you before, that **** is stalking and wanting to pursue our Mingyue." Mrs. Quan said.

"Do you like him?" Mr. Quan asked again.

"Of course not!" Su Mingyue answered quickly.

"If this is the case, then pick up the words as early as possible, so as to save trouble for a long time." Mr. Quan said.

"Look at that kid's attitude, he is the one who is willing to give up? According to me, it's right to help Mingyue quickly introduce a boyfriend." Mrs. Quan said.

She is now more and more adapted to the role of mother, so she can manage these things with ease.

Su Mingyue listened silently, not daring to refuse to refute at all.

She was a little bit afraid of Mr. Quan, because this person couldn't be sultry and couldn't guess what she was thinking.

The car stopped after sending Su Mingyue to the gate.

"Mingyue, it feels inconvenient for you to live here alone, but if you move over to live with us, you can take care of you everyday!" said Mrs. Quan.

"Huh? But, I promised my friends to take good care of this place." Su Mingyue was embarrassed.

"You are too anxious, give her a period of adaptation." Mr. Quan said lightly.

"That said, then you have a good rest, let's go first!" Mrs. Quan reluctantly said.

"Goodbye mom and dad!" Su Mingyue waved.

Today, fate allowed her to fulfill her childhood dream and gave her a complete home.

In the future of life, she has a dad who spoils her, a gentle and beautiful new mother, and a new dad who looks gentle and gentle. It's great!

At this time last year, she was so unlucky and unlucky!

This year, it seems to be running all of a sudden!

Su Mingyue stood for a while with emotion, then took out the key to open the door.

After entering, he locked the door directly, but before turning around, I felt someone blowing in my ear.

"Ah----" Su Mingyue screamed in silence.

"What's the name, the eardrum will burst." Mr. Gu said, covering her mouth.