Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 114: The truth is revealed

Ms. Quan's real name is Quan Yuyan, and she went to Jiangcheng for business with her parents in middle school.

After settling in, they met Mr. Quan in college, and the two soon fell in love.

Because the men and women have similar family backgrounds, the two entered the marriage hall after graduation.

After marriage, the two loved each other and lived in harmony.

The only shortcoming is that Mrs. Quan's congenital uterine horns are not easy to conceive.

However, after a few years of hard work, things have finally turned around.

They welcomed a daughter smoothly, and both families regarded it as a treasure.

In order to take care of the children, Mr. Quan hired an acquaintance as a nanny.

The nanny was addicted to gambling, owed huge debts, and developed relationships with his wife and children before confessing the truth.

Mrs. Quan is soft-hearted and pays her debts for her, hoping to change her mind and become a new man.

But I don't know that the babysitter has violated the positivity and the yin, and still does not change the inferiority.

After asking for money again and was refused, Mr. Quan was fired on the spot.

The babysitter held a grudge, and after a while, he visited the child on the pretext of visiting the child, but took him away when the elderly in the family was unprepared. Since then, his whereabouts are unknown.

Over the years, the two families have not known how many times they have searched, but they have been to no avail.

All I know is that just a few years after the nanny left Jiangcheng, he died of cancer.

As for the child, no one knows where he went or whether he is still alive.

This is the heart disease of the whole wife and his wife, and it is also their unspeakable pain.

Expectations again and again, disappointments again and again.

Afterwards, everyone fell silent tacitly and stopped mentioning it.

After meeting his goddaughter, Mrs. Quan put all her motherly love on her.

But I don't know that the other party is really his own flesh and blood!

"Mingyue is my child!" Quan Tai cried with joy.

"This, is this true?" Su Wenfeng asked in disbelief.

"It can't be wrong, I knew at first glance that this child is different from others!" Mrs. Quan said firmly.

After speaking, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called her husband.

I was so excited that I pressed my finger in the wrong place several times.

"Tianxu... come quickly!" She was almost speechless.

"I'm having a meeting here. It is estimated that it will take 15 minutes." Mr. Quan said.

"No, you come here now!" Mrs. Quan couldn't wait to say.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Quan was puzzled.

"It's a puff! Mingyue is our puff!" Mrs. Quan cried.

"Didn't we say yes, don't talk about this matter anymore?"

"This time it's different! I saw Mingyue's father. He explained that Yue is not his own person. The time, age, photos and the preferences of the two children are all matched!"

On the other side of the phone, the acquaintance was silent, followed by a loud thump.

"Tian Xu, are you okay?" Mrs. Quan was anxious.

"No, nothing, I'll be there soon!" Mr. Quan got up from the ground, pretending to be calm.

After hanging up, Su Mingyue walked in from outside.

"Sorry, something happened in the store, so I'm late..."

The atmosphere in the private room was not right. After seeing Mrs. Quan's red and swollen teary eyes, she quietly fell silent.

"You guys, what's the matter?" she asked in a low voice.

Mrs. Quan walked over and hugged her tightly.

Her child, her puff, finally returned after being missing for more than 20 years!

Su Mingyue was tight and dared not move.

"Godmother, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter, puff, you are really our puff!"

Mrs. Quan put her arms around her and cried and laughed. What image or manners are not important at this moment. She is just a mother looking forward to her child coming home!

Su Mingyue looked at Su Wenfeng and saw his complex expression, so she didn't dare to talk too much.

When Mrs. Quan's mood stabilized, he told her about the sad past.

"... After the disappearance of the puff, my mother felt very self-blame and fell ill within a few years and left. And I also washed my face with tears all day long. As long as I can accumulate good destiny, I will try my best to do it, just looking forward to it. One day, I can see you again!" She held Su Mingyue's hand tightly.

"Could it be that something was wrong?" Su Mingyue tentatively.

This possibility, she has not imagined it!

But it was suddenly confirmed, and it still felt too sudden.

She was very afraid of something went wrong in the process, or any misunderstandings, in the end, the two sides exchanged for an empty joy!

"It's not wrong, please believe me!" Mrs. Quan said.

"In this matter, I think it's safer to do a test." Su Mingyue hesitated.

"Of course, I am not afraid at all now!" Mrs. Quan said decisively.

Soon, Mr. Quan hurried to the present.

He stared at Su Mingyue, and it took him a long time to speak.

"Is it true what I said on the phone?" His voice was a little hoarse.

"It's true, you see, is her facial features very similar to when she was a child?" Mrs. Quan said with joy.

"I... can't see it." Mr. Quan struggled.

"This is normal. People close to you usually don't notice this similarity, but outsiders can see it at a glance. Mingyue not only resembles Mrs. Quan, but also your eyebrows and nose bridge." Su Wenfeng said with emotion.

"Really? Or... it's better to do a test first." Mr. Quan said.

Until now, no one is in the mood to eat.

After discussing it, we decided to do a paternity test first.

Mr. Quan is already an old acquaintance of the organization, and the other party promised to produce results within six hours.

After collecting the samples, everyone sat in the hall and waited.

Everyone is very nervous, especially Su Mingyue, with her hands clasped in a daze, and countless strange ideas have been imagined in her mind.

"In these years, it must be difficult for you to take care of your own children." Mr. Quan took the lead.

"Fortunately, Mingyue is more behaving. I don't cry when I'm full. At first I have a good personality. I laughed when I saw anyone. Later, I was raised by me. I was a bit introverted and inexperienced. I didn't know how to care about her, so... I made this child wronged." Su Wenfeng said.

"I'm very well raised. My wife likes her very much. She kept mentioning her from the beginning and always said that she was different from others. I just treated her as if she was thinking about her." Mr. Quan said softly.

"When I saw your wife, I was shocked. The two of them...too much alike." Su Wenfeng said.

"We have actually been here many times, every time we are full of hope, so that now I don't dare to think about it anymore." Mr. Quan smiled bitterly.

"Look at the results, science is always more real than guessing." Su Wenfeng comforted him.

Mrs. Quan listened silently, her eyes focused on Su Mingyue.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"Not hungry." Su Mingyue shook her head.

"There are still a few more hours, I'll send someone something to eat." Mrs. Quan said.

"If... I'm not your child, can we still communicate with each other in the future?" she said cautiously.

"Of course!" Mrs. Quan replied.

Time flows quietly, until late at night, the result is not sent out.

"Congratulations, Mr. Quan and Mrs. Quan!" the staff member said.

Mrs. Quan was stunned first, then burst into tears.

Mr. Quan came over and held them in his arms silently...

Mrs. Quan cried very much, but Su Mingyue didn't shed a single tear.

She had a trance and unreality, as if she were in a dream.

Until they walked out of the appraisal center, Mrs. Quan was still reluctant to part with her.

"The child is still in a daze, and she has to give her time to adapt." Mr. Quan said.

With his persuasion, Mrs. Quan just let go.

After Su Mingyue was sent back to her residence, she sat on the sofa blankly.

"Are they really my biological parents?" she whispered.

"Didn't the results come out? It can't be wrong, in fact... When I saw that photo, I already had the answer in my heart. Don't you like them very much? How great!" Su Wenfeng said.

"Dad, are you sad?" Su Mingyue asked.

"Of course not, I am happy for you! Starting today, two people care about you again." Su Wenfeng said.

His happiness stems from stealing, and he should have returned long ago.

"Is it the truth?"

"When did I lie to you? Go to bed early, and see your parents tomorrow."

This evening, everyone did not close their eyes.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Mrs. Quan came to pick her up in person.

Mr. Quan did not go to work for the first time, and the two took her to see the old house, the place where she lived when she was a child.

It was a big yard, already on the verge of ruin.

Someone once offered to buy it at a high price, but Mr. Quan refused.

Su Mingyue looked around, trying to find some fragmentary memories.

"When you were young, you often rode a trolley and played on this grass." Mrs. Quan said.

"...I can't remember." Su Mingyue said in embarrassment.

"This is normal, because you were too young at that time. Children's memories can only be preserved from the age of four or five to adulthood." Mrs. Quan was very gentle.

"Puff, Mingyue, how do you like us to call you?" Mr. Quan asked.

"It's okay, is the puff my name?" Su Mingyue said.

"No, your name is Meng Yu, but... everyone likes to call you puffs. Mingyue, this name is also very good." Mrs. Quan said.

"Daddy, he said that on the day he took me home, he saw the moon shining brightly in the sky, so he called me Mingyue." Su Mingyue explained.

Between them, it seemed more restrained than before they met each other.

However, Mr. Quan and Mrs. Quan are confident that sooner or later they will become a close family like they did when they were young!

"Mingyue, move home!" Mrs. Quan said.

"...I'll talk about it after my father is gone, okay?" Su Mingyue was very considerate.

She recognized her parents, Su Wenfeng didn't say anything, she must be very disappointed in her heart.

He even planned to go back to Jiangcheng today.

Had it not been for Su Mingyue's death, she would have run away long ago.

Although she did not move back, but most of the time, she stayed with the whole family.

The shop was too busy, so A Rong went to help.

"Just stay with your wife, and leave everything else to us!" Arong said.

She is old and everyone in the shop respects her.

As it approached noon, Arong asked everyone to eat and stayed in the shop by himself.

A tall man walked in, staring at her and shooting up and down, his face showing dissatisfaction at the same time.

"Aunt Rong, why are you here?" Gu Qingfeng asked.

"Why can't I be here?" Arong said.

A Rong had also heard of his grudge with Su Mingyue.

"When you see that **** again, don't give me a good face!" Mrs. Quan confessed.

Ah Rong was also really obedient, and when he saw that it was him, his attitude cooled down.

Mr. Gu originally had a pimple in his heart, and it became more and more uncomfortable to see her like this.

"Su Mingyue is not here?" He asked.

"I'm staying with my wife at home," A Rong replied.

"Why does she always run to your house? After you go back, please persuade my auntie to make her bored and find something to do. Don't use steamed buns as beanbags all day long. Su Mingyue will be mine sooner or later, she will introduce more later. What kind of mess, I'm really going to be angry!" Mr. Gu said in a serious voice.

"Mr. Gu, don't worry, I will convey it to his wife without losing a word." A Rong glanced at him and said.