Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 146: [Fan Wai] Powerless Love 2

Wei Yongnan wanted to explain, but was avoided by Lan Rou.

"Trouble borrowed, I want to go to the bathroom."

Boss Wei stared at her beautiful image, with mixed flavors in his chest.

For passers-by, this is just a fleeting scene.

However, that night, the matter reached Jiang Chao's ears.

This taciturn man proposed to talk to Lan Rou for the first time.

"According to the agreement, we will not interfere with each other's lives. Whoever you like and who you have a relationship with is nothing to do with me. However, after all, it is a nominal couple. I hope you will act a little lower in the future, so as not to fall into the hands of others and bring the company to the company. Unnecessarily troublesome." He said.

"I understand, I will pay attention next time." Lan Rou obediently said.

Two people sleep at night, still lying on the same bed.

They all like to sleep on their sides, one left and the other right, back to back, and no one will disturb anyone.

Lan Rou sometimes wonders what kind of woman it is that makes this man love so deeply.

However, she never explored and asked.

Since they have no intention of each other, why bother in vain?

From this day on, Lan Rou's peaceful life changed quietly.

Wei Yongnan always appeared in her vision without any doubts.

He was a courteous guest at the party.

When I met on the street, he was a well-dressed passerby.

Even when you go shopping, you can meet in the aquatic area.

Such high-frequency encounters are hard to prevent.

"When are you going back to Jiangcheng?" she asked.

"What about you, when will you go back?" Wei Yongnan asked rhetorically.

"It depends on what my husband means." Lan Rou said.

"Don't just hang up the surname Jiang, everyone knows what the relationship is between you." Wei Yongnan's tone was sour.

"Since it is clear, Mr. Wei should respect himself and stop harassing our husband and wife's lives." Lan Rou said calmly.

Wei Yongnan watched her and was silent for a long time.

"I'm going to find time to have a good talk with that person." He said.

"What are you talking about?" Lan Rou frowned.

"Let him let go and return you free." Wei Yongnan said.

"Mr. Wei, in my memory, you acted freely and freely. Why are you now like a child-in-law and start to worry about other people's housework?" Lan Rou mocked.

"With him, you are not happy at all!" Wei Yongnan gritted his teeth.

"What does it have to do with you?" Lan Rou said smoothly.

As soon as she rubbed her shoulders, Wei Yongnan suddenly backhanded her shoulders.

And taking advantage of Lan Rou's astonishment, she directly dragged the person into her arms and kissed him hard.

His long-empty body seemed to be at ease suddenly.

The position of the chest that has been crippled over the past year seems to have been filled!

In fact, they went from meeting to falling in love and breaking up, and it took only two months in total.

However, this is the most diligent one in Boss Wei's life.

When he first decided to start, he even quietly planned the running-in period and wedding time, intending to slowly talk about a literary and popular love.

Unexpectedly, Lan Rou was the opposite. Because of her illness, she just wanted to get rid of her heart.

This incident dealt a big blow to Boss Wei.

So much so that when Lan Rou proposed to break up, he was struggling whether to take the initiative to reconcile.

But after learning from Su Mingyue that Lan Rou was running out of time, her heart became more conflicted and uneasy.

He didn't want to pour too much emotion on the dying person, so he didn't have the chance to witness Lan Rou bid farewell to that heart.

Later, for a long time, Boss Wei lived in guilt and self-blame.

When he closes his eyes at night, he can see Lan Rou's face.

Once when he was drunk, Boss Wei confided his heart to his best friend.

"You know, I actually hate her a bit." He said in a deep tone.

"Do you hate Lan Rou?" Gu Qingfeng was surprised.

"Yes, I thought that she was my chosen love partner. Later I found out that I was the target of the hunt. That woman, from the very beginning, focused on me! She knew that she didn't have much time, this You have to conceal the illness to tease me... You said, is she very hateful?" Boss Wei asked.

"You think too much." Gu Qingfeng said.

"I didn't think much, this is a fact! She... deliberately! Before she died, she wanted to feel this sensual world again, so she chose me as her experience object. She has been from Su Mingyue a long time ago. There, I learned about my emotional experience, so I feel that a man who has experienced a lot will not have any intentions at all. Even if she dies, it will not affect me! That woman thinks that way!" Boss Wei said harshly.

"So, are you really interested?" Gu Qingfeng asked.

"I...Is this important?" Boss Wei asked back.

"Then why is it important?"

"Her motives are impure, but I was deceived and hurt! She disappeared suddenly, one hundred, and me? The psychological shadow will never be removed! I even unconsciously doubt whether she has become like this. I killed it! You said, is she very hateful? I just talked about love a few more times, and didn't do anything harmful, why should I carry these things on my back?!"

"Wei Yongnan, you are finished." Gu Qingfeng said calmly.

"What?" Boss Wei was astonished.

"You fell in love with that woman, that's why you feel guilty, anger, and even hatred. Otherwise, with your personality, I'm afraid you would have forgotten who Lan Rou is." He said.

"...So, I hate her!" Boss Wei did not refute.

"If I tell you, Lan Rou is still alive?" Gu Qingfeng stared at him with interest.

"You have news from her?" Boss Wei's blood suddenly began to flow faster.

"Want to know?" Gu Qingfeng asked.

"...No, no, forget it!" He replied hesitantly.

Although he refused the answer, he still vaguely learned that Lan Rou was not dead.

After a brief ecstasy, Boss Wei fell into new troubles again.

Lan Rou is still alive, but her whereabouts are unknown.

Even Su Mingyue didn't know where she was.

How is her health now, and is she in trouble?

The less Boss Wei wanted to think, the more he couldn't help thinking.

This more and more caused him to be in a trance and absent-minded.

Work decisions made frequent mistakes, and his temper became more irritable. In the end, even the major shareholders of the company couldn't stand it anymore.

"Mr. Wei seems to be in the wrong state recently. The company has been listed for so long and you have never taken a break. Why don't you take the opportunity to give yourself a vacation and take a good rest?"

"Stop it, you better not bother me with trivial things!"

After confirming the holiday, he decided to call Gu Qingfeng.

"Send me Lan Rou's address!" He couldn't wait to say.

"No." Gu Qingfeng said.

"Nothing, don't fool me?! You are chasing Su Mingyue recently, how could you ignore Lan Rou as a bargaining chip?" He was clear in his heart.

"She is already married." Gu Qingfeng replied.

"I don't believe it!" Wei Yongnan said.

"Heir of the Pushuo Group, if you decide to harass his wife, first weigh the weight in your heart."


Boss Wei weighed it for a long time, but his impulse still crushed his reason.

"I just want to confirm and see if the news is true or false. If it is true, then I will bless them generously, then let go of the burden and start a new life!" he thought.

But when he saw Lan Rou at the dinner, Boss Wei changed his mind.

What kind of shit, what a new life...

This woman caused him to be like this, so she married someone else so easily? !

If he doesn't come out to find a sense of existence, he's sorry for his nickname of ‘smashing **** stick’!

He is not only cheap, but also persistent.

As long as you make up your mind, no one can make him give up.

Although Lan Rou reacted coldly after the meeting, this did not prevent Wei boss from getting more frustrated and courageous.

"Don't tell me you really want to be a junior!" Gu Qingfeng said.

"The TM surnamed Jiang is the junior!" Boss Wei is very firm.

"You can really comfort yourself like this." Gu Qingfeng said.

"I need support!" Boss Wei said.

"Do you need me to help you build momentum in public opinion?" Gu Qingfeng asked.

"That's not necessary. I'm going to find a showdown with the surname Jiang. If the talk falls apart, I hope you can help the brothers for the sake of friends." Boss Wei said solemnly.

"Is it worth it?" Gu Qingfeng asked.

"When you were determined to chase Su Mingyue, I always offered support and never asked if it was worth it." He was very resentful.

"I have dealt with Jiang Chao. He is a rational and calm businessman, and he will never get grudges easily." Gu Qingfeng said.

Although he did not explicitly give a guarantee promise, Boss Wei felt very relieved.

So Boss Wei made an appointment with Jiang Chao that night.

The two men have not been in formal contact, but they have heard of each other.

Before deciding to perform a heart transplant on Lan Rou, Jiang Chao knew all about her, including Shao Yongfu and Wei Yongnan.

"Ms. Wei saw me today, is it for public or private?" Jiang Chao asked knowingly.

"I want to talk to you about Lan Rou." Boss Wei went straight in.

Although he is a bit cynical about getting along in private, he can stand up and move freely when it comes to serious occasions.

The man in front of him was meticulous from head to toe.

I can’t talk about how handsome it is, but it’s definitely not ugly...

Especially the kind of elite shopping malls, Boss Wei is a little ashamed.

Although, he would never admit this verbally.

"There is nothing to talk about on this topic. I am not interested in talking about your past. I would never agree to persuade us to divorce." Jiang Chao said calmly.

"Let her be free, you can do it!" Boss Wei said.

"What if I want you to transfer all the shares of Hongguo Entertainment for free?" Jiang Chao raised his eyebrows.

"..." Boss Wei hesitated.

"How is it?" Jiang Chao asked.

"...No problem!" Boss Wei gritted his teeth.

His answer surprised Jiang Chao.

"Sorry, just kidding, I have no interest in the game industry." Jiang Chao said.

"You don't love her at all, but you tied her to your side for a lifetime. It's too much to do this!" Boss Wei realized that he was being tricked.

"Excessive? Excuse me, where was President Wei when Lan Rou had the operation?" He said with sharp eyes.

"I..." Boss Wei was embarrassed.

"You're busy socializing around, busy listing the company, and taking the time to get drunk with a strange woman. Frankly speaking, I don't mind letting Lan Rou be free, but if it's because of someone like you, it's still considered Come on! My wife's heart can't stand any toss, so it's safer to let me personally protect it. As the host, I should ask for dinner, so please don't rush to check out with me." Jiang Chao said.

After speaking, the man got up and left.

Wei Yongnan sat in the position, like a discouraged ball.

Although the other party said that his words and deeds were abominable, he was at a loss after all and couldn't get upset after all.

After Jiang Chao went back, he didn't conceal anything, and directly reported the matter to Lan Rou.

"He is willing to give up the company for you." He said.

"So what?" Lan Rou said smoothly.

"This is not an easy decision. 99.99% of men are reluctant to do this. What do you think?" Jiang Chao asked.

"I have some palpitations recently. The doctor said that this is a common rejection reaction. I can control it by taking medicine, but I'm not sure if it will get worse in the future." Lan Rou replied nonchalantly.

Jiang Chao listened in silence, a trace of anxiety and panic flashing in his eyes.

"It's a fluke that I can live until now. Whether I can see the sun tomorrow or not, no one can say. Wei Yongnan...except for being a flower heart, his nature is not bad. If I continue to harm him, I will lose my life." Lan Rou said.

"I understand." Jiang Chao frowned.

"I beg you for the rest of my life, Mr. Jiang," Lan Rou said softly.

"It should be." Jiang Chao said.

The next day, the reporter captured a scene of the two traveling in love.

[Jiang Chao Lan Rou appeared in the opera house, and his wife deeply envied everyone! 】

Looking at the photos on the news, Boss Wei seemed to have a big rock in his chest.

"The negotiation failed?" Gu Qingfeng called and asked.

"Help me!" Boss Wei begged him.

"Partnership beat Jiang Chao?" Gu Qingfeng asked.

"No, I would like to ask you to ask Su Mingyue. Lan Rou has a good relationship with her, and maybe she can listen to her and persuade her." Boss Wei said.

"...This is not easy to handle. You know her character. She is still bad. It's good to see if you don't come out and step on a few feet. I hope she can help you." Gu Qingfeng hesitated.

"If it's easy, I won't beg you!" Boss Wei said miserably.

"All right, I will try my best." Gu Qingfeng said.

"The happiness of the rest of your life, buddy, is all up to you!" Boss Wei has a rare sincere feeling.

The author has something to say: Su Mingyue and Mr. Gu are related in the next chapter~