Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 21: Midnight Fright

Outside, the woman was still knocking on the door perseveringly.

And Su Mingyue was already scared to death!

She lay on the bed, rolling the quilt tightly, comforting herself silently in her heart.

If you can't hear or see, all demons and evil spirits don't exist!

If there is, then please go find Mr. Gu next door!

Please, if you have a grievance, you have revenge, and you are cruel, don't let him go!

Just as she prayed devoutly, the phone bell suddenly rang.

The melodious violin melody on weekdays is like a reminder at this time, making Su Mingyue's hair terrifying!

At the same time, the display also lights up.

Caller ID text remarks: NO1 bastard.

Su Mingyue hurriedly chose to mute, but it still kept shaking.

And the woman in the corridor seemed to be silent because of this...

After a while, the phone was automatically hung up by the system.

But the next second, the bell rang again.

Su Mingyue was terrified, and she had a murderous heart!

"Mr. Gu, please open the door, people know you are inside~" the female voice said tenderly.

There was still no movement next door, only the phone buzzing in front of me.

Su Mingyue was lying there, her chin accidentally clicked on the screen, and the phone was connected.

"Su Mingyue, do you want to die?" The man said gloomily.

"Ah? Mr. Gu, did you hear that? There is a woman in the corridor!" Su Mingyue Zhansu.

"I'm not deaf!" Mr. Gu said calmly.

"Then what shall we do now?" Her heart almost jumped out!

"You, go out and see what's going on outside." The man ordered.

"I don't!" Su Mingyue exploded in an instant.

Her tone has never been so firm.

Why doesn't this **** die? Even if you don’t know how to save the United States in dangerous moments, you still want her to take the lead!

"Gu Xiansen, people have heard your voice, do you want to play peekaboo?" the woman outside said innocently.

On the phone, the male voice was silent for ten seconds.

"Go out now, and I will give you twice your salary tomorrow." Mr. Gu lowered his voice.

"No!" Su Mingyue refused decisively.

Can money solve this situation now?

Not to mention double the salary, that is, two hundred million, she will not be fortunate!

"Listen, don't mess with me, go out now..." After being rejected twice in a row, Mr. Gu directly issued a deterrent warning.

The call was hung up before the words were finished. Mr. Gu called again and prompted to shut down.

Looking at the screen of the phone, he could hardly hate the itch of his teeth.

I can't believe it, that woman who is only afraid of things, dare to give herself a closed door!

Su Mingyue tremblingly shut down, her mind was already in a mess.

Although the **** is evil, he is personal in nature, visible and tangible, and maybe he can avoid it if he uses his brain.

What's that outside the door? Appeared in this villa most of the night...

Could the other party... come to claim his life?

Tian Lingling, Earth Lingling, Om Mani Padme Hum!

go Go!

As long as it doesn't hurt the innocent, anything will happen!

Without knowing what happened outside, the female voice disappeared.

However, Su Mingyue still dared not get out of bed.

She wrapped herself into rice dumplings and knelt on the bed.

However, destiny did not favor him because of this...

Something is trying to tear off her blanket.

Su Mingyue was stunned at first, and even after doing all his best, she didn't let it go!

However, the other party was so strong that he couldn't pull the blanket away, so he picked her up as well.

Su Mingyue was frightened and shrank her body like a tortoise.

"Su, Ming, Yue!" the male voice said in a dark tone.

"Hey--" She burst into tears in an instant.

After two seconds, Su Mingyue felt wrong.

When he opened his eyes, he was actually a man with a sword eyebrow star.

The hair is messy, and the upper body is covered with a short T. Two feet, but only one slipper is worn, and the other foot is barely stepping on the floor...

His face is still handsome, but his expression is slightly hideous and his manners are a little embarrassing.

"Are you a man or a ghost?" Su Mingyue was horrified.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Gu was angry.

Su Mingyue summoned the courage to touch his face, warm.

She relieved her strength in an instant, and she fell onto the bed.

A cold wind blew over, and Su Mingyue panted and trembled.

Only then did she realize that the window had actually been opened.

She lives next door to Mr. Gu, and there is only a wall between the balcony.

This man has long hands and long legs. It is not difficult to turn over.

Under Su Mingyue's gaze, Mr. Gu was a little embarrassed.

"Go away!" he said.

Su Mingyue quickly moved to the side and squatted firmly against the wall.

Mr. Gu did not speak any more, but went directly to bed.

"Ah! What do you want to do? Don't mess around!" Su Mingyue exclaimed.

This beast is dying, so he still wants to be refreshed? !

"Shut up, don't be stinky!" Mr. Gu said coldly.

He pulled the blanket and covered himself directly.

Su Mingyue hesitated for half a minute, and got in too.

In this case, the mood and feelings of the two are connected.

Although the blanket is not thick and does not have the function of warding off evil spirits, it is very warm and gives people an inexplicable sense of security...

Mr. Gu put his feet on the balcony and hung on it for two minutes, his body was blown through.

At this moment, I was sticking to the warm post, leaning on the natural heater, and couldn't help but start to feel contemptuous.

When I was in the same room with myself, this woman always wore the old-fashioned pajamas and pajamas, her whole body was airtight.

But tonight, I actually wore a low-necked silk-like dress.

The fabric is thin and transparent...

In addition, she seemed to have a sweet smell on her body.

It feels like an eraser I used when I was a kid, I really want people to hug and bite!

But thinking of the daytime situation and the words Boss Wei had confessed, he quickly calmed down.

"Stay away from me!" Mr. Gu said in disgust.

"...But the blanket is so big, I can't cover it no matter how far away!" Su Mingyue was wronged.

Tonight is a special situation, Mr. Gu doesn't want to talk too much nonsense with her.

After a few minutes of silence, Su Mingyue said.

"Mr. Gu, are you scared?" She tentatively asked.

"Shut up!" Mr. Gu irritated.

"I said earlier that your house is not clean!"

"You **** shut up!"

"Every time it's a woman, and I want to find you by name, I think someone must have died in this villa..."

A big hand firmly locked Su Mingyue's neck.

Mr. Gu's eyes are like a beast in the dark!

"Talk again, I'll break your neck!" His tone was fierce and ruthless.

Although the fingers did not tighten, Su Mingyue hurriedly covered her mouth!

This is a single bed, not as big as Mr. Gu's.

They lie side by side, covered with a blanket, their bodies will inevitably be touched.

The atmosphere in the room at this time was both weird and ambiguous.

After being silent for a long time, Mr. Gu lifted the blanket and jumped out of bed.

"Why are you going?" Su Mingyue grabbed him quickly.

"Let go!" Mr. Gu glared.

"Don't go out and die, maybe the woman is still outside. What if she kills a carbine and breaks in directly? I'm only 23. I haven't had a boyfriend yet. I don't want to die..." Su Mingyue cried bitterly. Runny road.

Mr. Gu directly stretched out his hand and made a gesture of holding a card in the air.


This cold threat was so useful to Su Mingyue, she instantly let go of her hand.

Mr. Gu walked over and quietly opened a gap in the door.

The lights were on in the corridor, but they were quiet, with no personal shadows.

He hesitated for a moment, and went straight outside for two turns.

No one, including the living room on the first floor.

Mr. Gu returned to the bedroom, found his slippers, and put on another shirt.

Su Mingyue followed him step by step, not daring to breathe.

Mr. Gu turned on the phone and directly called up the monitoring screen in the corridor.

A long-haired woman in a white dress walked out slowly from the stairs...

Knocking on the door, no one responded.

Knock again, acting like a baby, but still couldn't get in.

At this time, someone appeared again, it was actually the housekeeper, Aunt Li!

"Don't knock Miss, you should go back!" She drew the person away.

"However, the task has not been completed yet." The woman was not happy.

"Mr. Gu's rule is that no one is allowed to make noise at night. If he starts a fire, you can't stand it." Aunt Li whispered.

After her unremitting persuasion, the woman finally left.

Seeing the two disappear at the top of the stairs, Su Mingyue's consciousness became more and more chaotic.

"Why is Aunt Li with the female ghost?" she asked.

"...Are you stupid? That is clearly a person!" Mr. Gu really wanted to knock her on the head.

"Woman! Where did it come from?" she asked again.

Mr. Gu was also confused, and she decided to call Aunt Li up to ask clearly!

But at this moment, the phone rang.

The call was from Boss Wei, and his voice sounded excited and ambiguous.

"How is it?" he asked.

"What?" Mr. Gu frowned.

"How about I give you that girl?" Boss Wei was very proud.


"In order to surprise you, I specifically told Aunt Li to stop talking!"

"What do you want to do?" Mr. Gu said coldly.

"What can you do? Isn't it for your health? There is a beautiful woman next door, so I don't believe you are not moved. What if you don't control your physical needs and get infected? Don't worry, this girl is absolutely clean!" Boss Wei is considerate and attentive.

"Wei Yongnan, please listen to me. If you want to make an argument like this, I **** castrate you!" Mr. Gu gritted his teeth.

Su Mingyue stood behind him, and did not dare to follow too close.

So the call is only a rough idea, but the real situation can be guessed based on the keywords.

I thought there was a supernatural event, but I didn't expect it to be the pimp again!

Mr. Gu turned around and found the woman who was eavesdropping.

"Remember for me, nothing happened tonight. If a word is passed out, I want you to look good!" He returned to his old cold look.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything!" Su Mingyue waved her hand quickly.

The trash man, who usually looks like a dog, and an indomitable man, is scared by a woman at a critical moment. This is ridiculous!

This matter must be written down and laughed at him for a hundred years later!

On the twenty-eighth of the twelfth lunar month, Su Mingyue pretended to pack up his return home luggage.

Thinking of leaving Gu's house and leaving Mr. Gu's vision, she wanted to sing happily!

But happy to be happy, face is still to be done.

When she came to Mr. Gu, she was reluctant and looked bleak.

"Mr. Gu, I'm leaving. When I'm away, you must take care of yourself, go out as little as possible, don't cross the road, and remember to observe the overhead chandelier when you go out to socialize. I hope you will be fine when you come back. of……"


"Hey, goodbye, Mr. Gu!"

Su Mingyue waved a small hand at him and trot away from the villa.

She was happy, and her footsteps were particularly brisk.

Boss Wei, Wei Pi Tiao!

Mr. Gu, Gu Jiannan!

Me, Nicholas is making a comeback!

This time is different from the past, the new hatred plus the old hatred, don't overthrow you, this keyboard man-swear not to be a human!