Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 37: You said it earlier

For the rest of the time, Mr. Gu's daily life was the same as in the past.

But he knew in his heart that his recent state was very wrong.

In the past, Su Mingyue was like a transparent person. Whether he was alone with him or with many people, his sense of presence was almost nonexistent.

Sometimes things are done, and I turn around abruptly, only to find that there is still such a person in the house.

Now, Mr. Gu doesn't need to look at it, he can feel her presence!

Su Mingyue was the same Su Mingyue, sitting there doing nothing.

Frozen, in a daze, empty, silly, I don't know what I'm thinking all day long.

After meeting his gaze, it took a long time to react, and then instinctively gave him a flattering smile.

The timid, flinching, there has been no change from beginning to end.

Then, only Mr. Gu is the only one who has the problem.

"Go out, don't dangle under my nose when it's okay!" He will suddenly feel unhappy.

"Where did you go again? What do I ask you to do with my money?" He will be capricious.

"Look a long look, don't be like a wooden stake, sitting there foolishly every day. Can't you find something to do by yourself without instructions?" He will become very harsh.

"You can't do anything well, you might as well stay there as a vase!" he said after a while.

If it weren't for the wrong age, Su Mingyue really suspected that this man had reached menopause.

Her gentleness and obedience did not please the other party, but made Mr. Gu worse.

With so many people in this world, why are they targeting themselves? Su Mingyue couldn't figure it out.

She took the time to search the Internet for keywords: disaster prevention, human-shaped amulet, and she was shocked.

There are so many Internet magic sticks, but the conclusions they give are surprisingly consistent.

That is, this kind of people may exist, and if they can prevent disasters, they will definitely pay a corresponding price.

Su Mingyue finally understood why she was so unlucky.

Feelings, all the good luck is given to Gu Qingfeng.

But she really has no choice. The plan has to be taken slowly and can't be rushed, otherwise she will lose everything she has done.

Now there seems to be no other way except for the prayer time to pass faster.

At dinner one day, Mr. Gu answered the phone.

He glanced at Su Mingyue and went out directly.

She didn't know what was said on the phone.

But from that day on, everyone began to coldly treat her again.

Before, she reluctantly had a period of peaceful coexistence with Mr. Gu.

At that time Zhang Yi, Aunt Li, and chef Xiao Liu were all polite.

Now, not only have their attitudes changed, they have also despised God's words.

"Mr. Gu is a punctual person, and Miss Su Ming should also have this concept. Please go downstairs as early as possible during breakfast in the future, and don't wait for someone to call. I am getting old and have poor legs and feet. How can I take the stairs every day? Come on?" Aunt Li said.

With Chef Xiao Liu, the difference in treatment is also obvious.

Su Mingyue ate whatever Mr. Gu ate before.

Now, the dishes on her plate have become counterfeit goods.

Sometimes it doesn't seem to be different, but a closer look can reveal the perfunctory.

Zhang Yi didn't change much, but Su Mingyue met his eyes several times, and felt that it seemed to contain sympathy and pity.

There must be something I don't know... Su Mingyue thought.

You have to find a way to figure out the truth, otherwise the knife is on your neck and you will still be in the dark.

Before the action, Su Mingyue decided to try Aunt Li first.

"Can't you treat me better? How can I say that I am also the guest invited by Mr. Gu! If he doesn't speak, it will be your turn to make irresponsible remarks?" She tried not to let herself be angry.

"Heh! Really consider yourself a distinguished guest, well, well, I won't say anything, see how long you can stay here!" Aunt Li took the fruit plate and left.

Although Aunt Li said her attitude was not good, she was very slippery.

After so many years in Gu's family, I have handled everything well.

I have little hope for the exact news from her.

Zhang Yi is even more of a boring gourd, and he rarely talks about gossip. Su Mingyue directly gave up on him.

After screening in this way, she targeted chef Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu is 26 this year. Regardless of his young age, he has been a master of cooking at the age of thirteen.

He didn't like Su Mingyue very much, and there was no specific reason. He said sour grapes if he couldn't eat grapes.

She is so beautiful and unclear to Mr. Gu, what kind of a good looks can she be? !

Therefore, when Mr. Gu is accused by Mr. Gu, Xiao Liu usually laughs loudest.

In order to please him, Su Mingyue bought a bottle of good wine and sent it to him.

"Brother Liu, you said that we have been together for so long, and there is no end to it. If you know any news, just tell me something!" Su Mingyue said.

"What do you mean by this?" Xiao Liu pretended to be stupid.

"Brother Liu, you see that I am not good at communicating with people, and I don’t have many friends in my life. If there is any accident in this job, how can I live on? You cook well, and I have the trust of Mr. Gu. If There are winds and grasses, it must be earlier than anyone knows... Please remind me, so I can arrange a back road for myself." Su Mingyue said gently and kindly.

She is beautiful, and deliberately approached each other with purpose.

Liu Ge Chang Liu Ge short touted for a long while, Xiao Liu began to float.

"It's not appropriate for me to tell you about this, but... since you asked, I am too embarrassed not to say it. You'd better rest assured that you have heard that, don't sell me!" He mysteriously said. .

"Where can it be? Say it!" Su Mingyue was nervous.

"I heard that Boss Wei has found a woman for Mr. Gu, who will replace you specifically. Not to mention she is beautiful, she is still a graduate from Jiangda, she is smart and flexible and can speak well. No one who has seen her does not say that the girl is good. !" Xiao Liu said.

"It turned out to be like this!" Su Mingyue was surprised.

No wonder everyone has changed so much, it turned out that the surname Gu is looking for a spare tire.

Except for some suddenness, Su Mingyue was not too surprised.

After all, the dog man kept his nose up and down and looked down on her.

Think she is stupid, think she is stupid, think she can't speak, can't do things...

The top students of Jiang University are very good.

Su Mingyue was joyful in her heart, but couldn't show it, and pulled Xiao Liu Yitong to be grateful.

"Brother Liu, thank you, I will always remember this love today!" She said solemnly.

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Both of us...neither are outsiders." There was excitement and shyness in Xiao Liu's eyes.

Back in the room, Su Mingyue began to pack things.

In her heart, she was so beautiful.

Although the villa is good, there is no freedom.

This amulet, whoever loves it, she is going to go!

But even if he left here, the dog man still had to remember his revenge for humiliating her several times.

Everything is ready now, only east wind is owed.

When the last name Gu spoke, she was completely relieved.

In order to find out more specific news, Su Mingyue and Xiao Liu got closer.

There is nothing wrong with Xiao Liu, but he has many ideas.

Su Mingyue smiled at him, and he thought this woman was interesting to him.

After speaking to him twice, he felt that this underground relationship between men and women was basically determined.

I accidentally touched him with a physical body. I'm sorry, he has picked up the names of the children...

Straight man Xiao Liu, he hasn't talked about him yet.

Now when I see Su Mingyue, my eyes are bubbling out, full of love that I can't control!

Only Su Mingyue was frightened. She used to hate men and was sexist, and she rarely took the initiative to contact men.

This is an exception for Xiao Liu, even if she feels uncomfortable, she can only endure it.

Since developing a relationship with Xiao Liu, Su Mingyue's salary has been improved.

The food in the bowl was quickly upgraded from a copycat to a high-end version.

Mr. Gu ate a portion of pasta, covered with a little minced meat.

Su Mingyue ate a piece of pasta, and the chopsticks underneath were full of beef diced the size of peanuts...

Mr. Gu comes with a serving of Spanish fried rice, mussels, sea prawns, sausages, rice and turmeric dyed.

Su Mingyue comes with a Spanish fried rice with saffron tongue, pipa shrimp, sausage, rice and saffron.

Mr. Gu ordered a crepe wonton for supper, with an authentic southern appearance, all with thin skins and big fillings.

Su Mingyue came to a bowl of small wontons. Xiao Liu used an innovative wrapping method. When it was cooked, it would sink to the bottom of the pot and it would not be visible. When it was caught in the bowl, it floated all with love...

Even if Mr. Gu was a fool, he gradually realized that something was wrong.

He caught a glimpse of the bowl of loving wontons, and after a while, he didn't lift the table.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter with you two?" He said with gloomy eyes.

"...As for colleagues." Xiao Liu's heart beating.

"Su Mingyue, you say!" He turned to Su Mingyue.

"Brother Liu and Brother Liu are right, it's an ordinary colleague relationship." The woman stammered in reply.

Brothers are yelling, still ordinary, co-worker relationship? Mr. Gu sneered.

"There is no room for nasty things in my house!" he said.

Xiao Liu was too scared to make a sound, but Su Mingyue felt the limit.

"Mr. Gu, I heard that you have found a girl who graduated from Jiangda...When will you come over to take my class formally?" she asked with a trembling voice.

"Who told you?" Mr. Gu frowned, not angry.

"I heard it on your phone that day." Su Mingyue said boldly.

"You got it wrong, I don't know about it." Mr. Gu said quietly.

"You, you lied!" Su Mingyue was anxious.

"Well, what did you say, tell it again?" Mr. Gu leaned forward slightly.

A strong sense of oppression rushed toward her face, Su Mingyue stared, full of indignation, but couldn't tell.

The two were silent for about half a minute, and Mr. Gu suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Don't do it, why didn't you say it earlier?" He said in a relaxed tone.

"Mr. Gu!" Su Mingyue was overjoyed.

"Wei Yongnan recommended one, but I turned it down. Su Mingyue, do it well. If I am happy, maybe I will give you another bonus." His eyes and smile became evil.

"..." Su Mingyue wanted to cry without tears.

Mr. Gu turned his face and looked at Chef Xiao Liu.

The look in his eyes was like a knife, and Xiao Liu's nerves were sluggish with a single knife.

"The trial period is almost over, right?" he asked.

"Mr. Looking back, soon, soon." Xiao Liu was scared.

"Oh, then you pack your things and go." Mr. Gu said casually.

It's okay to do little tricks under his nose at ordinary times, pack a wonton and give it a **** show by the way!

A bowl of ravioli in the shape of a heart, he really didn't want to die fast enough!

Xiao Liu lowered his head, his mood quickly fell into the deep sea.

This kind of work was obtained by the master entrusted by acquaintances.

Seeing that he was about to become normal, all the friends in the hotel honor him.

Now... alas!

When he took off his hat and prepared to leave, he heard a weak and firm voice.

"Mr. Gu, you can't do this!" Su Mingyue said.

The author has something to say: Today’s update is complete, see you tomorrow~