Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 55: Runaway horse

Su Mingyue was like a salted fish on a chopping board, and she couldn't think of any countermeasures in chaos.

Her face was pale, her forehead was drenched with sweat and her bangs were soaked.

Qin Shang glanced at her occasionally and found it incredible.

Just so courageous, how dare you provoke Gu Qingfeng?

Is she courageous, or is her head amused?

In silence all the way, the car came to Yuhuchun.

This is a large manor-style tea house. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, Su Mingyue would definitely not believe that there is such a paradise in a place like Jiangcheng!

Led by the beautiful lady in blue cheongsam, they came to one of the tea rooms.

There are only three walls, one of which is rolled up with a bamboo curtain, so you can enjoy the rain and snow.

There is no extra decoration on the wall, and some broken straws are mixed in the white paint, which feels simple and elegant.

This place seems natural and random, but there are traces of artificial craftsmanship everywhere.

"It's not bad here, right?" the man asked.

"Yes, very beautiful." Su Mingyue echoed.

She has no leisure to appreciate these, she just wants to know what this man called herself out!

"Pumpkin flowers stuffed with meat is good, and the taste of scallion pancakes is also okay..." Qin Shang recommended the special delicacies here.

"It's okay, just follow your preference." Su Mingyue was sweating coldly.

After Qin Shang ordered a few home-cooked stir-fries, he ordered a pot of tea.

Sitting opposite the two, Su Mingyue was under even greater pressure.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to invite you out for a meal." Qin Shang explained.

"That...what happened last night..." Su Mingyue said with difficulty.

"It's not that the kid wanted to betray you deliberately, but I discovered it by accident. You don't need to worry, I haven't been so broken as to spread this kind of trivial matter all over the world." Qin Shang said again.

"So, Mr. Gu and Mr. Wei... won't know about this, right?" Su Mingyue confirmed.

"I can only promise that I will not say it. As for whether they will know, then I can't be sure." Qin Shang spread his hands.

"Thank you Mr. Qin!" Su Mingyue said with relief.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Shang drew his ears.

"Thank you Uncle!" Su Mingyue changed her words immediately.

"You and me, you don't need to be polite. However, I am really interested in knowing what is going on with you and Gu Qingfeng." He said leisurely.

At this point, Su Mingyue didn't dare to conceal any more, and all had a showdown with him.

"I'm timid, but I really don't want to do this kind of thing, even if he gave a little money... But where is life important with banknotes? Are you right?" Su Mingyue couldn't stop sighing.

"Unexpectedly, Gu Qingfeng would still believe this." Qin Shang said in surprise.

"I can't help but he doesn't believe it! You haven't seen how evil those things were before. I think about goose bumps now!" Su Mingyue said.

"After you stay with him, will the situation be better?" Qin Shang asked.

"Except for the two haunted villages in Yangmingshan, no other accident happened." Su Mingyue said.

"The place where he lives is still haunted?" Qin Shang was surprised.

"Yeah, in the middle of the night, there are women singing and singing, it's scary!" Su Mingyue said excitedly.

"Hey--don't say it, I'm afraid of this too." Qin Shang hurriedly stopped her.

"..." Su Mingyue was speechless.

Now, what is going on with these men, one by one, it's fine if they don't have a little responsibility. Mention of this kind of thing is even more taboo than women!

Qin Shang touched his nose, and immediately became a little embarrassed.

"It has something to do with my childhood experience. I often live alone in a big house and I can always hear strange noises." He explained.

"Yes." Su Mingyue nodded.

After a moment of silence, Qin Shang began to look at her.

"Mingyue, you can suppress those weird things, it means you are a lucky star!" he said.

"I'm not a lucky star. The Jiang University tyrant that Gu Qingfeng invited is the one. Not only does he look beautiful, he also reads well. I heard that he was the provincial champion..." Su Mingyue said with envy.

"Do you still want to go back?" Qin Shang asked.

"No, no, no! I just envy the girl's cleverness, she doesn't mean that!" Su Mingyue clarified quickly.

"You have no job now, what do you want to do next?"

"I'm not sure yet, let's take a step and take a step!"

Su Mingyue didn't tell the truth to him. She has always been more wary of men than the same sex.

"Are you interested in coming to my side to do something?" Qin Shang asked.

"Forget it, I am slow to respond, and I don't have any special skills. I will only cause you trouble if I go!" Su Mingyue quickly refused.

She didn't want to go into the wolf's den anymore because her front foot came out of the tiger's den!

Qin Shang's character and life experience... not much better than Gu Qingfeng!

Seeing her reaction so much, Qin Shang was a little disappointed.

"In this case, I don't force it, should be okay to make friends, right?" he asked.

"We are already friends." Su Mingyue smiled dryly.

It's not that she committed the risk with her body, but seven inches in the hands of others, where can she make the decision?

make friends? It sounds good, but to put it bluntly, it means to be greedy for her beauty!

Su Mingyue has a small abacus in her heart: There is no shortage of women with an identity like Qin Shang.

It is estimated that just like Wei Yongnan, seeing one and loving one cannot sustain the passion for a few days.

She doesn't dare to be tough with the other party now, if that's the case, just follow him.

In the future, try to hide as much as possible, or drag as long as possible, it's best if he has no patience and interest!

Thinking of this, she slowly let go.

It was still raining outside, and the broken beads along the eaves fell on the bluestone slab.

The slate was washed to be shiny, and green moss appeared in the cracks...

It would be fine if the opposite was not Qin Shang, but Lan Rou, Su Mingyue thought while drinking tea.

"Are the prices here expensive?" She couldn't help asking.

"Fortunately, as for whether it is expensive or not, it depends on personal daily consumption habits." Qin Shang said.

"That's true. Looking at the environment and the layout, I shouldn't be able to consume it." Su Mingyue sighed.

"What does it matter? I will invite you when I want to come!" Qin Shang said broadly.

The dishes came one after another, and the two of them ate and chatted.

In the process, Su Mingyue discovered that if he ignores his past frivolous behavior, he feels that Qin Shang would be fine for chatting.

At least, much better than the coffin face who loses his temper at every turn!

In fact, in her heart, it is a person, no, it is a dog, all better than Gu Qingfeng!

"Hello--" The man in the other tea room couldn't help but sneezed.

The beautiful girl next to her immediately lowered the bamboo curtain when she saw it.

"Mr. Gu, the temperature is relatively low today, would you like to add another coat?" she asked softly.

"No." Mr. Gu said coldly.

He is the largest shareholder of this Yuhuchun.

The purpose of investment is not to make money. In addition to convenience for customers, I also want to have a place to chat with my friends.

He hasn't been here for a long time. The last time he appeared here was probably half a year ago.

Although there have been so-called ‘amulets’ around him in the past few months, Mr. Gu still minimized his entertainment and leisure activities, so that he can’t go out without going out.

Thinking of the amulet, he couldn't help thinking of Su Mingyue.

That woman has been away for more than half a month.

His condition did not improve as a result.

Dreaming at night, still lingering with each other every night.

During the day, he will run away, and there is always an illusion, as if the woman is still around.

This girl named An Yichun is good at everything and makes people unable to fault in all aspects, but he just misses those days when he can humiliate someone wantonly...

Mr. Gu even suspected that he might be a hidden S.

But it's not right. He has never had such a perverted impulse towards anyone other than Su Mingyue.

If someone really annoys him, Mr. Gu wants to destroy him in place!

That hypocritical woman kept saying that she would miss herself when she left.

As a result, after leaving for half a month, there was no fart, let alone phone calls or text messages.

Mr. Gu was holding fire in his heart, and his face was very ugly.

This made An Yichun become more and more cautious. She has been following Mr. Gu for two weeks.

Sure enough, as he promised, he has never done anything wrong.

In fact... he doesn't seem to be interested in women at all...

Of course, he is equally indifferent to men.

But despite this, she still thinks this man is very sexy.

He has a mature and arrogant charm when he works hard, sneered at his opponents, and treated his subordinates harshly.

This kind of charm is fatal for single women.

And she is working hard to resist this temptation erosion, hoping that it will not affect her work status!

On the other side, Su Mingyue saw that Qin Shang had been reluctant to get up, so she found an excuse to go to the bathroom.

Under the guidance of the waiter, she walked through the corridor and saw an exquisite bamboo-woven building.

"This place is so beautiful, even the toilet is so special, the boss must be a very poetic person!" Su Mingyue guessed.

She couldn't help looking around, and under the corridor not far away, she saw a man smoking.

Su Mingyue stopped and walked back slowly, trying to confirm the identity of the other party.

Soon, she had the answer in her heart.

After seeing her face, Su Mingyue disappeared instantly, so she ran straight to the exit.

It wasn't until the bamboo forest at the door that she took out her mobile phone and called Qin Shang.

"Mr. Qin, come out quickly, I'll be waiting for you at the door!" She panted.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shang was puzzled.

"Gu Qingfeng is here too!" She was nervous.

"No, did you see him?" Qin Shang was surprised.

"No, but I have seen Zhang Yi. He often stays inseparable from Gu Qingfeng, and that person must be here too!"

"...Even so, we don't have to run, right? A serious date is just like an affair." Qin Shang said.

"You can stay if you want, anyway...I have to go." Su Mingyue was anxious and didn't bother to correct him.

"Wait—it's still raining outside, I'll come out immediately." Qin Shang said helplessly.

Zhang Yi is a bodyguard, not only good ears, but also high alertness.

It's okay for Su Mingyue not to run, but her identity was revealed when she ran.

Zhang Yi drank the cigarette in surprise, looked at the familiar shadow, and walked away like a horse running off the rein, then disappeared from his field of vision.

What is Miss Su doing? Even if you come over to say hello, there is no need to run so fast!

Just when he was confused, another figure appeared.

Although he didn't run so fast and didn't feel embarrassed, he was also in a hurry.

Combined with the last gentle coffee bar incident, Zhang Yi felt that he shouldn't come out to smoke this cigarette!

If you can’t see it, you don’t have to worry about whether to report it...

After hesitating for ten seconds, he pinched the smoke and went into the house.

"Mr. Gu, I saw Miss Su just now." He bent over and whispered into the opponent's ear.

"What about people?" Mr. Gu didn't move, but the dull breath in his eyes disappeared instantly.

"...Ran away." Zhang Yi said.

"Run, what do you mean?" Mr. Gu asked, holding the cup tightly with his fingers.