Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 62: Bold

Happy? Su Mingyue directly suspected that this man had a problem with his eyes!

This proved to be an accident, she was so scared that she shivered, okay!

God knows her fate is now in the hands of the other party.

If that man is unhappy, or he accidentally leaked something, wouldn't he be dead?

"No, I and Mr. Qin..." She weakly defended.

"Stop, I don't want to listen to your messy things." Mr. Gu said coldly.

I don't want to hear you still asking! Su Mingyue roared in her heart.

If she knew that life was so difficult, she shouldn't have come to Jiangcheng!

It’s better to go to any remote city to hang around, and it’s better than being frightened every day...

The journey was unexpectedly long. After the car turned to the highway, they drove for at least two or three hours. It was almost eleven o'clock before they arrived at a hotel near the sea.

The Spanish-style theme building is magnificent and luxurious.

The parking lot is full of luxury cars.

Occasionally I see guests coming and going at the door, all of them are brightly dressed and jeweled.

Before Su Mingyue entered, she felt that she had faded by three points.

In addition, I learned that Qin Shang would also be present, so the whole person's state was gone.

Mr. Gu looked at her trembling calf and scrambled up the forehead with anger.

"Look up, hold your chest! Put my arm on!" He pressed angrily.

Su Mingyue hurriedly followed suit, but her eyes were still wandering.

Mr. Gu also wanted to take the opportunity to vent a few words, but the words came to his lips, but they were blocked by her soft little hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu for reminding." Su Mingyue whispered.

"...Huh." For the sake of seeing her so familiar, forget it for the time being.

Before they entered the door, the other party took the initiative to greet them.

When the two sides exchanged polite greetings with each other, Su Mingyue kept smiling throughout.

Using her eyes, she searched around and prayed in her heart that Qin Shang would never show up.

Under the leadership of the host, they came to the VIP seating area and became the focus of attention of the audience.

Mr. Gu has become accustomed to this kind of occasion. He calmly talks and laughs with his acquaintances, as if the attention of others does not exist at all.

Although Su Mingyue was flustered, she still gained a lot of admiration and admiration as someone's pendant.

"I heard that Mr. Gu has hired a particularly talented assistant to learn tyrants. Could it be this Miss Ann?" someone asked.

"...No, my last name is Su." Su Mingyue denied.

"Sorry, Mr. Gu is really lucky, there are always beautiful women around him."

Su Mingyue is embarrassed, she is not good at dealing with these scenes.

"This dress is Avery's Narcissus series, right? What a coincidence, I am also a fan of her!" The other party's female partner said in surprise.

"Ah..." Su Mingyue was surprised.

She also saw hot searches on the Internet two days ago, saying that this fashion master would come to Jiangcheng to record a variety show, and at the same time she would show off her proud work.

Qin Shang said it was searched by acquaintances, and she thought it came from a relatively low-key designer in China.

It seems that her instinct is correct, this skirt is indeed very expensive... She may not be able to afford it even if she has all her wealth!

The other party did not notice her feelings, and instead invited her.

"We are the sponsor of the "Beautiful Wardrobe" program. After the program is recorded, we will have a dinner with Avery. If Miss Su is interested, welcome to play!" The woman said enthusiastically.

"Okay, thank you." Su Mingyue took the business card anxiously.

After the other party greeted him, he left politely.

"How did this skirt come from?" Mr. Gu stared at her and asked.

"Ah... I... I bought it online, it should be a copycat..." Su Mingyue said cautiously.

"Heh!" Mr. Gu sneered.

Knockoff? When he is blind? !

Clothes, you get what you pay for, and the texture and handwork are all on the bright side.

In the morning, he thought the dress was good, but he didn't think much about it. He just remembered it when he was mentioned by the woman just now.

I actually saw this skirt last night.

"The clothes I brought this time are all unique. Mr. Gu can choose with confidence. I guarantee that your women will never hit their shirts when they wear them!" Avery promised.

The picture on the mobile phone had a color difference from the real thing, and the lighting effect was slightly cheap, so he quickly denied it and chose another white dress.

Someone knew the goods, so he ordered it immediately, and even got ahead of him to give it away!

Mr. Gu can think of who the other party is without having to think too much.

He glanced, feeling irritable, and then got up.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you don't have to follow!"

Su Mingyue regretted it, but the look of the dog-watching man's face must have guessed its origin.

If I knew this, I might as well wear my old skirt!

Hope God bless her and let her finish today in peace!

"Hi beauty!" said a voice.

Obviously, the foreigner God cannot bless her.

"Hello, Mr. Qin." Su Mingyue bit her scalp and stood up.

"Wow, this dress is really suitable for you, it's so beautiful!" The **** praised generously.

"I'm sorry! Before I appeared here, I didn't know it was so expensive..." Su Mingyue said with a sad face.

"But it's worth it, isn't it? Especially when worn on you, the effect is doubled." Qin Shang's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.

"But... Mr. Gu doesn't seem to be happy." Su Mingyue was depressed.

"What's the matter then? No matter how good he is, he still won't treat you well." Qin Shang said with a smile.

This is ugly, but... Su Mingyue agrees.

But after thinking of the dog man, Su Mingyue quickly looked around.

Whatever you were afraid of, Gu's surname Gu's death or death appeared immediately...

"Mr. Qin, you, go back to your seat quickly!" Su Mingyue urged.

"What are you doing?" Qin Shang asked knowingly.

"Mr. Gu is back!" Su Mingyue was nervous.

"So what? Why do I have to go as soon as he comes? Talking openly with beautiful women, is it also hindering him?" Qin Shang said cynically.

Qin Shang had figured it out since last time after he was free from a drag racing with Mr. Gu and pointed his middle finger.

His personality, as well as his own interpersonal circle, can achieve two peaces at most, and it is impossible to be a friend.

If this is the case, why bother yourself to perfect others?

So this time, he didn't even think about slipping away.

The two men looked at each other from a distance, sparks were already splashing before they even spoke.

They seemed like lions fighting for each other in the field, and no one had any plans to give in.

Mr. Gu walked straight and stopped two steps away from the two of them.

Su Mingyue stepped back wittily, stood behind him, and at the same time quietly made a begging expression to Qin Shang.

After Qin Shang received the information, he smiled happily.

"Long time no see." Mr. Gu said.

"Yes, I have been very busy recently." Qin Shang replied.

The two seemed to shake hands peacefully, but in fact they were secretly competing.

Mr. Gu is stronger, and after letting go, Qin Shang embarrassed a few more fingerprints on the back of his hand.

"Are you familiar with my secretary?" Mr. Gu raised his eyebrows.

"It's a friend, maybe it's above a friend." Qin Shang said meaningfully.

"What is the relationship?" Mr. Gu asked.

"That's..." Qin Shang said quietly.

"I beg Mr. Qin to stop joking!" Su Mingyue was about to cry.

Qin Shang looked at her shoulders, with a helpless expression of resignation.

"Okay, stop playing. I just think your little secretary is cute, so I always want to tease him, but you have also seen that this girl avoids me like a tiger every time, and now lies that she is underage...bye ,talk to you soon!"

He waved his hand and turned to leave.

For the rest of the whole process, Mr. Gu ignored Su Mingyue.

He didn't even give her a look.

After the banquet began, people began to come to toast one after another.

Mr. Gu was upset, and in the end he simply refused to come.

However, his body control was very good, and he did not show any abnormalities until the end of the banquet.

Su Mingyue only drank a little drink, did not dare to eat.

One is that the waist is too tight, and she is worried that her belly will show unsightly.

The second is that I am afraid that I accidentally get this expensive dress...I can't afford it.

She was so hungry, she smelled alcohol in the sealed space, and she felt more trance.

After the car started, Mr. Gu leaned on his seat and stared at her coldly.

"Zhang Yi, I won't go back today, go to Liuyedu to have a look." He ordered.

Liuye Ferry was once a well-known ferry crossing in the Republic of China, but now it has developed into a high-end scenic spot.

Mr. Gu has a real estate over there, which is also surrounded by mountains and rivers with beautiful scenery.

Although he doesn't come here often, the housekeeper is responsible for cleaning and maintenance.

Su Mingyue has heard of this place, but has never been.

The road conditions were not so good, and her discomfort was aggravated by walking and stopping.

"Gu, Mr. Gu...can open a gap in the window? I'm a little dizzy." She asked boldly.

Mr. Gu ignored it, but Zhang Yi opened the window understandingly.

Su Mingyue regained some sense after being blown by the cold wind.

The sight of the man next to her was staring at her like two knives, strange in the dark.

Even if Mr. Gu sits still, Su Mingyue still feels very dangerous.

So that she has the illusion that the other party will jump over at any time and bite her own neck...

This is horrible. Get off the car later, how far she must hide!

After arriving at the place, Su Mingyue couldn't wait to jump down.

Mr. Gu was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, while Zhang Yi began to confirm the situation in the house out of professional habit.

"Brother Zhang, where do I live tonight?" Su Mingyue asked in a low voice.

"On the right hand side of the corridor on the second floor is Mr. Gu's room..." Zhang Yi answered the question.

He actually wanted to answer, except for Mr. Gu's room, you can sleep anywhere.

But halfway through, I felt wrong, so I stopped abruptly.

"Mr. Gu, I'll go back and rest first. If you have anything you need to call me at any time," Su Mingyue said.

Mr. Gu didn't raise his eyelids, as if he didn't hear her.

If you didn't answer, it was acquiescence, and Su Mingyue went to the room with peace of mind.

About half an hour later, she couldn't help running out again.

I ate a little vegetable salad in the morning and drank half a glass of juice at noon... Su Mingyue was too hungry.

After she went out, she found that Mr. Gu was already lying flat on the sofa.

"Mr. Gu? Mr. Gu..." Su Mingyue tentatively called him.

Su Mingyue deliberately put a heavy footsteps, walked around him two back and forth, and deliberately used the cup to toss all kinds of movement, the other party still lay there, motionless.

When Mr. Gu is resting, he has strict requirements on the surrounding environment.

He doesn't like making noise, and he dislikes people walking around him constantly.

The people on Yangmingshan knew all about this, so Su Mingyue concluded that ninety-nine percent of this guy had fallen asleep.

So, Su Mingyue grew courageous...