Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 68: Dance with wolves

"Where did you find the doctor?" Mr. Gu continued to ask.

"Online...searched it." Su Mingyue said.

"Have you confirmed the information?" he asked again.

"No." Su Mingyue panicked.

"Have you seen the license?"


"How much did you give him?" Mr. Gu said coldly.

"Appointment fee, special visit fee, plus consultation fee...a total of two thousand eight." Su Mingyue said.

"Anything else?" Mr. Gu asked angrily.


"Think again!"

After a long silence, she couldn't resist Mr. Gu's X-ray exposure, so she took the initiative to recruit.

"There are twelve thousand..." she said.

"What did you do?" Mr. Gu continued to ask.

This woman is like squeezing toothpaste every time!

One question and one answer.

That's it, it's still not sure if it's the truth!

"I bought a nano-magnet therapy jade bracelet, and a sleep-relief technology pillow." Su Mingyue's voice was almost inaudible.

"What about things?" Mr. Gu almost laughed angrily after hearing these two names.

She hesitated for a while, went back to the room, and came out with a gray pillow.

Mr. Gu glanced at...Well, the conductive cloth, which is claimed to be radiation-proof, costs up to ten yuan.

"The bracelet, let me see and see!" Mr. Gu said.

Su Mingyue hugged the pillow and took off the jade bracelet hidden in her sleeve.

...Well, artificial dyed marble.

"What did the experts say?"

"Bracelets have a purifying effect and can relax the body and mind... Pillows can conduct electricity, which can eliminate the problem of insomnia caused by abnormal brain discharge."

"Five thousand and five, buy these two bad things? Believe this kind of nonsense. I don't think your brain has electricity, but a hole!" Mr. Gu said.

"Boss Wei can spend 100,000 yuan on a bottle of wine, why can't I spend a few thousand on a pillow?" Su Mingyue was not convinced.

"It's still exciting, right? It's a collection of fine wines, what kind of **** are you?" Mr. Gu sneered.

"I don't care if it is **** or not, as long as it makes me feel comfortable. Besides, what does it matter to others when I spend my own money?" Su Mingyue stubbornly said.

Although she said this in a low voice, Mr. Gu heard it very clearly.

"...Okay! I don't care if you spend your own money, but how do you solve nonsense and slander my reputation with others?" he choked.

"How can I slander you?" Su Mingyue defended weakly.

"If you don't admit it, don't you want to ask why I know this?" Mr. Gu asked.

"How did you... know?" Su Mingyue was surprised.

"The police told me that plainclothes had caught an old liar in the park and found this place based on the other party's account. I wanted to inform you, but I didn't know if the mobile phone was not answered and the news would not be returned, so he told me directly. They said that the woman surnamed Su may have been molested or molested by unknown persons, so it caused mental disorder, so I should pay more attention to it. Su Mingyue, you might as well explain to me what's going on?" Mr. Gu sneered.

Mr. Gu turned passivity into initiative and killed her by surprise.

"I don't know what's going on, it must be the man who is talking nonsense! The old liar may have a messy memory and speak some inexplicable things, which is not unusual!"

"I thought that the unknown person in their mouth was..." Mr. Gu deliberately lengthened his voice.

"It's definitely not you! It's just a pervert I encountered the other day!" Su Mingyue said quickly.

After all, there is no evidence for this kind of thing, and the other party has such a large group of lawyers. If this is really a lawsuit, she might have to go back!

Feeling wronged, she didn't just suffer once!

What about one more time? For the time being!

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. One day, she will expose the true face of this **** in front of everyone!

Mr. Gu looked at her, and raised his mouth with a smile.

"That's good, otherwise I really want to find out the details." The scum said slowly.

After speaking clearly, he glanced at her pillow and bracelet again.

"Man-made jade ornaments, beware of carcinogenesis. As for the pillow, the material is mixed with metal fiber fabric. If there are more pillows, it may change. Just popular science, don't thank me."

After the scum had finished speaking, he arrogantly left.

Su Mingyue looked at her own ten thousand, the glass heart had been broken into slag.

As an old netizen, how can you not know how unreliable the search results are!

If she left it normally, she wouldn't believe these ghosts.

But in the past few days, they have suffered successive blows and have not had a good rest.

You can't turn your head around, how can you have the energy to tell the truth from the fake? I'm in a hurry to go to the doctor...

Fifteen thousand... Ah...

and many more! She had already burst into tears, and suffocated again.

Gu Qingfeng said that the liar was caught. Does that mean that her loss can be recovered?

Su Mingyue quickly turned on the phone and called the police station according to the caller ID.

The other party told her that she could return it, but she had to go there in person.

After a short rest, Su Mingyue is now in spirit.

Because I was thinking about the money, I even forgot to wash my hands when I went out.

However, I still have to ask for leave from Mr. Gu.

"Let Zhang Yi send you there."

"Do not bother…"

"It's necessary, after all, it is related to my reputation."

Mr. Gu took a sip of tea and glanced at her coldly.

This is a warning, Su Mingyue knows.

"Don't worry, I must clarify it for you! Mr. Gu is an upright gentleman, how can such a scandal happen?" She said sternly.

"Huh!" Mr. Gu continued to look at the computer.

After arriving at the police station, Su Mingyue made a transcript and got her money back.

She is sitting in the car and feels very at ease...

A blessing in disguise, Su Mingyue actually cured her psychological problem because of this.

"Although the old man said that his character was not very good, he was very comfortable in his speech, especially the story that is not a wind or a flag, the more he thinks about it, the more meaningful he feels." Su Mingyue said.

"Did you comprehend anything?" Lan Rou asked.

"Ordinary people can still pierce the paper by wiping their buttocks, don't they still have to eat and get fruit?" She said seriously.

"...That's what I said." Lan Rou was ashamed.

"You and Wei Pi...what's going on?" Su Mingyue asked.

"Very good." Lan Rou said.

"What a good way?" Su Mingyue was puzzled.

"It's pretty good in all aspects!" Lan Rou said vigorously.

"He has rich experience and will definitely serve you comfortably." Su Mingyue said.

"It's a strange feeling. When I was with Shao Yongfu before, I had never thought about this before!" Lan Rou said with a little regret.

…If time can come again, she would definitely be willing to enjoy life better!

The so-called best friend is to talk about everything.

Lan Rou has no secrets, and she is willing to share everything with her.

Su Mingyue saw the smiling face on the screen, both happy and worried.

"Lan Rou, you have such a good mentality, I think the words of those doctors in the early years may not come true. If you have time, go to the hospital for a check! After all, miracles are everywhere in our lives!" Su Mingyue said.

"Well, after this period of time, I will go!" Lan Rou replied.

Lan Rou's current state, simple and happy, is exactly what Su Mingyue hopes for.

She looked at the other person, and swallowed it when she reached her lips.

"Mingyue, what do you want to say to me?" Lan Rou was as keen as ever.

"I want to say that this world is big, and Wei Yongnan's appearance is good...but there must be a better man than him. You can enjoy this happiness, but don' him." Su Mingyue finally said what was in her heart. .

Lan Rou is a breeze, and Boss Wei is the prodigal son.

The wind can dance with the waves temporarily, but it is absolutely impossible to keep walking...

She is shining all over now, which is the effect of the so-called ‘love’.

Soon, Wei Yongnan might get bored and propose to break up.

This glass doll, Lan Rou, can't stand any shocks and toss at all!

"Don't worry, I know. It's you. You should calm down and think about it and see what to do in the future." Lan Rou comforted her.

"Me? Don't think about it, that Miss Ann has been discharged from the hospital and will be able to report in two days!" Su Mingyue said excitedly.

"I don't care about her. I'm just worried that Mr. Gu will let you go?" Lan Rou said.

"I don't know... But, it feels like he has no reason to keep me!" Su Mingyue has always been optimistic.

Lan Rou couldn't bear to pour cold water on him, and changed the subject after giving a few words.

They began to talk about Miss Ann, the legendary young and beautiful student who was born in the same year and the same day as Su Mingyue.

"I've seen her resume and I am really convinced! She has been performing well since kindergarten. She was born on the same day, and I don't know how she grew up!" Su Mingyue sighed.

"You don't have to envy, not everyone is good at reading." Lan Rou smiled.

Su Mingyue thought that it would take two days to see An Yichun.

Unexpectedly, she appeared in the villa that afternoon.

She has long hair and looks lively and gorgeous.

Those eyes were watery with wisdom and vitality, as if they could speak.

In addition, she is also in good shape. She appeared in the living room with a suitcase, feeling like a magazine cover girl!

Mr. Gu held a video conference in the study, and only Aunt Li and Su Mingyue were in the living room.

"Oh, Miss Ann, you should rest for two more days and come back!" Aunt Li said enthusiastically.

Unlike Su Mingyue's repeated indifference and flattery, Su Mingyue feels that she really likes An Yichun.

"I have recovered. I am worried that Mr. Gu will have a need here, so I come back early..." Then she saw Su Mingyue basking in the sun by the window.

Su Mingyue got up quickly, she could see that she had forgotten the basic politeness!

"Hello, Miss An!" Su Mingyue quickly smiled.

"Hello, Aunt Li... who is this?" An Yichun said uncertainly.

She asked for leave, and Mr. Gu approved it.

But when Su Mingyue came back, she didn't know.

"This is Miss Su Mingyue, because Mr. Gu is busy during this time and you are not there, Zhang Yi invited her back!" Aunt Li said.

"Ah, it turned out to be Miss Su!" An Yichun immediately became enthusiastic.

In fact, she had guessed it just now.

At the gentle coffee bar before, Mr. Gu had listened to Su Mingyue's voice when interviewing her.

She has a good memory and never forgets.

Aunt Li took her suitcase in, and An Yichun sat down and chatted with Su Mingyue.

Although Miss Ann is young, she is very imposing.

After sitting down, he started pouring tea.

Even on Mr. Gu's site, he was still generous, casually acting like a hostess.

And Su Mingyue, who has lived here for half a year, is still fearful, cooking noodles for herself, as if she is a thief.

Su Mingyue looked at her with envy and admiration.

"No wonder Mr. Gu likes you!" She couldn't help but sigh.