Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 96: Pretty and cute

Letter from the court? !

After hearing the news, Su Mingyue shook her hand and the cup fell to the ground with a snap.

Her head was like a falling glass, exploded with a bang, she didn't know how she got to the door and took the letter back.

The clerk hurriedly cleaned up, while Mrs. Quan looked at her with concern.

"Miss Su, are you okay?" she asked.

"I... it's okay." Su Mingyue said with a trembling voice.

Under everyone's gaze, she didn't have the courage to open the letter at all!

I thought that after leaving Yangmingshan, he would usher in a brand new life.

Who knew that after the storm, it was even rainy, and the situation became worse and worse. She was already weak and unable to deal with it!

Knowing that this would happen, she must think twice and choose a more reasonable way of revenge instead of being a keyboard man who fantasizes on the Internet...

"Mrs. Quan, I'm really sorry, I can't accompany you anymore." Su Mingyue said.

Her tears rolled in her eyes, as if she would fall at any moment.

Mrs. Quan felt distressed. She, who didn't like to inquire about other people's privacy, couldn't help but ask another question at this time.

"Are you in trouble? I might be able to help you if necessary." She said gently.

"I took your mind, but I took the blame for this lawsuit. Gu Qingfeng lost tens of millions in vain. It is impossible for him to give up." Su Mingyue choked.

"It's him again?!" Mrs. Quan was surprised.

Thinking of something not long ago, Mrs. Quan couldn't help frowning.

"Don't cry, tell me what is going on, okay?" she said.

Su Mingyue couldn't refuse her gentle eyebrows and her tone of voice.

Now that the Dongchuang incident happened, there is nothing to hide.

Su Mingyue sat down and told her the whole story.

"I just hate him, and I hate myself for being weak! I shouldn't have taken this bad job from the beginning! If I refused at that time, I would probably be embarrassed. It would be too much to grit my teeth and bear it, but I don't have the courage... …In those days that followed him, every day I encountered unprovoked accusations, and at the same time suffered all kinds of prosecution and oppression. I knew that I was not good enough, but I would definitely not be as useless as he said! The longer I suppressed, the more I hate it in my heart. There was no place to vent, so I had to scold him anonymously on the Internet. Even now, I don’t regret it. The only shame is that I shouldn’t involve so many innocent people. I’m sorry for them..." Su Mingyue cried afterwards. Great.

"I've heard about amulets, but I didn't expect the truth to be like this. You are a helpless girl, it's really hard for you! But don't worry too much. I have a relationship with Gu Qingfeng's mother. Very good. After I go back, I will contact her to see if I can persuade him, and try to stop him from pursuing it. "Quan Tai comforted her."

"Really?" Su Mingyue looked at her with swollen eyes.

"I will try my best." Mrs. Quan said softly.

"But why are you helping me? I have nothing to thank you for!" Su Mingyue said excitedly.

"Thank you, I'm also accumulating merit for my children...Don't talk about those things. Don't cry anymore. I think you feel uncomfortable, and I'm also worried." Mrs. Quan said in a sincere tone.

She now only hopes that her child can also turn a good fortune, and there will be noble people to help in the death!

Su Mingyue was still hesitated after sending off the Queen Mother Quan.

Mrs. Quan agreed to help her, but the **** Gu Qingfeng might not accept the opinion!

If he insists on not raising his hand, I am afraid her situation will be even more difficult!

When Su Mingyue was worried, Mrs. Quan called Gu's mother and told her about the matter. By the way, Su Mingyue also boasted and praised.

"I think that girl is not only beautiful, but also well-behaved and obedient. It is not surprising that Qingfeng has thoughts about her. It's just that you shouldn't be strong anyway. If I go later that day, this child can't decide. What kind of silly things are going to be done! As for the lawsuit, I don’t think it’s right. A few hundred people have all been sued. How many tongues will be offended! I read the report, and most of them are students, and People who have just left the society, you should also know how bad the children's psychological quality is now. If you can't think about it and cause death, I am afraid that neither side will benefit." Mrs. Quan said.

"I'm also busy, so I entrusted you to come over and see, how can I know that he would do this kind of thing! Some time ago, I didn't know how many girls I mentioned to him. When he is addicted to his career and has a love for children without heart, how can he know...I will call him later!" Mrs. Gu was very angry.

She had also heard about the ‘amulet’.

It's not uncommon to see such things as preventing disasters since ancient times.

Gu Qingfeng has money, how could he do this kind of strong buying and selling!

Mr. Gu seems to have stuffed a brick in his heart these days.

Loss of appetite, poor sleep, like a potion barrel that you don’t know how to use, any spark will explode.

Zhang Yi stayed beside him, not feeling well.

Since reporting to Mrs. Gu, he seems to have become a transparent person.

Mr. Gu neither ignored him nor scolded him.

He is now more able to appreciate Su Mingyue's feelings.

Just as Zhang Yi was brewing to talk to Mr. Gu, the phone rang.

Mrs. Gu called, but Gu Qingfeng refused to pick him up, so he had to come to him.

"What about others?" Mrs. Gu went straight to the subject.

"Just beside." Zhang Yi said cautiously.

"Give him the phone!" Mrs. Gu ordered.

Zhang Yi handed the phone over, and Mr. Gu took a while to answer it.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Gu Qingfeng, listen to me, you must stop the lawsuit against netizens!" Mrs. Gu is as strong as ever.

In terms of temperament, the mother and child are actually closer.

"My business will be handled by myself, so you don't need to worry about it." Mr. Gu was upset.

"Your handling method is to send hundreds of people to the dock?" Mrs. Gu said angrily.

"Otherwise? I will lose a sum for nothing, and then continue to let them insult?" Mr. Gu sarcastically.

"This matter is too far-reaching. With so many people, you will be annoying! You have to be forgiving and forgiving, so that you can go more long-term and achieve a warning effect. They are all young children, why bother to kill them all. What?" Mrs. Gu pressed the fire to persuade.

"I said, I will deal with it, if it's okay, hang up." Mr. Gu didn't take her opinion.

"What about Su Mingyue? You have to sue her too? Are you sure this is your true purpose?" Mrs. Gu asked suddenly.

"...What did you mention her for?" Mr. Gu frowned.

"It's a girl who has been left with you to suppress and bully. Why are you not allowed to scold me a few words on the Internet?" Mrs. Gu accused.

"It's not a curse, you don't understand." Mr. Gu said.

"I don't understand? Isn't it because you like people, but you are disgusted?" Mrs. Gu sneered.

This sentence hit Mr. Gu's death hole.

"It's nothing, don't guess wildly." Mr. Gu said stiffly.

"You dare to assure me that you have not thought of that girl?" Mrs. Gu asked.

"I said no, no, there is no guarantee." Mr. Gu hung up the phone directly.

Even now, he still doesn't want to admit that he has begun to fall.

Su Mingyue's insulting words were far more irritating than her betrayal.

I don't know when, Mr. Gu has already labeled her in his heart.

In spite of all kinds of derogation, he still insists that the other party is his own.

And the other party not only tried to escape, but bit him in turn!

Put Su Mingyue in the dock? To make her hate herself for a lifetime is obviously not Mr. Gu's original intention.

Let her go, but 10,000 are unwilling!

Whether he wants it or not, his emotions are controlled by that woman!

Mr. Gu leaned back on the sofa, like a frustrated ball, and began to feel tired and confused like never before.

He gradually shifted his gaze to Zhang Yi, then slightly raised his chin to signal.

"What are you doing while standing? Sit down!" Mr. Gu said.

"Yes." Zhang Yicheng sat down in fear.

"What do you think... What about Su Mingyue people?" Mr. Gu asked.

"Huh?" Zhang Yi didn't expect him to ask this.

"I want to listen to the truth. In your eyes, what kind of person is she?" Mr. Gu said.

"Very beautiful, will give people an inexplicable desire for protection. Clean, diligent, and rare not to pursue material desires too much. This is rare." Zhang Yi answered honestly.

"Diligent?" Mr. Gu doubted.

"It's really slow to react in front of you, but when getting along in private, she is still very happy to do things." Zhang Yi said.

"Will you like her?" Mr. Gu asked.

"No, no, how is this possible?!" Zhang Yi waved his hand quickly.

"If you didn't have me, would you like her?" Mr. Gu asked.

"...I will, a beautiful and cute girl who is good at cooking and desserts. I am afraid that few men can refuse." Zhang Yi said bitterly.

"Don't you think she is stupid?" Mr. Gu asked.

"Ms. Su is a bit poor in education, her mind is actually very flexible, as can be seen from the previous incident... a person controls hundreds of accounts without making people suspicious. Such a mind is not counted as such in any case. Stupid? The reason why Mr. Gu thinks so is because you have a high starting point and a high standard for the opposite sex." Zhang Yi said.

After Mr. Gu listened, there was no seizure. Instead, he called both Aunt Li and Xiao Liu over.

"Ms. Su is a good person. Although she is soft and weak, she is not small in mind. Even if I sometimes talk bad, she never cares. Miss An is the opposite. Although she usually doesn't say anything, everything is fine. Keep it in mind. To be honest, I actually prefer to get along with Miss Su." Aunt Li said.

"Mingyue is very cute, beautiful and well-behaved, and never disputes with others... My girlfriend saw her and liked it very much," said Chef Xiao Liu.

From the mouths of others, Mr. Gu realized that that worthless woman has so many advantages!

It seems that it is not his vision that is wrong...

By now, Mr. Gu finally began to value his feelings.

That's right, he seems... indeed... likes that woman...

However, it is just like it, far from deep love.

After accepting it calmly, things suddenly became simpler.

Mrs. Gu is right. The loss has already been caused. Even if everyone wins, it will not benefit him and the company.

If this is the case, it is better to just use it, which can be regarded as a step for both sides.

If you expect Mr. Gu to reflect on your past, it would be a big mistake.

He is now thinking about how to get Su Mingyue...

The author has something to say: there will be more changes in the evening~