Keyboard Man’s Boss Husband

Chapter 97: Nice long

Su Mingpeng is now full of gratitude to Mrs. Gu, and feels that she is totally different from the noble ladies he has seen in the past.

There is no arrogance, but be kind to others everywhere, gentle and kind, but definitely not bullying!

Regardless of whether what she said that day was true or false, Su Mingyue was comforted.

The store had been doing five days off and two days off, and her recent situation has been frequent, so the business has become more and more slack.

Su Mingyue felt that it couldn't go on like this anymore, if Lan Rou came back someday, how would she explain it?

She is really too busy making desserts by herself now.

After serious consideration, Su Mingyue decided to hire another person to help.

No one thought that the first applicant to come was a deaf-mute girl.

Although the two of them speak different languages, they can communicate with each other by typing on their mobile phones, so they chatted very speculatively.

The girl's name is Mo Mo, she also likes to make desserts, and she is quite talented.

The two cooperated very happily, and Su Mingyue was extremely satisfied with her.

Except for the signature desserts, the rest are all made by Momo, and Su Mingyue can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

She was relieved here, and Zhang Yi called.

"Miss Su, is it convenient for you? Mr. Gu wants to meet you." He said politely.

"It's not very convenient...The shop is busy, so I can't leave!" Su Mingyue refused.

"In this way, how about I pay your turnover for one day?" Zhang Yi discussed with her.

"Brother Zhang, don't you embarrass me?" Su Mingyue pleaded.

She is too late to avoid Gu Qingfeng, how could she rush to meet? !

That kind of terrifying experience, she didn't want to go through it again in her life!

"This is what Mr. Gu meant, and I can't help it. Miss Su, you can rest assured, just simply meet and talk about the lawsuit, there will never be the unexpected situation like the last time. If you are not at ease, you The time and place can be determined over there." Zhang Yi was also embarrassed.

"Me, can you think about it?" Su Mingyue shook.

Does the other party take the initiative to find yourself, does it mean that things are turning around?

"Okay, you don't have to reply in a hurry, just call me when you think about it!" Zhang Yi then breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Su Mingyue was worried and didn't know what to do, Xu Zhe called.

Su Mingyue took the image into consideration, so she used "a friend of mine" as the protagonist to tell the story.

"According to your thoughts, should she go or not?" she said cautiously.

"The man you are talking about is Gu Qingfeng, right?" Xu Zhe said.

"How do you know?" Su Mingyue was surprised.

"Although I am not in Jiangcheng, I care about the situation there every day." Xu Zhe replied.

"Since you know, then I have nothing to hide... In fact, there is no one else at all, and the protagonist is me. Because I don't have any friends, I want to hear your opinion." Su Mingyue said with shame.

Xu Zhe was silent for a long time before speaking again.

"Mingyue, I understand your feelings. For Qing, I don't want you to have any contact with him. But this matter is really tricky. If he takes the initiative to withdraw the lawsuit, it will be a big deal. So, you still You should meet him and see what Gu Qingfeng will say. If you are worried, set the location in a place with a lot of people, such as near the school. In broad daylight, I believe he will not behave more aggressively. ."

"That's it, thank you!"

Su Mingyue had no intention of chatting, and quickly hung up.

She followed Xu Zhe's advice and set the location at a coffee shop near the school. It was close to traffic lights and police patrolling back and forth. It should be safe.

After Zhang Yi told Mr. Gu the news, he was very happy.

"Where is the Jinbao Coffee Shop?" Mr. Gu asked.

"I really don't know this... I'll find out." Zhang Yi said.

"No, I'll check it on the Internet." Mr. Gu said.

Soon, he found the store at the corner of the corner on the map.

Diagonally opposite is the home school, and on the right is a police station...

Whether it is based on Su Mingyue's residence or the store's premises, the difference is tens of miles.

Mr. Gu's face soon turned black.

"What does she mean?" he dissatisfied.

"Maybe it's just for peace of mind." Zhang Yi said.

"Am I like that kind of casual hungry man?" Mr. Gu asked.

"...Of course not." Zhang Yi said wrongly.

He is not hungry and thirsty now, but bright desire, desire, dissatisfaction, and fullness!

Before departure, Mr. Gu changed into a new suit, and also picked up his tie.

The man in the mirror has a dashing manner.

Mr. Gu had a full haircut and wanted to whistle.

But he resisted, such a funny and childish behavior does not fit the image of a mature man at all!

It was about eleven o'clock at noon. Mr. Gu has always been punctual and appeared at the entrance of the Jinbao coffee shop at 10:58.

This shop is quite shabby and shabby, but fortunately, it is clean.

Mr. Gu waited patiently for five minutes without Su Mingyue.

"This woman, isn't she kidding me?" he asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, wait a minute! Women usually need makeup or something when they go out, which is especially time-consuming!" Zhang Yi explained.

After another ten minutes, Mr. Gu's face was already very difficult to see.

"Let's go!" he said, holding back his anger.

"...People are coming!" Zhang Yi was delighted.

Su Mingyue hurriedly appeared at the door. After taking off the helmet of the electric car, her long hair looked a little messy.

Besides that, he was limping when he walked.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yi didn't dare to ask more, and wittily found a place to rest by himself.

There were not many people in the store, so Su Mingyue saw Mr. Gu at a glance.

Her pale face became more and more bleak.

She hesitated and slowly came to Mr. Gu's table.

"I'm sorry, there was something wrong on the road, so I was late." She whispered.

Mr. Gu looked at her torn knee, and the full of resentment disappeared.

He raised his hand to call the waiter, and then asked the other party to bandage Su Mingyue.

The other party was in a bad mood and pulled his face.

"I'm sorry, we don't have disinfectant and bandages here." She said.

"Then buy it!" Mr. Gu looked like a knife.

"Forget it... it's okay." Su Mingyue said quickly.

It's a pity that she didn't use her words, and the waiter ran out.

That man is terrible, super fierce!

Three minutes later, the other party brought in iodine and band-aids.

Su Mingyue dealt with it by herself and thanked the waiter.

The small shop has nothing to eat. Mr. Gu ordered a sizzling steak, and Su Mingyue ordered a Japanese-style omelet.

Both had no appetite, so they ate very slowly.

The steak was burnt and the knife was blunt, which made it difficult to cut.

Mr. Gu was depressed and simply put down his knife and fork.

When Su Mingyue saw this, she also put down her spoon in fear.

"What do you learn from me?" Mr. Gu raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry..." Su Mingyue quickly picked up the spoon.

She is afraid of him, it has become instinct.

Mr. Gu's mood became more and more unhappy, he stared at Su Mingyue, and spoke quietly.

"I can withdraw the case," he said.

"Really?" Su Mingyue immediately looked up.

Her big eyes are shining, as if a lot of small stars have been incorporated.

The long eyelashes confuse Mr. Gu's mind, making him uncontrollable.

"I can withdraw the lawsuit, but I have lost tens of millions in vain. How should this account be calculated?" He pretended to be indifferent.

"As long as you agree not to prosecute, I can pay this bill!" Su Mingyue said quickly.

"Do you rely on your cold dessert shop?" Mr. Gu started taunting unconsciously.

"...That is only temporary, I will try to manage it well!" Su Mingyue said.

"The scale and profit of your store lasted two to thirty thousand in a month. How many years do you want me to wait?" Mr. Gu asked.

In his eyes, conspiracy and calculations are shining brightly!

Su Mingyue couldn't figure out what this man wanted.

She put her hands on the table and clasped them tightly, looking helpless and pitiful.

"You look good." Mr. Gu said.

"Thank you." Su Mingyue responded politely.

She didn't react, and when she met this man, her consciousness couldn't help but become dull.

"In the world of adult men and women, good looks can be worth a lot of money." Mr. Gu said everything more bluntly.

Su Mingyue's black and white eyes flashed with confusion, and it took a long while to slowly understand the meaning of these words.

This bastard, wasn't cheap enough in those before? Actually wanted her to pay her debts in vain? !

She really wanted to splash ice water directly on the opponent's face!

"There are still a few days left in the court, you can think about it slowly. Don't forget, the reason why those people have fallen to this day is all because of you." Mr. Gu said quietly.

This sentence made Su Mingyue stiff for a long time.

Although she said that she has a petty mentality, she still has conscience and justice in the end.

Mr. Gu's words are like a big mountain, and Su Mingyue can't breathe!

After returning home, she sat on the sofa for a long time.

Until my stomach gurgled, I got up and soaked a bowl of noodles.

On the TV, a very popular workplace drama is being staged, and the bald boss is harassing female subordinates trivially.

"There are only two places for promotion this time. I believe you know exactly what to do..." His hand wandered across the woman's face.

That blatant and hateful look is almost the same as Gu Qingfeng!

Su Mingyue looked very worried, and later the female subordinates chose to accept the unspoken rules, survived the unemployment crisis, and was successfully promoted.

However, as a supporting role, she is destined to be enveloped by the protagonist's halo.

In the end, she was kicked out of the company and lost the custody of her child...

The plot is terrible, but Su Mingyue has a sense of substitution.

Her current situation is like that female subordinate.

One thought of heaven and hell, no one can help her!

Su Mingyue found the coin and tossed it again.

"I don't believe in evil, throw it again!" Su Mingyue said.

The result was still desperate, Su Mingyue picked it up and breathed into the palm of her hand.

Re-throwing, the naked eye can see that it is an Arabic number, but before landing, it hits an obstacle, and it overturns.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" She put the coin into the drawer and muttered to herself.

Lying in bed and unable to sleep, she turned on the computer to search for life in prison.

It's okay not to watch it, and panic after reading it.

Dozens of people live in a large room, and it is common for them to be bullied by the elderly.

What's more, there is a flood of lesbians in it, and it is not uncommon to humiliate newcomers to please the eldest sister!

Su Mingyue has no ability to distinguish between true and false content.

After finally falling asleep, he started to have nightmares again.

She was kept in a big iron cage and was bullied by people every day...

When I went to work the next day, the mobile phone at the cash register kept ringing.

"Why don't you pick it up?" Su Mingyue was puzzled.

"Don't mention it, the family arranged an errand for me! A distant relative was released from prison and asked me to help find something to do in Jiangcheng! This is ridiculous, I am just a poor student, and I am not a big boss! "The school grass complained.

"...What did that person commit?" Su Mingyue asked in a low voice.

"It's cheap, stealing a battery car. This is not a big problem at first, but there are all kinds of people in the nickname, thieves get in, eat, drink, prostitute, bet, and are involved in drugs. Where do I dare to come into contact with this kind of person? People are really confused!" said the school grass.

When the topic got here, the school grass told him a lot of rumors inside.

Su Mingyue felt cold sweat on her back after listening.

The subpoena has been received, the defense period is getting shorter and shorter, and the day of court hearing is getting closer.

And she panicked and hesitated!