Kill That Man

Chapter 14: Revenge on mother

The old patriarch wanted to cry without tears and said, "I'm a little uncomfortable. Let me go!"

Li Huaide snorted and had to let go.

The old patriarch hurried out.

Li Huaide bowed his head and saw a line of traces of stars follow the old clan out the door.

Li Huaide's face looked incredible, and then other guests noticed. Everyone's face was weird.

The old patriarch has accumulated power in the village for a long time, and he is usually a divine majesty. Suddenly seeing him do this kind of thing, everyone wanted to laugh but did not dare, not laugh but couldn't help it.

They dare not laugh, Yu Qingyao laughed and rolled in bed.

The old patriarch is not good or bad. He is a kind of good and evil. He will seriously uphold the clan rules, and strictly forbid the clan people to do bad things. With him, Lijiazhuang is fairly peaceful, and there are no bad scandals. However, relying on being a patriarch, and for the benefit of his own family, to oppress the villagers, especially foreigners, the old patriarch did not do less.

The Yu family had 20 acres of good land, which was removed by the old patriarch's means. Yu Qingyao's grandfather died of depression. Father Yu was forced to travel long distances as a foot dealer, but was killed by bandits.

Yu Qingyao was not guilty of hurting the old patriarch.

Since then, the old patriarch has gone faceless, and no one has invited guests. He soon passed the position of patriarch to his eldest son, and soon he was stumped and sick.

Yu Qingyao didn't know about it until the death of the old clan chief. Because, she didn't curse the old man anymore.

After resting, Yu Qingyao followed his relatives. Her uncle and aunt.

Ms. Yu was hanging from her brother's door, Yu Qingyao. Mama Yu's brother is the mastermind and the aunt is the accomplice. The two conspired to confuse the remaining money of the Yu family in the name of doing business in partnership.

Then he said that the business was lost, and they were all lost, swallowing the Yu family's money. I got 70%, and my aunt got 30%.

When Yu Yu was found fooled, she ran to ask for money, or she committed suicide in a hurry.

The two have since broken off.

Yu Qingyao's predecessor could not revenge, Yu Qingyao squinted and decided to avenge the original body.

Regarding these two black-hearted relatives, Yu Qingyao didn't plan to be like the others before, just tease it.

Yu Qingyao's uncle Chen Jinyu also ran singles.

Yu Qingyao narrowed his eyes and decided to curse him and sneeze first, taking the opportunity to see where he was doing what.

Chen Jinyu was riding a donkey on the mountain road at this time, and a donkey was still behind him. Both donkeys carried a few bags of mountain cargo on their backs.

He has just received the goods and is preparing to ship them to Baishan City for sale.

A gust of wind came, and he shivered and sneezed.

With a few seconds of cursing success, Yu Qingyao saw his situation clearly.

He was walking on a **** with forests on both sides.

Yu Qingyao found it difficult to do something about it, waiting patiently.

While thinking about how to give black heart a hard time.

After half an hour, Yu Qingyao estimated that he should have gone uphill and downhill again. She cursed Chen Jinyu again and sneezed.

Chen Jinyu did not accidentally sneeze. He rubbed his nose and felt that he probably did not sleep well last night and fell cold.

Borrowing these seconds, Yu Qingyao saw him walking a dangerous mountain road.

Chen Jinyu walked to a mountain beam like a carp's back at this moment. There are cliffs on both sides, and the road in the middle is only one meter wide.

Yu Qingyao froze, and a murderous flashed in his eyes.

What emerged in her mind was the donkey Chen Jinyu was riding on.

Curse, she tried. Damn the animal, she hasn't tried it yet. Yu Qingyao cursed and cursed the donkey, which had hallucinations, and she passed on an image of a tiger eating.

The donkey was panting, walking **** the mountain road.

Suddenly he saw a tiger jumping over him. It was taken aback and jumped instinctively.

If it is on flat ground, a one-second hallucination will scare it at most, and it will not hurt at all.

However, it is now on a dangerous mountain road. This jump was awful, it jumped out of the narrow mountain road.

The donkey tried his best to stand still, but he carried a person on his back and two bags of heavy cargo. Where can I stand firm on the smooth rocks?

It slides all the way down.

Chen Jinyu riding on it was so scared that his soul was about to fly. In panic, he was at a loss, only to scream.

The donkey nearly slipped off the cliff before Chen Jinyu reflected. He jumped down from the donkey.

Chen Jinyu flew forward desperately, barely grasping a slightly protruding stone. His legs were hanging out of the cliff.

With this flutter, his body was hit **** the hard rock.

Both knees and elbows were broken, and it was painful. My chest hurts and my gasping is painful. Chen Jinyu desperately grabbed the stone with both hands, curled up regardless of the pain, trying to climb up the steep **** and up the mountain road.

After working hard for a while, he barely put his feet back on the slope.

The donkey had fallen off the cliff with the cargo.

Chen Jinyu looked at the above, there was no one, only the remaining donkey stopped in the road blankly.

Chen Jinyu knows that few people pass by here. I want to wait for someone to save, I am afraid that I have to wait for a day or two to meet someone.

He shouted impassively: "Help! Anyone?"

Shouting ten times, no one responded with chest pain.

Chen Jinyu took a break, panted, and decided to climb up. As long as he climbed up and rode on that donkey, he hoped to escape the mountains alive.

He grabbed the stone with both hands and tried to stand up with his four feet on the ground.

He has rested, and Yu Qingyao has rested.

Yu Qingyao's cursed target was changed to Chen Jinyu. She wanted to know if that guy was dead.

She cursed him again and sneezed.

Chen Jinyu's feet were already stepping on the smooth rock at this time. He found that his shoes were slippery, and he was painful to take off his shoes with both feet carefully.

He took off a shoe and stepped barefoot on the rock, he felt better. He could not help but sneeze again when the cold wind came.

Yu Qingyao saw his situation clearly and was upset. Why didn't this guy fall down?

She decided to find a way to make him fall.

If she wants to avenge Yu Yu's mother, she must let him know that it is Yu mother's death.

She waited patiently for a while. Why wait?

She calculated that she would wait for him to climb up for a while, and leave the rock where he could settle and grasp.

She cursed Chen Jinyu hallucinations. She imagined her mother Yu, and she looked miserable when she hanged herself. Both of these looks are in her memory.

Chen Jinyu is stepping on the smooth rocks with his feet, trying to keep his balance and climbing up.

Just then, his mother's smiling face suddenly appeared before his eyes. She lay on the rock and looked at him quietly.

Chen Jinyu froze for a moment, and said in his heart: Isn't the big sister dead? How could she be here? It's just below me.

Suddenly, Yu's mother's face turned into protruding eyes, her tongue shook out, and her face was dark and swollen.

"Return my life!"