Killing God

v1 Chapter 9: Ten days

From early morning to dusk.

From rising to sunset.

The broad and gloomy sky, in the passing of time, the wind blows away, the light and shadow are intertwined and change, surging away without desire and merciless; on the vast and vast earth, countless human races under the towering sky, like tiny ants, The sunrise and sunset, the interpretation of the joys and sorrows of the world.

Some people say that there are immortals, Buddhas and spirits in the sky, and some people say that all the stars in the sky are immortals, but no one has ever said anything to the young Shen Shi about what kind of Tao they are cultivating and what immortality they want to become.

This day feels very long, very long.

Following the tall butcher, he left the house, first went deep into the ground from a hidden secret passage, and when he came out after walking for a while, he had reached another corner of Xilu City that was completely unfamiliar. . The butcher took him into an ordinary carriage that had been ready to stop and waited for them, and took out two sets of old clothes in the carriage, and let Shen Shi put on the small one.

Then, following the rustling of the wheels, this unremarkable carriage, under Shen Shi’s worries, went out of the city easily in such a most ordinary and ordinary way, all the way north. Away.

Except for the secret passage that I walked through at the beginning, the entire process of escaping from Xilu City was ordinary and speechless. Even Shen Shi is still very worried about his father who is still in the city, but facing this kind of look There is almost no guarantee. Seeing a carriage that seems to be surrounded and strangled by the sudden appearance of Xuanyinmen disciples at any time, Shen Shi’s heart has always been on his throat, and at the same time, he has a great reputation for this family of gods. The ability to do things has deep doubts.

It's just that the supposedly murderous Xuanyinmen chasing soldiers still didn't show up after all. This mundane to heinous way unexpectedly carried the two men away peacefully. When the city that had lived for twelve years from childhood to large, gradually became smaller behind him, when the stars began to flicker as the night fell, and the tall mountain range was finally hidden in the darkness, and no longer seen, Shen Shi slowly curled up in the bumpy carriage that was still moving forward, hiding himself in the dark shadow.

He had never felt so clearly that he was completely cut off from the past.

In the shadow, he clenched his teeth, and forcibly endured the worries and fears in his heart. He only felt that the future was like the night of the world at this moment, boundless but at a loss, making people cold all over. And the only thing that can bring him a little warmth is that there is a small hourglass in the palm of his clenched hand, and the hard jade penetrates through the skin, as if it still carries the warmth of the palm of his father's hand, and it is farther and even only exists The breath of mother in his imagination.

The butcher, who had been sitting silently on the other side of the carriage, turned his head in the dark and glanced at the boy.


The wheels rolled, walking slowly but without stopping, even in the dead of night, this seemingly ordinary carriage did not mean to stop.

Shen Shi, who was full of worries and thoughts, began to notice that in the carriage besides him and the butcher, it was only on the second day that there was a third person, the driver who drove the carriage.

It was an old man with a skinny appearance and wrinkled lines. At first glance, he seemed to be an old man who was overwhelmed by an embarrassing life. He was lifeless. He didn't react much to anything except driving a car. As if it would fall down at any time. However, it was such an old coachman, driving this ordinary carriage, pulling the butcher and Shen Shi, and walked for three days and three nights without a moment of rest.

Three days later, the old coachman seemed to be no different from his appearance on the first day, still the skinny appearance of embarrassment. By this time, Shen Shi naturally understood that this seemingly ordinary old coachman was obviously not a very human person, and most of it was a powerful figure under the mighty and powerful fairy club, but the butcher did not seem to have any intention to introduce him. Even during these three days, the butcher hadn’t even said a word to the old man, so in this kind of subtle atmosphere, Shen Shi also remained silent, suppressing the curiosity in his heart, ignoring that. Old coachman.

When they got out of the carriage, Shen Shi's gaze not only glanced at the old coachman inadvertently, but also at the thin horse on the carriage... After walking for three days and three nights, this thin horse The horse looked like its owner, standing there casually.

Shen Shi had a faint feeling, he seemed to see a tiny corner of another strange world hidden out of sight of his past life.

After walking north for three days, Shen Shi was already far away from Xilu City. At this moment, he arrived in a small city less than half of Xilu City. This ordinary carriage was parked in a secluded corner of the car. The butcher jumped out of the car, let Shen Shi stay in the car, and then strode away.

Shen Shi was a little uneasy, but he knew that he had no choice but to stay quietly in the carriage and gently put the hourglass in front of him.

The fine sand flowed silently, and when the sand all slipped from one end to the other through the narrow opening, an hour passed.

Shen Shi stared at the flowing fine sand silently, and as time passed, his heartbeat began to slowly accelerate.

But fortunately, this worry ended when the fine sand only flowed through about a quarter of the time. The tall butcher returned here. He simply nodded to the old coachman, and then returned to the carriage.

Grumbling, the wheels began to roll again, moving forward again.

In the carriage, Shen Shi looked at the butcher, and the butcher was staring at him. After a while, he said, "There is no news. In other words, I don't know if the matter has been completed yet."

The muscles on Shen Shi's cheek twitched slightly, and slowly lowered his head, and then re-held the small hourglass on the ground in his palm.


The same and boring days are repeated again, and the only thing that echoes in my ears every day seems to be the eternal sound of wheels. In the bumpy carriage, there is always a quiet and stiff atmosphere.

All the way to the north, all the way to the north.

Leaving the city full of his childhood memories, as well as the only relative in this world, is farther and farther away.

After three more days, they arrived at another small city in the northern part of Yinzhou. This time the carriage did not enter the city at all, but stopped somewhere outside the city. The butcher got out of the car and entered the city alone.

When Shen Shi stayed quietly in the carriage and watched the hourglass rectify once, he heard the footsteps of the butcher returning.

The carriage started again, still heading north. In the carriage, the butcher frowned, facing some expectant Shen Shi gaze, and said stiffly: "No news."

Shen Shi sat in silence without saying a word.

The wheels rolled, and they walked for another two days. At this time, after an eight-day journey, they had already approached the northern border of Yinzhou, and the boundary of a state southwest of the Hongmeng boundary seemed to be near.

The carriage stopped outside a deserted town not far from the border of Yinzhou, and the butcher left for the third time and walked into the town. As usual, Chen Shi stayed quietly in the carriage waiting, occasionally looking at the hourglass placed on the ground and watching the sand flowing in it; and the old coachman would take this opportunity to jump out of the carriage and move around. , And then give the lean horse some water and food.

It's just that the food stuffed in some old leather bag doesn't look like the forage eaten by ordinary horses at all, but it looks a bit like **** meat.

This time the butcher came back faster than the last time. About halfway through the hourglass, he returned from that desolate town almost half an hour later.

It's just that his face looks a little ugly, and people seem to have a hint of irritability. After seeing Shen Shi, he is not even willing to say more, just calmly and shook his head.

The skinny old coachman was unaware of the dull and weird atmosphere in the carriage behind him. In his old eyes, there seemed to be only the skinny horse. After lovingly patted the thin horse on the back and fed the last piece of food that was suspected to be a piece of meat, he also got on the car again, the wheels rolled, and continued on.

On the ninth day, they crossed the boundary of Yinzhou and entered Lanzhou, which is adjacent to Yinzhou.

On the tenth day, the carriage arrived at Tonghe City, a large city on the southernmost side of Lanzhou.

This time, the carriage did not hide outside the city again, but went straight into Tonghe City. Perhaps it was because it had left Yinzhou. Although Xuanyinmen is not small in power, it is still difficult to get involved in another state after all, so the butcher waited. People's behavior is also let go.

The old coachman apparently came to this city before and looked very familiar with the roads in the city. He drove the carriage all the way through the streets and alleys. After turning around, he brought Shen Shi and the butcher to a secluded place. In the house.

The two-in-one yard is square and does not look big, but it is clean and tidy. The butcher got out of the car with Shen Shi and walked all the way to a room in the courtyard. Behind the two of them, the old coachman gave them a blank expression, his gaze stayed on the back of the young man for a moment, then he averted his gaze and fell back to his old man’s thin horse. On the body, he patted the thin horse's head lightly, his voice was hoarse, and he let out a weird laugh, and said:

"Thanks for your hard work, don't worry, there may be fresh meat to eat later..."


In the courtyard house.

After the butcher settled in Shen Shi, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he stayed in the room for a while, looking at Shen Shi, his eyes seemed to have a strange expression.

Shen Shi quickly noticed something and looked up at him.

The butcher was silent for a while, and said: "I'm going to the fairy club in the city to find out the news."

Shen Shi did not speak.

The butcher glanced at him, it seemed a little difficult to speak, but after a while he finally said: "According to the agreement before going out, ten days is the deadline. Both success and failure are today."

Shen Shi's hand clenched subconsciously and nodded gently.

The butcher was silent for a moment, and said: "I'm past now. If things are successful, I will come back and take you east to Haizhou, fulfilling the promises made by the gods to your father and son, and giving you a chance to join the High Heaven Sect; but if it is If things are not revealed, you will not see me..."

Shen Shi took a deep breath, clutching the jade hourglass tightly in his hand, and said, "If it doesn't happen, what will happen to me?"

The butcher slowly turned around, stopped looking at him, and walked outside the house. At the same time, his dull voice came through clearly: "If things don't happen, I won't come back. As for here, someone will come over. ...Dispose of you."

The sound of footsteps faded away, and the door of the room was locked before he left. In the simple room, suddenly fell into an indescribable silence.

What does disposal mean?

What will happen?

A heart was beating in his chest. Suddenly, Shen Shi had an urge to scream wildly in his heart. He began to pant violently, feeling that the surrounding air seemed to become hot and difficult to breathe. In his eyes, the house seemed to have instantly turned into a terrible cage, and he himself was like a desperate beast about to be slaughtered.

In a daze, he suddenly remembered those days when he followed the animals that the butcher had killed again.

Those sharp hissing, that cold and decisive blade light, blood bursting, cruel and ruthless.

The young man's hands began to tremble a little, and the endless fear was like a tide, coming from all directions, it was about to drown him, and it was about to drive him crazy...

Until, out of his sight, he suddenly saw the little jade hourglass again.

The fine sand was white and delicate, flowing and slipping silently, one after another, one after another, one after another, and Chen Shi stared at the sand flowing like water and slowly sat down at the table. .

The hourglass stood on the tabletop, motionless, the boy put his head on the tabletop, feeling a cold chill.

Everything seemed to be quiet again, except for the flowing sand, there was nothing in his eyes, just like that, silently waiting.

The fine sand flowed, and turned over once after it had fallen. Time passed silently without any movement and no one came.

Finally, when the sand in the hourglass dripped to the end of the third time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance outside the house, slowly coming from far to near, and finally stopped at the door of this room. .

Shen Shi slowly stood up, only feeling the dryness in his throat, and his body trembled a little involuntarily, for himself and for his father who had broken the news in the past ten days.

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth abruptly, rushed over, and opened the door.

The light outside the room suddenly fell down, making his eyes trembled for a moment due to the strong light, slightly narrowed, and then he saw the figure standing at the door.

It was a small and withered old man. For the past ten days, he drove the carriage and brought him all the way north to here.

The old coachman looked at the young man by the door of the house, his wrinkled and withered old face, he grinned suddenly, revealing a few white teeth, with a gloomy meaning, and laughed.