Killing God

v2 Chapter 190: Shenxianlou

Chapter 190 The Immortal Building

The huge Tianhong City, known as the eternal capital, is listed as the natural center of gravity of the ninety states in the main realm of Hongmeng. It is actually a giant city that has gathered countless essences of the two major races of the monster race and human race for tens of thousands of years. There are the most and best spiritual materials in the world, only you can't think of and there are no non-existent rare treasures, countless years of luxury and wealth, has already soaked this great city into the bones, even if it was the bloodstream 10,000 years ago The cruel and fierce battle between humans and monsters at Diaochu did not change this.

Everyone who has just arrived in Tianhong City, when he first sees the appearance of this giant city, will be shocked by the towering and endless grand Great Wall, especially from the gate below the Great Wall. When entering the city, the quaint vicissitudes of history feels like it is coming, making people awe.

Shen Shi was not here for the first time, but he still had a similar mood when he walked through the deep Great Wall again, and Ling Chunni beside him was even more surprised, with both hands tightly pressed together. Pulling Shen Shi's arm, Bright Eyes turned his eyes and flickered, and looked around constantly, and from time to time he made soft whispers with surprises.

When the two of them had just walked past the city gate, under the bright sky, they were standing on the long, spacious and busy pedestrian street. They looked at her charming and naturally gorgeous face with such joy and satisfaction. Shen Shi suddenly felt that he had made a very good and right decision to bring Chunni over this time. This idea made him a lot happy, and smiled and took her weak and boneless palm.

Ling Chunni felt something, turned her head, in this lively and bustling street, she seemed to be joy and happiness from the heart, and clenched his warm hand.

Then the two walked side by side, walking on this very prosperous street, towards this great city.

Looking at Tianhong City from outside the city, the first impression is that the huge Great Wall is towering, but only when you walk into the city gate and set foot in the city, you will really feel the huge city, countless long street avenues criss-cross, Unclear people flow and walk, and everyone seems to have a different life and path, passing by this city in the gap of time.

Like two inconspicuous drops of water in a turbulent river, they walked here leisurely and relaxedly, or smiled and talked, or tenderly depended on it. At this time, time seemed to calm down and become a gentle breeze. Followed slowly blowing by their side.

Tianhong City is too big and the history is too thick and too heavy, even if Shen Shi has read many books, he can’t know the city well, he can only rely on that little memory to be in this humble corner of the city. , And Ling Chunni pointed and laughed and talked about the little demeanor that has survived from the past, including cheeky and sincerely asking passersby, just like two young innocent lovers.

The weathered city walls, the inconspicuous but old wells on the street, are said to have been huge stone piles that were once mounted on the mounts of the heavenly monsters and beasts, and there are stone monuments left by the Six Sages of the Human Race when they led the army into the city...

Along the way, you can see historic sites and scenic spots everywhere, but generally speaking, in this densely populated place, things belonging to the human race account for the majority. Ten thousand years is really a long time, and it has gradually changed many The traces that once belonged to the Heavenly Demon King's Court were erased.

Suddenly, Ling Chunni raised his eyes and looked at him. He was surprised at first, and then grabbed Shen Shi with surprise, pointing to the front and shouting: "Stone, look over there, it's a big mountain."

Shen Shi looked up, and he saw a mountain range, a tall, long, majestic mountain range, a mountain surrounded by this incredible huge city. At the same time, it can even be said to be the most famous in the world. Of a mountain.

Don't say it was Shen Shi, even Ling Chunni reacted after a while, the beautiful eyes flickered, looking at the mountain peak with a bit of yearning expectation, and softly said to Shen Shi: "Is there Pangu Mountain? "

Shen Shi nodded and said: "It should be."

The mountain range named after Pangu, the giant **** who pioneered the world, is naturally unique in its glory and origin. In fact, in the long years of the demon clan’s heyday before the rise of the human clan, this majestic mountain range was the center of Tianhong City, even It is also the center of gravity of the entire Hongmeng world.

Because the Heavenly Demon King Court that governs the entire Hongmeng world, the once supreme Demon Emperor's Palace, is located on this majestic mountain. In the past, the Human Race besieged Tianhong City, and the final battle was under this mountain. Millions of Human Race monks besieged the Demon Race Imperial Palace, and launched a cruel, brutal and evocative **** battle. The last action laid the foundation for the Human Race for thousands of years.

After that, it was once known for its magnificence and luxury. The vastness and majesty demonstrated the glory of the demon emperor's majesty and the glory of the demon clan for countless years. The demon emperor palace, which is the symbol of the entire heavenly demon palace, turned into a huge piece in the flames of war. ruins. The countless ruined walls are full of bones, and all kinds of tragic conditions are unbearable, and there is a famous legend that has been circulated from thousands of years ago. When the former Heavenly Demon King Court perished, the evil spirit hit the sky and the Demon Emperor died and the Ancestral Hall was destroyed. There are crazy Yao Ni mages desperate to sacrifice lives and even the blood of the demon emperor to evil ghosts and gods, planting an incredible blood curse, cursing this entire famous mountain and turning it into a ghost.

What was the truth in the past, it has been unclear or turned into countless versions of legends and rumors, but this Pangu Mountain is indeed cursed by an extremely powerful and fierce force in that vast imperial palace. In the ruins, there are countless ferocious ghosts and monsters lurking in them, as if guarding the last brilliance of the Heavenly Demon King Court that was destroyed thousands of years ago. Whenever someone goes in for an adventure, they will be attacked fiercely, dangerous and unpredictable.

After the human race captured this city in the past, the legend is that a saint among the six sages of the human race, using unpredictable magical powers, set up a great formation to confine the entire mountain. Ten thousand years, the saint has passed away but the Taoism still exists, and all ghosts and demons are locked in the mountains, like a huge cage, unable to take a step out. At the same time, although the Demon Emperor’s Underground Palace was reduced to ruins, how brilliant the Heavenly Demon Palace was in the past. The Demon Emperor’s Palace contains incredible treasures, so as the years change, this famous mountain has gradually become The most prestigious but also the most dangerous place on the Hongmeng Continent, countless monks dream of entering this mountain to get incredible treasures, but among them, those who fell in the mountains and never came out are equally uncountable.

When Shen Shi and Ling Chunni approached the mountain range, even if they were still a long way apart, even if the sun was still shining during the day, but around that mountain peak, the sky always felt a little different from the surroundings. The sky was darker, the clouds lowered, and there were bursts of vaguely screaming ghost crying and howling, echoing from the depths of the Pangu Mountain.

Ling Chunni's face paled slightly, as if feeling a little uncomfortable, or a little nervous and subconsciously scared, and clenched Shen Shi's hand for a few minutes. Shen Shi glanced at her, patted her shoulder lightly, and said, "Is it all right?"

Ling Chunni took a few deep breaths, looking like he was calmer, then nodded and said softly: "Okay."

Shen Shi glanced at the tall mountain range. From a distance, the magnificent mountain seemed to be not much different from other mountain ranges. It was also full of dense trees, huge boulders towering, and majestic and beautiful, but other than that, You can clearly see from the foot of the mountain to the height of the peak, there are ruins of towers, pavilions and palaces everywhere, and the ruins of some of the palaces can be imagined just by looking at how majestic it was originally, but now But all turned into a bleak ruins beaten by wind and rain.

Shen Shi thought for a while, pointed to the high place of the mountain range, and said: "I heard that the highest point of this Pangu Mountain is the most majestic Demon Emperor Palace in the entire Demon Emperor Palace, where the Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor live. But now I can’t see it in my leisure time. There are also those two Qijing Emperor’s Palace Qiuyang and Hongjun giant pillars, which are now completely gone and never seen again.”

Ling Chunni nodded, looked at this ancient mountain range that I don't know how many winds and rains have experienced, and looked at the bleak ruins and stone walls, and said: "I heard that there are countless ghosts, monsters and monsters in this mountain, but there are still Do many monks want to go in for adventure?"

Shen Shi smiled and said: "Yes, anyway, as long as there are those treasure legends in the Demon Emperor's Underground Palace, naturally there will be greedy people who want to go in. It is said that there are countless ghosts and ghosts who died tragically in the past. It’s the curse after the demon palace of the demon clan was destroyed. There are even legends that in the depths of the mountain under the imperial palace, the demon clan once built an underground palace ten times larger than the surface imperial palace. There are countless treasures, and it is the legendary treasure known as the number one treasure in the world, but for over ten thousand years, no one has ever discovered it."

Ling Chun was yearning for the mud spontaneously, glanced at Shen Shi, and said with a smile: "Is it really there?"

Shen Shi laughed, turned her around, and said: "Who knows, anyway, when I read these words in the book, I always felt that it was not very reliable."

Ling Chunni smiled sweetly and walked with him, occasionally thinking of something, then glanced back, and saw that Pangu Mountain was still silent, countless ruins were desolate and silent, as if he had slept in this world for countless years and has not yet woken up.


In this huge city, countless people are naturally gathered here. Talents and talents are proud of themselves, looking for opportunities to get ahead, and countless people of all kinds are all floating and fighting in this huge city.

There are the most people and talents here, and there are countless forces gathered here, including the immortal society, which has always been mysterious and unfathomable, and is known as the Hongmeng First Chamber of Commerce. It also set up its main hall in Tianhong City.

The number of Shenxianhui shops here is ten times that of other places. They are scattered on the busy streets in Tianhong City. The daily profit of Jinshan Yinhai is unimaginable, like a giant beast gluttonous, with countless spirit crystals. , Has mastered unimaginable power.

The Shenxian Building is where the central hall of the Shenxianhui is located. It is also one of the tallest buildings in Tianhong City. Standing on this majestic building, you can overlook the Pangu Mountain and the mighty Great Wall, and overlook the countless streets in the city. Passing pedestrians who look like ants make people feel like they are in the clouds, like gods.

When Shen Shi and Ling Chunni walked along the long street near the Shenxian Building, smiling in the dense crowd, looking at the fairy high-rise building that is also regarded as a scene of Tianhong, there was a certain person high above the sky. In one place, a short fat man was taking a silk scarf, wiping his sweat, leaning on a railing, and looking at the city scenery from the window, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

His gaze swept across the streets under his feet, saw the dense crowds like ants, then smiled lightly, muttered twice in his mouth, and it sounded like saying a name for a few times, and then Turned around, moved his body with some effort, and continued to walk up the stairs leading to a higher place.
