King of German Mercenaries

~: 245 Conflict is unavoidable

After Marlin and the court doctor of Maximilian I talked about the wound management tips, they were quickly called by the emperor. In the room where the emperor pretended to be sick, Marin saw frowning Maximilian I ...

"Your Majesty, are you asking me for something?"

"Yes, Earl Marin. You have been yawned and announced your recognition of the Count of East Frisian ..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Marin finally has a legal status, and is no longer his master.

The so-called "lord" refers to a dictator who seized power through a coup or other violent means. Generally speaking, the Lord's position is not correct and is not recognized by the world.

In fact, Marin, under the banner of the heir of the Bullock family, was not considered a master in East Friesland. But the problem is that the Bullock family was not recognized by the Holy Roman Empire at first, but was only a tribal force scattered in the frontiers of the Holy Roman Empire.

Instead, the Sequner family declared their surrender to the empire in 1464, and was officially registered as the earl by the father of Maximilian I, Frederick III, and became a nobleman accepted by the nations.

Thus, from within the East Frisian Land, Marin was not a lord, but regained the throne of his ancestors. But from the empire side, the Bullock family has never been recognized by the empire. According to the law, the Sykesna family was the first recognized East Frisian ruling family. So, after such a calculation, Marin has become the owner again ...

但是 "But ..." After the emperor said a sudden turn, Marin felt bad ...

"but what?"

"The Duke of Saxony's Foreign Minister in Innsbruck firmly refuses to recognize your legal status. They insist that you are the puppet master of East Frisian ..."

啊 "Ah? Can they give you your face?" Marin was a little surprised.

"Aristocrats in general give face, even if it is face. But the Saxon aristocracy is too powerful, they can not give face to face. Even, I also owe a great deal to the Duke of Saxony ..." Maxi Millian I was also helpless.

At the beginning, after his father-in-law "Bold Charlie" died in battle, the French began to incite the main part of the Burgundy Principality (that is, the Burgundy near the Paris Basin in order to prevent the Habsburgs from obtaining all the Burgundy Principality territory). The western part of the Principality of Burgundy, and the later Burgundy region) and the Netherlands have become independent.

Later, most of the main part of the Principality of Burgundy, later with the support of Charles VIII, successfully separated from the Burgundy and joined France. Even the Netherlands was once very dangerous.

Even Maximilian I himself was imprisoned in the Royal Palace of Ghent by the Parliament of the Netherlands. In the end, it was Emperor Frederick III who asked Albrecht, Duke of Saxony, to lead the army to the Netherlands, only to rescue Maximilian I, and to calm down the insurgency in Flanders. And Friesland promised the Duke of Saxony when Maximilian I personally promised the Duke of Saxony.

Therefore, Maximilian I owed a great deal to the Duke of Saxony. Moreover, in the Imperial Parliament, Maximilian I also needed the nobility of the Saxony to speak for himself. Therefore, even if the Duke of Saxony does not accept the order of the emperor, the emperor is not good enough ...

"So, Your Majesty, what should I do?" Marin also had a headache for such a complicated situation. Marin would not be willing to fight the Saxony if he could.

"After you go back, prepare for the battle. You are a military genius. I believe you can repel the Saxon offense. As long as you repel the Saxon offense, 朕 can then mediate from it ..."

"Okay ..." Marin was helpless, too, and it seemed that the Duke of Saxony was eyeing his East Frisian. He has made up his mind. This time, he must clean up the Saxons, and once they hurt them, he was afraid ...

In history, the original Edsad I defeated the coalition forces of George the Duke of Saxony, which forced the Saxons to recognize the independent status of East Frisian Land. He is stronger than Edsad I, and there is no reason to defeat the Duke of Saxony.

Counting time, it is now mid-to-late May, even if the Duke of Saxony has to start, he has to prepare for several months. Prince George has also seen Marin's strength. Therefore, if the opponent wants to attack, 10,000 people are definitely not enough, at least 20,000 troops.

However, it will take months for the Saxons to gather 20,000 troops, and they will need huge amounts of food. Therefore, Marin judged that even if the Saxons were to send troops, it should be after the autumn harvest when the food was most abundant.

林 Marin is not afraid of fighting the Saxons. However, he was very worried that the war would cause serious damage to East Frisian population. And Saxons may grab food in rural areas.

Therefore, Marin planned to ask each manor in his name to return most of the food to the city after returning, and only keep the daily food in the manor to avoid being robbed by the Saxons during the march.

In addition, each manor has dug a hidden basement in advance. Even if the Saxon army passes by, it will search for the grain on the bright side and the hidden grain, and it will support the farmers afterwards.

Of course, Marin had better send troops to directly confront Saxony's main force, and strive to quickly defeat it. In this way, the Saxons' destruction of East Frisian Land can be minimized.

However, in order to face the Saxon army, Marin can only rely on his more than 5,000 regular troops. As for the thousands of militia recruited locally in East Frisian, they can be used to defend the city. ...

So, this time back, Marin plans to continue to expand the army and increase the number of regular troops by several thousand. In this way, even if the Saxons brought in 20,000 troops, Marin pulled out 10,000 troops, which was enough just to be frontal. After all, Marin's army uses a large Spanish matrix, which is very suitable for fronts.

As for cavalry, Marin intends to mostly use black shirt knights. To this end, he also plans to expand the number of black shirt knights to 800.

所以 The reason why the power to develop the black shirt knight, Marin is for the Saxony plate knight. Saxony is a cavalier country. Because of its strong economy, the Saxons can also train more expensive plate armor knights. Fighting, the Saxons can pull thousands of plate armor knights, forming a torrent of steel, impacting the enemy.

If it is the army of a general country, it is really easy to be overwhelmed by the extravagant knights of the Saxons. But Marin's army, mainly the Spanish side, was not afraid of the Cavaliers' charge at all. Because, in addition to the sharp guns of the Spanish Phalanx, there is another important feature: it loves to dig trenches ...

The infantry of the Spanish Phalanx loved to dig a trench in front of the battle, mainly to prevent the charge of the enemy cavalry. If the enemy rushes to the front ~ ~ the war horse falls into the pit, the impact of the charge is immediately resolved.

And Marin is best at directing two trenches under his command, professional pit knights. Therefore, Marin is not afraid of the Cavaliers' charge at all.

However, the Spanish Phalanx is afraid of shelling. The Saxony has a wealth of money and more artillery. Therefore, Marin needed to send cavalry to take down enemy artillery positions.

When the ordinary cavalry was sent in the past, it was simply a dish for thousands of Saxon knights. But if you use the insignificant black shirt knight, it will be different ...

The knights in black shirts could completely rush through the enemy artillery positions, and then pull their guns at the enemy artillery, killing the opponent's gunner as much as possible.

Although the Saxons are equipped with many artillery, but there are very few guns, there is nothing to counter the black shirt knights. Although, they may be equipped with some weapons such as crossbows. But that's not the problem. As long as black shirt knights put on breastplates and helmets, they can minimize injuries and deaths. Because although the breastplate can't block the guns, it can block ordinary crossbow arrows, but there is no problem.

Another great advantage of the black shirt knight is that it is completely afraid of chasing the enemy's plate knight. If the Saxony Knight despised the Black Shirt Knight and sent the Plate Knight to hunt, it would be right in the middle of Marin.

The Black Shirt Knight is originally a professional household who fights the plate armor. As long as the other party dares to catch up, the Black Shirt Knight will be able to treat the opponent ...

The shoal plate knight encountered the black shirt knight, could not catch up, could not run away, and there was no long-range weapon to counterattack. If you dare to chase it out, you will be properly played and killed by the black shirt knight.

Thinking this way, Marin was at ease. Now he just had to go back and prepare, waiting for the Saxons to gather the army and fight. And himself, as long as he trains his troops and prepares accordingly ...