King of German Mercenaries

Chapter 146: Be shocked

After signing the paperwork, Marin officially started preparing to treat the prince. First, Marin asked Ferdinand II to send him where he lived and brought the medicine he had prepared. Then Marin asked Ferdinand II for some **** ...

"Ginger?" Ferdinand II was a little aggressive. Ginger is a luxury spice in Europe for cooking. Marin wanted ginger, which puzzled Ferdinand II. But in order to save his son, he didn't say anything. He sent some people to the local pharmacy to search, and soon, he found a large bag of ginger.

Then, Marin took out a small knife, chopped ginger, then took out his own leather bag and took out some white sugar ...

"What is this?" Ferdinand II asked curiously.

I do n’t blame him for not seeing it. In this era, Europeans eat a lot of sucrose impurities and have dark colors. Europeans have never seen white sugar made by Marin.

"Sucrose, high-purity sucrose, brought by my teacher from India." Marin also used to flicker, and said casually.

There was light in the eyes of Jeff Ferdinand II, but it soon went out. India, that's the Portuguese territory. In fact, the father and son of Alexander VI passed the news that he wanted to authorize Spain to India, and wanted to exchange the title and fiefdom for the Borgia family.

But opening India's route definitely offends Portugal. Moreover, I do not know the profitability of the Indian route, and it is not worth the risk. Therefore, the Spanish couple is still hesitant.

He Marin asked the kitchen to find a clean pot, put the chopped **** and caster sugar, and began to cook on high fire. He himself returned to the prince's room.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, please wait for the unrelated person to go out first, and the minister will have a fever for His Highness."

I have a fever, just take off the prince's clothes and apply alcohol. However, it is also indecent to take off the prince's clothes and let so many people watch.

So only the two kings, Princess Margaret, and the court doctor remained. Ferdinand II's meaning is also very simple. He wanted the doctor of the court to steal a handful of medicine.

With the help of Princess Margaret, Marin stripped Prince John to a small inner cool. Then Marin took out the glass bottle with alcohol ...

A strong scent of wine began to permeate the room, and Ferdinand II sniffed-he was also a wine lover.

"What wine is this? Why is it so strong?"

"This is not wine, Your Majesty, this is the essence of wine extracted from wine. However, this stuff is too strong. If you drink it, the cow will be drunk. If you drink too much, you may die ..."

"Then you still use it for my son? Want to kill him?" Ferdinand II changed his face.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, the minister took out the essence of this wine, not for the prince, but for external use ..." Marin was a little speechless.

"External use?"

"Yes!" After speaking, Marin started to use a sponge, took a bit of alcohol, and began to wipe the surface of the prince ...

王子 Prince John was hot all over, as if he had been boiled. No wonder those quack doctors wanted to bleed the prince. This symptom, these quacks think that the blood is too strong ...

Marin started with his face and began to carefully apply alcohol to Prince John, while Princess Margaret helped him. As for Ferdinand II and Isabella I, they looked nervously from the side.

Isabella I did not particularly like Prince John, but after all, he was his own son and still cared. As for Ferdinand II, Prince John was completely taken into account. He doesn't like daughters, he only likes sons, standard patriarchs ...

After applying alcohol once, the prince's high fever subsided a lot, but it was not enough, so Marin applied it twice. Finally, the prince's temperature began to recede, at least the high fever no longer bothered the prince.

After the high fever had subsided, the prince was awake. However, after the high fever subsided, the prince began to be afraid of cold and shouted too cold.

Marin was also a little messy, and when he saw the prince suddenly afraid of cold, he immediately took a towel and wiped the prince up and down. Then, he took the goose down quilt handed over by Princess Margaret and covered the trembling cold prince.

Ferdinand II and Isabella I were very happy that the prince could wake up. But when the prince was awake, he was afraid of the cold, shivering in the duvet, and made them extremely worried.

"His Royal Highness, order people to bring the medicine soup?"

"Is it sugar-boiled ginger?"


公主 Princess Margaret hurried to the kitchen to get **** soup ...

冷却 After cooling the **** soup for a while and becoming hot, Marin began to force Prince John to drink this bowl of **** soup ...

At the beginning, the prince was very resistant and refused to drink. Because the taste of **** soup can be uncomfortable. Marin persuaded several times, but the prince refused to drink.

Marlin fired, shouting at the prince:

"Don't drink if you want to die, drink it if you want to live!"

Prince Yun seemed to be calmed down, and then, under Marin's semi-force, drank the bowl of **** soup. The prince seemed uncomfortable and wanted to vomit, but Marin covered his mouth roughly and was not allowed to vomit.

Ferdinand II and Isabella I were almost scared to ask the guards to catch Marin, but Ferdinand II held back for his son's illness.

"Her Royal Highness, please send someone to find some quilts!" Marin ordered, and Princess Margaret hurried to find them.

After drinking **** soup, you need to cover your sweat with a quilt. Otherwise, it's hard to catch a cold.

However, there is no cotton in Europe at this time, so there is no quilt. The quilt is thick, as long as it is covered with three beds.

But there are no quilts in Europe at this time, and nobles generally use velvet-filled goose down quilts. Although this quilt is light and comfortable, it is not thick enough and it is a bit breathable.

So, Marin brought Princess Margaret in five quilts ...

"Baron Marin, what do you want?" Ferdinand II asked in doubt.

"Listen, Your Majesty, please have someone cover these 5 velvet quilts for the prince. The prince will never be allowed to kick off the quilt!"

啊 "Ah? Five beds? Will John suffocate you?" Ferdinand II asked anxiously.

"Why didn't you cover his face without getting covered? By the way, the prince had better wear a thick hat, but his face should still be exposed to prevent breath."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Let the prince sweat a lot, wake up, and wait until tomorrow, the prince will be better than half!"

"what do I need to do?"

"Send someone to watch the prince day and night. Never let the prince's 5-layer fleece slip or let the prince extend his body! What we want is to cover the prince with sweat!"

"Really cure my son?"

当然 "Of course, haven't you seen that the prince is awake?"

"Oh, yes ..." Ferdinand II, who was usually wise and decisive, became panicked about his son's illness.

At this moment, His Royal Highness seemed very uncomfortable. At this point, he drank a large bowl of **** soup, and it seemed like a fire was burning in his belly, causing his body to start heating.

Of course, this kind of fever is different from his own fever. The body's own fever will confuse people. The **** soup in the belly was hot, but it would not make the prince confused.

Prince Yun wanted to be breathable, but Marin forced him to cover 5 layers of velvet, which made him very stuffy.

There was a fire in his chest, and he was covered with five layers of quilts. The prince began to sweat, and his forehead began to sweat.

Everyone else was worried, but Marin saw it, but felt very good. Sweating is a good thing. Sweating means that the medicine of **** soup has taken effect and has begun to penetrate the entire body. Moreover, sweating can also send some cold viruses out with the sweat ...

"Make him sweaty, remember, when the prince wakes up, take a big bucket and wait for the prince to take a hot bath. In addition, set the fireplace on, the room temperature should not be too low. However, the window opened a small A fan for ventilation. But this small window opened must not be facing the prince! "Marin instructed the servant who had just entered the guard to guard the quilt. Of course, these servants did not understand Latin or German, and Princess Margaret interpreted them for them.

After hesitated, Marin thought nothing was going on, and he decided to leave. However, Ferdinand II was restless and ordered that Marin be opened a room in the Governor's Mansion in Salamanca, not far from the prince's room. When something happens, come directly to Marin ...

In the middle of the night, Marin woke up the Spanish court guard who hurried to him. Marin was startled, thinking that the prince had died. That way, he would have to take responsibility. Because, as stated in the betting agreement, the prince hangs up and he will be detained for at least 5 years. Maybe Ferdinand II, in his anger, might chop him off ...

With lingering mood, Marin followed the guard to the prince's room ...

When he reached the prince's room, Marin was relieved. It turned out that it was the prince who woke up rather than hang up ...

Nimad's Spanish court guard did not understand German, but spoke only a few simple Latin words, and did not speak clearly, which frightened Marin.

When the prince was awake, he was as if he had taken a bath and was soaked with sweat. However, Prince John's spirit was much better. He was no longer afraid of cold and heat, and even began to talk to Princess Margaret who was waiting beside him normally.

The Prince Wang felt uncomfortable at this time, because his clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to his body, feeling uncomfortable. Princess Margaret didn't know what to do, so she sent a guard to Marin. As a result, he didn't make it clear, which frightened Marin.

He Marlin naturally knew what to do, and he had a large oak barrel brought in, and he had heated water. Then Marin directly moved the oak barrels to the burning fireplace and let the prince go in for a bath ...

"Take a bath ... Baron Marin, the bishop said the bath would be ill, and maybe black death ..." Prince John said timidly.

"Listen to me, you had a cold and a fever before, and someone will bleed you! Nimad, you are already weak. If you bleed a few more times, you will almost see God!" Said angrily.

Prince John thought that was right, so he undressed and jumped into the oak barrel. Marin also translated through the princess, ordering the servants to close the windows, and increased the flame of the fireplace to increase the indoor temperature ...

Soon after, the prince took a shower and changed into dry clothes. Later, Marin let people replace all the sheets and quilts that were wet with the prince's sweat on the bed where the prince slept, and replaced them with new sheets and goose down. At the same time, that small window was slit again for ventilation.

After all, the fireplace is burning and consumes oxygen. If the doors and windows are closed too tightly, it can be suffocating. It is said that the children of the ancient Western noble families easily died when they were young. There is a big reason that the nobles loved their children, burned the fireplace too much, closed the doors and windows too tightly, and then smothered the children alive ...

This time, Marin only asked to cover a three-bed goose down quilt to keep a certain temperature, but he didn't cover people ...

The next morning, when the prince woke up again, he was much better. Although still a little weak, I was able to get out of bed and walk around. Obviously, this time, the prince was rescued ...

Jeff Ferdinand II was so happy that he held his son and kissed and laughed, making the prince embarrassed. After all, the prince is a 19-year-old adult.

Well, Ferdinand II didn't care. He is a son and he likes his son too much. My son almost died, and now he recovers, naturally he is extremely happy ...

In fact, Ferdinand II was a patriarch. In the beginning, he married Isabella I, who was still a princess, in order to jointly rule the kingdom of Castile. At the time, Isabella I took advantage of Ferdinand II's return to Barcelona ~ ~ to become the Queen by herself, and also caused Ferdinand II to lose his temper.

Because, according to Ferdinand II, although Isabella I was the legal heir of the Castile Kingdom at that time, the king should be a man, and Isabella should be a queen honestly. ...

Furthermore, as a woman, King Ferdinand II was very rebellious ...

So for the surviving children, Ferdinand II only valued Prince John. For a few daughters, don't look straight. In history, when his son died, Ferdinand II almost collapsed. However, after Madonna Juana succeeded, Ferdinand II showed his extremely cold and ruthless side-in order to obtain the co-governance of the Kingdom of Castile, Ferdinand II almost sent troops to destroy son-in-law Philip. And after Philip died of illness, Ferdinand II also imprisoned poor daughter Juana, and then assumed sole authority. Regarding his daughter's madness, Ferdinand II almost ignored him, but just locked her up.

This was very different from his reaction to the knowledge that Prince John might have lung disease. You know, knowing that his son might die from lung disease, Ferdinand II hugged his son and wept without fear, and didn't care if he would be infected with death-causing disease. But to the crazy Juana, he was too lazy to ask questions and let them die.

I can see how far Ferdinand II was, who was more patriarchal. Prince John is his heart, and Princess Juana is just a **** he uses ...

Of course, the more Ferdinand II loved Prince John, the happier Marin was. Because he saved the dying Prince John himself, Ferdinand II will definitely thank himself ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest, and most popular serial works are here ~ Mobile users, please read.