King of German Mercenaries

Chapter 296: Amerigo brought to your door

Because of the need to explore the Grenada route, Marin also arranged shipyards to continue shipbuilding while arranging spring planting work. Because Vallado, an old Portuguese designer, was very stubborn, Marin planned to build some "250" class armed merchant ships to serve as merchant ships.

Therefore, eventually Marin split the original Tholente shipyard into two parts-the old Portuguese designer Vallado is still at the Tholente shipyard and continues to build 250 class merchant ships. The other half of the artisans, led by the best Venetian shipbuilder Bovani, came to Emden to build a new shipyard and began to manufacture British double-deck artillery decks according to Marin's "design" Galen ship.

In addition to the top deck, this new Galen ship also has windows that can be closed to facilitate naval battles. Moreover, the aspect ratio was determined to be 4 to 1. In addition, Marin made a big deal this time, and directly launched the 500-ton class. Not only that, Marin also required to increase the thickness of the side of the ship to meet the needs of naval battles and make it a professional warship.

Of course, he did not expect to make it soon. Anyway, as long as this 500-ton British Galen ship is built this year. As long as the first ship is built and experience is gained, more ships can be manufactured smoothly in the future. The biggest difficulty is that the first ship is not easy to build. After all, there are very few 500-ton ships across Europe, not to mention the brand new British Galen.

As for the old Vallado, it will continue to manufacture 250-class armed merchant ships. This merchant ship already has mature manufacturing experience and can start construction of two ships together. It is estimated that in a few months, two ships will be launched. In addition, Marin also dispatched 500 skilled carpenters to join the Thornluncher shipyard to participate in the needs of two 250-class armed merchant ships and cultivate their shipbuilding experience. When the cultivation is mature, Marin will transfer them to the new shipyard in Emden to participate in the manufacture of 500-ton British Galen warships.

As for what kind of ship to use after recruiting Amerigo, Marin thought about it, or decided to let Amerigo first use the two small ships of one hundred and dozen tons that Columbus had eliminated.

Because it's not too difficult to explore Grenada. After all, Columbus left behind a full set of sailing information. Amerigo only needs to follow the "Strategy" left by Columbus, and press the map to reach the Americas directly along the mature route, without bothering. Moreover, Amerigo is also an "old driver" in the maritime industry. As long as there is a full set of information and Marin's directions, exploring Grenada is not a problem at all ...

On this day, Marin was signing and stamping important documents sent to Jeffrey in the royal palace, and suddenly a guard came to report-an Italian calling himself Amerigo Vespucci was clamoring to see Marin ...

Marin was shocked, and the gold and silver used for stamping in his hands fell to the ground, almost hitting Marin's feet ...

什么 "What's the matter? I have just sent someone to Italy to find this guy, not long ago, why did the goods come straight to the door?"

In fact, Amerigo was not originally looking for Marin on this trip. His original goal was to find Columbus who served Marin ...

After meeting with Columbus in Genoa more than two years ago, Amerigo, who loves nautical adventures, soon went to Spain to find opportunities.

But he was very unlucky. When he came to Spain, he found that Spain went up and down, and lost interest in continuing to explore the barren continent (America). Therefore, Amerigo had to stay in Spain first.

When this time Marin presented the information of the Indian route, Spain finally began to form a long-haul fleet. Amerigo originally wanted to squeeze into this fleet and travel to legendary India.

It's a pity that this time because of the ready-to-use navigation information and the old driver of Columbus, he was foolproof. Therefore, this voyage to India was very hot inside Spain. Many children of the nobility, for the sake of mixing up, found relationships and squeezed into the fleet. It doesn't matter if they are poor, because they only need to follow the old driver Columbus's boat ...

So, in this case, an Italian in Amerigo was naturally brushed down relentlessly. Because it is safer to "discover India" as a good thing, it is not his turn to an unrecognized foreigner ...

In desperation, Amerigo thought of Columbus far east of Friesland. Amerigo and Columbus had a little friendship. As a result, Amerigo rushed to East Friesland by land, hoping to see the previous friendship, squeeze into the Columbus fleet and go to India to take a look. By the way, in the navigation chart, also record a little precious navigation information, publish it to earn fame, or sell it to people who need it ...

It's a pity that he came by accident. When he arrived in East Friesland, Columbus's fleet had set off south ...

In desperation, Amerigo took his heart to the side, and ran to Orich's palace to see Marin, hoping to find a good job here in Marin through "recommendation by Mao Sui ...

Unfortunately, Amerigo didn't understand German, and the guards of the palace did not understand Italian and Latin. Therefore, Amerigo had to talk to the guards "chicken and duck" in a hurry ...

Fortunately, Amerigo was well-dressed, and the guards thought he was a noble, so he didn't embarrass him. Otherwise, he was thrown out early-are the princes of a country just like ordinary people want to see?

Fortunately, when Amerigo and the guards at the door were arguing, a guard who came to shifts heard Amerigo's self-proclaimed "Amerigo". Coincidentally, Marin ordered someone to go to Italy to find Amerigo that day, and the guard was on his side. So the guard hurried back to report to Marin ...

Marin was shocked for a while, then hurriedly ran straight to the door ...

Marin thought while running-Amerigo, come to my bowl ...

Then, Marin saw Amerigo, blushing and rudely arguing with the door guard. However, what makes Marin funny is that Amerigo uses Latin, which is common in the European aristocracy, and where does the guard at the door understand this tall language? The two spoke one in Latin and the other in German. But in fact, no one understands what the other person is saying ...

I also lost the guard who had a better temper, and if I changed to a more irritable one, I would have flung Amerigo with shame ...

Marin hurried forward and asked in Latin:

"Excuse me, Mr. Amerigo Vespucci?"

Amerigo froze, turned his head, and saw Marin. However, because Marin did not wear a noble dress, Amerigo did not know that Earl Marin he was looking for was in front of him. Of course, Amerigo is happy that someone can finally communicate with him in Latin. So he asked:

"I am Amerigo, may I ask you?"

"I am Marin von Huffman, Mr. Vespucci, welcome to East Frisian!" Marin extended a hand of friendship ...

"Are you Earl Marin?" Amerigo looked surprised. After all, he hadn't seen Marin, saw Marin so young, wearing ordinary woolen clothes, no gorgeous silk robes that nobles liked to wear, and thought Marin was a Latin translator ... but, see The guards on the side paid tribute to Marin and soon believed.

"Yes, I am, Mr. Vespucci, please come here!"

After Amerigo was surprised, Marin entered the palace ...

Amerigo is actually a man who is keen on fame. Otherwise, he won't rush from Italy to Spain to find opportunities.

He came from a wealthy merchant family in Florence, Italy, and his father was a wealthy bank notary. Because of his family, Amerigo was very well educated as a teenager, and he also learned Latin common to nobles and missionaries. In addition, he is a researcher of astronomy. Originally, before his death, he also became the royal astronomer of King Ferdinand II of Spain.

Of course, in this era, every good navigator is an astronomer. Because navigators need to use the sun, moon, and stars as a reference to determine the ship's position and direction. Over time, every navigator has a good astronomy.

After all, in this era, without telescopes and sextants, navigators sailed on the sea and could only judge and calculate by their naked eyes. Those who can become navigators are not idle generations.

Alas, anyway, Amerigo is just a civilian. But Amerigo admired Columbus's sailing and title and fiefdom. He also wanted to learn Columbus and sail to get a noble title. No baron, as long as the jazz is enough ... So he left Italy, went to Spain to find opportunities, and longed for success. Seeing Spain had no chance, they came to East Frisian again ...

交谈 Through conversation, Marin found that Amerigo was indeed a maritime talent. So Marin strengthened his determination to recruit Amerigo:

"Mr. Vespucci, you have been in Spain. I must know that I have 15 colonies in the barren continent, right?" Marin was named the Count of the Spanish barren and had the colonial rights of 15 colonies After Columbus presented the chart, the Spanish royal family publicized it. Its purpose is to occupy the "right of discovery" so as to find an excuse to intervene in Indian trade. Despite Portugal's anger, Spain's 20,000 soldiers at the western-Portuguese border scared Portugal. In desperation, Portugal had to acquiesce to the fact that Spain participated in the Indian trade. After all, Portugal is really weak on land. Even if the Spanish fleet can be killed at sea? People can besiege your capital from land ...

Moreover, in order to emphasize its right of discovery, Spain specifically emphasized that Columbus was specially sent by the Spanish royal family to find India, but it did not drag Marin into the water. Therefore, the Portuguese did not know that Columbus was actually sent by Marin. This has prevented Marin from suffering, otherwise, the anger in Portugal is not what Marin can now withstand. Of course, insiders such as Amerigo who once joined the official sailing agency of Spain, still know the fact that Columbus is now actually Marin. Therefore, this time Amerigo will find East Frisian.

嗯 "Well, I did hear it when I was in Spain." Amerigo Vespucci nodded. This is the biggest news in Spain in the second half of 1499. As long as the news isn't too closed, you'll hear it.

"Now Columbus has gone to pilot the Spanish Fleet and will not be able to return in two years. I need a navigator to the Americas ... oh no, to find a suitable colony on the wild continent ..."

"Master, what do you mean?" Amerigo was excited. He didn't have to speak by himself, the count started to solicit himself.

"I want to invite you to join the East Frisian Navy and go to the barren continent for me, looking for a suitable island as my first colony!"

岛屿 "Island? Lord Earl, since it is a barren continent, why not colonize directly on land? Isn't the land area larger?"

"Mr. Vespucci, you don't understand, tropical regions ... well, middle-aged hot areas, where Europeans are very unaccustomed. Living there for a long time is prone to malaria, such as malaria. Such. As a result, the mortality rate is very high ... "

而且 "Also, there are many indigenous peoples in the land areas. Establishing colonies on land is very easy to be attacked by the indigenous people ..."

大 "Master, the indigenous people are so ignorant and backward, shouldn't they stop our European troops?" Amerigo asked rhetorically.

虽 "That being said, however, we have to get a foothold first and let my men adapt to the tropical climate ~ ~ For this reason, I chose a very good island ..."

"What kind of island?" Amerigo asked with interest.

"This small island, I call it‘ Grenada, ’is a small island, but it has an advantage not found in other tropical regions — no poisonous snakes and poisonous insects ...”

没有 "There are no poisonous snakes and poisonous insects?" Amerigo didn't quite understand what the poisonous snakes and poisonous insects had to do with disease. He is not a traverser, where do you know that many tropical diseases are transmitted by poisonous insects ...

"Well, you don't need to understand this, as long as you know, then people will not be prone to tropical diseases such as malaria ..."

"Oh ... it's not easy to have tropical diseases, it seems pretty good ..." Right now the big voyage has just begun, and Europeans have not yet suffered from tropical diseases. Therefore, Amerigo clearly lacks awareness of the terrible extent of tropical diseases ...

那么 "Well, Mr. Vespucci, would you like to discover this island for me? In return, if you do, I will seize you as a jazz and grant you land ..."

"I'm willing, Lord Earl, Amerigo Vespucci will be happy to help you!" Before Marin, Amerigo, who was keen on fame, agreed ...

When he learned that Columbus had left a full set of sailing information, he only needed to take the fleet along Columbus's route to a place called the "windward islands" and then head south to find an island close to the mainland. It was even more surprising. Because it's so challenging. Even the Raiders were given in advance, what else could be difficult?

In this way, Marin and Amerigo quickly signed an employment agreement and a confidentiality agreement. After that, Amerigo stroked the Bible and swore allegiance to Marin ... So far, the second sailing master became Marin's general ...