King of German Mercenaries

Chapter 328: Division support

Out of the principle of limited support, Marin thought for a long time and decided to send some troops to support the emperor. As a result, it was better to let the emperor repel the Swiss offensive, but was unable to launch a counterattack.

So, Marin thought about it, and finally decided to send two squares to support it in the past ...

Two square matrices are nothing on the battlefield head to head. However, now the emperor's army is relying on customs to resist the Swiss attack. Therefore, two square matrices are absolutely sufficient.

Of course, Marin decided to increase the proportion of musketeers. For example, in the previous square, there were only 300 musketeers. But in support of the emperor's two squares, Marin decided to equip a square with 400 musketeers. The two squares add up to 2,500, and the Musketeers have 800.

800 Musketeers, relying on the walls and bunkers to fight back, is quite powerful. Because hiding behind the line of defense, they don't have to worry about being slashed by the enemy's charge, they can reload at leisure, and then aim and shoot.

You must know that when the Ottoman Turkish Sultan Suleiman I led a 250,000 army under siege to Vienna in 1529, the Vienna garrison relied on 72 muskets to beat the Turks stiffly at the gap in the wall blasted by the Turks Charge, held Vienna.

Of course, that was also the Turks did not understand the power of the rifle. However, in this era, even the Swiss did not know much about the power of rifles. Only the unlucky Saxons really tasted the power of lined up shots.

Also, when defending the city, the power of the rifle is more than that of the field. Because in the field, as long as the enemy side rushed over quickly, the musketeers had to retreat and let the lancer rise. Therefore, in the field, the play of the Musketeer is time limited.

But in defending the city, the musketeers occupy the natural position, coupled with the huge power of the musket, they can completely fight against each other. Even if the opponent has a warrior wearing a full set of armor, it is difficult to ascend the city. Wearing armor may be able to resist the blow of the archer, but in the face of a musket, it is the same whether to wear armor.

Moreover, the musket's lethality is relatively large, and the damage caused by it looks more bloody, which can make the enemy rush into fear. In particular, the Muscht musket used by His Majesty Muslin, the bullet weighed 50 grams, and the destructive power was extremely amazing. Hitting people will cause huge trauma to the mouth of the bowl, and will cause blood to blow out, which is very scary.

If the rifle caused huge casualties to the other person, looking at the terrible wounds on the robes will also make the living people fear.

Then, the question of choice of commander is next. Schwartz ruled out first, because he was a trusted member of Marin.

Schwartz's ability, seriously speaking, is more talented than Frentzberg. Because, after all, the Schwartz family decayed early and did not receive a complete knight education since childhood. Unlike Fronzberg, he received more rigorous military education from a young age and was more flexible in his mind.

However, Schwartz is one thing that Flenzberg cannot match. That is, Schwartz is very loyal to Marin, and any order to Marin will be executed without hesitation, regardless of right or wrong. As long as it was Marin's order, even if he was allowed to do bad things, Schwartz would not have any opinion. In Schwartz's eyes, Marin's will is his pursuit. In short, Schwartz is an avid supporter of Marin.

Frentzberg was different, because he grew up in a noble family and had independent thinking ability. Even when he was trained by Marin, he would put forward his own opinions.

This is an advantage. However, Marin's knowledge is hundreds of years ahead of people in this era. Franzberg's own opinion is actually based on the thinking of people in this era. Therefore, his personal view often does not have a better effect.

For example, Fronzberg admires the fair knight duel and opposes sneak attacks. This is a common problem of officers from the Cavaliers family in this era. Their pursuit of honor has reached a morbid state.

施 Although Schwartz was also a knight, his father no longer belonged to the knight family. Therefore, Schwartz pays less attention to honor, but pays more attention to results. In this regard, Schwartz is more in line with Marin.

Fintzberg and Marin had already experienced a gap in their hearts regarding the massacre of the old nobles of the East Frisian Land and the disposal of the noblewoman's family members. Furthermore, Fronzberg thought Marin was too cruel and lacked the honor of a knight. Marin knew this very well.

However, to be honest, the father of German mercenaries is the father of German mercenaries. Flenzberg was among the most talented of the dozens of Cavaliers under Marin.

Marin wanted to train the most loyal Schwartz to become the first person in the army, but his qualifications and ability were not less than the existence of Schwartz's Fronzberg, which blocked Schwarz's ascent. Because, regardless of seniority or ability, Frenzberger is not lost to Schwartz, even better in ability.

Uh ...

All of the above are secondary. In fact, the most important reason for Marin to be more inclined to Schwartz is that Marin has been drinking and testing the loyalty of his generals while he was half-dreamy and drunk. .

Marin asked the generals very vaguely, if they conflict with the emperor, which side do they stand on ...

As a result, Schwartz, Kahn, Sauer and some generals did not hesitate to say that they would stand by Marin. And Fronzberg said that Marin should always be loyal to the emperor and should not be hostile to the emperor ...

It was this temptation that made Marin sad. From a plate heavy cavalry, Flenzberg was promoted by Marin as a general. Unexpectedly, after a few years, Marin was more important in his mind than the emperor ...

This temptation finally strengthened Marin's determination to train Schwartz. For Flenzberg and Marin, he didn't know what to do. After all, Frentzberg did nothing wrong.

It stands to reason that loyalty and patriotism are politically correct. However, Marin is ambitious. Marin hopes that in the future, as in the later Prussia, he will occupy the northern half of Germany and become an independent country. In other words, in the later period, Marin may part ways with the Habsburgs and establish the country independently.

But Frenzberg, as one of Marin's generals, was more inclined to the emperor, which Marin did not like. Fronzberg is still young, and may be in place when Marin becomes independent in the future. If His Majesty does not agree with his independence and separation from the Holy Roman Empire, then something will happen. Maybe, it will cause civil war.

So Marin finally made up his mind to kick Frentzberg out. But how to kick it out, Marin scratched his head. After all, he didn't want to kill Frentzberger who did not make mistakes for no reason, but he didn't want him to be his top general and control military power.

I happened to be, the emperor came to ask for help, and Marin had an idea-to give Frentzberg to the emperor ...

的 The reinforcements of these two Phalanxes, and the ultimate commander, will be Flenzberg. Flenzberg was His Majesty's second-largest general, and his presence really gave the emperor face. Moreover, Frentzberg himself was happy to serve the emperor. After all, he came from the Swabian region and was politically close to the emperor.

Marin's plan is to let Franzberg lead two squares to serve the emperor for a long time. After all, Maximilian I was born with hard life and had endless battles in his life. Franz Berger was sent to the emperor, and he was not worried about being useless.

You must know that the emperor and the Habsburg family they are in are very enthusiastic about regaining the fiefdom of Switzerland. If the strength is stronger, the emperor must have plans to regain Switzerland.

But Marin knows that the Swiss are so unruly and powerful. The emperor's conquest of Switzerland must be extremely difficult. Even if they do, they will face fierce resistance.

In short, as long as the emperor fell into the pit of Switzerland, don't think about doing anything else. Even Marin, after completing the modernization of the army, only had the confidence to lay down Switzerland, and no confidence to settle Switzerland. What's more, the strength of the army is not as good as the emperor of Switzerland.

Of course, Marin did not want to give the emperor in vain for the reinforcements of these two squares. Therefore, Marin's plan is that the salaries of the two square matrix soldiers will still be paid by Marin. Of course, the supply of food and ammunition had to be paid by the emperor. In this way, salaries are paid by themselves, and these generals will naturally be more inclined to themselves. The emperor used them to fight, but also had to accept his own feelings.

Marin also gave face to Flenzberg, appointing him as the Minister of Representatives of the East Frisian Land, on behalf of Marin, serving the Emperor.

At the same time, all of Frentzberg's rights and interests in East Friesland remain intact. For example, manors, such as castles ... And the taxation of their fiefdoms is still exempt ...

出发 Before leaving, Marin and Flenzberg had an in-depth conversation. During the conversation, Marin had no objection to the teaching of the "Marin Array" to the emperor's army by Franz Berg. But in terms of fertilizers for increased grain production, Marin asked Franz Berg to swear confidentiality. Because, this is the root of the wealth of all the nobles of East Frisian.

Frenzberg himself was also an important beneficiary of a vested interest group. For Marin's request, Frenzberg swore without hesitation.

After all, his manor is still there, and his family has moved in. Keeping this secret is actually protecting your own interests. After all, if the secret of the fertilizer is leaked out, the price of food will plunge, which will hurt Frentzberg's own interests.

得到 After getting the guarantee from Frentzberg, Marin was completely relieved. Fronzberg is a knight who values ​​honor, and his vows are still very promising.

As for the problem of Franz Berger helping the Emperor to train the army ~ ~ Marin never cared. Because, so far, Marin's reforms in the army are only version 1.0 of the modern army. The Spanish Phalanx is the lowest level Phalanx, even if it is learned.

In the future, when the supply of gunpowder is more abundant, Marin intends to launch new battle arrays such as Morris square array and Gustav line array. These battle lines are even more powerful. But that is not the case at the moment. Due to the supply difficulties of saltpeter, Marin could only temporarily use the Spanish square with the lowest percentage of musketeers. Until India's saltpeter supply stabilizes, Marin will increase the proportion of musketeers.

Fronzberg and other officers who were tempted to explore the Emperor's favor, headed south with 2,500 reinforcements. At the same time, Marin wrote a letter to Maximilian I, explaining the difficulties. It means that there are too many enemies around, and no more troops can be drawn, otherwise there is a danger of being taken away from the nest. Finally, Marin also vaguely proposed that he hoped that the emperor would help him in the Imperial Parliament and get a seat for himself.

Puppet soldiers are not white, and Marin is not a fool. He definitely needs an exchange of interests. Marin currently has no plans to expand the site, and the emperor can't offer other benefits right now. Therefore, helping Marin get a seat in the Imperial Parliament is the most realistic condition.

Only when he entered the Imperial Parliament that almost all German princes participated in, could Marin be regarded as a widely recognized nobleman. Otherwise, even the imperial parliament will not be able to enter, and they will always feel shorter than others.

Marlin's plan was to mix into the Imperial Parliament first, and then find a way to become a duke. Finally, as soon as you have enough territory, you are promoted to kingdom.

Moreover, Marin hinted in the letter that if he entered the Imperial Parliament, he would send an additional square ...