King of German Mercenaries

Chapter 42: Ready to work

On June 30, 1495, Marin finally led the team below and rushed to the vicinity of Parma. However, Marin did not lead the team to the Italian coalition station to meet the Italians, but instead hid in the hills and mountains on the west bank of the Tarot River, a tributary of the Po River (Italy's largest river). Then he sent someone to a nearby town and ordered 500 engineer spades ...

The reason why I want to order 500 engineering spades is to use it to dig trenches. Marin was going to block the 8,000 French knights who had escaped from the French army. If the French were up **** the flat ground and were not afraid to die hard, Marin's square was so small that it was not enough for the enemy to attack. In addition, there are many French people, you can also choose to copy and shock.

Therefore, it is very important not to let the French cavalry charge. While blocking the French cavalry charge, trenches, trapped pits, stumps, and pointed stakes are good choices.

The heavy cavalry charge is not the same as the infantry charge. The heavy cavalry really makes him charge, as long as the number is large. Even the "spear-like forest" is difficult to resist.

However, in front of "Long Spears like a Forest", enough trenches, trapped horse pits, stumbling horses, and sharp wooden stakes were arranged, but they received wonderful results.

Faced with these traps, any cavalry is forced to slow down. When the cavalry speed slows down, the impact is gone. At this time, if you want to climb through the trench to attack the pike array, it is definitely a good deal.

Trenches and pointed stakes need not be mentioned, these are the methods used in Europe. However, Marin's two trenches are more insignificant than the one currently popular in Europe. The trapped horse pits and stumbling horses have more oriental characteristics.

Framed horse pits are actually hunters' traps, dig a pit on the ground and cover it with grass. This humble trap is easily visible to infantry. But the cavalry is different. They rushed from a distance and did not have time to observe the ground. Even if the trap is simple, the enemy cavalry, who is coming quickly from a distance, has too little time to discern. When it was identified, the warhorse could not stop the car at all, and could only watch it step into the trap. Then the man turned his back.

As for tripping horses, let alone, Chinese people know that Guan Erye was overcast by tripping horses. There are two general types of tripping horses-dead tripping horses and live tripping horses.

The so-called dead trip matzo is to stand two wooden stakes on the ground, and the wooden stakes are connected by ropes. When the horse rushed over, if the hoof was caught by the rope, the horse was turned over. However, such a stumbling horse is also visible to the enemy. If riding is good and the horse is obedient, you can avoid stumbling the horse.

The stumbling horses are controlled by soldiers. When the enemy cavalry rushed over, the soldiers on both sides suddenly pulled up the horse and lifted it, and the war horse and the knight were too late to react, and they were overcast ...

It stands to reason that it is better to stumble horses. However, live trips also have their own shortcomings-if the soldiers ambush in the wrong direction, it is troublesome. The ambush soldiers may themselves be exposed to the enemy's butcher knife.

Marin was small and could not stand the loss of people, so he decided to use a dead trip. After all, the stumbling technique is simple and low-cost. Although, a single stumbling horse is easy to be avoided by the enemy, and even the war horse can jump directly.

However, Marin uses a combination of multiple traps. Just in front of the deadly trip, there was a trap. Often, even if you drive the war horse to jump over the tripping horse, you will just fall into the trap. Besides, Marin intends to ambush the French cavalry in the middle of the night.

In the next few days, Marin sent Sauer to investigate the news while inspecting the terrain. After all, Fornovo headed northwest, there was more than one road, Marin was not sure, which way Charles VIII went. Because first, he didn't know where the French battalion was arranged.

Charles VIII fled, definitely set off from the French army camp, took the most convenient road, and avoided the direction of the coalition forces to avoid being intercepted.

Therefore, to determine the direction of the French army's retreat, we must first know the French military station, and then we must also know the coalition military station. Finally, based on these conditions, the French escape route can be determined.

However, even if he knew the French camp, Marin would not dare to set it up directly. Because, before escaping, the French will definitely explore the road first. There were many French cavalry, and the scouts were completely pressureless. Therefore, if you want to ambush the French, you must avoid the French cavalry investigation. However, we must ensure that the ambush is in the right place. If the French ran away from another road, they would not be able to catch up with this small square. Because the opponent used cavalry and his own infantry.

Alas, these days, while Marin ordered all members to practice digging trenches and trapped horse pits, he took a few of them and rode out to explore terrain and roads.

In the end, Marin determined that Fornovo headed northwest, there were two roads. One is a smooth road on the plain. However, after crossing the Tarot River, this road must first turn north-east. The French do not take shortcuts along this road. Moreover, there is a possibility of being overtaken by coalition forces. Because the coalition forces seem to be right by the river, as long as they go north, they can keep the road in check.

另一 The other road is across the hilly area and heads northwest. After crossing the hilly area, you can reach the shores of the Po River. Then, along the Po River, you can go to Asti, a town in Piedmont under the Principality of Savoy. And Asti was also the forefront military fortress and staging area after the French army entered Italy. As long as they arrive in Asti, the French army is basically safe. Moreover, Charles VIII would not stand by Asti. As long as his king left, the coalition's attack on Asti didn't make much sense.

This road in the hilly area has many dirt slopes and low hills on both sides of the road. In Marin's view, this road is most suitable for ambush.

Moreover, if the French army marches during the day, it may be difficult to set ambush. After all, Charles VIII was not an incompetent and would definitely send scout cavalry to explore the way.

However, after the battle of Fornovo, Charles VIII ran the road overnight. Ambush.

But the problem is how to let the French army go this mountain road instead of that flat road ...

For this reason, Marin broke his brain ...

"Master, what do you want?" Kohler came over diligently and gave Marin a pizza.

"Oh, nothing, I just worry about how to make my enemies take one of the paths instead of the other." Marin took the pizza and said, biting the cake.

这样 "That's ... Master, have you broken another way? Isn't it easy? The enemy can only take the way you want them to go?" Kohler said with a crooked head.

"Destroy the road?"

哎 "Oh, it's a solution!" Marin patted his head.

Then, Marin began to convene manpower, intending to dig the smooth road. As it happens, Marin had 500 engineer spades. Two people use each shovel in turn and can dig continuously.

However, Sauer told Marin that coalition forces might reach Fornovo on this route. If Marin digs the road, coalition forces may not be able to reach Fornovo as Marin envisions.

Marin thought for a while, or decided to temporarily give up the road. Because he did not want to ruin the road because of himself, affecting the progress of the battle of Fornovo.

However, he decided that in the day after the war between the two sides, he would quietly come to this road with men and horses, dig the road, and bring in the river to block the French army's path.

Then, go to the ambush site on the other road and wait for the French army to come at night ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile Users please read.