King of Stage

Chapter 336: Close contact

With a long sigh of relief calmly, Ronan still maintained a calm posture, all tension and anxiety were perfectly hidden under the surface, and he was ready to meet all challenges.

Click, click, click.

Click, click, click.

The shutter sound filled the audience surging above the eardrums, and Ronan could feel the shouts of the audience also slowly converging.

After a lot of time, the red carpet audience seems to have finally realized the true identity of the characters on stage:

One day king.

The biggest winner in the Grammy nomination stage this year is also the biggest dark horse. Almost everyone is asking, "What kind of band is the King of One Day", "How did they make a **** road", "Their music really Is it that great?" The hustle and bustle couldn't stop at all.

Now, the "mysterious character" has finally lifted the veil-

Of course, it’s not that netizens don’t know what the band looks like. Even if they are too lazy to search, photos are included in the Grammy nomination list. It’s more that the audience finally saw the band in reality, without three heads and six arms. There are no three eyes either, it turned out to be like this.

As a result, the shouts were mixed with the shutter sound of the reporters one after another, and they were uneven.


"Hey, there!"

"Here here."


Different shouts are endless, and there is no pattern or strategy. To be precise, most of the audience is just joining in the fun. They don’t even know the names of the band members, so they can only shout, which makes the scene surging. Appears chaotic and disorderly.

But no matter what, the red carpet that fell into a trough for a short time became lively again, and the audience finally felt a sense of participation and their emotions became excited again.




In the turbulent noise, Ronan was able to catch his name, so he looked at the sound, and then he could see different arms waving, it was difficult to accurately distinguish the source of the sound among the bustling crowd, but...still... There are exceptions.

"Ronan! Ahhhhhh!"

A hoarse roar exploded directly in the ear, and even in the hoarse voice, I could feel a crying nasal sound on the verge of collapse. The urgency and desire, like the raging fire in the cold winter, firmly grasped Ronan. The line of sight, and then just looked over.


Ronan recognized the face at a glance. Although he couldn't tell the name, he knew that they had met, and they were still in the not-so-distant past.

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So, the footsteps went over.




The voice gradually increased until it was hoarse, and finally was even forced to silence. Lucy stiffened in place, watching Ronan walking towards him in disbelief.

Lucy always felt that Ronan was watching him, and he was facing him when he came over; but then, deep in her heart, she couldn't help denying the idea. She and Ronan only met once, how could Ronan be? Remember yourself? And how can you see yourself in the vast crowd?

Yes. It's not.

It's not. Yes.

The emotions of gain and loss go back and forth between affirmative and negative, but Lucy has no time to think deeply, because Ronan has come to the red carpet, standing in front of the audience, and can clearly feel the other audience around him. Involuntarily held his breath.

From the repression of the body to the suppression of the aura, Ronan, standing on the red carpet, did indeed show a breath-holding and powerful aura. The unique charm of gestures made people lean back slightly. He didn't even dare to approach easily, as if he saw the lotus in full bloom in the crater. While surprised and wanted to approach, he retreated in fear. That kind of ambivalence made the heart beat frantically in his chest.

However, Lucy couldn't feel the reaction of her surroundings at this time. Looking at Ronan wholeheartedly in her sight, there was only one figure.

It's near.

So close.

Lucy completely held her breath and stared at Ronan. Then she could see Ronan's mouth opening and closing, as if she was saying something, but the rustling noise around him kept surging, and it was revealed. Xi has entered a state of crash, hearing has declared a strike, and can't hear it at all.

She didn't react until Ella ran into Lucy, glanced at Ella quickly, and then returned to Ronan.

"I remember you. Las Vegas, right?"


There was only a roar in Lucy's mind: He remembered himself, Ronan remembered himself, Ronan actually remembered himself! God! **** Christ!

Lucy couldn't make a sound at all, so she could only gently chin to express her approval. She felt that her reaction seemed like an idiot, but she couldn't help it.

Then, Lucy saw Ronan's smile rising at the corner of his mouth--Boom! The heart stops beating, the breathing stops working! It seems that the whole world has stopped spinning!

"Ha, are you here to support our band? Please answer yes, otherwise I will have nowhere to hide." Ronan's voice spread amidst the hustle and bustle of noise, slightly slightly because the volume was raised. It's a bit hoarse, but it's gently plucked like a string.


A groundhog was screaming in Lucy's mind, but on the surface it was like a puppet, too stiff to make any reaction, just staring at Ronan blankly.

In the end, Ella managed to escape, "Yes, I made a special trip to watch the King for a day. Lucy really looked forward to it for a long time, and started preparing early."

"Ha." Ronan's smile fully bloomed, and then he walked half a step forward, narrowing the distance--

Then Lucy's brain had completely stopped working: it was too close, it was too close, and the heart had gone on strike. She could even breathe the refreshing fragrance from Ronan. The chaotic brain couldn't distinguish exactly what the fragrance was. She just pulled her heart closer. The only idea was to get closer.

One side is stiff because it is too close; on the other side, I can't wait to get closer.

The tug-of-war between reason and emotion was raging in the brain, and the appearance was completely invisible. He just watched Ronan intently and even forgot to blink.

"Thank you for your willingness to come and enjoy our performance. This is very important to us." Ronan whispered to Lucy. His voice was surging above Lucy's eardrum, and his ears could still feel it. After reaching Ronan's breath, he swished and turned red, as if he was about to drip blood.

Afterwards, Ronan moved a little away and said to Lucy and Ella, "I hope you enjoy tonight's performance." Then, he opened his arms and said, "Welcome to the Kingdom of One Day!"


The groundhog screamed again inside.

Then, Ronan turned around and left. Lucy looked at Ronan's back like this, and the excitement reached its peak at this moment and broke out completely.

