King of Stage

Chapter 415: Easy work

The atmosphere is still subtle.

The surging of the dark tide can be clearly felt between the coveted chips and the chattering and laughing, and the shadow of the sword is hidden between the rhythm of the conversation between you and me, which is suffocating.

Judging from the current situation, Harry came prepared, but Taylor was caught off guard. The gap between strengths and weaknesses was established early and is still intensifying.

Taylor, relying on a breath of air to support at this time, his spine still straight, his jaw still raised, maintaining his pride, but after all, he was still too young. He did not have the upper hand in the verbal confrontation. Instead, he suffered continuous blows. , So that the last bit of persistence is on the verge of collapse.

Such Taylor is far from the appearance seen in the media.

It was the first time Ronan and Taylor met. There was no feeling of joy or dislike. It was just an ordinary relationship, and he didn't want to get involved in the relationship of a couple——

Who knows the rhythm of the young people's exchanges. Maybe today is still an enemy who doesn't share the sky, and the night has been reconciled like glue; maybe the tit-for-tat evil words were facing each other in the first second, and the next second will be the pear flower belt. The rain ground embraced again, and outsiders mixed in, but it was thankless and thankless.

However, Ronan didn't like Harry's way of handling things and his attitude, which was really not gentlemanly, even if it was a couple quarrel, it was too ugly.

So, should he be nosy to lend a helping hand?

Harry didn't notice the stiffness and lowness of Taylor's face, stood up straight again, and smiled at Ronan again, "Bruno just stepped on my wound, I think, I can't stay here anymore, otherwise I Worrying that I will ask you to show the gramophone trophy, this is the real shame."

Facing Taylor and facing other people, Harry’s attitude, tone, and eyes are all different. At this time, Harry is gentle, polite, witty and humorous. His words also carry the self-deprecating characteristic of British people, and of course young people’s. Narcissism, the overflowing confidence shining like the sun, the topic became heated again, and Simon and Bruno both chuckled lightly.

"Sorry, we have engraved the king's name for a day." Ronan also lightly teased, the subtext is that the phonograph trophy already has an owner, "I think, I shouldn't have to worry about you taking it away." Make everyone laugh.

Harry is no exception, with smiles between his eyebrows and eyes, "Unfortunately, our plan has been seen through."

A little self-deprecation made the laugh more brilliant.

But Taylor was an exception. A group of men were laughing and laughing, while Teresa was hugged by Harry and became a member of the chat and laughter team. She was the only one who was isolated, and no one seemed to notice her, not even She owed even a look, and Harry's continuous attacks made her into a desperate situation, feeling helpless.

Sending a signal from the subconscious, she needs to cheer up, she needs to fight back, she needs to show her posture, she must not show weakness in front of the man, but the brain is completely muddy, and she can't sort out her thoughts in a short time, but her hands and feet are cold, like Fools generally froze in place.

Taylor doesn't like this kind of self. She is so weak, like the princess in the Disney fairy tale waiting for the prince to save, she doesn't like it.

She should be the princess who killed the dragon with her own huge sword. She doesn’t need to be saved, she can save herself, but at this moment she can’t breathe, and her brain sends out a signal of resistance and fought back fiercely. And the body is a different story, no sound can be heard.

Harry continued, "I think I really have to leave. If I continue to stay here, jealousy will distort my face. I just made a special trip to say hello. Now that the goal has been achieved, then retreating as soon as possible is the best choice. Still, you need the guidance of a guide, and Teresa and I are very happy to be your little friends."

Ronan's gaze noticed Taylor's loneliness and struggle. The aura of aura seemed to be slowly disappearing, and then the sense of existence was slowly disappearing.

It felt like drowning, and even gave up struggling. It seemed that no one would pass by, and no one would offer a helping hand.

Perhaps a little effort should be harmless.

Ronan smiled at Harry and shook his head slightly, "Thank you very much for your kindness, but Taylor's company is enough tonight."

Taylor's company?

A pun, is it the company of the same party? Or... the company to attend the party together?

The same words have different understandings.

Taylor stiffened slightly, and suddenly raised his head to look at Ronan, his eyes showing confusion, and then Ronan turned his head and looked over. Those bright eyes were still full of gentle spring breeze, and the sky was shining with stars. Shining, focused and deep into her eyes, Taylor's heart missed a beat and fell slowly in the next second.

The confusion, the panic, the annoyance, etc. all disappeared, the sound of the heart hitting the chest came from my ears, the whole world became quiet, it seemed that the noise of the music in the audience disappeared, and then time slowed down, just like this. Searching for the wind and sunshine in those eyes.

The world is brightened again.

Perhaps waiting for assistance is not something as bad as imagined.

Unknowingly, the irritability slowly calmed down, and the familiar sense and calmness returned to the body. The blood vessels seemed to have returned to temperature, but instead, there was another kind of slightly trembling throbbing, as if embracing Liu. The breeze in the early summer of the month fell into a crystal clear stream, with warmth in the cold, and the body and mind became transparent.

At a glance, it seemed like a year.

Harry's expression was a bit How did Taylor hook up with the biggest focus of the Grammy Awards tonight? Is it so fast? Or, before the awards ceremony tonight, Taylor had known Ronan, and then deliberately did not say, just to make a surprise tonight?

Harry completely forgot about Teresa next to him, and glared at Tyler at a glance, "You!"

"Harry." Ronan's call interrupted Harry's words. He took his gaze away from Tyler, then looked at Harry again and said with a smile, "It's as if you have Teresa's company. I believe that you are too Have a good night."

Hari is not good at it.

Look at Ronan and feel Teresa next to him. In an instant, Harry felt like he had lost, and he was still defeated. Then he ignited an anger in his chest, and the shame and irritability exploded in an instant, almost a little bit. Nearly, Harry was about to break out of a gaffe.

However, at the last moment, Harry managed to control himself with an emergency brake in time, and did not turn the scene into a farce. However, the stiff facial lines still exposed the emotional turbulence, a little childishly turned away from the sight, and the practice was still not enough. Just expose one's weaknesses.