King of Stage

Chapter 426: Secret exit

Hidden in the shadows and darkness, the creeper vines snaked along the wall, and the eyes were full of dark green that was dense enough to condense into black, brimming with vitality that does not belong to February.

After pruning, the branches and leaves that grew tenaciously again accidentally scratched the cheeks, and the coolness caused a low numbness on the surface of the skin. It seemed that the goosebumps were about to move, and the rich oxygen entered the lungs along the night, letting One couldn't help but breathe.

As if a drowning person finally broke through the water, he felt the preciousness of his breath again, and his chaotic brain gradually became clear.

Then, the hustle and bustle of the heat was slowly left behind, drifting away, in a trance, as if entering another world, faintly, Ronan could experience Harry Potter's first appearance in the opposite. The feeling of Jiaoxiang always felt that there was a magical world hidden here.

Along with the exploration of the footsteps, a wooden door appeared on the right hand side. The dark brown wooden door is indescribably commensurate with the surrounding red brick wall. The perception of "Harry Potter" is becoming more and more obvious because of the party. The chaotic and dull brain couldn't help but began to excite.


Ronan gently pushed open the wooden door. It was not a wooden door that had been in disrepair. In fact, it was very flexible. It could be easily opened without any effort. It was a little disappointing. There was no sense of mystery left. , But the joyful mood still drove the footsteps and walked out curiously.

What is it outside?

a street.

Ordinary streets, no magical world, no crazy hats, neatly parked cars, the wide streets are occupied by vehicles on both sides, so that the middle street does not have much space left, it looks very narrow, and then, Ronan did not When I was disappointed in time, I could see a group of "gophers" jumping out of my line of sight.


Click, click, click!

The overwhelming flash of light rushed towards his face instantly, and his unprepared eyes fell into a state of "snow blindness" again. There was only a boundless darkness. Numerous flickering spots of light flickered. The air waves of teeth and claws made Ronan's movements slightly. After a short pause, the door reflexively closed again in the next second.


what happened?

Because it was too accidental and too sudden, Ronan’s brain fell into a short-lived state——

One second I was looking forward to the mystery of the magical world, and the next second I was directly driven back by the ubiquitous flashing lights. The huge contrast made people unable to react.

what happened!

Wait, paparazzi!

Ronan finally reacted, and a familiar but unfamiliar term appeared in his mind.

Everyone says that you need to be careful when you leave the party, because the paparazzi will never miss tonight. For the artists, this is a carnival, and for the paparazzi, this is why the party scene has so many outlets. .

But the problem is that Ronan heard these rumors, but he still has no real feelings-there is no way, in the life experience of Ronan II, paparazzi is a word that appears in the news, as if it only appeared in It's normal in newspapers or movies and has nothing to do with him.

Originally thought it was the back door of a secret exit, the paparazzi had already seen it through, and they had formed a bucket formation strictly on the spot, which was really horrifying.

It was not until this moment that Ronan suddenly realized that from the Grammys to the midnight party, they were all standing in the spotlight. The paparazzi, like sharks smelling blood, had gathered around their feet early, and he was still preparing to jump in without knowing it. Swim in the sea for a while, I am afraid that as long as one of your feet reaches into the "sea", the group of sharks will swarm up immediately, not even the thigh bones will be left behind.

Puff! Puff!

My heart beats frantically and hit my chest. I realized how exciting it was after I recovered. Although it is not the magical world of Harry Potter, it is real and turbulent enough, and my heart palpitates immediately. But, face What should I do with paparazzi?

My mind was blank, and I didn't even have a reference answer, and I couldn't even copy the answer. Now he finally knew why Chris couldn't just leave after being drunk.

It is estimated that not only the secret exit in front of us, but other secret exits should also be half a catty. So, what should we do now?

But... he has nothing to hide, does he? Why should you be afraid of paparazzi? What the paparazzi wants to chase are explosive spots and gimmicks, but if there is nothing, this group of sharks will not be interested at all. Then, what should the paparazzi's purpose of taking pictures just now?

Did they just want to know where he went after he left the midnight party?

This is indeed a possibility.

Otherwise...he still returns to the hotel? Anyway, tonight is indeed exhausted, and for the first time I know that socializing is a mental work and a physical work. Maybe, he should leave the front door swaggeringly, maybe it's simpler than these secret exits, and his upright attitude won't attract the paparazzi's attention...?

Ronan has no experience, and he can't judge.

However, before the rush of the chest had time to calm down, footsteps came from behind, and the reaction was slightly slow and slow before turning to look at it. Then, she saw Alena, who was already close at hand. She didn't seem to have any. When he noticed Ronan, he just bowed his head and nodded politely, and then walked sideways, past Ronan's position, and was about to open the wooden door.

"and many more!"

In a hurry, a word finally came out of the disturbing thoughts. There was no time to think carefully. Ronan directly held the doorknob, and then Alena's palm stretched out and wrapped Ronan. The temperature difference between the palm of the palm, the palm of the palm and the back of the hand made both of them stunned, like an electric At this time, Ronan and Alena reacted to each other. They exchanged their sights, and they were truly aware of what was in front of them. It was the other party that appeared.

Alena was slightly startled.

At this moment, Ronan blocked Alena's sight with his body, his tall and straight figure was like a hen protecting a chick, blocking the oncoming eagles.

The narrow space made it difficult for both of them to show off. Ronan, with long hands and long feet, only felt embarrassed for a while, and his movements became restrained. By the time he reacted, Ronan had already slapped Alena. "Prison" is in the corner of the wall-unintentionally.

Before the words had time to work, the tension and friction between the lines of sight completely deviated the atmosphere. Their eyes slammed into each other like this, staring at the pair of eyes that were close at hand, in the dim and dim light. Unable to see the other person’s expression clearly, I can only vaguely capture the emotions surging in the bright eyes. Time and space freeze in an instant, all the noise and noise disappear, and even the disturbing thoughts disappear, both in the eyes and in the brain. Only each other is left.

In this way, they fell into the mortar of time, as if they could escape the passage of time briefly.