King of Stage

Chapter 427: Good night farewell

Time, it just freezes, ears can finely capture all the trivial sounds floating in the air, and amplify it little by little—




The sound of the heart hitting the chest was surging above the eardrums, because it was too ferocious and too violent, so that the muddy and heavy breathing sound was completely ignored, just carefully exploring the sound of the heartbeat, trying to interpret it like a Morse code The secret information hidden behind the rhythm beating.

So, how did things develop? Like a dream, I can't remember the beginning, so I enter a scene inexplicably, and then fall deeply into it, unable to follow the plot, but the ups and downs of the mood are so real, it is breathless.

In a trance, I am in a chaotic space that is half-dream and half-awake. Reality is condensed at the fingertips, but I am caught in the illusion of dopamine mixed with adrenaline, as if... as if flying high and staying in the air, lightly above the clouds Walking, the lazy sunlight just sheds down like this, comfortable and free, lazy and hazy.

The beating of the heart has also become a kind of enjoyment.

However, the face close at hand was reflected in the eyes, too clear and too clear, and I could vaguely feel a burst of static electricity flowing along the fingertips all the way to the heart.

The atmosphere is a bit ambiguous.

Bidong’s posture is not as romantic as imagined, but rather embarrassing, because the distance is so close that you can feel the temperature of the breath and the breath of the body. The sensitivity of touch and smell makes the heart beat lose its original rhythm and panic. The middle brain's thoughts also fell into a cloud of mud.

I could faintly feel the sweat permeating from my palm, as if a dozen ants were climbing and moving.

How did things develop to this point? There are too many accidents tonight, and the context has been lost in the turning points again and again.

"...Paparazzi." Ronan reawakened his memory in his mind, trying to explain the reason behind his reckless actions, "All paparazzi outside the door."

Alena squeezed the corner of her mouth as if she wanted to laugh, but then she controlled the impulse and said seriously, "I don't think those paparazzi know who I am."

"Aha." Ronan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then realized that he didn't realize this, he immediately admitted it frankly, "Obviously I am not thinking, just thinking: Ah, paparazzi, I should avoid , Otherwise they might devour me alive. But in fact I don’t know what will happen, everything is just hearsay.”

"I can understand that the paparazzi has been demonized, entertained to death, profit is paramount, and unscrupulous for the news." Alena lightly chinked her head in agreement, "Obviously, it is also difficult for me to describe the paparazzi with positive words of praise. But I think they are like vultures, only staring at carrion."

"Dear Miss Alena, are you using carrion to describe the stars of Vanity Fair?" Ronan frowned slightly, making a funny face, jokingly.

Alena didn’t mind, “In a sense, it’s true. When I first entered Vanity Fair, it was still fresh meat, and then slowly stinks and rotted, attracting more and more vultures, and finally one day completely. When he died, the vultures were not interested, and just disappeared like this."


Sharp and precise, Ronan could not refute, but his inability to refute does not mean acceptance. "So, you look at me now as if you are looking at a piece of rotten meat?"

"At least, you haven't started to smell." Alena said calmly without minding.

"Wow, although I know that there is a disagreement between classical music and pop music, I didn't expect you to treat us this way." Ronan sighed, his movements were a little more natural, and he lowered his arms. , Opened a little distance, stood face to face, but the alley was a bit too narrow, and there was still no distance.

Alena shrugged slightly, "The problem is that you treat us like this: a group of mummies who can't keep up with the times and stubbornly adhere to tradition."

"Please don't represent me, I am not one of them." Ronan stated his position.

"But you and them are a group of people. If you want to make a splash in pop music, you must deal with them. Unless you have enough ability to break the rules, you can only follow the rules now." Alena sees It is very thorough, but the understatement can hit the red heart.

Ronan found it very interesting. On the one hand, he felt offended and his stomach was burning. He didn't like Alena’s thoughts, and reflexively wanted to refute; but on the other hand, Alena’s frankness and frankness But so sincere and completely consistent with Ronan's style of acting, he also had to appreciate Alena's directness.

After thinking about it, "What about you? Can you represent you?" Ronan asked.

Alena still has no special changes in her expression, "If I say I can't, will you separate me from the classical music group?"

the answer is negative.

This is always the case in human society. In fact, everyone knows that individuals are different, but when looking at a collective, they are always habitually looking at it as a whole, and then use a noun to refer to everyone, "pop music" , "Classical music", completely ignore the individual differences.

This is true for Ronan, and it is no exception for Alena.

Ronan lifted his jaw slightly, "So, this time you and our cooperation stage...?"

"You can finish the rest of the words." Alena didn't mind at all. "How does this collaboration stage look like in classical music? They will obviously think that I have fallen, deviated from the current track, and made a Betraying their attempts, I had no choice but to bow to money. UU看书"

"Ha." Ronan was immediately amused, cruel and realistic, but Alena's understatement contained a kind of sarcasm, "So can they understand it?"

"No." Alena shook her head, "Even if you are down on the street, you still need to maintain your dignity and etiquette. This kind of pride in the bones is the meaning of their existence. It's not that they don't understand the progress of the times, but they just refuse to merge. "After a pause, Alena looked at Ronan curiously, "You must not understand."

"No, on the contrary, I don't like or support it, but I can understand, and even envy." Ronan said honestly, "In fact, many things in life are like this. Everyone pretends to be smart people. I can grasp the pulse of the times and keep up with the times, walk in front of others, and then see a more magnificent blueprint for the future. Therefore, it is always easier to change, and to stick to the tradition requires more problems."

"I am not saying that such stubbornness is correct, but that such pride is rare. Their spirit has almost disappeared in the fast food culture of the Internet age." Ronan is very objective and very honest: he is not. Like or disagree, but it does not hinder his admiration.

The smile under Alena's eyes wafted slightly.