King of the Nine Seas

Chapter 107: basement

After Aran’s reminder, everyone in the room also reacted. Although they are in control of these candles and oil lamps, they seem to be safe, but in fact, whether it is candles or oil lamps, they are in danger of being cleaned up. If it doesn't turn fine, then it's really going to be troublesome.

   It’s just that everyone can figure out things, but no one wants to let anyone go out looking for lamp oil and candles.

The young sailor in the house just walked out and was pulled into the darkness by the tentacles in the dark and disappeared. But everyone has seen it. Who can guarantee that he will leave the house with an oil lamp and walk outside. Will it go out?

Needless to say, the candles are easily extinguished if you walk a little bit faster. Besides, the whole hotel is terribly quiet except for this room. No one can guarantee that there will be no other conditions. Naturally, no one dares to go out and look for some lamp oil and The candle is out.

   Aran saw the thoughts of these people in the room at a glance.

   So he didn't talk nonsense with these people at all, picked up his own oil lamp, motioned for a moment, let the wild dog and the stump together, each holding his own oil lamp and go out with him.

I have to say that the dingo and the stump are also quite clever. Because of the sudden dimming of the sky, the two of them took two oil lamps from the street lamp in a panic to protect their cargo. Came to this hotel steadily.

Seeing the movements of the three of Aran, the old man looked around and suddenly stood up, carrying his own oil lamp, which was somewhat worn and deformed, but still stubbornly glowing and hot, and prepared to go with Aran and the others. Look for oil lamps and candles.

   The four people were ready to leave the house. They were about to leave, but they were stopped by the big man who had punched the young sailor before.

"Four of you, don’t you need four lights? One for two is enough. There are many people here who don’t have lights in their hands. There are even four or five people guarding a light. Don’t be so selfish and contribute. Come out two lights!"

When   's voice fell, the brawny man reached out to grab the stump and the lamp in the hands of the wild dog.

   But at this moment, a cold light suddenly appeared in front of the brawny man, turned into a dagger against the brawny man's throat, and pushed him to the corner of the wall a little bit, not daring to move a bit against the wall.


   Looking at the dagger floating in the air, pushing the strong man to the corner a little bit, everyone in the room took a breath.

Although Aran has met a lot of extraordinary people since his debut, and after leaving the black shark, he has encountered a lot of powerful extraordinary enemies, but in fact, there are really not many extraordinary people in this world, and it is easy to not see them. A few, now these sailors in the house have encountered an extraordinary person, whose deterrence is naturally self-evident.

   The brawny man swallowed, never daring to talk nonsense anymore.

Glancing at the people in the room, Aran didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these guys. With a light shake of his finger, the dagger turned into a cold light and returned to the scabbard on his waist, as he used the electromagnetic hand. And development, this Tier 3 potion was almost completely digested, and the ability to use it became more and more skillful, otherwise he would not be ready to brew Tier 4 potions for promotion.

   Seeing Aran's ability, the old man grinned and couldn't help but be thankful for his choice.

  Aran took the lead. The four people walked out of the house with their own oil lamps, and under the complicated eyes of everyone in the house, they came to the corridor of the hotel.

   At this time, the hotel was dim, without the slightest amount of people.

At the end of the corridor are four tables and some chairs, which are usually used to entertain drinking and dining guests, but now most of these four tables and chairs are turned over to the ground, it seems that someone has a conflict or fight here, on the ground Scattered with a few burnt candles and broken oil lamps, it seems that the people here should have been swallowed by the monster.

   It’s just that since these people have candles and oil lamps, how did the monster devour these people? Could it be that they had a quarrel that led to a fight, causing all the lights to go out, and then allowing the monster to take advantage of it?

   At this point, Aran looked at the wild dog and the stump and asked: "When I didn't come before, did you hear the sound of someone fighting outside?"

The wild dog and the stump looked at each other, and both shook their heads. The wild dog said, "It's not true. In fact, after we entered the room to avoid the monster, we didn't pay too much attention to the outside situation. Later we just listened. I heard short screams and calls for help outside, only to realize that something was wrong outside."

Frowning and thinking about it, Aran nodded and didn't say much. There must be some problems in this, but it is not time to entangle these problems at this stage. The key now is to look for kerosene and candles. As for other things, you can later. Say it again.

   "Do you know where the lamp oil and candles are stored in this hotel?"

   "I don't know this very but people in our town usually choose to put these things in the basement, where it is cool and safe, and is most suitable for placing flammable things such as lamp oil and candles."

   "The basement? Then you are not afraid that the basement is too dim?"

   turned his head and looked at the wild dog. The old man smiled and said, "As long as you go to the basement during the day, there is no problem. The monster will not move at all during the day. As long as the sun is shining outside, it is safe even in the basement."

Before the four people came to the basement cautiously, Aran gave the others a gesture, reached out his hand and held it lightly, and the oil lamp made of metal shell immediately floated, and at the same time, Aran made a slight move with his left hand, the metal door handle and door lock. Open by itself, the door of the basement slowly opened.

At this moment, the dark tentacles were surrounded by the black mist, suddenly protruding from the basement, and entangled towards the four of Aran, but did not wait for these tentacles to get close to the four of Aran, the oil lamp controlled by Aran It blocked them and those tentacles.

  The light of the oil lamp immediately resembled a flame. Wherever the light passed, the black mist quickly disappeared, and the tentacles were as if burned by the flames, twitching and retracting into the darkness of the basement.

   stretched out his hand to lead, the oil lamp took the lead and drifted slowly along the gate into the basement, driving away the darkness in the basement, while the four of Aran followed the oil lamp and walked cautiously into the basement step by step.

When the wild dog and the three of them walked into the basement, the four oil lamps completely illuminated the basement, which was not too large. It was also at this time that the four of Aran saw a shrouded in the corner, holding a stick that was about to burn. Woman with candles!