King of the Nine Seas

Chapter 274: Funeral



The divine power emitted by the Vault of Sky Lord instantly collapsed, and Aran's golden electric light released by the Trident of the Sea Emperor instantly hit the avatar of the Vault of Sky Lord, directly blasting his avatar out, and his body collapsed in bursts.

Seeing the embarrassed Lord of the Sky, the Mother of Dawn smiled and said to her: "Sky, the rules of the Nine Seas cannot be easily violated, you have crossed the boundary."

The words of the Mother of Dawn were spoken with the divine words that their gods could use, and the Lord of the Sky Sky also immediately used divine words to say to the Mother of Dawn: "The rules of the Nine Seas do not allow the gods to take action against the Pirate King. He is not..."

Speaking of this, the words of the Vault of Heaven Lord suddenly stopped. He stared at Aran below, seemingly and questioningly: "There is a pirate king who has died, and the position of the nine pirate kings is vacant, so to speak... "

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. The Mother of Dawn looked at Aran with an unclear gaze and nodded and said, "Yes, there are now vacancies in the positions of the Nine Great Pirate Kings. In other words, the rules of the Nine Seas will protect the qualifications of being a Pirate King by default. People, until the new pirate king appears and the nine great pirate kings return, so your attack on the pirate king candidates will also be defaulted by the Nine Seas rule as an attack on the pirate king, and you have crossed the line."

"He? A mere seventh-order transcendent? Such a person is qualified to become a pirate king?"

"A seventh-order transcendent of course is not qualified, but a seventh-order transcendent who has mastered the Trident of the Sea King will naturally have the qualifications to become a pirate king!"

The Vault of Heaven Lord was silent for a while, turned his head to look at the Mother of Dawn, grinning a gleeful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to her, "Mother of Dawn, although I don’t know what you have to do with Buster, but I miss you This should be told to him. One of his beloved has become a candidate for the Pirate King. I think his expression will be very interesting."

Hearing the words of the dominion of the sky, the mother of Dawn looked completely indifferent, smiled lightly, and said to her: "You don't need to worry about the sky, I think Buster should already know about this. That's right."


With a slightly mocking chuckle, the Vault of Heaven Lord turned around and disappeared into the air. There is no need to stay here anymore. To reveal an incarnation in front of these filthy pagans is to lower his identity. , Naturally there is no need to stay here anymore.

Seeing the disappearance of the dominator of the sky, the mother of dawn did not linger anymore. He took a deep look at Aran, and it also turned into a white light soaring into the sky and disappearing into everyone's sight.

With the departure of the Lord of the Sky and the Mother of Dawn, everyone present heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, it is the second of the Five Righteous Gods that are active on the Nine Seas. Unlike the ancient gods and the old days, although they are also subject to the rules of the Nine Seas, this restriction is not serious. Once they really want to fight with the Pirate King We are looking for trouble, it is impossible for any pirate king to bear it.

The death of the incarnations of Dagon and Hydra represents the retreat of those deep dives.

A group of deep dives who lost their father and mother goddess quickly fled towards the sea outside Blue Rock Island.

At this time, Aran felt the residual power gradually dissipating from her body, and slowly raised the Sea Emperor's Trident in her hand, and her eyes were completely golden, echoing the Sea Emperor's Trident from a distance, and at the same time, strands of golden electricity flowed. Circling on the Sea Emperor's Trident, the azure blue ripples spread outward, making the sea around Blue Rock Island seem to have life, strangling those deep divers who were thrown into the sea.

Countless ocean currents gathered in the sea water around Blue Rock Island, completely strangling the deep divers who were thrown into the sea. The body was torn into countless pieces, and the stench of blood was all over the sea, and it was vomiting.

In the end, Aran did not kill all the deep dives. After all, there were too many of them, and the power he used to use that rune had already been exhausted. Even if he had the intention, he couldn't motivate the sea king trigeminal at all. Halberd.

Aran, who was restored to a seventh-order transcendent, looked at the Sea Emperor trident in his hand, and was about to put it into the Ring of Akong, but saw that the Sea Emperor trident turned into a golden electric light and plunged into his hand. His body.

At this time, Aran thought of the civilized oil lamp of Darsius. A semi-sacred tool can be hidden in the owner's body. Although the Sea King Trident has not fully identified with him, he still generally regards him as a temporary owner, naturally. Not much worse than civilized oil lamps.

The next thing is very simple.

The Admiral of the Deep Sea directed the pirates under his command to clean up the mess. He and Ivy, followed other pirate kings, and a few who were not pirate kings, such as Aran and Barbaromew who replaced Batan. In a temporary resting place, the temporary meeting of the pirate kings began again.

Sitting on the chair, Deep Sea Admiral Lanslow sighed, and said: "This time, things are very dangerous. Everyone is tired, so I won't be too nonsense. Let's discuss what to do afterwards."

Among the nine pirate kings, the only ones still staying here are Dragon Emperor O'Kenna, Prophet Weilun, Deep Sea Admiral Lancelot, Iron Lord Nazbarton, and Viking Emperor Sigurd.

Earth Titan Batan was seriously injured and was unable to participate in this meeting. He was replaced by his only son, Barbaromew, known as the half-king.

Yasha Ji Yuzao escaped immediately, and was the culprit who indirectly caused Batan to be so severely injured. Looking at Barbaromew's appearance, I am afraid Nanhai will not be as good as Yasha Ji's Xihai.

As for the Storm Lord, Dagon’s head was eaten like an apple, and he was dead. There was nothing to say, and the Son of Frost...

At this time, the prophet Weilun suddenly waved his sleeves. In the impression of everyone, the son of Frost, whose heart was pinched, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that the chest of the Child of Frost was completely turned into ice, and the heart that was originally dug out was replaced by a heart made of ice and snow, transporting the blood of the Child of Frost, thanks to his being a rank 9 transcendent. Already, Bingxue and Bingxue do not distinguish each other, and the blood also contains super power, and will not freeze easily, otherwise Bingxue's heart will not be able to replace the real heart.

Seeing that the son of Frost was still alive, few people present smiled.

Although they can't talk about friendship or anything like that, they are both the pirate king, and they feel a little bit sad. Now that one more pirate king has survived, it is naturally something to be happy about.

"Come on, get a chair for the Child of Frost..."

As soon as the deep sea admiral's voice fell, he saw the son of Frost waved his hand and refused: "It doesn't need to be troublesome, I can do it myself."

When the words fell, the son of Frost made a sitting motion directly next to the prophet Weilun, and at this moment, a cold current gathered, forming a high-backed chair underneath the son of Frost, supporting it. The body of the Child of Frost.

"Just now I heard Lanslow you say, what to do this time, I think there is one thing that should be discussed first." The words of the son of Frost made the Admiral of the Deep frown slightly, vaguely feeling that something is not good, as expected, I only heard Frost. The son continued: "Lancelow, your wife almost killed me before. If it wasn't for my little tricks and the Prophet Weilun took the protection in time, then I might be the same as the Storm Lord now, so don't you think , Should you explain your wife’s question to us?"

The Admiral of the Deep Sea made a secret voice. He glanced at the gazes of everyone around him, coughed lightly, and said: "Hydra has nine heads and nine consciousnesses, but he is usually led by the main consciousness.

This time they incarnate as Ivy, and they separated one of them as the dominant body. The other consciousnesses were sleeping in the body. I didn't notice it at first. Later, I really fell in love with Ivy, and slowly I discovered the difference. .

But at that time, I still had some fluke in my heart, feeling that things would not find such a bad situation, secretly I was also thinking about how to split Ivy out.

It’s just that I didn’t expect Hydra to have awakened in Ivy’s body, and forcibly controlled Ivy to secretly make a forward-looking meeting, and this time, I didn’t want to explain to me and Ivy, it’s just I want to tell you that our responsibility is great, but Ivy is actually innocent.

For this reason, I decided to abandon the position of the Pirate King of the East China Sea, which is regarded as an apology to you. At the same time, my property will also be used to compensate you. Although this cannot compensate you for all the losses, it can be regarded as a little bit of my heart. "

Hearing the words of the Admiral of the Deep Sea, the Emperor Long frowned slightly and asked in a low voice: "Lancelow, you are going to give up the position of the East Sea Pirate King? Do you know what this choice represents?"

Nodding, the Admiral of the Deep Sea said: "Of course I know, but I have already decided. Any consequences will be borne by myself."

Having said that, the Admiral of the Deep Sea turned his head to look at the touched Ivy, stretched out his hand and took the other's hand, the two leaned together, and said nothing more.

The Son of Frost looked at the Admiral of the Deep Sea and frowned slightly. He was quite dissatisfied with the way the Admiral of the Deep Sea handled it. He just wanted to speak, but suddenly heard Aran's voice.

"I think the Admiral of the Deep Sea is very sincere. Let's forget about the matter this time. It is meaningless to pursue the responsibility. The key is how to better deal with the following things. I think if there is compensation from the Admiral of the Deep Sea, it should let everyone. It’s easier to deal with the funeral. Moreover, if you take a step back, the Admiral of the Deep Sea and Ms. Ivy are both victims, and it doesn’t make much sense to continue to hold them accountable."

Listening to Aran’s words, although he knew that Aran held the Sea Emperor’s trident, the son of Frost didn’t think he had the right to talk to himself and others on an equal footing. He asked what he wanted to say again, but saw the Dragon Emperor and the prophet Weilun. Barbaromew, who represented Batan, spoke successively.

"I agree!"

"I have no opinion!"

"What the black cat said is also what our Titan Pirates meant."

There are a total of seven pirate king forces present, excluding the pirates under the command of the Storm Lord, the Sea of ​​Stone Pirate King without the pirate king, and the pirates of the escaped West Sea pirate king Yasha Ji.

Now that the Son of Frost and the Admiral of the Deep Sea are in conflict, it is natural that five other pirate kings are required to vote. Now, after Aran’s words, three pirate kings immediately expressed their opinions, including the pirate king Zhongwei The two half-god Dragon Emperor and the prophet Weilun, no matter how the Son of Frost looked down on Aran, they needed to consider what they meant.

After a long silence, the Son of Frost took a deep breath and said: "I want a solution to my heart problem. If you can take it out, then this time the matter will be completely wiped out!"

Upon hearing the words of the Son of Frost, the Admiral of the Deep Sea and Ivy and his wife gave a happy expression, and they nodded slightly to Aran and the three pirate king forces who supported them. Then they said to the Son of Frost: "I have this method here. When the meeting is over, please come with me. I will naturally tell you this method and provide you with the corresponding items."

Without going to see the Admiral of the Deep Sea, the Son of Frost just nodded, and then sat on his Frost high-back chair and said no more.

The next thing was very cumbersome. The various compensations and the handling of the aftermath were discussed for most of the day, and it was not over until the sky dimmed.

And just after the meeting, Aran, who left the meeting room, suddenly saw an orange cat not far away. He didn't say anything to others, and followed by himself.

On the roof of a house that had collapsed in half, Aran looked at the orange cat squatting on it, and said directly: "His Royal Highness Buster, I don't know what you have to say?"

"Thanks to your help this time, if we say good things, I will keep the promise."

Nodding slightly, Aran said to Buster: "So, I would like to thank His Royal Highness Buster."

With a humane smile on the orange cat’s face, he nodded and said, “No thanks, this is our deal, but can you return Ivan’s soul to me? After all, he is my apostle. The body is I always want to get it back."

For Buster's words, Aran had already expected it.

Looking at Buster, Aran said directly: "His Royal Highness Buster, I don’t think I need to say very clearly about some things. I have some understanding of Ivan’s situation, so I implore His Royal Highness Buster to let it go. Ivan!"

Looking at Aran, Buster, who was transformed into an orange cat, suddenly smiled and said, "Your words are very strange, why did you spare Ivan? He is my apostle, I want to resurrect him, you Did you misunderstand something?"

"His Royal Highness, please let Ivan go!"

The smile on the orange cat's face gradually disappeared. It, or he looked at Aran, and slowly said after a long time: "You are asking me for something that I like very much and does not belong to you, then What price can you pay?

Humanity! "

PS: Today I officially started running for four. After writing for so many years, I have not found the wealth code for a long time. I hope I can do a good job in my beloved profession at the age when I should be a family and start a business. .