King of the Nine Seas

Chapter 327: Hundred Dragon Egg

   Church Auction House.

It can be regarded as the largest auction house in the country of olives, and most importantly, this auction house has the official background of the country of olives, and has the highest level of security and confidentiality, even for some officials and nobles in the five major countries. Everyone came to participate in the auction.

In fact, as long as you are not a pirate, or as long as you are not a wanted pirate, you should be safe and self-disguised. It is not too difficult to enter the country of olives, and it is actually the largest in the navy and the country of olives. Where the conflict lies.

Aran followed Kenrim and Clifford to get off the steam locomotive. Under the warm welcome of the people of the auction house, he walked into the auction house and came to the box arranged by the auction house for them. This can be regarded as the auction house. One of the best boxes, there are many of the same boxes, which belong to the representatives of the major forces.

   One after another, the people who participated in the auction came one after another.

Through the single-sided glass, the three Aran people sitting in front of the window of the box looked at the crowd that was gradually filled below. At this moment, a group of people in black uniforms appeared around the auction. It looks like it should be a guard role, but from Aran's point of view, these people always give him some familiar feelings, but they can't say where they have seen them.

   Just as Aran was thinking about this, the faces of Kenrim and Clifford turned stern. The two of them looked at each other and saw the anger in each other's eyes.

   These guards are the navy!

Although they did not wear navy uniforms, did not carry anything to prove their identity, and even wore peaked caps that could conceal most of their faces, no one could compare to the years of Kerim and Clifford. The navy is more recognizable, these people belong to the navy temperament.

  As a navy, they came here to serve as guards for the auction houses. Although there are not many people who can see their identities, there are definitely people who can tell them. In other words, the people in the navy are lost in this matter today.

"Kenrim, when the auction is over, we must investigate their identities, which part of the navy they come from, and who their boss is. We must find out clearly. One of these guys is counted as one, and we must pay I pay the price!"

  The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

The navy is no exception. As Lao Snorer and Aran have said before, even in the navy, there are all kinds of people. Some are the navy that pirates admire, and some have serious malfeasance. Even the navy that disdains pirates, and some do nothing and do nothing independently of things all day, typical of the type of messing around.

   Strictly speaking, Danister's navy is not bad, at least it has its own responsibilities, and at this time, those navy disguised as the platform of this auction house can be called a malfeasance.

Vaguely, Aran suddenly felt that there seemed to be some problems with this auction. The seemingly quiet and lively auction was surging through the seemingly quiet and lively auction. If nothing else, if the people at the auction even the guards. Whether it is the navy, or whether it will cause dissatisfaction among the navy representatives and others, I can't think of it. Then there is really no need to open this auction house.

   Maybe some people can use small tricks in the dark when facing the navy, but if you dare to slap the navy in the face, things are not that simple.

The three people in the    box were silent, and it was not until the auction started that the silence was finally broken.

"The items in this auction look pretty good, not just a variety of precious jewels and ancient works of art, but also a lot of extraordinary materials, and even extraordinary items. It seems that the Kingdom of Olives really cost it for this auction. A lot of money and energy to do this."

Clifford heard what Kenrim said and nodded slightly, and said: "They can use that thing as the auction item at the bottom of the box, and the other auction items in the natural auction can't be too embarrassing. This is just the beginning. First, The things that are brought out are all low-value things, and so on, I’m afraid there may be things that we also want.”

   "If that's the case, that's not bad. It just happens that I saved some money and there is nowhere to spend it. If there is something I want, then I will buy it and take it back to play with it."

   Clifford shook his head and laughed, and said to Kerim: "Are you not afraid of those guys from the Supervision Department making trouble for you?"

"I'm afraid of them? The things I buy are my own money. What do they use to trouble me? If others don't know, don't you know? Those guys in the Supervision Department are troublesome to their own people than to outsiders. You have to be serious and dedicated. Didn't the current Minister of Supervision overturn his old boss in the first place?"

"You can't say this to the people in the Supervision Department. That guy has a bunch of mad dogs-like things. Even if you really have nothing to do with the law and discipline, but they follow you all day long to respond to you, you should also Can't stand it."

Hehe smiled, Kenrim nodded and said, "That's true, but if I really run into that thing, I will immediately go to the elder sister. Those from the Supervision Department dare not provoke the general, after all, the general dare to kill it. They, not to mention the most difficult elder sister among the generals. At the beginning, the eldest sister broke into the headquarters of the Ministry of Supervision for Locker and personally severely injured the gloomy minister of the Ministry of Supervision. In the end, they were reprimanded and fined. It's only money, and I don't dare to provoke us anymore if I want to come to the Supervision Department."

"That's what I said, but that time the Marshal also deliberately used the hand of the elder sister to teach the Supervision Department. After that, the Supervision Department's behavior has indeed become more law-abiding. It is rare to follow all the time. , The act of forcing people to make mistakes appeared."

"Forget it, forget it..." Kenrim waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about those disappointing guys. The auction is going up to now. It's time for a hot spot. I want to see what they can get out. Things to auction."

Just as Kenrim’s voice fell, on the auction platform in front of the box, the witty auctioneer made a quiet gesture, and then asked a beautiful girl in a tight dress and a graceful figure to bring a red satin cover. Tray.

The tray was placed on the auction table. The auctioneer reached out and lifted the reflective red silk, revealing the seven test tubes that were inserted on the shelf in turn. When everyone saw the seven test tubes, they immediately realized it. What the **** is this.

"I think someone among you already knows what these are." The auctioneer paused slightly, and turned to look at the reactions of the guests participating in the auction below. After confirming that their reactions were what they wanted, the auctioneer nodded with a smile. Continue to say: "Yes, as everyone thinks, this is a set of potions, from level one to level seven, as long as you take it back, you can cultivate a high-level transcendent, or you can also do it yourself Take it to gain superior strength.

   So now, the potions of the natural disaster earthquake series from the 1st to the 7th stage have a base price of 300,000 golden eagles, and each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 golden eagles.

   Now, the auction begins! "

   As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, everyone below began to bid. The price of the 300,000 Golden Eagle soon rose to 500,000, and it is still rising.

At this time, few people made quotations in all the boxes. Although the potions of Tier 1 to Tier 7 are also very precious, and they are still the natural series that can immediately make people gain good combat power, but for them, It's not that precious.

After all, with their major powers, let alone Tier 1 to Tier 7, even Tier 1 to Tier 9 potion series formulas can be obtained. As far as the navy is concerned, there are double-digit potions series that reach nine. Rank, coupled with the navy's power, naturally there is no shortage of materials that you want.

   So this set of finished potions from 1st to 7th ranks is very precious, but it is not worthy of the two generals.

   The price of this set of potions climbed all the way, until it reached the price of 835,000 Golden Eagles, and finally stopped the offer, and was finally taken by the nobles of the Dragon Kingdom in a box.

"Hey, the golden eagle of more than 800,000 yuan, the nobleman of the Dragon Kingdom is really rich, but I don't know how his money came from. If there is a slight problem with the money, then I think this guy will return to the dragon After the country, there should be no way to escape investigation."

   "At that time, the internal affairs of the Dragon Kingdom had nothing to do with us, so there is no need to take care of them."

Listening to what Clifford and Kenrim said, Aran didn’t say much, and continued to sit in the box and look at all kinds of people below. Some of them looked annoyed, some were completely indifferent, and some were watching. The noble of the Dragon Kingdom who bought this set of potions has a fierce look on his face. If this is not Baige Island or the Kingdom of Olives, maybe they will immediately **** them.

   Next, the auction will continue.

   The scene of the potion set just now also appeared several times.

Slowly, the atmosphere of the auction was mobilized to its apex. It was also at this time that the penultimate auction item, an eighth-tier extraordinary item, ended. The number of upper-level transcendent items is scarce, especially the high-level transcendent items.

   An eighth-tier extraordinary item, its value is naturally needless to say.

   When the auction of this extraordinary item of Tier 8 was over, it could be seen that not only the people outside were sitting upright, but even Clifford and Kenrim beside Aran became serious and looked at the auction platform.

At this time, the smile on the auctioneer’s face on the auction stage became a little reluctant. Although he had a not too bad personal strength, he still felt a lot of pressure under the gaze of so many powerful men. .

Gently stretched out his hand to wipe off the sweat from his forehead, the auctioneer smiled and looked at everyone, saying: "You should already know that the first auction of our temple auction house will be a very precious thing. In the finale, the value of this thing far exceeds all previous auction items, so the auction price is also quite amazing.

The reserve price is 30 million golden eagles, and each increase in price shall not be less than one hundred thousand golden eagles. This final item, like many other precious items, although not extraordinary items, has quite impressive effects. These items are collectively referred to as It is a wonder of the Nine Seas, and today our auction item is one of them! "

After the words fell, the auctioneer had lifted the black silk and satin on the final auction item that the four female gangsters had brought up, revealing a surface that seemed to flow from a halo of smoke, as if it was gestating a powerful life, full of half a person. The size of the dome!

This huge egg has a smooth milky white surface, and it looks like it is carved from nephrite jade. Every curve is just as perfect as the most perfect work of art, and there is a seemingly absent entanglement flowing on it, and the most important thing is , Even an ordinary person can feel the surging vitality from this dome.

"Everyone, now I will introduce this last auction item to you. This is a dragon egg, and it is a living dragon egg. As long as you take it back and train it, you can get a dragon as your own hand, the giant dragon. Normal growth can reach the seventh step in adulthood, and can grow to the eighth or even the ninth step in the middle age!

   A dragon egg like this is equivalent to a rank 9 powerhouse, and everyone should know that the current East Sea Pirate King relied on a rank 9 transcendent to ascend the position of the pirate king.

   If you can hold this dragon egg in your hand and cultivate your own dragon, once it grows to the ninth rank, then you can use it to become the most eye-catching powerhouse in the Nine Seas! I won’t say any more, now everyone can bid, and the auction officially begins! "

   Clifford and Kenrim are ready to start bidding.

   Yalan's face here is a little weird. Let's not talk about how the dragon egg became a wonder of the Nine Seas. The auctioneer of this auction didn't make it clear about the specific situation of the dragon egg alone.

However, from Aran’s point of view, the importance of the Israeli Navy’s attention to this matter should be that the true value of this dragon egg should already be known. Because of the importance of Alan before, when he saw the dragon egg, he used his detection ability.

[Fast and Wild Dragon Egg: A wonder in the nine seas, a dragon egg that has survived countless years. Although the dragon in it is still embryonic, it has been transformed into a giant dragon that is older than the ancient dragon under the baptism of a long time. , The prehistoric dragon wears five-color scale armor, and it is known as the existence of the golden dragon. The prehistoric dragon was born as a seventh-order, and as an adult, it is a ninth-order demigod. With extraordinary powers, special methods are used to hold rituals to allow the great dragons in the wild dragon eggs to recognize their masters. The ritual is as follows...]

(and also)


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