King of the Nine Seas

Chapter 344: Sea of ​​Ice Naval Division

Ever since he got the wild dragon egg, Aran has never had the opportunity to perform the incubation ceremony, and he is always in a large number of navies. A dragon suddenly appears next to him. The fool knows how it came, so Aran also Keep putting this prehistoric dragon egg into the space bag seized from the thief, and put it together with the time rune.

At first, Aran thought that this thing had been left for so long. As long as he didn’t hold the incubation ceremony, there shouldn’t be any big problems, but he didn’t expect that this wild dragon egg would have a reaction in this place. .

Do you want to see it?

Standing at the door of the restaurant, Aran pondered this question.

If you go, there will not necessarily be any consequences. Once it triggers a more obvious change in the Dragon Egg, then it will undoubtedly reveal his secrets. You must know that Aran is also accompanied by a seventh-order transcendent sent by the naval headquarters. If you let the other party find some clues, then the hard work and management this year will be really wasted.

Although he could ask Ivan to cover up for himself, but Ivan is not the real body here after all, just some mental power is not so reliable. For the sake of safety, Aran decided to give up and go back to the ship to prepare to leave.

"Carol, I suddenly remembered that something is going to go back. Are you going back with me or just strolling around?"

For a moment, Carlo did not react to Aran's sudden change, but soon he shook his head and smiled and said to Aran: "Sir, I will go back with you, here... I actually don't have any. Too much interest."

Shaking his head and laughing, Aran smiled at Carlo: "Carlo, you didn't say that before."

"Hey..." Carlo smiled awkwardly, and said: "I actually just want you to relax here, sir. Recently, your daily work is training except for your normal work. Finally, I have a chance. I want you to Take a break, when other people are like you, they still..."

Carlo did not finish his words. After all, the following words are indeed not appropriate to continue. Aran is his boss, his captain, and his chief. These words can be said to others, but for Aran , It is not so suitable anymore.

Aran didn’t care about the inappropriateness of Carlo’s words. Aran can still tell if a person is good or bad. So he nodded and said to Carlo: "I know what you mean, but people are not People are different. For me, training is quite interesting. I don’t feel boring or bored. I like this kind of training life better than wandering around."

Speaking of this, Aran and Carlo did not delay, turned and walked towards the naval station here.

At the same time, when Aran and Kahlo were leaving, in a luxurious restaurant in the Kingdom of Sardines, a person was sitting here and eating sardine dishes. The waiter standing next to him watched the huge piles on the table. The dinner plate, could not help but feel shocked by this person's horrible appetite.

Such appetite is fundamentally inconsistent with his appearance.

Moreover, the price of their restaurant can be said to be the highest in the sardine kingdom. In his heart, he really doubted whether the other party could afford to pay after eating so much.

The waiter obviously didn't know that the people he served not only had a big appetite, but could also see through the minds of ordinary people like him.

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Ikegor took a toothpick and picked his teeth. During this time, he has been wandering in the Nine Seas, tasting all kinds of human food, which really made him linger. This time it was He heard that there are the best sardines in the Nine Seas, so he came to taste it.

However, when he was eating just now, he felt an aura belonging to their dragon clan on the island that seemed to be looming, and that aura was extremely special. Even the king of blue dragons, he felt that it came from his own blood. The throbbing deep.

There are not many things related to the Dragon Clan on the Nine Seas.

Except for the pirate king in the Dragon Sea, this is the first time I feel the throbbing in the depths of my blood. It seems that my days of eating and drinking should be over, and I should do something serious.

Thinking of this, Ikegor reached out and took out a large amount of golden eagles from his arms and put them on the table, then walked out of the restaurant without looking, turned into the alley, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. There.

When Ikegor came to the city where the naval station was located, the breath had disappeared. He frowned slightly and came to a relatively remote place. He took a deep breath, his eyes turned completely blue, and stretched out his hand. Facing the void in front of him, he made a retrieving action, and suddenly a trace of almost nothing aura fell on Ekgor's palm, slowly flowing over his palm.

The palm holding this breath shook slightly, and the five fingers kept shaking, as if calculating something. Soon this breath completely dissipated, and Ekgor also got the result he wanted.

"The end of the breath is in the sea of ​​ice... just right, the white bear in the sea of ​​ice is said to have a good taste and a large volume. It is suitable for giving me a tooth-fighting ceremony, then go!"

Muttering to himself, Ekgor's body suddenly turned into a faintly invisible blue light and rushed into the air. It turned into a body above the clouds, and shook his wings suddenly, surrounded by the surging sea of ​​clouds, toward the ice. Flew in the direction of the sea.

Aran was sitting at her desk, her hand that was writing suddenly stopped, the pen in her hand could not help dripping a drop of ink, leaving a small round ink mark on the notebook in front of it, and the surface of the paper fainted. Dyed it.

At the moment, Aran suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

The feeling was as if he was being stared at by something, but that thing didn’t bring too much threat to Aran, and even had a hint of kindness, which made Aran feel a little strange, and he was a little confused. Who is that staring at one's own existence?

"Forget it, I don't want this anymore, it's useless if I don't think about it, I will know who it is when I meet it."

He lowered his head and continued to write his logbook. Now, although Zakyad has basically stopped coming to his room, Aran is still cautious, playing the role of the young genius and enchanting Major Alsace in the navy.

The Naval Division of the Sea of ​​Ice is located on Red Rock Island.

There are red coniferous trees all over Hongshi Island. This tree species called red needles is very resistant to cold. In the two warmest months of the year, it will bloom and bear fruit, and its fruits can be used to produce a kind of energy. Beverages are a unique product of the Naval Division of the Sea of ​​Ice. They are provided for daily drinking and carried by the navy of the Naval Division of the Sea of ​​Ice.

Most of the local people in the Sea of ​​Ice are tall and burly. Men can reach a height of about three meters, and women can reach two and a half meters. Therefore, even if they are ordinary soldiers, their combat effectiveness is quite strong. Of course, the navy in the Naval Division of the Sea of ​​Ice, Not everyone is like this, and a large part of the navy comes from other sea areas, so the naval personnel in the Sea of ​​Ice Naval Division are diverse and diverse.

The Gray Dolphin was inspected, and after Aran showed her own credentials, it successfully entered the inner sea of ​​Redstone Island and docked on the port of Redstone Island.

Aran followed Carlo. The two got off the ship and saw the officer from Red Rock Island who came to approach him. This is a colonel. He is a standard Ice Sea race, tall and burly, three meters long. Duo's height is quite oppressive, and according to the observation of Aran's exploration ability, he is still a fifth-order transcendent. With such a physical condition with potions, it is self-evident that the combat effectiveness is strong.

"Alsace has seen the colonel!"

Nodding his head, the man said to Aran: "We don't have these red tapes here, you can just call me Karaf, or Colonel Karaf, you don't need to do this.

If you have nothing else, then go with me to see Admiral Chekov. "

"Then trouble Colonel Calaf."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, these are all trivial things."

With a grinning grin on Calaf's simple and rough face, he took the lead and led Aran and Carlo into the Red Rock Island naval base.

The architectural style here is the same as the people here. They are quite rough and eaten. There are big chunks of rocks, big roots of logs, and various exposed reinforced concrete. Sometimes there are some redundant repairs, which is relatively flat. However, compared to the style of other sea areas, it is still too rough.

The Governor of the Sea of ​​Ice, Chekov, can be regarded as a very veteran admiral. When he came, he checked the information. This was an old navy who had fought alongside General Iron Fist and other generals. Since joining the navy, he has been charging at the forefront, and his injuries have been countless.

That is to say, recently his age has gradually increased, and the disputes over the Nine Seas have decreased. He has retreated from the front line to the second line. Ten years ago, he served as the governor of the naval branch of the sea of ​​ice in his hometown, but even so. , Chekov still takes people to catch some pirates in person every month, or find a cadre under the pirate king of the Sea of ​​Ice to fight. In the words of the seventy-year-old navy, this It's the exercise of the muscles and bones, the exercise of the elderly.

Aran led Carlo behind Karaf and came to Chekov's governor's office. He saw the quite legendary old navy and found that he was almost the same as what he had imagined.

The gray hair and the same gray, but with a small braided beard, a face full of wrinkles and scars, a bold smile, white teeth, and a slightly red nose prove that he likes to drink, and his burly body is better than Karaf. The locals in the Sea of ​​Ice are tall and burly and amazing. Even from his exposed neck and hands, you can see a lot of scars. Such a person, even the actual pirate king, Aran, All have to feel a trace of respect.

"Alsace has seen the Governor!"

"Hahaha, you don’t need to be so polite. We are not happy about the sea of ​​ice. From now on, just call me the governor. If you have something to say, don’t be so polite. I have heard about your kid’s headquarters and Central Xinghai. We respect the genius. So I will not restrict you.

However, since you are a genius, naturally you have to look like a genius, and have performance that matches your genius treatment. Every month you must catch me five great pirates, a pirate general, and defeat six of you alone. For the kid of the supernatural person, my requirements should not be considered high. "

"This requirement is not high, but if I apply for a potion promotion, please ask the Governor to give me a convenience."

Hearing this, Chekov immediately laughed, nodded and said, "It's okay. As long as you apply, you have enough credit, your mental state is stable, and your body is in good condition, then I will approve it immediately, but you must also be clear if If you are promoted, the number of pirate arrests will increase every month. I think this requirement should be reasonable."

"This is a matter of course."

Seeing Aran who didn’t hesitate to answer him, Chekov’s face showed a smile again, and he nodded and said: “Yes, yes, a kid like you is very good, as long as you can do what you promised, then I guarantee that your promotion here will not have any problems, no matter whether it is your personal strength or personal official position. I am not afraid that you will be promoted quickly, I am afraid that you will not dare to fight for it!"

"As you wish!"

"Okay, let's go on, go to apply for the job by yourself, there is not much difference between here and the headquarters ~ What should be done, go."

"The subordinate retires."

"Go ahead."

Seeing Aran who turned to leave, Chekov laughed, took out a pipe from his body and held it in his mouth. Using no fire, the tobacco in the pipe burned by itself.

After taking a couple of mouthfuls and spitting out a puff of white smoke, Zachyad walked in from the door with the knock on the door.

Glancing at Zakyad, Chekov chuckled and said, "I said, "How can those guys in the headquarters let him out without worry? It turns out that you are still with you as a kid. I haven't seen you for many years. You have also climbed to the rank of general." what."

"Senior Chekov, it's been a long time since I saw you, how is your health?"

Looking at Zachyad who was smiling, Chekov immediately fell out of anger, curled his lips, and said directly to him: "That's what happened to your body, hacking a little **** like you to death, ten or eight. Without panting."

An awkward and stiff smile appeared. Intellectually, although Zachyad knew that Chekov would not hurt himself, he had seen Chekov swing an axe at the marshal in a rage, so every time he saw this A fierce and messy old navy, Zakiad didn't dare to make any mistakes.

"What is it, Senior Chekov, I came this time mainly to convey the meaning of my boss, General Amoyed, I don't know..."

Before Zakyad could finish speaking, Chekov immediately waved his hand and said: "I don't care about those. If Amoyed has anything to ask for me, then let him come directly, otherwise, don't say anything, I Do not listen!"

(Also today)

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