King of the Nine Seas

Chapter 395: Soang

The original canyon became a basin.

All the plants were turned into coke in the high temperature, and the canyon in the basin became even more scorched. At the bottom of the basin, the soil and rocks melted into lava and piled up here. At this time, Aran brought Atlas from these. Flew out of the lava and landed in front of the rest of the guard team on the periphery of the basin.

This is derived from the nuclear bomb of extraordinary power. Although it is powerful, it does not have the radiation of real nuclear bombs. However, for this world, the extraordinary nuclear bomb just now is enough to refresh the highest power of a single attack, the general ninth-order surface. For such an attack, there is a high probability that it will fall directly.

Of course, this move is so powerful that Aran, as a user, can only use it two or three times in a row.

Turning around and looking at the high-temperature basin, Aran stretched out his hand, a large amount of water vapor gathered above the basin, and a pouring rain soon formed. It fell from mid-air and poured onto the basin. First, the residual temperature of the basin caused the heavy rain to evaporate. , Forming a large area of ​​water vapor spreading outward, and then as the temperature of the basin decreases, the rate of water evaporation is not as fast as the rate of convergence. Slowly, a lot of water is accumulated in the basin, and a beach Indications of the lake.

Aran didn’t care about what the basin would become. He turned to look at Atlas and smiled and said to them: “Why, do you want to go to the next place with me? If no accident, go down. A place is likely to be a little more dangerous than here."

Without answering Aran's words immediately, Atlas looked at Aran and asked: "Mr. Aran, have you got that thing?"

Smiling and nodding, Aran opened his hand and saw a blue light emerge from his palm. When the blue light dissipated, a palm-sized, crystal-like mirror appeared on Aran's palm. , Look carefully, within the mirror, there are countless souls swimming like fish in it.

"Mr. Aran, did you subdue it?"

"Yeah!" Nodded, Aran said, "This guy already has some consciousness of his own, so he is still aware of the current affairs, and found that I have the ability to destroy it, so he stopped resisting and let me subdue it. ."

The effect of the soul mirror is very powerful, it can be regarded as a miracle of the nine seas that can be used in battle, and after self-evolution, it already has the consciousness to create a body for itself. When it returns to the black castle, let Gao Fei and the others cooperate with the soul. Mirror, the creation of a soul cannon, can be regarded as preparing a weapon for the Black Fort that can face the ninth order, or even a demigod.

Backhand put away the soul mirror, Aran said to Atlas and the others: "How do you think, next will you go to Thunder Peak with me, or go back first?"

The Thunder Peak is different from the Death Canyon. The Thunder Peak is not within the scope of the Ater Empire, nor even in the kingdom of humans. It exists in the territory of extraordinary creatures, from the Ater Empire to the Thunder Peak. The shortest distance needs to pass through the Federation of Gods and the red soil wilderness. Needless to say, the former, above the latter, live a large number of extraordinary creatures, as well as orc tribes that have been in conflict with the human kingdom.

And even if you can finally pass through the red wilderness and want to find the Thunder Peak, you have to enter the foggy forest. The Thunder Peak is located in the core area of ​​the foggy forest. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the danger.

Atlas looked at the others and was silent for a while, and said: "This action is indeed very dangerous. You should go back first. By the way, pass the matter here to the Empire, and let them come to deal with the ending, and I will follow. Mr. Aran went to the Thunder Peak together, and the two ninth-order transcendents could hurry faster."

"Add me one more."

As the voice fell, a middle-sized young man with a black ponytail on his head fell from the sky. His appearance was extremely delicate, and he looked like a little girl next door, but he only needed to see him. The Adam's apple can know that this person is a thorough man.

Seeing the visitor, Atlas immediately showed a look of surprise on his face, and said: "Thon, why are you here?"

"Your Majesty asked me to help, so I came." At this point, Thorang looked at Aran and asked: "Did you do what happened in Death Canyon just now?"

Nodding slightly, Aran admitted to Thorang: "It's me."

"How about let's have a try if we have a chance?"

Looking at Thorang, who was clearly showing his fighting spirit, Aran didn't refuse, saying, "Yes, I'll talk about it when I have a chance."

Atlas turned his head to look at the other members of the team, and said: "Soang is here just right, you can go back now, and we can leave the rest of the itinerary to us."

Atlas and Thon, the two great heroes of the Empire, made a shot together. The rest of the team had nothing to insist on. Hearing what Atlas said, they didn't stay much and turned and left.

At this time, Atlas looked at Thon and said, "Your ability is just right to take us on the road. The next thing is left to you, okay?"

"Senior Atlas, you really did your best."

Complaining to complain, Soang did what Atlas said.


Thorang uttered a word, but saw an invisible force lingering around the three of them, flying up and down, flying through a white arc of light, crossing a long distance, and landing on the ground. .


The white light dissipated, and the three of them looked at the surrounding scene and found that this was the edge of a forest, and they had not figured out the exact location for a while.

"Soang, are you right?"

Hearing what Atlas said, Thorang immediately said: "Of course the direction is right, but the distance of my jump is not so accurate every time with this ability, but the plants here know that they are at the border of the empire. We may be entering the Federation of Gods.

According to the calculation of the straight-line distance, we probably crossed about 30% of the territory of the Federation of Gods, so we still have to keep a low profile. I try to shorten the distance of each transfer as much as possible, so that it is more controllable.

Otherwise, the distance is too far, and it is very likely to appear directly in other people’s cities, which is equivalent to provocation. Although we are not afraid of them, we can make trouble for the empire for no reason. This kind of thing can be avoided or it is better to avoid it~www Okay, anyway, you take us on the road, you have the final say. "

When Thorang was talking to Atlas, Aran took the time to look at Thorang’s detailed information. His ability originated from the rule-based operational language series. The ability of this series is very simple. What is going to be done, as long as the words are spoken, then they will surely come true.

Of course, if you want to do this, you must reach Tier 9. From Tier 1 to Tier 8, Thoron’s ability is often accompanied by some uncontrollable accidents, or variables, and even backlash to himself, Tier 9 Previously, this ability was really possible to kill oneself, but if you are lucky, killing the enemy by leapfrogging is just a sentence.

"Okay, let's go on! Go with you!"

As Soang's voice fell, the three of them once again turned into a white light and disappeared into the sky.

In this way, with the help of Thorang, the three of them flew many times and finally crossed the land of the Federation of Gods and came to the red wilderness.

It's just that the landing place is slightly off.

Aran and Atlas looked at the two groups in front of them who were in the fire, but because of their sudden appearance, they turned to look at the three orcs of their own, and turned to look at Thorang whose mouth was a little twitching.

"Is it a bit too coincidental in your direction?"

"Did you deliberately?"

Listening to what Aran and Atlas said, Thorang smiled awkwardly, coughed lightly, and said, "You said, if the three of us say hello to them, will they let us go? , Don't trouble us?"

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