King of the Nine Seas

Chapter 472: Goodbye Buster

Remus didn’t know how many times he was resurrected. He only knew that he had been completely suppressed by the opponent. Remus did not understand that he had clearly reached the level of a demigod, so why was he suppressed? It's so miserable.

I have collected three of the five strongest animal series potions, and become a powerful demigod, but even a pirate king can't beat it!

Climb ashore from the sea a little bit.

Remus' body has been restored to its peak state after rebirth, but his mental state, with the death, rebirth, and blows, has been on the verge of collapse, although he still has an extremely powerful body. Although his state has quickly returned to its peak, he now has no courage to resist.

With deaths and rebirth opportunities disappearing time and time again, Remus' fear of death became more and more inflated, and his courage to fight became less and less, and he had even begun to fear the battle with Aran.

Slowly climbed up from the beach, Remus watched as he walked slowly towards him. Aran, dressed in armor and holding a trident, seemed to him to be a demon he could never defeat. If he If you continue to fight with the opponent, then there is bound to be death.

Moreover, he is now running away, not because of fear, but to regroup. As long as he swallows the Dragon Emperor after this escape, and then finds a chance to swallow Melissa and gather the power of the five legendary animal series, he will definitely be able to Kill this demon head-on and prove that you are the master of this world!

Remus gave himself a reason to persuade him, so he stopped insisting, got up from the beach, and quickly fled in the direction opposite to Aran.

Seeing Remus who was quickly running away from him, Aran was silent for a while, shook his head and laughed, and said, "Is this the person you chose to replace me? Are you looking down on me too much, or looking too high on me? He?"

The moment Aran’s voice fell, Remus’ body suddenly froze in place. He looked at his controlled body in disbelief. He thought it was Aran’s hand, but at this moment, Remus There was joy on his face immediately. He looked at the hairless cat slowly walking out of the grass in front of him. He just wanted to say something, but suddenly realized that it was not just his body, but even normal speech. It can't be done anymore.

Remus kept turning his eyes, trying to find a way to communicate with the hairless cat, but before he came up with a reason, the hairless cat quickly grew bigger in front of Remus and turned into a look. A woman who does not know her age, but gives people a sense of wild charm.

Ancient god, Buster!

Without paying attention to Remus, Buster walked slowly in front of Aran, looked at Aran at this time, sighed slightly, and said, "I have to say, for so many years, you are the only one I regret. Humans, if I could give you and Ivan a little more compassion at the beginning, then I won't fall into this dilemma now."

The embarrassment is not embarrassing. For Buster’s words, Aran does not believe in a punctuation mark. As for Buster’s regrets and the like, Aran feels that even if he has regrets, he is regretting why. Did not exert more control over himself and Ivan, this can be seen from the body of that Remus.

As a substitute for Aran, Buster not only sent his own avatar to follow Remus, but also touched his memory. Once Remus had some information about whether he was controlled or not, and related to Buster’s avatar The problem will immediately fall into a state similar to amnesia, which makes Remus can never discover the fact that he is controlled. With this alone, Aran knows that Buster regrets his and Ivan’s affairs, I definitely regret not having more control methods, not the so-called high-level compassion!

"Buster, are you determined to stand on the side of the old days? Have you decided to betray the world?"

Buster looked at Aran playfully, shook his head in a helpless manner, and said: "I am indeed on the side of the old days. As for betraying this world, I have never felt that way, what you call the world. , It's just a group composed of your humans, humanoid races, and extraordinary creatures. In your words, it's you who are fighting against the old Nine Seas.

In my opinion, the true face of this world should be based on our ancient gods, who gathered around us and formed a group of believers who believed in us. This is our world. From the beginning, our world and Your world is different, what about betrayal? "

"Then you think that after you help the old days, your own world can still exist, can it be formed?"

"If you don’t break or stand, how do you know that our world cannot be rebuilt after the destruction of this world? Don’t be afraid to tell you that our believers have already been transferred to the kingdom of God one after another, and this can be regarded as our last mercy to you mankind. , So that you humans can continue to continue, and will not be completely extinct because of the old days!"

" more right?"

Shaking his head with a smile, Buster looked at Aran, did not answer his words, but seriously said: "Aran, I can give you one last chance, the same thing in the old days, join us and become the old Day, we can allow you to bring your relatives and friends with you, and you can become the old days of sheltering mankind.

In exchange, you must help us capture the two ancient gods, Chronos and Delorean. If you can finally capture or kill them with your help, then you will get the rewards of the old days and us. Become a superior deity, eternally immortal, this is your only chance, don't let yourself be fooled! "

"Buster, I also give you one last chance to give up being with the old days and return to the human side, so that we can still retain our faith in you. If you can help us overcome the old days, then you will get The qualifications for preaching among human beings will always exist in this world. This is your only chance. Don't make mistakes!"

It was almost exactly the same structure, and Aran returned Buster's words intact.

Buster looked at Aran and sighed softly, like a mother who was so disappointed in her child and helpless, with a look that made Aran disgusting, and said faintly: "Unfortunately, you have the future of mankind. The way of reproduction is cut off, you will become a sinner of mankind, I promise."