King of the Nine Seas

Chapter 479: Kirk VS Nazbarton

The Bunnyman team is very well organized.

The Warrior Bunny takes the lead against the Assassin Bunnyman invisible, and cooperates with the Warrior Bunnyman to carry out a surprise attack on Nazbarton, while the Saint Bunnyman uses a variety of spell abilities to perform auxiliary attacks or recover healing, although the three Bunnymen only have only The strength of Tier 9 was weak, but when they cooperated with each other, they also blocked Nazbarton and gave Kirk enough time.

Any magic requires time to prepare, so at the beginning of the battle, Kirk needs magic props to buy time for himself, prepare for more ambitious magic, and with the help of the semi-artifact magic suit on his body, Kirk goes well in a short time. Completed his first magic!

Reached out and took out a rose from his arms, holding the rose with one hand, after a series of splendid techniques, the rose turned into a ball of flame and was held in his hand by Kirktor, and then suddenly threw it into the air.

The flame rose up in the air, burst open suddenly, and turned into a splendid firework. The firework scattered, and the sparks turned into rose petals and fell. At this moment, Kirk slapped his hands suddenly, as his hands clapped. Together, the floating rose petals suddenly gathered together, in the eyes of everyone, they gathered into the appearance of a giant dragon, and in the next second, all the rose petals were completely gathered together, turning into a whole body. A real dragon with a rose color!


The dragon opened its mouth and exhaled a blazing dragon's breath, falling in the direction of Nazbarton.

The Bunnyman team cooperated tacitly. When the rose dragon breathed out the dragon's breath, it quickly retreated. When they retreated, the dragon's breath also fell.


The dragon's breath landed, and a violent roar erupted. The flames overflowed, and the hot air waves leaked out layer by layer, causing the short hair of the bunny soldier closest to the dragon's breath to become brown and slightly curled, which was obviously caused by the dragon's breath explosion. The effects of the scorching air waves.

The rose dragon hovered in the air, while Kirk was under the protection of the Bunnyman team.

The flames gradually dissipated, and a figure gradually appeared in Kirk's sight. It was also at this time that those unextinguished flames suddenly surged, forming a vortex, and gradually gathered in the hands of Nazbarton in the flames. Gathering, under the quick wave of Nazbarton, those converging flames stretched out and turned into a line of fire, which instantly penetrated the body of the rose dragon. The rose dragon screamed, and the body collapsed, reverting to a large number of roses. The petals are scattered.

At this time, Nazbarton appeared in front of everyone again, and at this time, he was wearing a brand new steam mech!

Steam Mech Hephaestus!

God of Flame and Craftsman!

This steam engine armor is full of flaming red color, and has a luster like liquid metal flowing on the surface.

Nazbaton raised his hands gently, and the steam mecha on his body immediately released an astonishing high temperature. His feet and even the surrounding ground immediately melted under the high temperature. At the same time, as Nazbaton raised his hands, a handle The arms made of lava rose slowly from the melting ground, and under the command of Nazbarton's hands, they all shot at Kirk.

The saint bunny man floated from the ground, with a scepter in his hand pointing towards the top of his head, and a holy white mask appeared out of thin air, covering the heads of Kirk and other bunny people, facing the lava weapons that were shot.

Boom boom boom...

The lava weapon hit the white mask, causing ripples.

The Saint Bunnyman was obviously reluctant, and the white mask he constructed gradually appeared except for cracks.

At this time, Nazbarton had a pinch of his hands, a chain of burning flame was constructed out of thin air, and with Nazbarton's swing, the chain broke through the holy light shield like a snake, and was entangled in the Ke who was preparing something. Ke body pulled him in front of him.

With a punch, Nazbarton hit Kirk in the face with a punch, smashing him to the ground fiercely, causing his head to sink under the ground, and at the same time a flame burst from his fist, instantly engulfing Kirk's body.

It seems that Nazbaton has won the victory, but at this moment, Kirk's body suddenly resembles a reflection under the water surface, as Nazbaton's punch disappeared.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the air and waved his hand to release four magic cabinets. The door of each magic cabinet opened automatically, and countless white pigeons flew out of the magic cabinet, and they were all in the blink of an eye. Covered the entire venue.

Nazbarton looked at these white doves, the steam mecha on their bodies ejected a steady stream of flames, turning all those white doves into nothing. However, the moment these white doves were hit by the flames and turned into nothing, a plume of white smoke confessed to the white doves. As the white doves disappeared, more and more white smoke gradually turned into white smoke and enveloped the entire venue.

From the eyes of the people outside, the venue was completely covered by smoke, but Nazbarton, who was in the smoke, fell into another space.

Under the colorful lights, huge circus facilities rose from the ground, and the surrounding white smoke turned into a huge tent that covered the sky and the sun, completely covering the entire battlefield.

The Bunnyman squad scattered around and gradually disappeared into various circus equipment, ready to give Nazbaton a fatal blow, while Kirk stood on a stage at a commanding height, looking at Nazbaton condescendingly. .

"Welcome to my circus!"

With the fall of Kirk's words the circus immediately started operating, as if the circus facilities used by the giant were gradually operating, as if it were aimed at Nazbarton, putting him in an extremely dangerous situation.

A huge clown stepped on a huge jersey and rolled towards Nazbarton.

Pushing out with both hands, a large amount of flames exploded, directly turning that huge clown and the huge sphere under its feet into ashes, but at this moment, another huge clown reappeared, throwing three colored **** in his hands. In the next second, the clown threw the colored ball directly at Nazbarton and exploded suddenly.

boom! boom! boom!

The power of the explosion was so amazing that even Nazbarton, who was wearing the Hephaestus armor, had to retreat again and again.

Looking at the same huge beast trainer, contortionist, and high-altitude acrobat who appeared immediately afterwards, Nazbarton knew that he could not continue to delay, he immediately put on the Hermes armor and turned into A golden light rushed towards Kirk who was standing on the high platform.

But just as Nazbarton rushed in front of Kirk, converted the Zeus armor, and released the thunder, Kirk slowly stretched out his hand, snapped his fingers, and everything changed in an instant!