King Who Will Cross

Chapter 560: The king of interstellar mercenaries - L

Although New York, USA, experienced the invasion of aliens not long ago, it is still prosperous and even better than before with the inclination of various resources.

"This is the result of a strong country and sufficient resources."

Standing on the roof of a tall building, Li Daniu looked at the bustling New York City, feeling extremely moved in his heart.

If his country, New Tuvalu, had experienced an alien invasion similar to that experienced by New York, it would never be able to recover in just a few months.

Because the area of ​​New Tuvalu is too small, and the population is very concentrated. If a war broke out, not to mention the damage to those buildings, even the total population in the country would suddenly drop to a terrible level.

Without people, coupled with poor resources, no matter how rich New Tuvalu is, it is impossible to rebuild New Tuvalu in a short period of time.

"So, I must get Australia!"

Once again made up his mind, Li Daniu left the top floor of the building.

Although he has just traveled to this world, his understanding of this world is already very profound. After all, he had lived here for nearly eight months before.

Of course, because he made a great contribution to the alien invasion when he traveled to the movie world of "Avengers 1", the destruction of New York was not too serious. And in the "Avengers 2" movie world where he is now, because without his help, the alien invasion war has severely damaged New York.

Therefore, there are many newly completed buildings, and he also looks a little lost.

"System!" Li Daniu was walking on the streets of New York, and asked in his heart: "The time node of the movie world of "Guardians of the Galaxy" happened before "Avengers 2", and I experienced "Guardians of the Galaxy" again. movie world. So, do the members of "Guardians of the Galaxy" in this universe know me?"

The system replied in Li Daniu's mind: "Your guess is very correct. The identity arranged by this system for you is the same as that in the movie world of "Guardians of the Galaxy". After you experienced the battle of the Nova Empire, you just returned Earth."

Li Daniu laughed and said: "If this is the case, then I will have a way to get close to the members of the Avengers. By the way, when is the current time?"

The system replied: "The current time point is when the movie plot of "Avengers 2" just started. At present, the members of the Avengers are attacking the Hydra base controlled by Baron Sterak, preparing to seize the Mind Stone Scepter."

Li Daniu shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said in his heart: "The plot rhythm of this movie world is a bit fast."

The opening scene of the movie "Avengers 2" is a big scene where the members of the Avengers teamed up to attack a Hydra base, and successfully regained the stolen Mind Stone Scepter from the Hydra base.

When he first watched the movie, Li Daniu felt that the opening was a bit awkward, but now after traveling to this movie world, he couldn't accept it.

"If this battle hasn't started yet, then I can definitely get in touch with the members of the Avengers and help them complete this mission. After having the experience of fighting together, maybe our relationship will be even better It's a win. Unfortunately, I missed it!"

After complaining about the system, Li Daniu walked directly to the most coquettish building in New York City—the Avengers Building!

This building was originally the headquarters of Iron Man Tony Stark Corporation. Because of Tony's flamboyant personality, the building was named Stark Building.

But after the Battle of New York, the building was beaten into dilapidated condition, and even Stark, the huge signboard, was beaten down to only the letter a.

Tony, who grew up because of the Battle of New York, decided to officially change the name of the building to the Avengers Building, and it became the current headquarters of the Avengers.

When Li Daniu reached the downstairs of the Avengers Building, he was blocked by the security personnel of the building as expected.

"I'm sorry, sir, but if you cannot provide your own identification, we will send you to the police station!"

The security measures of the Avengers Building are very strict. Li Daniu's identity in this world is an interstellar mercenary, so it is naturally impossible to have an identity certificate on Earth. Therefore, when he directly found the receptionist of the Avengers Building and said that he wanted to see Iron Man Tony Stark, he was directly regarded as a dangerous person.

Li Daniu spread his hands at the security guards who were watching him, and said, "Trust me, I have no malicious intentions, I am here to ask for help. Of course, maybe I can help your boss too."

The security personnel still looked ready. In their view, anyone who dared to rush into the Avengers Building so recklessly would want to meet their boss, Iron Man. Either, it is a brain-dead, or, it is a person with special abilities.

Judging from Li Daniu's dress and conversation, they are sure that Li Daniu is not a brain-dead. Then, for a person with special abilities, they naturally have to be ready.

"Sir, you can leave your identity information and purpose. We will convey these up. As for whether our boss is willing to see you, that is his business."

Li Daniu smiled and said, "What do you think of this? I'll just wait here. As for my identity, uh... When you report to the higher-ups, tell your boss to ask Thor, does he know about the Nova Empire?" .”

The security personnel surrounding Li Daniu used the walkie-talkie to report the situation upwards and got a reply.

"You can sit on the sofa in the lobby, but please be reminded that our building closes at 8pm."

Li Daniu shrugged and said, "A cup of coffee without sugar, thank you!"

Seeing Li Daniu walking casually to sit on the sofa in the hall as if in his own home. The security personnel of the Avengers were guarding nearby in confusion.

If they hadn't experienced the Battle of New York and seen so many people with special abilities on TV, they would definitely drive Li Daniu away without hesitation.

However, in such a high-risk world, these ordinary people must learn to be cautious when facing strangers.

When Li Daniu sat on the sofa in the lobby and drank the coffee made for him by the reception staff, on the top floor of the Avengers Building, a mature beauty with black hair and blue eyes was frowning at Li Daniu in the surveillance screen.

Her name is Hill, and she was previously an assistant to Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a level 9 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. In "Captain America 2", S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed by Hydra, Nick Fury suspended his death, and Hill obeyed Nick Fury's order and began to serve Tony Stark.

"What did he say his name was?"

Hearing Hill's question, a mechanical male voice sounded from the communicator in front of her.

"Ms. Hill, he said we can call him—Li! According to his pronunciation, I think he is a Hill thought for a while, but really couldn't think of Tony Stark and What is the connection with China, and asked: "Jarvis, have you found the information about the Nova Empire he said? "

Tony's artificial intelligence butler Jarvis replied: "Sorry, I checked all the information, but I didn't find the word Nova Empire. In the history of the earth, this empire has never appeared. Because he wants the boss to ask Thor Do you know about the Nova Empire, I deduce that the Nova Empire should not be a country on Earth, but an alien empire."

When Hill heard the word alien empire, he frowned immediately, and said, "There won't be any alien empires that want to invade Earth, right? Jarvis, have Tony's actions been completed?"

Jarvis replied: "The operation was successful. Except for Hawkeye's injury, there were no accidents. They are returning by Quinjet fighter jets and are expected to arrive at the Avengers Building in one and a half hours."

Hill said: "Okay, send this person's information and see what they say."

Jarvis's speed was very fast. As soon as Hill's voice fell, the Quinjet fighter jet in flight had already received this message.

Seeing the unfamiliar face on the surveillance screen, Tony asked, "Thor, have you heard of the Nova Empire?"

Thor froze for a moment, and asked, "How do you know about Nova Empire?"

Hearing Thor's question, Tony shrugged, handed the screen in his hand to Thor, and said, "The Nova Empire that this man mentioned, he said he wanted to see me. However, judging from the current situation, he The purpose should be to meet you. Then, can you tell me who he is? Also, what exactly is the Nova Empire?"

Thor took over the screen, frowned and looked at it for a while, then suddenly exclaimed: "The king of interstellar mercenaries—Li?"