King Who Will Cross

Chapter 679: Don't ask hostages for ransom "pirates"!

Three nautical miles away from the coastline of the uninhabited island, a cargo ship with a displacement of 100,000 tons was slowly sinking. ?

A few seconds ago, a pothole with an area of ​​more than 7 square meters appeared on the side of the freighter, which was still intact a few seconds ago. The ruthless sea water poured into the interior of the freighter along this pothole.

Through the pothole, one can vaguely see the sea water being poured in, extinguishing those flickering sparks!

The ordinary crew members inside the freighter have rushed to the deck frantically. But because the freighter had begun to tilt, the speed of these crew members was not fast.

And the American soldiers who had been waiting near the command room began to rush towards the deck in an orderly manner!

"We were attacked by an electromagnetic pulse weapon, all electronic equipment was damaged, and we lost contact with the command center."

"The hull was attacked by blasting. It is currently impossible to determine whether it is a missile or a torpedo used somewhere!"

Amidst the panicked voices, these American soldiers had already begun to despair in their hearts.

Up to now, they don't even know how many people are on the other side and how much firepower is equipped, but the freighter they are on has already begun to sink.

At this time, their position was 3 nautical miles from the coastline. Such a long distance would not cause any pressure for them in normal times. Without the aid of any equipment, they can swim to the shore on their own.

However, this is not normal, nor is it a drill!

Surrounding them are enemies who will not hesitate to open fire on them!

"Get on the assault boat, the rubber boat!" The commander shouted: "You can't dive directly!"

No matter how good the water skills are, it is impossible to fight with people underwater with modern weapons, such as rifles and submachine guns.

After soaking in water, their weapons and ammunition will definitely be seriously disturbed. Even if they can successfully land 6, how will they organize an effective attack or defense?

When these American soldiers rushed to the deck, there were no traces of the enemy on the sea around the freighter. And the freighter they were on had tilted 60 degrees, as if it had suddenly malfunctioned!

Those ordinary crew members have already jumped into the sea. While swimming towards the uninhabited island, they shouted that they want to surrender, they are civilians!

Those American soldiers who also wanted to surrender organized a 'fleet' of ten rubber boats and three assault boats amidst the commander's hoarse roar!

The American soldiers who were fortunate enough to be able to board this 'fleet' group looked around them nervously holding up their weapons!

Someone shouted: "Go to the island, what are you waiting for?"

Someone also shouted: "You can't go to the island. They don't know how many people there are on the island. If we rush up rashly, we will be their targets."

"Aren't we here as a target for them?"

The fierce debate meant that this group of American soldiers had completely lost their balance.

The commander shouted: "Listen to my order, land on the island now, we still have to complete our mission!"

"Bullshit mission, this is not an industrial base at all, but a military base in New Tuvalu!"

On the battlefield, there were soldiers who blatantly attacked their own officers. It was unbelievable, but reasonable.

The commander was about to make a move, but suddenly he opened his mouth wide, looking stupidly behind the soldier who attacked him.

The other American soldiers who noticed the situation at the same time were also dumbfounded, and some people exclaimed.


At some point, a submarine floated more than a hundred meters away from them. And when they exclaimed, three machine gun ports appeared on the submarine.

Looking at the three rotating machine guns, this group of American soldiers completely lost the idea of ​​resistance. But at the same time, they cursed in their hearts at the same time: Is this necessary? Installing a machine gun on a submarine, isn't the submarine for underwater combat?

"I'll give you time to count to ten, put down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise... 1o, 9, 8..."

Just when the loudspeaker on the submarine counted down to 5, the group of American soldiers threw their weapons into the sea under the order of their distraught commander.

Afterwards, escorted by a submarine with three machine guns, this group of American soldiers landed on the uninhabited island in their own 'fleet'. Even, their enemies ordered them to take all the crew members who were swimming alone to the uninhabited island along the way!

It is completely different from the 100,000-ton freighter with only a few dozen crew members. There are more than 200 crew members and soldiers who escaped on this freighter.

Of course, there are more than 20 people in the team that were captured before landing on the island!

After these people landed on the island, a group of soldiers who did not know when they appeared stood on the shore in full armor.

The American soldiers who had lost almost all their weapons went through body searches again, and all the pistols, daggers and other weapons they hid on their bodies were gathered together in one place. And they were all handcuffed and escorted to the secret base on the uninhabited island!

And the way they entered the secret base also made them understand why they couldn't find the real entrance to the secret base.

When they were escorted to a flat ground, an entrance with a radius of one meter suddenly appeared on the normal ground. A soldier who was in charge of escorting them jumped into the entrance without hesitation.

After that, they were asked to jump in one by one!

Because there are role models in front of them, they are not afraid that they will be thrown to death. When they jumped into the entrance, they found that there was a slide below them. After sliding along the slide for nearly 15 seconds, they arrived at the underground base.

After more than two hundred people entered the underground base, a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms, carrying some very strange-looking tools, stood next to the cushion when they fell.

There, there is another upward passage.

Just when they were wondering, there was a buzzing sound, and the soldiers standing at the entrance of the passage were blown up by a strong wind!

A staff officer next to the commander of the search team said: "They seem to be going to the ground to restore traces of human activities!"

The commander sneered and said, "What's the point of repairing now, we already know about their secret base."

"Shut up, prisoners!"

A loud voice suddenly sounded, making the group of prisoners excited. However, looking at the weapons surrounding them, this group of American soldiers can only be excited!

"Send them to Warehouse No. 3 and lock them up!"

The order from the loudspeaker caused the surrounding gunmen to **** them to an empty warehouse. And the scenes they saw along the way made them terrified.

"There are at least 300 armed flying robots in the warehouse just now. And the huge passage over there must be prepared for transport planes or fighter jets."

The laughing report of the technician made the commander a little excited and also a little sad. The excitement is naturally because this is indeed the secret industrial base of New Tuvalu, and the sadness is because they have been captured.

No matter what the attitude of the US side behind him is, the fate of this group of people is worrying.

After entering Warehouse No. 3, the handcuffs they were wearing were not released.

A group of soldiers walked in, escorting a man in a metal mask.

"Who is your commander?"


"What's your name?"


"Bring him out Then, take a picture of this group of captives!"

Commander James saw someone holding a video camera to shoot more than two hundred captives, and he instantly understood.

"This is because the Pentagon will directly use intercontinental missiles!"

During the meaningless but routine interrogation of James, the Pentagon received a video!

In the video, it is their group of soldiers who lost contact, as well as some American civilian crew members! Moreover, there are several interrogated crew members and ordinary soldiers who have already explained their origins and the tasks they are performing to the camera!

"Fa, C!" In the command center of the Pentagon, the commander who was preparing to order the direct bombing of the secret base shouted loudly: "New Tuvalu actually threatened us with hostages?"

A general said with a dark face: "They will not admit that they belong to New Tuvalu, just like... we will not admit that those people are our soldiers!"

At this point, the video they received has played to the end. A person wearing a gas mask said to the camera: "We are South Pacific pirates, and your people have been captured by us. For the time being, we will ensure their safety. Of course, please don't act rashly, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties .”

"Pirates?" The commander sneered, "They say they are pirates, why don't they ask for a ransom?"

"Of course it's because ransom money can't stop our ICBMs, but hostages can!"

"Fa, Ke, if I knew it, I wouldn't send people to land, and just bombard that uninhabited island with missiles."

"Didn't you think that you could get the technology in it? There, it is very likely that the new Tuvalu full-stealth fighter will be produced!" 8

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