King Who Will Cross

Chapter 759: The temptation of the second space-based

The first operation of the NATO Defense Force was very successful, it could even be described as perfect!

Especially, when the "Monster Hunting Squad", an organization led by several giant countries and established in name to solve the monster crisis faced by all countries in the world, was unable to arrive in time because it was performing a certain mission in the United States .

No comparison, no harm!

When people around the world criticize the 'Monster Hunting Squad', they directly compare it with the timeliness of the NATO Defense Force, and the criticism of the 'Monster Hunting Squad' is useless!

Of course, being useless does not refer to the heroes in the "Monster Hunting Squad", but to the people in charge of this organization!

Even, the anger of some people in Southeast Asia directly burned on the new King of Tuvalu. Because the establishment of the 'Monster Hunting Squad' has a lot to do with him!

In this regard, His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu issued an eye-book update to explain.

"First, I am only an equipment provider for the 'Monster Hunting Squad', and I do not participate in any decision-making and action plans of the organization. Second, the South Pacific Treaty Organization, which the NATO Defense Force belongs to, is the leader of my country, New Tuva. Lu jointly established Australia and New Zealand. Third, the weapons used to eliminate the monsters this time were all provided by my personal company."

Faced with Li Daniu's three explanations, the angry Southeast Asian people believe that not only is their country's government inactive, but also because of its weak national strength and low international status, the United States has ignored the problems that are taking place in their country in order to solve their own country's small troubles. Big trouble in the country!

As a result, people in Southeast Asia began to condemn the United States on the Internet. At the same time, they used demonstrations to express their dissatisfaction with the government of their country!

"Who will accompany us for the loss of property? How can we guarantee our future security? Do we still have to pay taxes?"

The people of other countries also have an attitude of watching the excitement and not thinking it's a big deal, and they keep adding firewood and salary increases on the Internet!

And on the fifth day after the first appearance of the NATO Defense Force, the exact information of a monster passing through the waters of Southeast Asia was published on the Internet!

Although the monsters did not attack the countries in Southeast Asia this time, they still made the people of Southeast Asia feel a strong crisis!

"Now it seems that we have no way to solve the current problem except agreeing to the conditions of New Tuvalu and joining the South Treaty Organization!"

The president of a certain country in Southeast Asia held an interim meeting under such circumstances.

"We have also talked with the Americans. If we are willing to let other countries add new military bases, they will place some members of the monster hunting team and equipment within our country for use Guarantee the safety of the lives and properties of the people of our country!"

The president of a certain country stared and said, "Do you believe in the Americans or New Tuvalu? What do the Americans have? Do they have aircraft carrier formations?"

Now, the US aircraft carrier formation has become a big joke. Since the monster first appeared and destroyed an aircraft carrier formation, the US aircraft carrier formation has been afraid to show up for a long time.

Someone analyzed: "The most critical issue now is that the most effective weapon to destroy monsters is the God Gun launched by the space-based satellite of New Tuvalu. If other weapons of mass destruction are used, let alone whether they can Destroying the monster, even if it is eliminated, will cause a very large loss, we cannot bear it at all!"

The president of a certain country asked: "What if we sign an agreement with New Tuvalu to lease their space-based satellites? It's like, the monster hunting team leases the space-based satellites of New Tuvalu. If monsters appear again, then , we can use the robot that bought New Tuvalu to install the signal locator on the monsters, and then let New Tuvalu destroy them!"

"I don't think New Tuvalu would agree to the lease, especially after they contacted Australia and New Zealand and established NATO," the foreign minister said.

"The establishment of NATO means that the South Pacific region no longer needs the protection of the monster hunting teams led by the United States, Russia, and China. And New Tuvalu, which occupies an absolute dominant position in NATO, how can it Maybe you will rent out your limited resources to other countries?"

The president of a certain country asked: "You mean, NATO wants to rely on the weapon of space-based satellites to allow countries that want to seek protection to join NATO?"

"That's right, even, I think the South Treaty Treaty is only temporary. If our Southeast Asian countries join, maybe the name South Treaty Treaty will have to be changed!"

The governments of Southeast Asian countries have conducted similar discussions, and some of them even sent government delegations to New Tuvalu to apply for negotiations!

"Tell him that space-based satellites are very troublesome to transport ammunition, so we don't provide rental services for the time being." Li Daniu said to Burns with a smile in his office: "The use of space-based satellites will be based on the priorities of the situation. , make a reasonable distribution!"

Burns was not surprised by Li Daniu's answer. He smiled and said, "Your Majesty, may I remind those countries that it takes at least a week for our space-based satellites to replace their ammunition?"

Li Daniu nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Of course we have to remind them, and you also have to tell them that there is a problem with the acquisition of raw materials for the special alloy we are using now, and the future stock of God's Gun may... You understand Do I mean?"

Burns nodded and said, "Understood, this news, I will let people disclose it through internal leaks or revelations."

Li Daniu added: "Threats are not enough, we also need to give them enough benefits."

Burns asked suspiciously, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Li Daniu said: "The news is that the second space-based satellite we manufactured has entered the final debugging stage. However, the South Pacific region only needs one space-based satellite to achieve complete coverage. I am very sad now. , where is the second space-based satellite?"

Burns suddenly realized, and said: "I suggest that we should put it in the Southeast Asia region and provide strong protection for those Southeast Asian countries that have joined NATO!"

Li Daniu laughed and said, "Remember, we don't sell space-based satellites!"

After receiving the latest instructions from His Majesty the King, Burns met with visiting delegations from Southeast Asian countries with a refreshed face.

After informing those Southeast Asian countries of His Majesty's instructions, Burns received countless curses.

Of course, these cursing happened in the hearts of representatives of Southeast Asian countries!

The disappointed government representatives of Southeast Asian countries received some gossip from Burns after returning home!

"They are threatening us!"

"Why don't they just say that if we don't join South Treaty, they will give up our protection?"

"What about the Americans? Why can't the United States develop weapons such as space-based satellites?"

When the Southeast Asian countries were at a loss, the Americans were also a little confused.

"What is New Tuvalu doing? Could it be that they will refuse to give us the right to use space-based satellites in the future?"

At the temporary meeting of the White House in the United States, high-level officials of the US government began to discuss.

"We have never had the right to use space-based satellites. We have always notified New Tuvalu of the monster's location signal, and they will control the space-based satellites to attack the monster!"

"How far has our space-based satellite been developed?"

Hearing this question, the conference room was silent for a moment. An official in charge of the space-based satellite project said with some embarrassment: "It is estimated that it will take another two to three years before our space-based satellite can enter the trial operation stage."

U.S. President Conrad was angry: "It will take another two to three years? The second space-based satellite of New Tuvalu is about to go to the sky, and you actually told me that it will take two to three years?" r

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