Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 144: Who is coming (below)

Who is the person who came to Chapter 144 (below)

After a few seconds.

"Ha! You are too young to look at the character of the northern people, the imperial man," Oleto dad shook his head and smiled. "You don't even know Nunn, when he was young..."

But Taylors heard the emotions in his words.

It’s not as affirmative as it used to be.

It is a kind of self-convincing that the wife, after learning the husband’s affair for the first time, is self-conceiving that “no, he has always been very loyal”.

"Do you have such confidence in your personality?" The second prince looked up and his eyes burned.

"Don't provoke any more, you don't know Nunn," Olsie turned his head and seemed to be filled with resentment: "Our relationship is closer than you think."

"I heard that he might be a good king when he was young, and he would be able to protect himself with a nameless pawn," Teres said carelessly: "He is a native of Northland, but before that, King Noon The first is a person, he will be old."

Ole's big eyes looked at him fixedly.

"This is what one of Nunn's most trusted people told me. I met him in his pub," the prince said with a smile: "The famous former commander of the White Blade Guard, Kaslan Lombard - I I believe that you are more familiar with him than I am, and believe that he is more familiar with your majesty than you."

"The old man always wants to arrange things behind him... By the way, this is what the Duke of the Northern Territory said, and he is responsible for the assassination of the Prince of Morar, the part of the stars."

Out of context.

This is also true.

Tyres sighed silently.

Ole's Dagong did not speak, but his face was blank.

"And you also saw his performance in the Hall of Heroes," Tyres said with a faint look: "What do you expect from a lonely old man who has lost his only son and lost his family's last hope?"


Until Oller took a deep breath, then slowly spit out.

"It's just your guess." The beard's big voice is low: "Everything is based on the absurd inference of 'Nun's rationality to hold back the pain of the funeral.'"

Tersnunu mouth.

Oller's thinking is still very clear.

But Taylors curled his lips in his heart.

He took a sigh of relief.

it's time.

He wants to add the last weight to the conversation.

"If you have to wait until there is evidence," Taylors sighed. "Just wait for the ‘Chaman King’.”

Ole's Dagong's beard and his beard trembled a little.

"And, at the time of the stars, the Exeter who made my country, Baron Russell," Taylors lowered his gaze. "We were listening to some information in the museum."

Oller's expression of doubts: "The little **** of Lombard?"

"It seems that Rumba is not the real mastermind of the murder of Nun's son," Teres nodded, revealing a mysterious smile: "The murderer of Prince Morar, another person."

This is a much longer silence than any previous one.

Taylor's gaze stared at the prince Oller in his eyes.

Watching his face turn from doubt to shock, from shock to thought.

Will it be him?

Finally, the prince of Oller was relieved: "The news from the stars is not..."

"The news from the stars is the news we want you to know!" Tyres said faintly: "The black horse that pointed out the black sand collar, in order to murder the black hand of Prince Morar, so that you can turn your back on your own eyes. Killing."

"And we are not sure who the murderer is!"

"Don't forget, the only clue that can unlock the death of Prince Morar is the confrontation of several star lords in the court - whether it is the hand under the black sand, and it cannot be confirmed."

The pupil of Oleux Dagong gradually tightened.

Obviously, this information is somewhat beyond his expectations.

"This is the 'Black Prophet' Morat, the means of the kingdom of the kingdom." Tyres shook his head helplessly: "In other words, you have always believed, the so-called 'Walton and Lombard, Long Yucheng and Black Sand The hatred between the collars may not exist at all... This means that if Lombard can convince King Nunn, he did not participate in the death of Prince Morar..."

Ollert stared at Teres incredulously.

"Nun Walton and Chaman Rumba," Tells shrugged and sighed: "They have no bitterness and hatred, they can all form an alliance."

"On the contrary, Nunn won't trust you because maybe the real murderer..."

Taylors recalled a blue suit glasses boy in the past anime, and touched the bridge of the nose in a pretentious manner, then narrowed his eyes and decisively pointed to Aurelius!

"It's among you!"

"The murderer has also done one thing," Taylors said before, and he narrowed his eyes and threw the next message: "And this is what Nun Wang told me."

The pupil of Oleux Dagong slowly narrowed.

"He is also under the Broken Dragon Fortress, blaming the Rumba, using the Magic Guns, trying to murder my people."

The breathing of Oleux Dagong is getting heavier and heavier.

Tyres did not let go of his every look.

A few seconds later, Weilan led the big man to hang his head and chuckled:

"If these are true," Oller repaired his eyes sharply: "They may indeed form an alliance - but you are all empty-mouthed, and there is no evidence."

"The Marquis of Slyless," Taylors expected Olsiu's reaction. He did not panic: "The city envoy from Commas - I talked to me all the way."

"From his channel, I heard: Just in the camp of Nyima to Rumba, the night that greeted me... He released three crows in the middle of the night."

"It's a good idea to confirm with him... raising and selling the crow is also one of the business of the agency."

"Just to welcome an upcoming envoy to the enemy... Why do you want to contact Longyan City three times in the camp of the Black Sands?"

Oller's face is already a cold.

Tyres directed at him and focused on it: "At least, one of them is trying to contact each other."

Oleux Dagong pressed his own hilt and did not speak.

"If Nunn is looking for the future of the Walton family to find an ally who can successfully choose the king, then no matter who I am, or Ronnie of the far-away city, is a better choice than the black sand collar." After the silence, Great and quiet.

"And, even if they secretly form an alliance, what can they do? Exeter is not a star, we choose our own king! Can Nunn still designate Rumba as a heir before the end of life?" Olsei resolutely asked Road.

Will there be a feeling of impertinence? - In the mind of Tyres, this sentence suddenly appeared without reason.

This made him smile.

"No!" Tyres decisively interrupted him: "Black Sand Collar, Chaman Rumba, has the greatest advantage of becoming the next king."

Oller did not speak, he was waiting for the answer from the different kings.

"Grand Duke, you thought that something happened to Prince Morar, and there was a former revenge like the Fortress and the Covenant. Why didn't there be a war between our two countries?" Taylors asked faintly.

Oller repaired his eyes.

"You," Dagong looked at Tyres's eyes slowly: "You were sent to Exeter."

"Your father's throne vows to use your safety to ensure that the war will not break out, or it will break out to be a must-have for the power of Exeter's nation to win, and the price is so heavy that no one can face it alone. war."

"And in order to contain the black sand collar, King Nunn must stand in the same position as your comet to stop the war..."

Oller's face is getting more and more ugly.

Taylors finally smiled:

"Yes, these two factors are the most important reason to prevent the war from erupting from the Exeter side, once they all disappear..."

"Once King Nunn is no longer afraid of the cost of a full-scale war, no longer succumbing to the mobilization of the Grand Duke of the country in the name of the king, and eliminating the worries of each singer's solitude against the enemy."

"Once King Nunn has no longer necessary to curb the expansion of the Black Sands, he even needs to help them expand to ensure that the other party gets the chip of the king..."

"The black sand collar of Lombard will undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiary of the war... Near the starry north, there is the support of Nunn Mingli..."

Oller looked up at the ceiling and Tyres couldn't see his expression.

"Now you know why King Nunn is looking for you to raise the enemy and test your attitude towards killing me?" Tyres lowered his eyebrows.

The noise of the banquet continued to come from the ear.

Oleux Dagong hangs his head.

The second prince chuckled:

"I don't know if you are ready," said Tyres, raising his eyebrows and spreading his hand: "A tribute to the prince of King Chaman?"

"So," Rebion Orscher looked directly at Tells, but this time, his eyes faded from previous dislikes and hatreds and became extraordinarily serious:

"You came to me... even if their alliance is just your suspicion."

Tyres nodded in pain and sighed with a sigh:

"Yes, maybe Lombard is still trying to contact King Noon," he said, his neck and annoyed hands. "Maybe they haven't come together yet. Even if they really form an alliance, you still have room to ease."

"Noon doubts that you are the murderer of Morar, and that Lombard may become a king. These are your losses, Ole's grandfather..."

"But these consequences will not appear so quickly, so you don't have to worry."

"But I am different." Taylor looked up and looked at Orsue seriously.

"Once things changed to what I had imagined... Long Yucheng and the black sand collar kidnapped the entire Exeter and started the war," the second prince said with a cloud of lightness and anxious tone, saying the following if:

"The one who is still in Exeter will be the first person to suffer - to face the judgment of fate earlier than any one of you."

"This is why I came to you."

"For my little life," said Tyres, looking at the stiff face of Ole, and gnawing his teeth: "And your future!"

The two fell silent again.

The hum of the buzz and the brazier alternated.

"Why come to me?" Olsie hoared and snarled. "Not everyone else? Ronnie Pfeiffer? They may be more reliable?"

Tyres stared at him and nodded slightly: "Only you and the territory of Tluedida, both bordered by the stars, and near the black sand collar... You can't turn a blind eye to the affairs of the black sand collar and the stars."

"And Tluedida? I don't believe in his treacherousness."

The prince of the stars whispered: "In all the big kilometers, you, Rebion Orshou, who is led by Weilan, is most likely to stand with me."

Oller took a deep breath and looked out the window.

next moment.

"The words have already been said to be on this," Olsau, who turned to him sharply, with sharp eyes:

"What are your plans? Let's talk together."

Taylors made a snap in his heart.

He smiled on the bright side: "We are still in the palace of King Nunn, there are not many opportunities to meet."

"After you have confirmed the details I have said, if you think that I have some truth and think it necessary to take some precautions," Thales said faintly: "I used a promise to buy the Marquis of Sly. He will give me a message, and the party tonight will last until tomorrow morning or even noon."

Oller repaired the nod.

"At four o'clock in the morning, the gates of the palace and the gates of Longyan City will open. At that time, the first wave of guests will leave, the guards will be as tired as they are, and you will avoid their eyes and ears and leave the banquet hall. ," Taylors carefully said:

"Come to the Chamber of Deliberation - I will leave midway and find reasons to rest there."

"Where... we're finalizing the plan - a plan that will keep my life and make the Nun and Lombard covenant bankrupt."

Oller fixed his eyes on him.

"I will consider it." The big man's expression of the beard is complicated: "But you know, just consider."

"Of course," said Tyres, raising his eyebrows: "Come on, come on, whatever you want."

Dagong was silent.

Just as Tyres was in a hurry, Olsiu suddenly chuckled.

"Little devil, maybe you are really a rare smart person," Dagong shook his head. "But I still don't like you."

“It’s okay,” said Tyres, who reacted quickly and smiled: “We are – we are, and comet is a feud.”

Ollera finally gave him a look, his eyes complex and subtle.

Dagong turned and left.

Wyatt came to the face of Tyres.

Taylor looked at the back of Oller and disappeared into the corner, screaming out.

He was slack, and the whole person was soft and was gently held by Wye.

"His Royal Highness," the attendant officer whispered: "How?"

"He saw through my relationship with Nunn from the beginning," Tyres felt his cold sweat, and he was very embarrassed: "Fortunately, I have strained it..."

He looked up and looked at Wyatt:

"What does Rolf say?"

Wye hesitated and put a few gestures that he did not understand.

"Very well, so the Marquis of Slythes has seized the third grandfather," Tyres wiped his sweat and shook his head. "You give him this, and such a gesture..."

"Let Putility pass the note out, the next goal is to start... I hope that Sly's acting is good enough, don't let Orle fix it."

After a few minutes, organize your own Taylors to stand in another corridor.

He recalled the character of the next person.

Then made up his mind.

There was a footstep behind him.

The next moment, Tyres took a deep breath and turned around.

Accompanied by Wyatt, he showed the brightest smile to those who came from afar:

"Honor to the Grand Duke!"

"You know……"

"Who will be the next king of Exeter?"

The next second, the suspicious re-construction of the tower, the shaved head of the Matthews Trudida, standing in front of Tells, frowned.


3:50 in the morning.

Yingling Palace, the Chamber of Deputies.

Taylors sat in the hall of yesterday, the long table where King Nunn was on, looking at the empty stone hall, and his heart was a little hairy.

There is only one thing that can overshadow his fear of darkness and loneliness.

That is the embarrassment and panic about the unknown.

Only a few braziers behind me, regardless of disregard, still burn themselves.

He put his hand on the long table and sighed.

Who is coming?

His conversation with the five Grand Dukes finally ended in a trepidation.

Oran Xiu of Weilan was the first one, which made him particularly nervous, took a long time, and almost failed to be dismantled with Nunn.

The reconstruction of the tower of Tluedida seems to be sly and suspicious, but their dialogue is faster than the former, Tluedida soon realized his meaning, and revealed deep doubts in his eyes - do not know is right Nunn is still against him.

These two southern Grand Dukes are not the most difficult.

The Lecco Grand Duke in the North Guarded City is the third person, but this old bald is the most difficult to deal with. It seems that the old faint gaze flashed a savvy gaze, but he sneered at his words until the end is "you must be It’s a joke – Tyres accompanied his smile and spent twenty minutes completing their conversation.

The dialogue with the Duke of Ronnie, the great city of the West, ended as soon as possible. The long-haired grandfather was silent and nodded more than his breath. He was always suspicious of the effect of the conversation and looked at him. Taylors suspects that no matter who is the king, he does not care at all.

In the end, the young Dagong of the city, the young brown-haired Conkee Pfeiffer is the friendliest one. He is also the most shocked by the words that Teres said, until he left, he was incredibly unbelievable. In appearance, Taylors had to comfort him: things have not happened yet.

It was just...Tells pinched his hand, Pitti handed his pocket watch before, and the cold metal touch made him feel tight:

Who is it?

Come... who will be?

Who is that, hired a sword of disaster, and murdered Morar first, assassinating his own behind-the-scenes black hand?

Or... simply no one appears?

If I can't really find the murderer... Taylors laughs a bit:

I hope that Noon will be a fart tonight.

Just at this time.

"Oh... oh..."

Footsteps came from outside the stone hall.

The spirit of Tyres is shocked!

He sat up straight.

It was a heavy and rhythmic footstep.

Take a look, walk along the stone bricks.

As the footsteps approach slowly.

A figure is projected into the stone hall.

It seems that people are particularly tall

The comer finally walked into the Chamber of Deputies.

In the light of the brazier, Tells saw the long hair of the shawl and his serious expression.

A pattern of classics is embroidered on his robes.

The second prince was stunned.

This is his most unexpected candidate.

The brazier is still burning.

The man stopped in front of him.

"I am coming." He was faint.

Tyres jumped off the chair and frowned.

He still remembers that this serious man in this stone hall refused the command of King Nunn to fight with the Prince of Stars to kill him.

The reason is "it is simply tarnishing my honor."

Now, he is standing in front of himself.

"Hello," the second prince of the stars paused and looked at the thin-faced man on the stalwart. He was disappointed and sighed:

"The grandfather of Exeter in the city of Exeter."

"Lord Curry Kun Ronnie."

Steam discounted a few days ago.

The hand is already licking.

(End of this chapter)