Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 304: go away

Chapter 304 leaves

Tyres walked in the corridor of the Seal Palace and was in a dull mood.

Nilai is a bad liar.

Regarding the decision of King Nunn, even the matter of Morar, he was concealed.

Things are already clear: the former White Blade Guard, Brisbane, and the Darkroom, all of which hold secrets that must not be known to Tells or even Selma—that is, to a large extent, this secret will be the last two. Disadvantageous.

Thales doesn't even have to go to verify that the secret of the monk told him by Lombard is true.

This is the conclusion of Tells.


On the way to the dining room, Tyres couldn't help but clench his fists.

However, Longyan City is facing the most complicated and chaotic situation in six years:

The international situation is changing, testing the choice of the female grandfather;

The Dagong of the country is unpredictable and looks at the position of Longyan City;

The vassal in the collar is eager to move, the marriage and power of the prostitute;

The gloom of King Nunn is full of scorpio, and is the successor of the Dragon Gun family.

And the most terrible opponent, the current king of the Dragon Kingdom, Chaman Rumba, is secretly holding a sharp blade, sharpening his sword, and preparing to take all possible benefits in this storm.

Selma, the girl who is so weak, that when Tyres thinks of it, is faintly sorrowful—to live between them and face countless threats.

And the arms that have always been around her, thought to be trustworthy, no matter the uncommon Niele and the wily Brisbane, have just been proved by Tels: they are not credible.

Thales stood at the door of the dining room, his fists in his hands, and he was getting tighter.

In the past six years, all peace has been an illusion. All leisure is illusory. Behind the name of Selma, it is likely to hide the ruthless scam of Xianjun.

In front of his eyes, there was another convulsion before Alex was poisoned, and she gradually lost her vitality.

And Selma, no, it’s a small slick... This is not the life she wants, but she is forced to face it all, all sides are enemies, helpless and helpless, and she is at a loss in the fate of being forced to arrange.

The most important thing is that she lives in a cage built by lies, and she does not know the threat on her side.

If I didn't find this secret, would this matter, Selma, be unaware of it and even live as a female grandfather until the last truth is under the sun, the day that was cruelly stripped?

On that day, when the contradiction broke out in Longyan City, the king’s swordsmanship fell, and the secret of the blood was revealed.

She, lonely and helpless girl, how to bear all this?

Tyres sighed in pain, only feeling depressed and tired.

She had a chance to escape.

It’s you, Tyres, you asked her to become Selma Walton six years ago.

And now, you, an involuntarily, crowded hostage, what can you do?

What can you do for her?

What angle and position should you use to intervene in this struggle that is only within Exeter?

How to do.

How to do?

For six years, they still live in the shadow of dragon blood. For six years, they still can't escape the palm of Nunn's palm. For six years, they...

"Prince Taylors, do you need help?"

A cold and polite call to wake Taylor from his own world.

"Ms. Kings," Tyres put away his heart and tried to drive away the heavy state. He watched Jin Kesi standing at the door of the dining room: "Sorry, but..."

Taylor looked at the light in the dining room and faintly saw the girl.

“Can we stay alone for a while?”

Jin Kesi raised his brow and swept the prince's body with his eyes, his eyes revealing suspicion.

"The last time was because the lady's mood was not good, we can understand," the court lady in charge of the life of the female grandfather said quietly: "But this time..."

"I really need to talk to her alone."

Tyres looked at the female official with the most sincere gaze he could imagine: "Please, Ms. Kings."

"This is very important."

"If you still care about the female grandfather, if you know her current situation..."

Taylor looked at Jin Kesi with a fixed expression.

This time, the female officer of Kings looked at him for a long time.

It is like watching antiques.

"I don't know what happened, Your Highness," finally, the indifferent and rational female officer whispered openly, with the usual public service tone: "But Ms. She..."

The female officer suddenly stopped talking.

The next second, Kinx made a gesture that the prince thought she would never do.

She sighed.

For the first time, Tells saw the well-maintained female officer's eyes getting tired and wrinkles in his eyes.

"She is just a little girl."

Taylors bowed his head and bowed slightly: "I know, so..."

"But she is not just a girl," Jin Kesi interrupted him without refutation. "She is the ruler of Longyan City."

Taylor looked up and looked at her strangely, always feeling that today's female officials are a little different.

"Many times, just because of your concern, consideration and companionship, you will feel that you are safe and put down your worries and vigilance."

"As a friend, you care for her and worry about her," the female officer's tone was not serious, but was full of helplessness and emotion: "This is her luck."

The next sentence of Jin Kesi is not useful:

"But the problem is that she is not safe."

"She shouldn't think so."

Tyres looked at Jin Kesi and chatted for a moment.

"We will leave, Prince Teres," the woman's face replied to the old-fashioned, as if the previous sensibility was just an illusion, only to see her slightly sigh: "I wish you and the lady a pleasant meal."

The prince frowned. He suddenly found out that the female official who had known before, but who was diligent but serious and boring, had another side.

"And, the woman's mood is not very good, she is today..." Ms. Kinsey whispered her voice and was extremely obsessed:

"You know, the time you were kicked from your knees... it’s another month."

Another month?

Taylors glimpsed.

By the time he reacted to the other party's meaning, Jin Kesi had turned and left.

[Because you have your concern, consideration and companionship, you will feel that you are safe...]

The second prince looked at her in a complicated way and left with the two maids. She hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, tried to adjust her mood, and stepped into the dining room of the female grandfather.

Selma sat quietly at the table, and looked like a single shadow under the lights on both sides.

"Wow, lettuce," said Teres, sitting across from the big woman, looking at the food on the table and smiling: "I haven't eaten for a while."

Sure enough, the table is a kind of light food such as fruits and vegetables, even the broth is hot, this is a rare thing - after the threat of Nie Lai, the kitchen is cooled after repeated inspections, it is not What's new.

It’s a recipe for the female once a month.

Selma looked up under the light, and the prince couldn't help but notice that she was a little tired.

So, is it a physiological reason, or is it...

"Hey," the female prince looked at him with a look that was not common to the prince. The latter couldn't read the meaning: "Tells."

Her voice doesn't seem to bring much emotion:

"You said today, is there something important to tell me?"

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief, and the troubles he faced before seemed to return to his mind.

"Yeah, I, amount..."

Tyres, who took a deep breath, talked to his lips, but he was stunned.

He looked at Selma, who was slightly bleak in front of his face, maintaining the most basic courtesy smile, but suddenly did not know what to say.

Selma, you are actually facing a terrible situation, not safe?

Even if you have weathered this storm, you have struggled with the tyrant's forced marriage and Ronnie's struggle with the king.

Because, people you think you can trust are actually cheating you?

You are isolated, you are in danger, and even your biggest secret has been held in your hands?

"Well?" Selma's gaze fell on his lips, a little doubtful.

But Taylors frowned, the fists under the table slowly squeezed, but the smile still struggled, I don't know where to start.

Should I tell her the truth? Niely and Brisbane are not loyal to her, at least not faithful?

They may be brewing the tricks of King Nunn. Are you just a puppet that you can manipulate?

Is this right in the middle of Lombard? Want to use me to destroy the relationship between the interior of the city and the relationship with the lord?

However... Is there a so-called "harmony" in Longyan City?

If she doesn't know and has been cheated, will it be more and heavier when the secret is revealed?

"what happened to you?"

Selma looked at his silent look and whispered:

“Why are you bothering things?”

In the end, Taylors let go of the tight fists and exhaled.

"As always, you know, the outdoor class is a good meal by Nie Lai," the prince turned his smile into a self-deprecating self-deprecation:

"Maybe I should try lime powder next time."

By convention, Selma should frown and look at his wounds, then release a smile and respond to the prince's ensuing ridicule.

However today...

"No," Selma looked at him fixedly, shaking his head firmly: "Not because of this."

Tyres was slightly surprised, and he cast a questioning look.

"I can feel it."

"It's because of something else," Selma asked sharply. "What do you want to tell me?"

The second prince looked at the serious girl, and was silent for a few seconds.

"Listen to me, little slippery head." In the end, Tyres calmed down and removed the false smile. He asked quite a bit heavy and tired: "You have...who has been a female servant for six years."

"This is not too short."

Selma stared at him, and the girl turned her head and looked at it under the cover of the shadows.

She nodded.

"However, in the past six years..." Taylor looked at the girl sitting in the hard, wide chair, remembering how she was sitting alone in the hero hall, and some could not bear it:

"Do you feel tired, annoying, depressed?"

The girl seemed to be somewhat unexpected. She looked up: "What?"

Tyres sighed and smacked his head: "I mean, from the position where you sit on the woman's grandfather, you are forced to bear the eyes of the vassals, people's doubts, countless things, There are also calculations of intrigues. The big men are watching, the king is not good, even Niely and Brisbane..."

As he spoke, Tyres couldn’t help but hang his head and felt a little depressed.

"I know you don't really want it all," he said a little embarrassed: "More... you had a chance to leave and leave the seat of the man."

Just at this time.

"I am scared."

Taylors looked up: "Well?"

"At that time, you have to go back to the Palace of the Spirit, to make me a Selma, to save the country," I saw in the light, Selma smiled and said: "I am very scared."

"I was thinking, when you have to go back, you have to face the big men, and you probably won't be able to come back."

"And I am not prepared to be a female grandfather at all."

The girl sat at the other end of the table, and the slightly reddish face reflected the lights, which seemed to be inconsistent with the surrounding solemn decoration.

"But at the time you didn't hesitate, you said, carrying two countries and carrying the fate of so many people, you can't walk away easily, leaving a sea of ​​fire."

Tyres looked at her silently.

His fist was on his knees.

"Because you are not afraid."

"So I thought: I can't be afraid."

Selma's slightly squinting corner seems to have some unexpected joy: "And you said, you said that you will always be with me, protect me... just like in the hero hall, you don't hesitate to take me from the kneel. Take away, and for the past six years, you and Charles have been protecting me..."

"I know, no matter what..."

When he heard this, Taylor couldn’t help it anymore. He jerked his head up:

"but I can not!"

The female grandfather looked at the surprised prince with a look of surprise.

"I can't protect you."

"You are the female grandfather of Longyan City, in a chess game that ordinary people can't imagine, and I am just a prince with no power and no power," said Taylor, remembering the deliberate rhetoric that Brisbane had never missed, and remembered the eyes that Nie Lai wanted to cover. Think of the ubiquity in the Palace of the Spirit, the constant alert and strict guardianship, and the teeth:

"We are facing too many threats, too many dangers, and too many problems."

"Lombard, Ronnie, the Earl of Longyan City, and..."

Tyres took a deep breath and struggled: "You know, I have no ability to protect you."

Selma looked at him dumbly, his lips trembled.

Tyres thought of Kim’s suggestion and added: "I can't protect you forever - and even if they are in Brisbane..."

The female grandfather interrupted him.

"The proposal of the black sand collar."

Tyres’s words:


The girl's lips narrowed, her face paled, and her smile slowly disappeared.

She smiled reluctantly and murmured: "Charles told me in the afternoon: You went to see the people in the black sand collar - so this is, this is what you are coming to talk to me today."

Tilston feels a headache.

"I am just," the sigh sighed. "Listen, Lombarta may indeed want to draw you through me, but I still..."

"Tells," the girl's voice was very low, intermittent: "You want to go home, are you?"

The expression of the female grandfather reminded Taylors two years ago. At that time, she read the tragedy "The Flag of Jasmine", and the jasmine that was in the forefront was finally in the rain.

"This is the condition that the king gave you, let you return to China?" Still not waiting for Taylors to answer, Selma smiled coldly: "And you feel bored, feel hard, you don't want to accompany an ignorant and boring The girl is playing the game, so tell me specifically, you can't protect me anymore."

I saw her laughing at herself and laughing: "This is what you said, ‘important thing’?”

Taylor's breathing was a stagnation.

"Also, a stupid, stupid little girl with a bad temper," Selma bowed his head. "It's annoying."

Taylors painfully pressed his forehead: "No, Selma, no, not like this, listen to me, what I want to tell you is..."

"You are homesick, are you?" However, the girl seems to be listening to him at all, but she is talking to herself: "If there is a chance, you will not hesitate to leave here, leave Longyan City, lose Everything, go home?"

Taylors stunned.

Puttier asked him the same question.

At the time, his answer was...

"I..." Tyres uttered a word, but he bit his teeth.

He wants to answer no, replied that he is not homesick, and uses lies to temporarily comfort her.


"You know, as long as you are still here," Tyres took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. He could only answer carefully: "Selma, I will not leave easily."

The girl looked up slightly.


"Sorry, I am not in a good mood today." After a few seconds, Selma seemed to respond a little. The girl shook her head and smiled reluctantly: "I am not asking you - Charles, they must have been very kind to you." Dissatisfied - I am just... sorry."

She apologized and turned her head.

"You have been imprisoned here for six years, away from your loved ones and friends, and also face serious dangers. Kings, Dagong, vassals, and Northlanders - Longyan City are not good for you," Searle Ma himself shook his head like a mockery: "Of course you want to go home."

"I am not qualified to blame your thoughts."

She lost her head and lowered her head.

When Tyles looked at the female grandfather in front of her eyes, she suddenly realized that in the six years she became a female grandfather, she was like stepping on the thorns all the time, fearing and struggling, and never felt comfortable and comfortable for a moment.

The prince was in amazement.

Do not.

The person imprisoned.

Not just me.

But I have to tell her that the road ahead of her is only more difficult, more dangerous, and more...

Suddenly, an impulse and emotions sprouted from his heart.

At that moment, the muscles on Taylor's arm were slightly tightened.

He slowly lifted his chest and raised his head.

"Selma, I ask you."

The prince looked at the bleak girl, with the most solemn tone:

“If you have a chance – I mean, ‘if’ there is a chance...”

"You, are you willing to leave?"

One second.

Two seconds.

"What? I?"

The girl with a reddish eye looked up like a frightened rabbit: "Leave?"

"Well, yeah," said Tyres nodded hard, staring straight at Selma's eyes: "Let's leave the city, leave the country, leave these troubles, leave these dangers, and leave these boring traps. Trick, leave the fate that Nunn King has imposed on you!"

At that moment, Selmacher was completely stunned.

"Leave... go, where are you going?"

I saw the second prince of the star standing up from the seat. He leaned his arms on the table and looked at her sharply.

"Ses - no, little slippery, I will ask you again."

"Would you like to leave everything behind and return to the stars with me?"

There are always a few moments in a person’s life, and there are a few crazy thoughts in my mind.

The question is, do you dare to put it into practice?

For example, if you quit your job, you will rely on a pen to eat and live.

Even with the same effort, I can only get half of the cost of the peers?

(End of this chapter)