Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 335: Deserted, disaster-free, indifferent

Chapter 335 is a disaster-free, indifferent

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

But Tyres was still watching Puttier, and he couldn't say a word.

Puttier also gave him a smile full of vicissitudes of wrinkles.

"So, this is for me," Taylors said slowly, with a hint of sorrow and sorrow in his eyes: "The whole star up and down, the army that mobilized the crowd, provoked the free alliance of Exeter's nerves, The news that the Kingdom’s Secret Branch suddenly rises frequently is, both..."

Tyles stared blankly at the dusty inner walls.

Connected together.

Everything is connected again.

The power of King Chaman, the infighting of Longyan City, the provocation of Qiyuan City, the abrupt rebellion of the Freedom League...

Instead of holding the chips of the Western War in his hand, Lombard insisted on bringing Tyre to the black sand collar.

Because he may have guessed, maybe he heard the moment when the stars entered the desert, they guessed...

In addition to the complicated and complicated relationship between Longyan City, Black Sand Collar and Qiyuan City, the real introduction of the Star Kingdom into this foggy game, stimulating the entry of the Westland Shield into the game...

It is himself - the second prince, Tyres Comet.

Taylors was silent.

Raphael looked at the prince and snorted from his nose: "What, flattered?"

Putila coughed and cast a dissatisfied look at Raphael.

Tyres took a deep breath and returned to God.

"Yeah, there is that."

"Although this is very strange, but..."

Tyres slowly leaned against the wall, as if to relieve the feeling of ups and downs, only to see him reluctantly smile, seems to be talking to the air that does not exist: "Oh, from the beginning of becoming a bad prince, six years, I really didn't think..."

"I can also have such a grand day."

Tyres, who slipped to the ground, absently squeezed his mouth and said: "Oh."

Listening to Tyre's tone of complex emotions, Puttier slightly frowned.

"In short," Putile continued without saying: "After dark, we will come from..."

But Taylor suddenly raised his head and interrupted him.

"So," the prince sighed slightly: "Mystery sacrificed almost all the intelligence resources in Longyan City, and perhaps a lot of lives."

Raphael listened to this sentence and his brows became tighter.

"The kingdom even sent thousands of elite troops to clean up the desert like never before, just to open the way for me alone."

Tyresa had some blunt tone, which made it difficult for Putilai to adapt.

Tyres, sitting on the ground, slowly raised his head, and his eyes were unclear.

"And, at this time you sent troops to the desert, and forced to pray to the border of the city," the prince slowly took a breath, his face returned to normal, but the other two became more and more uneasy:

"It is no different to help Lumba: he not only escaped from the robbery, but also defeated the city of Qiyuan, and conquered the black sand collar, shocked the dragon kingdom, and obtained the entire Axel, the other nine grand princes could not match. that power."

"And as a result..."

Tyres tightened his expression and his eyes were dignified: "The true enemy of the stars - Chaman Rumba, the ambitious horror monarch, the co-lifting king who re-created Exeter and broke through the Star Kingdom. Starting today, it will become stronger and stronger, especially in the past."

"Intelligence, military, politics, diplomacy, and even the future... so much sacrifice is to get me out of a transparent prince who has been quiet for six years in a foreign country?"

At that moment, Taylors is like talking to himself:

“Is this worth it?”

The prince turned to the two ministers and his eyes were quiet.

Raphael’s face was tight, and Putilit’s eyebrows were low-profile.

The silence lasted for a long time.

The shadow of the unilluminated light swaying back and forth on the wall, indicating the atmosphere of this moment.


The ridiculous people of the secret department shook their heads disdainfully.

"Since the accident six years ago," Raphael looked at the prince who had not dealt well with it six years ago. His tone was cold: "We are very clear: I want to take your influence without paying any price. It is impossible for the only heir to the future of the kingdom to be exchanged from Exeter."

His words turned:

"However, after so many sacrifices, we have come to this step, but in exchange for your sentence: Is it worth it?"

Tyres has a slight look.

Raphael picked up his arms and looked sharp and looked at him condescendingly: "You don't think it's too exciting..."

But Puttier suddenly spoke and cut off Raphael's words.

"I do not know."

Both of them were attracted by Putility and did not look at him with gusto.

I saw that Putilit still bowed his head, but slowly used his rare and serious tone to say: "But you need to ask yourself."

"Ask yourself, Tyres Comet."

Taylors made a slight meal.

"You used yourself to be a hostage, and the six years of ruin, in exchange for the lives of thousands of people on the border between the two countries, live alive, in exchange for long-term stability in the kingdom, rest and recuperation," Putilla sighed:

“Is this worth it?”

Taylors stunned, and he looked at Putier and wanted to see something from his face.

The former deputy of the mission gradually raised his head, and under the glory of the light, Putilai’s face looked serious and sharp.

Not like the old-fashioned middle-aged uncle who used to be ruthless and ruthless.

"Similarly, the question you just had can only be answered by yourself."

"Yes, in order to save you, we have paid a great price, and in the face of these unavoidable costs," Putilai stared at him with sorrow: "If you feel puzzled, feel pity, hesitant, Even the heart is guilty."

"That should be told by you."

Taylor's breathing is getting slower and slower.

"You are in the future, tell us these people..."

Putty's tone is serious: "Tell those who died in the city of Longyan, tell those who swear to the depths of the desert, tell the whole star kingdom and even the whole world..."

"Tell us that in the summer of that year, countless people spent their money, wounded and died, dumped everything, abandoned their own eyes and ears, and even hesitated to raise the tiger. They created a strong enemy in the future, and they must also be from the heavily besieged city of Longyan. From the copper-cast iron Axel, rescued the Prince of Tells Comet..."

Tyres held his breath subconsciously, sat up straight, leaned against the cold, rough earthen wall, and looked at Putile.

I saw that Putility took a deep breath and smashed it:

"Tell us, and even convince us: This is what we have done in our life, the most worthwhile thing."

The tone is heavy and meaningful.

The expression of Tyres solidified at this moment.

On the other hand, Raphael dropped his eyelids and covered his lips without speaking.

The familiar silence was restored in the passage.


"If you follow the plan and safely exit the boundary of Longyan City, the people we meet locally will meet you at the border of Qiyuan City and Longyan City. He will protect you all the way to the southeast and cross the distance. The rocky land of the city until you are sent to the great desert..."

In a secret room at the end of the passage, Raphael flattened a yellowed map on a dusty triangular wooden table, explaining Tyres to his next path with faint light.

Putile silently leaned against the door and watched the prince listen carefully to their next plans.

Rafael's fingers pulled down and the fingertips were closer to the star kingdom in the lower right corner.

The eyes of Tells moved.

"Into the Great Desert, your greatest enemy is no longer the pursuit of the soldiers, but the weather and the landscape, the wrath of nature," Raphael's gaze showed a subtle color: "and the threat ahead."

"But don't worry."

"In the first place, the northeastern end of the great desert has been cleaned up by the expeditionary army of the stars deep into the desert. There are no more than 20 people of the age of the bones and the orcs or the sand thieves dare to stay in our sweeping line, at most There are some sporadic hapless people who have not had time to escape. Secondly, the helpers starting from the stars will also go north and hand over to you on the border of the Great Desert and Qiyuan City. He will know how to avoid the dangers of nature and man-made. Take you south to the desert..."


Taylor sighed helplessly.

So, am I really a kind of cargo?

Raphael himself talked freely and didn't notice that Teres was a little unnatural: "We will make sure that you have trustworthy power and manpower protection from the beginning of the city to the desert, from the beginning to the end - of course, There won't be too many people, but they are all rare in the world, ensuring that accidents such as missing fish in the desert will not pose a threat to you..."

"In the great desert, our cavalry will patrol day and night, sweeping threats, and maintaining the smooth supply line between several large oases," Rafael tapped the map and pulled a dotted line on several small green spots: "Touch To them, as long as you show your identity, you can be escorted to the nearest military camp or supply point. You don't have to worry about it. The person who escorts you knows the route. As long as you follow the plan, you will stay in our oasis. Within the patrol area, it is safe..."

"Until you are escorted back to the sand dunes - the farthest point of the western front of the Star Kingdom, we are one of the largest military strongholds in the desert, where we are already our land, and then east, you enter the Western Expedition ""

Raphael looked up and flashed a glimmer of light in the red dragonfly: "Your Majesty has been with the Western lords headed by the Duke of Falkenhaus, especially with the three strongest families, from the Sand Dunes to The ruins, from the Wing Fort to the British Soul Fort, you can get all the help you need in the three major families and their vassals - the prince's safe return is their number one priority."

Upon hearing this, Tyres’ eyes were slightly stagnation.


The Duke of the West, the lord of the desert, Cyril Falkenhaus.

His memory returned to the hall of the stars a long time ago, the limping of the crutches, the hair thinning, the description of the dry, the ghost-like middle-aged duke, and the smile of his haze, cold and sharp The sarcasm of the voice and the unrequited love.

It is the "unwelcome".

"...Through the ruins to the east, the manpower of the Royal Guard and some of the standing army will greet you on the east-west road of enthusiasm and **** you back to Yongxing City. Is there any problem?" Raphael ended his words.

Tyres nodded.

"You mean, the most mysterious four-headed skull family in the six giants, the Fakenhaus in the ruins?" Taylors pulled his mind back and drankly:

"Are they trustworthy?"

Raphael’s moving fingers stopped on the map.

Tyres twitched his lips: "Maybe they are not as welcome as I expected?"

"I can still remember when I set off six years ago - the Honourable Jen Kevindir, who is also the six Dukes. He is really friendly and has made a special trip to say goodbye to me."

The prince picked an eyebrow and was a little ironic: "Putley, do you remember?"

Putili laughed aloud.

Rafael had a slight meal.

"Your Majesty will ensure this," but the Blight Man paused for less than a second, and his tone was very firm:

"The lords of the Western Expedition - whether it is Falkenhaus, Bozdorf or the Kloma family can be trusted, their soldiers are also in this group of deserted army, only by the royal family in the blade camp The standing army is not enough to sweep the desert."

“Can you trust?” Tyres shrugged unscrupulously: “This is not often heard.”

Raphael raised his brow.

Putila smiled lightly.

"Tells, I know, a special career of six years makes you quite cautious." Putilla inserted the conversation.

"This is not unreasonable - after all, the return of the heirs not only affects you, but for the stars, this is not a political storm, affecting all parties."

Tyres snorted.

The thin Lord slowly said: "But believe me, in order to let you return to the stars safely, the stars in the city of Yongxing are behind the scenes, and the nobles who play back and forth are no more than the rough irons on the bright side of Longyan City. Easy and simple - Gilbert is there."

Hearing the familiar name, Taylors moved gently.

I saw Putile looking at him seriously: "They have paid a lot of effort, and even a great price, to ensure that the West is completely on our side."

"And what you need to do, what you need to worry about right now..."

Putila did not say anything.

Taylor looked at him from afar, silent for a few seconds.

The prince nodded and closed his eyes.

"I understand."

Desert and nobles.

This journey...

He sighed in his heart.

Rafael and Putilla looked at each other and said nothing.

"Very good, the rest is how you want to go out of town, this is a matter of urgency," Raphael said faintly: "Lord Lord will tell you in detail, after all, is his way."

Rafael took a look at Puttiel: "Should it be reliable?"

Putty gently pulled out the pipe and shook his head with helplessness.

The Bone Man turned his head back.

"So, I think, we should be different."

Taylors was still thinking about it, and he was shocked and quickly looked at Rafael:

"Now? Are you leaving?"

But Raphael ignored the prince's surprise. He was still a relaxed smile and didn't seem to care.

"His Royal Highness, although I always said that there will be nothing," Raphael tightened his collar and pulled the sleeves on his handles a little more: "But, in terms of your character and experience over the past few years, Wan If you really have an accident in the desert, it is not unexpected..."

The face of Tyres was immediately black.


What is "not an accident?"

He silently groaned.

Raphael clearly smiled, but let Taylors say nothing.


"Since the Age of Empires, there has been a word circulating in the great desert."

Taylors stunned for a few seconds.

"What is circulating in the big desert?" Taylor looked at each other's red eyes, with limited knowledge and doubts on his mind: "Is it a ridiculous slang and legend? It is your hometown..."

Putilemo coughed inexplicably.

Raphael seems to have come back, and his solid expression re-emerged: "No, the desert is not the home of anyone - anyone is just a passenger for the desert."

When Raphael’s words turned, his tone became cold and his eyes were sharp and sharp:

"There is no disaster, no disaster in the world, no disaster in the world, no desertification, no desert."



Thales blinked and tried to understand.

"Listen...not quite like a lingua franca," Taylors searched for this particular statement in his mind, suddenly discovering some familiarity that he had when he was studying in the Judith Hall: "The amount is very much like " What is the meaning of the ancient verse in Cahill Yeh's Poetry?"

Rafael smiled and reached into his pocket. His eyes were slightly embarrassed: "Deep god, this is one of the most primitive beliefs in the great desert, representing the cold existence of the legend and the desert, the great desert. The residents love and hate it, and they are respectful and fearful."

Putila is coughing again.

The blushing scorpion slowly focused, but he gently lowered his head in the next moment, covering his eyes with his hands in his pocket: "If you are in distress in the desert, your Highness, please remember... ”

"The weak are afraid of disasters, and those who are lucky are asking for help."

"Only at the same time abandoning the weak and the lucky, can we find a foothold in the ruthless desert."

When the voice fell, Raphael slowly raised his head.

Tyres was shocked:

Raphael’s moment of letting go of his hand, the red and the strange eyes of the ridiculous man, has become the most common dark brown, plain and impermanent.

"His Royal Highness, we will see you again in Yongxing City."

In Tyler's slight sorrow, Raphael, with a pair of disguised, brand-new brown eyes, turned away without leaving his back, leaving only a white robe, which gradually disappeared in the dark.

Quiet, illusory.

As he appeared.

"Young people, always like to wear cool and deep..."

Putile shook his head and pulled out the flint, muttering to himself: "You don't want to learn from him, Taylors, or you should live the Singles Singles..."

Taylors ignored Putility.

He frowned and looked at the darkness that drowned Raphael.

"It’s so dark around, that guy doesn’t mention the lights. How do you look at the road?” the prince whispered.

Taylors thought that his complaint was not heard.

Until in the deep darkness, Raphael’s calm and silent words were heard: “Just eat more liver and fruit... in the dark, you can also look for light.”

The smile of Tyres stiffened on his face.

Oh shit.

Not funny.

Continue to go back and modify the previous article!

(End of this chapter)