King’s Kingdom

Chapter 100: Ghosts in the Palace

Theodosius had more considerations. The low-ranking nobles could only be poor rich peasants in the northern county. Although they had a lot of land, they had to ask their grandfather to tell their grandma to hire others for their dignity. Help yourself to farm.

What's more, there is not much else in the Lanyin Kingdom, that is, there is a lot of land. The low-level nobles in the south may only have a few hundred acres of land to live on, but a thousand acres is quite decent.

While the nobles of the Lanyin Kingdom did not have private armies and territories, their per capita land ownership reached an astonishing 5,000 mu, and they did not need to support troops and serfs, which made their lives extremely prosperous.

As the saying goes, people tend to ask for more after their basic desires are satisfied. They live without worry. In addition to practicing martial arts and reading books, they can only pass the time by hunting and making people. .

There are not many people in the seven counties, and there are not enough official positions for them to hold, which makes this group of nobles who are born to manage the common people very sad.

After moving to Bo City this time, although the number of officials will still not increase, Theodosius can send their children out for practical study, speeding up the training progress.

In addition, the squires who were on duty in the twelve southern counties were cleaned up, which also led to the fact that there were no nobles in this area. Theodosius also meant to stabilize the place by spreading them out.

After traveling for about twenty days, the time soon came to June, and Theodosius also lived in this world for a year.

The city wall of Yabo City appeared in front of everyone. The height of this city wall was the same as that of Lanyin City, ten meters, but it was much larger.

The group entered the city in a mighty manner, and the road was unobstructed. Before Theodosius set off from the city of Lanyin, the city of Bobo got the news that it was about to become the capital.

On the day Theodosius arrived, the citizens were restricted from appearing on the main road connecting the central square of the city. More than 20,000 people from Lanyin successfully entered the city, filling the square and main road.

Theodosius was well prepared for this, and before he set off, he asked the officials in the court to divide the land of the royal family in the southern twelve counties according to the statistics, and all the future land of the rich peasants and nobles who followed. Allocated.

So, after getting the land ownership certificate issued by the royal family, some insignificant low-level nobles and rich peasants rushed to the place where the king himself lived next.

The chaos continued for a whole day, and it wasn't until after eight o'clock in the evening that calm was restored in the city.

The people who stayed in the city were all the ruling team of Theodosius. In addition to the ministers who were in charge of various departments, they were the important people who executed and handled things. They were an important link in the formation of the central government.

Settling these people's residences, tidying up the rooms, and allocating houses, these things have been dealt with in the early hours of the morning.

Theodosius specially instructed that the work should start at noon the next day, because after a night of running around, everyone was already very tired, and it was unrealistic for them to get up early to work.

The second day's work was not much, just to determine the work locations of various departments and officials, and at the same time to classify the royal property brought in, and put them into the warehouse.

The officials of the Lanyin Kingdom are still very efficient. They started work that night, contacting the information and civil affairs in the city.

In just three days, the entire administrative system began to master this huge city, and news from all over the place was also sent to New Lanyin City.

After the city became the new capital of the Rhine Kingdom, it was named New Lanine City by Theodosius to show that he did not forget his father and grandfather's hard work.

At the gate of the city where people come and go, Bahrain looked at the city in front of him and let out a sigh of relief. The rush for days was finally coming to an end.

He glanced back at his wife and children, walked forward with the mule cart, and walked into the city wall under the watchful eyes of two guards. He suppressed his expectations and prepared to take his wife and children to a place to have a good meal. , I hope the money in my pocket can be used.

As soon as he entered the city, Bahrain was stunned by the depression here. He looked at everything around him strangely. Along the way, he inquired with the local residents many times, and the information he got was that Lanyin City was the most prosperous city in the entire kingdom.

There are more than 30,000 residents in the whole city. Although this scale is incomparable in front of the big cities he has visited, it is at least a medium-sized city, and what he presents in front of him is not even as prosperous as a small town.

"Good day, sir!" He stopped a leisurely citizen and asked, "What happened to this city? Why is it so depressed?"

"Oh? You don't know? You must be from outside!" The citizen was a little puzzled. The two long swords that were supposed to be on his back were put on the mule cart before he entered Lanyin City.

"I'm from the south!" Balin nodded.

"That's not surprising, His Majesty the King moved the capital to Bo City in the south, which should now be called New Lanyin City. When he left, many big people left with their families and their families, and they mainly engaged in these big business. The merchants also followed, so this place became depressed!"

"The capital has been moved? That means King Lanyin is no longer here?" Balin's expression became ugly.

"Yeah, are you looking for His Majesty the King?" The citizen couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm here to defect to His Majesty..."

"Well I'm sorry to tell you that you have to go south for more than 20 days to go to New Lanyin City to see His Majesty!" The citizen shrugged.

"Okay..." Balin sighed helplessly. Even he was inevitably tired from the day-to-day running. After finally arriving at Lanyin City, he was told that he would have to walk for more than 20 days.

What made him uncomfortable was more than that. If he had known that this was the case, why would he have traveled so far to come here? Just wait at Abo City.

In desperation, he returned to the vicinity of the mule cart, looked at his wife and children with guilt, and said, "I'm afraid we have to go to Bo City, King Lanyin is not here!"

The faces of the three children suddenly collapsed. The days of running around had made their little bodies full of fatigue. This was not a pain that children could bear.

"However, let's rest here for two days, and then find a place to have a big meal!" Balin calculated his remaining money, feeling a little uncertain, but still made a promise to his children.

Balin looked at his wife helplessly. The gentle village girl did not complain, but hugged her young son tightly and nodded to her husband.

Everything in New Lanyin City was on track. After the initial surprise and curiosity, the citizens got used to having a king living here, and soon returned to peace.

And Theodosius found something unusual here, because he discovered supernatural events in his castle.

Looking at the translucent soul in front of him, Theodosius was slightly panicked. If it was a real monster, he wouldn't be so, because no matter how strong he was, he was sure to kill it.

But the group of ghosts in front of him made him overwhelmed, and the hand holding the long sword couldn't help but tighten.
