King’s Kingdom

Chapter 227: Preparation before the celebration feast

"The King's Kingdom (

Theodosius had already put on a full suit. Although it was not as gorgeous as his clothes in New Rhine City, it was quite gorgeous in general, at least not worse than Mutarian's.

Although this race of elves is born with a taste for elegance and luxury, and its skills are sufficiently skilled, it is difficult for this group of wood elves to exert their racial talents in this barren northern mountain range.

In fact, it is already very difficult to support these tens of thousands of elves under the protection of the holy tree, and they simply do not have much resources and energy to restore the level of physical art.

Therefore, although Mutariyaan is the elf king, the clothes he wears are actually the same.

Although human beings are not as good as elves in this regard, the Lanyin Kingdom is not lacking in resources, and its population is larger than that of Ikopihi. Even if this is not a country that advocates luxurious life, it also has good production skills here, so it is really It is impossible to say that he is stronger than Theodosius.

Kritidos is also wearing a light blue long dress, the back of the dress can drag two or three meters behind her, and it is full of various ornaments and jewels.

Compared with Theodosius' clothes, her dress was exaggerated, because the Church of God of War asked men to be frugal and simple, and even the few decorations were related to war.

The buttons on Theodosius' robe are in the shape of shields. Although the crown on the top of the head is not made of iron, it is in the shape of a long sword in the middle.

And in fact, according to the description of the ancient books of the Church of God of War, the crown worn by the God of War is made of steel. During battle, the spear-shaped decoration on the iron crown can be removed and turned into a real spear.

This kind of doctrine is quite reasonable. As a believer of the God of War, it is a better choice to save those vanity elements to build weapons and armor, and an armed army is a better choice. As long as you are brave and good at fighting, you will be victorious, even if you don’t have luxurious clothes. Ladies favor.

It's just that with the passage of time, the productivity is also changing, so even the areas that believe in the Church of God of War have gradually got a lot of decorations, but in general, the elements of war are still inseparable.

Critidos looked at Theodosius wearing slim robes and trousers, with a pair of tough leather boots under her feet. Compared with Theodosius' sturdy wool that looked lean due to the trimming of her clothes, she envied her very much. .

"If only I were a man..." She fiddled with her dress.

Critidos' figure is quite burly and tall among women, but she can be set off against Theodosius to be petite and lovely, but now the two don't seem to have much difference in body shape, except for their height. Other than that, the thickness is basically the same.

The clothes she was wearing were very bulky. Although the dress was dragged to the ground, the lower body was much thicker than Theodosius because of the existence of the inner skirt, and the skirt was also very uncomfortable to wear, which had a great impact. her actions.

"Don't, if you were a man, how would I dare to marry you?" Theodosius thought for a while, and then his face became cold.

"If I were a man, I would lead someone to attack the Kingdom of Lanyin, and I'll be the king of Lanyin, and let you be my queen!" Critido cast a glance at Theodosius while thinking about it, and then laughed.

"Yeah, fortunately you're not a man!" Theodosius said cooperatively, looking at his wife's distressed appearance.

"Hey, who made me a woman, I can only help you in this life..." Kritidos adjusted the angle of the skirt support, looked at herself up and down, looked at Theodosius and said: " Is there anything that needs to be fixed?"

Theodosius was also very moved when he heard the mother-in-law's words, and smiled softly: "No, no other woman can compare to you!"

"Who would believe this kind of nonsense!" Kritti gave him a thoughtless look, feeling a little happy in her heart.

In fact, except Theodosius, basically no one would take the initiative to praise her appearance.

Although her face is indeed very good, it can almost be regarded as the capital of the city, but the body that is taller and stronger than a man makes everyone fear, and at the same time, she no longer associates her with beauty.

Even the prairie hussars who were loyal to her, after praising their masters, were only described as being heroic and fighting, rather than being beautiful.

Therefore, only Theodosius is the only one who will praise Critidos with a tone of praise and adjectives that praise women, and basically only Theodosius can appreciate her feminine beauty.

Yes, Theodosius has always had the ability to appreciate beauty.

And he is unwavering in the diversity of beauty.

There is beauty in those who are short, and there is beauty in those who are tall.

What's more, no matter in his past or present life, his aesthetic standards are actually more inclined to be tall and strong.

Because he had already reached 188 cm in height before crossing the road, and at that time he was still more than half a year away from his nineteenth birthday, and he had not stopped Therefore, his mate selection criteria have always been All tend to be higher than 1.7 meters, preferably close to 1.8 meters or exceed.

In this life, my height has reached an astonishing 2.2 meters, and I also hope that my other half will not be too different from myself.

Now he hopes that his wife can grow a little taller to match his height, and he is not yet nineteen years old, maybe he can grow a little taller. Dosi's growth.

"It's twelve o'clock, get ready to go!" Theodosius said to Critidos.

This world does not pay attention to the later the arrival of the higher the status, and there is no saying that the finale, so Theodosius did not want to be late.

So he took Critidos and her dozen female bodyguards, as well as the guards led by Vico, and walked mightily towards the banquet hall in the Ikopixi Palace.

Kritidos's female bodyguard is one of her dowries. Although she has received more male education since she was a child, she cannot change her physical structure. In order to facilitate her daughter's daily life, Bollet Khan put some maids After military training, he became the personal attendant of Critidos.

The Guards led by Vico are actually quite embarrassing in the sequence of the Lanyin Kingdom. Although these people are powerful, their responsibilities overlap greatly with other troops.

They don't need to be on the field to charge into the battle, because these are just 16- or 17-year-old young knights in dresses. The security of the palace is handled by the guards of the Orteban family, that is, the Imperial Guard. When they are in the frontal battlefield, they are surrounded by thousands of horses. Among them, it is difficult to be threatened by the enemy.

And when Theodosius went out to fight in person, he usually brought the more powerful iron-clad Paladins and Knights of Rain, and they were not needed at all.