King’s Kingdom

Chapter 230: Long live King Qihu

"The King's Kingdom (

Of course, a real fighter would not change his inner thoughts just because he was embarrassed. Theodosius was also an extremely determined person, and naturally he would not be changed.

Under such an atmosphere, time often passed quickly, and it was time for the banquet to start quickly.

When everyone saw that it was almost time, they stopped chatting around and returned to their assigned seats, waiting for the start of the banquet.

Mutariyaan also had to withdraw his talk of sex, stood up with Theodosius, and glanced at the people in the banquet hall.

"Why hasn't King Godolin arrived yet?" Mutariyaan whispered to a follower beside him.

"We have reminded him in advance, and we reminded him half an hour before the banquet started. I don't know why he hasn't arrived yet." The attendant said embarrassingly.

Mutariyaan's face was pulled down. He couldn't get used to this King Godolin for a day or two. When his soldiers were fighting, he actually drank unconscious in the rear. Guarding the city seemed to have nothing to do with him. In the same way, being drunk and dreaming of death seems to be in a peaceful zone.

Moreover, those rude actions and vulgar words made the elegant Mutariyaan extremely disgusted. If the dwarf warriors did play a role in defending the city, and the number was a little more than the elf army, he would not want to. Bird that fool.

"Come on again! This is a barbarian who has no sense of time!" Mutaliyan did not have the habit of taking anger on others, which shows that he is indeed a good person who is strict with himself.

"Fortunately, King Godolin didn't lose his chain this time, and appeared on time at the entrance of the banquet hall with a group of entourages with different expressions.

"Oh! It seems that I didn't miss the good things! I thought I was late!" King Godolin patted his beer belly, laughed arrogantly, and walked into the banquet hall.

The more than 1,200 guests in the banquet hall all snickered when they saw this, but because of the large number of people, this snickering turned into a big laugh.

Those promising dwarf ministers and the higher-ranking dwarves covered their faces helplessly.

Although the dwarves are engaged in all kinds of physical labor, especially for the physical trumpet, the biggest iron is their talent, but this race is not rude, but has a certain courtesy, and even has been recognized by the most etiquette elves, which is different from humans. Few.

At the same time, they are also very good-looking. The most annoying thing is that other races talk about their height, and they are also afraid that they are not doing enough, and they will be teased and rude.

And their king did such a shameful thing in such a large audience, and attracted the ridicule of so many people. For these dwarves, it was no less than they were ridiculed themselves.

I have to say that King Godolin is quite gifted in social interaction. He doesn't even know what embarrassment is. Facing the ridicule of so many people, he not only did not get angry, but he smiled and waved to everyone.

Such a clown-like performance really amused the humans present, and they even whistled to express their welcome and appreciation to the "clown".

The elves were slightly disgusted by this scene, mainly because the ugly appearance of King Godolin was really indecent, and the whistling behavior of humans was not very pleasing.

Just like that, with a big beer belly, King Godolin stepped onto the main seat in the banquet hall.

Mutariyaan didn't give him a good look, he just nodded and didn't say a word.

Theodosius originally wanted to say hello to him out of politeness, but he didn't speak when he saw the disgust on Queen Mousse's face that he didn't even bother to hide.

King Godolin wasn't even annoyed by being pushed out like this, he just smiled and sat on the chair prepared for him.

The banquet started soon, and the aroma of the back kitchen had already drifted into the banquet hall.

As the host, Mutariyaan stood up.

Everyone present also focused their attention on him, because it has always been a tradition to talk at banquets, and the three clans of the Light God seem to have this habit.

"Everyone, just yesterday, the King of Lanyin, who was invited by me to help in the battle, led the army to a hearty victory, and even the evil dragon was liquidated by justice under his bravery. A rare and great achievement, this is not only the victory of the King of Lanine, but also the victory of our elves. Our homeland has once again passed through the difficulties. On behalf of all the elves of Ikopixi, I am in danger to the King of Lanine. Thank you for extending a helping hand!”

The audience burst into warm applause.

After all, Mutaryyaan was not too stupid, he still knew how to get some credit for himself.

"Please give the King of Lanyin a speech!"

Similarly, he is also very aware of current affairs and knows that he has to give the real protagonist a performance space.

Theodosius stood up "in awe".

He stood up together, and his height of 2.2 meters instantly formed a sharp contrast with Mutaryyan.

Objectively speaking, the height of this elf king can't be considered short, and the height of close to 190 cm is relatively tall even among It just looks a little bit in front of Theodosius. Just small.

That's right, Mutariyaan lost all his majesty after Theodosius stood up, like a slender concubine who surrendered to her husband, as if she could be blown over by the wind.

It was Theodosius' strong and tall figure that truly represented majesty and bravery. As soon as he stood up, everyone focused their attention on him.

"The dragon is a terrifying creature, its power is indeed obvious to all, but no matter how strong a creature is, as long as he is not a god, he will die! I can kill a dragon today, and I can kill a more powerful creature tomorrow. enemy!"

"Anything against me! Against monsters or whatever! Will become humble ashes under my death! Behold! As your king, I will protect you and yours Family! Follow me! Fight for glory on the battlefield! Fortune!"

Theodosius shook his hands and shouted loudly. He also used the vocal cord enhancement that came with the battle cry, and his majestic declaration could be heard throughout the banquet hall.

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!!"

"Long live the king!!!"

Huge cheers sounded, and for a while, only this phrase was repeated in the entire banquet hall, circling back and forth in the hall like turbulent waves, reverberating, and soaring into the sky.

Among them, not only the knights and officers of the Rhine Kingdom, but even some dwarves and a small number of elves were also cheering.

After Theodosius' brief speech, Mutaliaan announced the official start of the banquet. As for King Godolin, no matter how he thought about it, he seemed to have no reason to speak, because it seemed that he had not played any role in this war. effect.