Kiss Addiction

Chapter 120: Lee Zhuoen, let's announce the relations

"Yu Hang, how did you get out of the room? Didn't you let you rest in bed?" Song Rongfen said anxiously when he saw the eldest son coming in from the outside.

"I've been lying in the room for so long, and I feel a little stuffy, so I come out to breathe. And my body is now almost recovered, it is not a big deal." Cen Yuhang smiled at Song Rongfen.

"How could I have suffered such a serious injury? I should pay more attention to rest." Cen Guoshu also said.

"Thank you mom, I will pay attention." Cen Yuhang said, sitting down on the sofa.

"Zuo En, why did you come in together?" Song Rongfen asked Li Zhuoen aside again.

"When I first went out, I met my elder brother in the garden, talked for a while, and then came in together." Li Zhuoen said, and sat down on the empty seat beside Cen Yuhao.

"What did you talk to Big Brother?" Cen Yuhao was curious.

"Just talked about some common things." Li Zhuoen didn't think much about what he said.

During the breakfast, Li Zhuoen obviously felt that Cen Yuhao was not right, and kept eating silently without saying a word. Strange, what happened to this guy? Wasn't it pretty good just now?

After eating, Li Zhuoen was going to ride her little sheep to work, but was stopped by the driver: "Little grandma, the young master said that he will also go to Zheng Tian Technology today, and he asked you to ride by car together."

Why didn't this guy tell her herself and let the driver speak? Didn't he put it on like this? Li Zhuoen thought, and said, "Tell me to tell him, I still like to ride my little sheep to work."

"This ... you still have to tell the master yourself." The driver behaved a little embarrassed.

Just say it yourself. Li Zhuoen stopped the electric car, walked to the window, bowed down, and said to him sitting inside, "Cen Yuhao, I'm going to work by electric car, you go first."

Based on the previous lesson, she did not dare to take a luxury car anymore, so as not to be seen by colleagues in the company again, then she really sat on the throne of panhao.

"Get in the car!" Cen Yuhao said as if she hadn't heard what she said.

Doesn't this guy say his ears work well? Li Zhuoen is very speechless, but still intends to explain to him clearly: "If I go to the company with you, I will be found by colleagues in the company, that's fine!"

"Li Zhuoen, haven't you thought about announcing our relationship in the company?" Cen Yuhao was a little angry, didn't she hate his "blind" identity so much?

"Uh ..." She didn't really think about it.

"Looks like you haven't thought about it yet!" Cen Yuhao sneered as she did not respond.

"I think I'll talk about it in a while?" Li Zhuoen thought about it. If it was announced now, it would be absolutely explosive news. She should not be able to stay in the company anymore, right? The three women alone are cowardly enough to cope.

"Don't let me say the third time, get in the car!" Cen Yuhao became more angry when she heard her reluctance.

What kind of anger is this guy in the end! Li Zhuoen shook his head helplessly, still opened the door and got into the car.

"Please stop at the crossroad near the company, I'll just walk over it," Li Zhuoen said to the driver.

"This ..." the driver said, looking at Cen Yuhao sitting in the back seat.

"Do what she said." Cen Yuhao tilted his head toward the window of his side.

"Yes, master!" The driver replied before starting the car.

What's wrong with him? Before he saw her with Su Yucheng, he would be very angry, but why did he still feel uncomfortable when he saw her with his elder brother? Although he knew that he shouldn't have such an idea, when he saw her hand on the brother, he had an urge to pull her to his side. Cen Yuhao is confused about his current behavior.

"Cen Yuhao, are you angry?" Li Zhuoen asked Li Zhuoen without seeing him all the way and with a gloomy expression.

"Nothing." Cen Yuhao said as calmly as possible, he was afraid that his mind would be guessed by her.

"Are you angry that I didn't agree to announce our relationship with the company?" She guessed.

Cen Yuhao's gaze was still staring out the window.

"I definitely don't want to make it public because of you. I don't want to bear the title of the boss and wife. In that case, there must be no peace. Don't think about it." Li Zhuoen doesn't want him to misunderstand himself, let alone him Sad because of her.

"Sooner or later our relationship will be announced, isn't it? Li Zhuoen, what are you waiting for?" Cen Yuhao asked her.

"That's right, but I'm not ready yet. Can you give me some time?" Li Zhuoen asked carefully.

"How long do you want?"

"One year?" She asked weakly, holding out a finger.

"Li Zhuoen, are you kidding me!" Cen Yuhao was a little angry when she said that.

"That would be better for half a year." She compromised a step.

"This matter does not need to be discussed. I will go to the company today, and I will call everyone to a meeting to officially announce my relationship with you." Cen Yuhao was worried that her colleagues in the company had any unequivocal ideas about her, so she said.

"What? Today ... Today ?!" How could she be mentally prepared!

"No need to say anything, it's all set!" Cen Yuhao's tone didn't even have room for negotiation.

"Can you ..." Li Zhuoen also wanted to get some time for himself.

"I said, it's so decided!" Cen Yuhao interrupted her.

How can this be? She is also one of the parties, OK? How could he decide this thing unilaterally! Although Li Zhuoen still had full of resentment, but looking at him now seems a bit angry, he dare not raise any objection.

Parked at the scheduled intersection, Li Zhuoen opened the door and walked out. Sumiki try to carry it.

"Li Zhuoen, this is the last time I allow you to be so willful, starting tomorrow, you will have to take a car with me downstairs to the company!"

What a domineering guy! She didn't even say yes. Li Zhuoen thought that when he arrived at the company, he would announce their relationship, and she felt worried about the future! I don't know what will happen next in the company. Alas, only one step at a time.

Li Zhuoen carried a bag and walked weakly towards the company.

When he came to the company, Li Zhuoen just sat down and heard the phone in his bag ring. I thought it was Cen Yuhao, but I didn't expect it to be Su Yucheng! What did he call himself so early?

With such doubts, Li Zhuoen answered the phone: "Hey?"

Li Zhuoen waited for several seconds here, but didn't wait for the response from there.

"Hello? Su Yucheng, are you listening?" She asked again uncertainly.

There was still no response from that end.

Shouldn't he put the phone in his pocket and accidentally dial her number? Thinking about this possibility, Li Zhuoen was about to hang up, but heard that a voice finally came from there.

"Li Zhuoen!" His voice sounded strange.

"Huh? You're here, why didn't you just sound?" She put the phone back to her ear again.

"If a person has no reason to live, what should he do?" On the other end of the phone, he suddenly asked without a word.

"What do you mean? How could you ask such a strange question?" Li Zhuoen had no idea why he asked so.

"You answer me, what is he going to do?" Su Yucheng's voice with a trembling sound, it sounded like crying.

"What happened?" Only then did she feel the situation was getting worse.

"Li Zhuo'en, if I said, I need you now, can you come over right away?" Su Yucheng's tone pleaded, making the listener distressed.

"But I'm at work now! Would you tell me what happened first?" Li Zhuoen refused, although he couldn't bear it. Cen Yuhao's vinegar jar would be very sad and angry if she knew she was looking for Su Yucheng. She didn't want him to misunderstand her.

"Even if I beg you to come here?" Su Yucheng's voice was very light, not at all like him.

"What the **** happened? Can you tell me first?" Li Zhuoen felt the seriousness of the matter, but said nothing about going to his side.

"Li Zhuoen, thank you for listening to me, and ... thank you for being willing to be my friend." After that, Su Yucheng hung up the phone.

"Wait, Su Yucheng, you first ..." Li Zhuoen hadn't spoken yet, and heard that the phone had been hung up there.

What happened to Su Yucheng? How could he say so many inexplicable words? Hanging up the phone, Li Zhuoen was surprised.

"Hey! Hey! Li Zhuoen, come and see! Is this person Su Yucheng ?!" Mu Xue on the side shouted at Li Zhuoen.

"What's so fussy? Even if Su Yucheng didn't make any fuss, is it the manager of such a big group?" Li Zhuoen sat in his seat and didn't intend to pass.

"I'm not referring to that okay! Come and watch! There was a traffic accident near Yan'an Road last night. The news said that a passer-by was killed, it seems like Su Yucheng's mother!" Mu Xue said loudly to her.

"What? How is that possible!" Li Zhuoen did not believe that such a thing would happen.

"It's true! It's all in the news! Come and watch!" Mu Xue's look didn't look like a joke at all.

Li Zhuoen hurried to her station and saw a picture of the accident scene in a news. One of them was a picture of Su Yucheng holding a **** middle-aged woman crying sadly, and he was pregnant The person in here is Zhao Meijuan!

how is this possible! She also talked to her a few days ago, how can you say that it will be gone in the past few days? Lee Zhuoen felt unacceptable. She has now reacted to why Su Yucheng was so abnormal on the phone just now.

"Notice everyone! Now, a meeting is urgently held, and everyone is going to the big conference room!" At this moment, the supervisor came over and said to everyone in the office.

"What emergency meeting?" Someone asked.

"The boss's order, don't grind away, hurry up!" After the supervisor said, he went towards the large conference room.

"What happened? Why did you hold an emergency meeting so early in the morning?" Mu Xue said as he took his notebook and pen.

How did Zhao Meijuan happen? Su Yucheng must be sad right now? Li Zhuoen did not slow down in the shock just now.

and many more! What did he just say to himself?

"If a person has no reason to live, what should he do?" "Li Zhuoen, thank you for listening to me, and ... thank you for being willing to be my friend." What did he mean by saying these words? How about it?

bad! Shouldn't he be ... Li Zhuoen thought of a possibility.

Thinking of this, she took out her cell phone and dialed back, but made several phone calls in a row, and there was no one there.

This guy! Wouldn't he have thought of committing suicide!

Too late to think, she turned and ran towards the office door.