Kiss Addiction

Chapter 81: Suddenly recommend 1000 votes plus more

There was no rebuttal that was expected, which was greatly unexpected by Li Zhuoen. If she had said something before, he could think of ten words to say to her, and today he chose to be silent! It's incredible! Is it because of his fever?

Thinking of this, Li Zhuoen reached out and stroked his forehead. Although he still had a fever, he obviously dropped a lot! But why is my face flushed just like it was just now? Oh no, it seems redder than when the temperature was highest just now!

"All told you to stop touching me!" Cen Yuhao didn't seem to appreciate the good intentions of Li Zhuoen.

"Why are you reacting so much! I rarely care about you, okay!" Li Zhuoen did not understand why he had such a big reaction.

"Without your concern! Stay away from me!" Cen Yuhao said coldly to her.

Che, as if she wanted to stick to him! She wished to stay away from him. Really x her money, she still has to consider aunt grandma is not happy!

"It's really a dog biting Li Zhuoen, and he doesn't know people! You should go to the old forest in the mountains, and then find a place to stay, no one can live alone!" Muttered Li Zhuoen alone.

She finally became so affectionate and wanted to care about him, but people did not accept her love at all, and she would never care about this abominable guy even if she cares about the stray cat and dog outside!

Thinking of this, she stood up and went upstairs alone. Taking care of that guy is really tiring, and it's so uncomfortable to sleep on your stomach just now, she has to make up a sleep first! The most important point is that she never wants to stay with that abominable guy again! He has the potential to drive people crazy!

Watching her go upstairs, Cen Yuhao kicked on the coffee table with some anger.

When she touched her body just now, he felt like his blood was boiling, and an uncontrollable affection instantly occupied his brain.

He told himself that he was so interested in a woman's body because he hadn't experienced men and women. If he changed to another woman at the same time, he would have the same reaction.

Yes, it must be! Like a woman with a low education and a poor family background, especially a clumsy woman, how could he be because she likes her! He hates stupid people!

Because his head was still a little dizzy, Cen Yuhao lay down on the sofa for a while, then fell asleep without depth.

When Li Zhuoen came downstairs, Cen Yuhao was awake.

"I'm going out for a while, and I'll be back at dinner time!" Li Zhuoen's tone was cold because he was still angry.

"Where are you going?" Cen Yuhao asked, worried that she wanted to escape.

"Follow your instructions, stay away from you!" The irony in her words was self-evident. She glanced at him, ready to go out.

"Wait! I'm going out to help me too!" Cen Yuhao said when she was leaving.

"Oh, didn't you want me to stay away from you? Why, suddenly you showed mercy to me again?" Li Zhuo'en turned back.

"Why so much nonsense! I was afraid you would go out and just leave!" Cen Yuhao explained, fearing that she would misunderstand, and then added, "You are gone, who will cook for me!"

He dared to take her as a cooking mother! Li Zhuoen listened to what he was so mean, and really wanted to give him a knife!

"Okay, mother, come here!" She walked to him with her teeth gritted.

"Change this first!" Cen Yuhao said, and threw a skirt onto her. He couldn't stand it any longer she wore his shirt dangling under his eyelids, and sooner or later he would not be able to bear it!

"What is it?" Li Zhuoen opened the thing he threw at her and saw that it was a very beautiful bohemian dress.

"Where did you pull it out? I just searched for a long time, why didn't I find a woman's clothes?" She asked doubtfully.

"Since you didn't find it, what are you wearing?" Cen Yuhao deliberately asked her that.

"Haha, I ... I just found a set of men to put on the jacket." Li Zhuoen only found out that she had leaked.

"Men's? Only my clothes are here. Are you sure my pants will not fall when you put them on?"

"Well, I think I'll change my clothes first!" Li Zhuoen quickly found an excuse and ran away.

When she ran to a room, she quickly changed her skirt to the right size, just like it was tailor-made for her. It's so beautiful to make a circle in the United States and America. She has never tried a boho skirt yet! Because of the distressed money, she was reluctant to buy very casual clothes for herself. There would always be only a few poor business clothes in the closet.

It seems she fits well in a boho skirt! Li Zhuoen admired her skirt from top to bottom. It's a pity that no one appreciates it, oh!

After coming out of the room, Li Zhuoen came to Cen Yuhao: "This skirt is very suitable, where did you find it?" She looked very happy, and forgot about the thing she had just got angry with.

"This is my home. I naturally know where to put things." Cen Yuhao deliberately ignored her beauty.

"Strange, how can you have a woman's thing in a man's house?" Li Zhuoen's thoughts were all on the skirt, and he didn't think through the brain when asking questions.

"Just wear it for you. There are so many questions!" Cen Yuhao's voice sounded impatient. In fact, this skirt was originally bought by him for Zhang Jing. He planned to take a moment to meet her here, wear the skirt he bought for her on the beach, and propose to her.

But just a few days before he was going to propose to her, he had the car accident and he saw her true face.

Looking back, the haze appeared on Cen Yuhao's face.

Li Zhuoen turned back, only to find that his question was indeed a bit redundant. He found that the woman's clothes here must be the one he wanted to buy for his ex-girlfriend. He blamed himself for speaking without going through the brain! Li Zhuoen hit his mouth punitively.

"Well, let's go to the beach together! I have never been to the beach yet!" Knowing that he had asked the wrong thing, Li Zhuoen flattered him.

Cen Yuhao said nothing and stood up from the sofa.

Helped him to the sea. As soon as Li Zhuoen saw the sea, he was like a bird flying from a cage. He let go of his hand and ran to the sea.

Is this guy so happy? Cen Yuhao watched her briskly running in front of him, the corner of her mouth unconsciously evoking a rising arc.

Li Zhuoen took off his shoes and ran barefoot on the beach. The thin sand kissed the soles of her feet, itchy, and very comfortable!

In the evening, the hot temperature had faded, and the sea breeze was blowing, sending a wave of coolness. Li Zhuoen wore a light blue patterned skirt on a white background and bounced on the beach. The sea and the wind blew through, blowing her ankle-length skirt, and looking from a distance, it was like a smart elf.

The sea is very blue, set off against the sky, and the colors are bright and bright.

The sea, the sun, and the girl form a poetic oil painting that is so beautiful.

Cen Yuhao looked at the most agile elves in this oil painting, as if intoxicated. He took out his phone and pointed at the person not far ahead.

With a click, he freezes the agile elf at the best moment.

"Cen Yuhao, it's really beautiful here!" Li Zhuo'en turned back, her face was the purest smile on the face.

Her smile was so innocent, without any trace of impurities, the moment she turned back, it brightened his whole world. He even forgot that he was holding his mobile phone at this time.

"What do you have in your hand?" Because Zhuoen didn't see clearly because of the distance.

"Nothing." Cen Yuhao put the phone back in his pocket.

"Strange, why no one is here on such a beautiful beach?" Li Zhuoen looked around, not one of them except them. A place as beautiful as this should be overcrowded. Why can't even a figure be seen? This is not in line with China's national conditions!

"How do I know?" Cen Yuhao didn't want to tell her that this was his private territory and outsiders could not enter.

Yes, you do n’t know if you do n’t know! I'm in a good mood now, and I don't know anything about you! Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Li Zhuoen didn't have time to follow him!

Cen Yuhao stared blankly into the distance, wondering what he was thinking at this moment.

It's a pity that he can't see such a beautiful scenery. Is he stunned by this? Lee Zhuoen guessed.

"Cen Yuhao, would you like to feel the beauty here?" She suddenly sympathized with him, so she asked.

"Don't you know that I can't see my eyes, how do I feel?" Cen Yuhao didn't look at her when she spoke.

"Sometimes, what I feel with my heart is the most beautiful!" Li Zhuoen smiled playfully and then walked to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, seeing her approaching herself.

"Sit down first!" Li Zhuo'en's voice was clear, and the ghost was terrifying. He seemed to be sitting on her as if he had received some confusion.

When Li Zhuoen saw him sit down, he began to take off his shoes.

"Why do you take off my shoes!" Seeing her next move, Cen Yuhao tried to retract her feet.

"Trust me!" Li Zhuoen's attitude was so sincere that he had no reason to refuse.

Li Zhuoen lowered her head and took off his shoes very seriously. From his perspective, he could only see her side.

I don't know if it was because of a little sunshine, her face shone with a charming halo, which made him see God for a moment.

"Well, stand up!" Li Zhuoen put his feet on the beach. "Is it comfortable?"

Cen Yuhao looked at his bare feet. The family education he had received since he was a child must be elegant and decently dressed outside. This is the first time that he has bare feet.

"Let's go, I'll take you to feel further!" Li Zhuoen said, pulling his hand and heading towards the sea.

The moment he touched his hands, he felt like an electric current hit him all over. He lowered his head and fixedly looked at the clenched hands.

"What are you doing, let's go!" Li Zhuoen saw that he hadn't left, so he increased his strength.

If someone had touched him like this before, he would surely shake off her hand, and then teach her something, but this time, he would silently let her pull into the sea .

At this time, it was time for the tide again, and the sea water was flapping over, hitting their bare feet, there was a refreshing coolness.

"Did you feel it? This is the smell of wind." Li Zhuoen closed her eyes and took a soft breath.

Cen Yuhao turned her head and looked at her when she said this. Her expression was rare and serious. He didn't speak, and cast his gaze on Yunxia. Why does he think that today's scenery is not so beautiful?

When he was intoxicated, there was a burst of coolness. He turned around, only to find that Li Zhuoen was holding up sea water and pouring it on him.

"What are you doing!" He was wet, and he asked a little unhappyly.

"Let you feel the beauty of the sea more earnestly!" Said Li Zhuoen, pouring the seawater on him even harder.

"Let's die!" Cen Yuhao said, bowing and holding a lot of water on her.

Li Zhuoen didn't expect him to find the position so accurately, a large mouthful of seawater just poured into her mouth, salty, with a fishy smell.

"呸 c is unpalatable!" Li Zhuoen spit out the sea water in his mouth. But just here, Cen Yuhao continued to pour water on her.

"Okay, I'm surrendering!" Lee Zhuoen was helpless and could only raise his hand to surrender.

After listening to her surrender, Cen Yuhao stopped. "Li Zhuoen, I advise you, don't think you can take advantage of me, the one who will finally lose is definitely you!"

"The person who suffers is not yet sure who it is!" Said Li Zhuoen, pouring a lot of water on him.

Cen Yuhao tried to dodge, but did not stand firmly and fell into the water.

"Haha!" Looking at his embarrassment, Li Zhuoen felt very deflated. Who said that she could only lose every time?

"Li Zhuoen!" Cen Yuhao was so angry when she smiled so brazenly that the dead woman had to come to challenge his authority!

"I know my name sounds good. You don't need to emphasize it in this way!" Li Zhuoen said that he was now in an advantage and was not afraid of death.

She dared to break the ground on the grandfather's head and didn't know the heights and heights! Cen Yuhao decided to teach her something, so she stood up and ran towards her.

Seeing him running over, Li Zhuoen also spread his legs and ran forward.

This blind Cen is blind, how can she know where she is going!

Li Zhuoen turned to look at his position, but one stumbled without notice.

"Ah!" She called, and poured into the sea.

Cen Yuhao saw that she was about to fall and wanted to hold her. But it was too late. When he just grabbed her, he became unstable and followed her down!

Cen Yuhao fluttered on her, at this time their lips were only separated by more than ten centimeters.

Her hair was wet with sea water, sticking to her ears, and a few drops of sea water on her face.

Cen Yuhao found that his hands were on her chest!

The air seemed ambiguous at this instant.