Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

v2 Chapter 166: Ground turtle ~ big soil turtle ~

Ten minutes ago, Fenghuo ran away with the sleeping Namakaze Minato on his back. Hearing Huitu's yelling behind him, he thought that Huitu was really an idiot.

But immediately he was startled, no one would be a fool if he could be the commander of Iwanin. He immediately created another shadow clone to test the dust behind him.

This time the fire was sealed off, he immediately asked the shadow to find a quiet place with Namikaze Minato on his back, and the main body chased after the traces left by the dust.

At this time, Feng Huo held the spiral pill in his hand, looked at the tired face of Huitu at the entrance of the cave, and smiled triumphantly. Yes, as long as Huitu couldn't fall asleep, everything would have ended.

Then, without hesitation, he threw Huo Dun-Xiang Wan over.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Huitu put his hands on the ground, and a wall of dirt rose up in front of him, and more than ten walls had been erected in an instant.


The fire escape-helix pill exploded immediately when it collided with the earth wall, and the violent fire wave rushed past with a terrifying swirling airflow, blasting through these earth walls in half a breath.

Then the flames poured into the cave, burning the outside scorched and tender inside in an instant.

Feng Huo frowned, so smooth?

He felt abnormal and quickly shifted his figure.

In an instant, a prison composed of stone pillars sprang up from under his feet.

Fenghuo immediately opened the three doors, stepped into the state of Lilianhua, and rose up from the ground with one foot.

"Thunder Dungeon - Helix Pill!"

A purple spiral pill in Fenghuo's hand turned bigger and bigger with electric sparks, and the strong current made the air vibrate faintly.

He threw the spiral pill on the ground, and the powerful electric current ran away in an instant, rushing along the ground in all directions.

Thunder Dun had already restrained Earth Dun, let alone such a powerful ninjutsu as Lei Dun-Xiang Wan.

The dust under the ground was immediately hit by the electric current, and in an instant, the nearby electric current rushed towards him like crazy.

Huitu's eyes were red, it was from exhaustion, he gritted his teeth and broke through the ground, leaping into the air to avoid the electric current.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Seeing him coming out, Feng Huo immediately released the three gates, landed slowly, and at the same time attacked with wind escape, not allowing him a moment of rest.

Huitu rolled around on a donkey to avoid Fengdun, staring fiercely at Fenghuo.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you, you are courting death!"

"Nonsense, I'm here to surrender!" Feng Huo said righteously, "Quickly promise me 300 conditions and I'll surrender right away, or I'll never end with you!"

Huo Du was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were aching, he couldn't tell that this was Fenghuo's pastime, and the real purpose was simply to make him unable to have a good rest.

Huitu took a deep breath, but every breath of air that entered his lungs carried a hint of hypnosis, making him feel the urge to fall asleep immediately.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Feng Huo made a move without saying a word: "Don't speak? Look down on me, you dare to look down on me, you bastard! Why do you look down on me!"

"Bastard, you're the jackass!" Huitu was furious.

Two people, you are a wind escape, I am an earth escape, you are a fire escape, and I am an earth escape. If you beat the fire, you will retreat steadily.

Although Huitu was very tired and his strength was weak, Fenghuo was also in poor condition. Besides, his goal was to hold Huitu back, not defeat him.

So the fire was closed and the fight was retreated, but the trash talk was very sloppy, which made Ash's eyes redder with anger.

"Konoha's ninjas are all so shameless!" Huitu teased him, "A character like yours is even worse than rebellion!"

"What, you look down on me, how dare you look down on me, you soil turtle!" Feng Huo began to sing as he spoke, "Soil turtle ~ big soil turtle ~ frustration, frustration, frustration, what material do you want to add."

Dusty face is blue.

"Earth escape - the art of mountains and rocks!"


There were two huge semi-circular spheres rumbling up from the ground, but Fenghuo had already been on guard, and immediately opened the three doors and walked away quickly.

"Damn it!"

Huitu was furious, turned around and ran away.

Not long after the fire was sealed off, he chased after him: "Turtle~big turtle~frustrated, what kind of ingredients do you want to add. Earthworm~big soilbet~soilbet~big soilbeet~"

Huitu hid in the dark, almost deaf in both ears.

"Got you!"

Fenghuo blows a huge fireball over, immediately setting off a sea of ​​flames, burning ashes and dust without shelter.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, are you really ready!" Huitu panted, his eyes were fierce, but his eyelids were fighting crazily up and down.

"I'm ready for the soil turtle, big soil turtle, frustration, frustration, frustration~"

Feng Huo found that this song was really poisonous, and he couldn't stop singing it.

"Enough!" Huitu yelled, "I am a disciple of the third generation of Tsuchikage, I am dead, Uchiha seals the fire, do you know what you will face?"

"Earth turtle ~ big earth turtle ~ frustrating frustrating frustrating..."

"My teacher will definitely kill you on the battlefield, and Namikaze Minato will die too, and all of you Konohas will die!" Huitu roared, with momentum like a rainbow!

"Turtle~big turtle~frustrate frustrating frustrating, what material do you want to add."

The momentum of the dust suddenly festered like a duodenum.

Fenghuo made up his mind to let Huitu die here, who told him to hunt them down for days and nights without sleep? If it weren't for Namikaze Minato's toughness, he might have caught up and killed him if he had changed someone else.

In this case, sealing the fire is saying that he will die!

The two stalemate for about half a day, and Feng Huo's shadow clone suddenly dissipated, and he instantly received the memory of the shadow clone, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Namikaze Minato slept in a quiet place for a long time, and the quality of sleep was far better than that of the fire seal. When he woke up at this moment, although he did not recover to full state, his combat power had recovered to six or seven layers, and the dust here was entangled by the fire seal for a long time. Both eyes can't be opened anymore, how can they still be their opponents?

So he decisively threw a fire escape spiral pill into the air.


The spiral pill exploded ~lightnovelpub.net~ The violent fire wave spread hundreds of meters around, and could be clearly seen even ten miles away.

He believed that Namikaze Minato would definitely be able to see it!

Seeing this scene, Huitu already realized something.

"Damn it, **** it, to die here like this, I'm not willing, I'm not reconciled!"

As Huitu roared, his mental will erupted suddenly, and he suppressed his drowsiness, vigorously trying to kill Fenghuo.

"Back to the light?" Feng Huo's eyes lit up, and he ran back in a hurry, talking nonsense, "Turtle~big turtle~frustrated, frustrated, what do you want to add."

"Ahhh!" Huitu felt wronged!

Feng Huo didn't take two steps and looked back, Huitu actually got into the ground and ran away.

Feng Huo hurriedly blasted the ground away with Thunder Dun-Spiral Pills, thunder and lightning raged, but Hui Tu couldn't make up his mind to come out.

Feng Huo opened the Sangouyu Sharingan, but unfortunately he couldn't see through the earth, and he hadn't learned sensory ninjutsu, so he really couldn't find the specific location of Huitu.

"Since you can't find it, you can only make a fuss."

Fenghuo didn't dare to stop, the Thunder Dun-Spiral Pills were thrown down one after another, the whole land was almost turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Finally, Shulunyan, who was sealing the fire, sensed the rhythm of the wavy plate on the left side of the earth, which must be the dust that had been electrocuted and was about to evacuate.

"Want to run? Eat my 25cm spear!"