Konoha’s Love Master

Chapter 249: Never meet again! 【270-272 three in on

   Chapter 249 Never meet again! 【270-272 three in one】

   "Lord Naruto, the Sarutobi clan has been thoroughly investigated. Except for Sarutobi Shinnosuke and the small number of Sarutobi ninjas, other ninjas of the Sarutobi clan have not been implicated in this case..."

   "Even a small number of related Sarutobi ninjas just do things that are convenient for Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and don't know what he is doing."

  Three days later, the garrison checked everything, and Hyuga Wuye also put the closed case file on the Hokage table.

   In just three days, the three generations seem to be 30 years older, and the body that was in its peak state has actually aged, and even the hair has turned gray.

   He sat behind the Hokage table, not smoking a big cigarette as usual, rubbing his hands lightly with the file, and said nothing for a long time.

   "Lord Naruto?"

   After a long while, the three generations did not move, and Rixiang Wuye couldn't help but reminded him.


  The three generations responded inexplicably, and then seemed to return to the soul, looked up and said in a low voice: "It's hard work, you go."

  Sun Xiang Wuye nodded, walked out the door, and closed the door.


   The door closed slightly, like the first sign of hypnosis, and Sandai's eyes gradually became cloudy.

   There are many, many things that I never thought of in the past came to my mind.

   When Shinnosuke was very young…

   He also held him up and turned in circles, and he laughed so happily, and he also…


  Three generations suddenly stood up, the wooden chair behind him rubbing against the floor made a sound.

   He threw the file on the table and staggered out of the door.


   There was an endless stream of respectful shouts along the way, and before he had to show a friendly smile to each of them.

   But today he just walked alone, as if he had lost his soul.

   People looked at him with more sympathy and love.

   At this moment, even the three generations can't tell whether he is really lost, or is he subconsciously saving his image...


  Returning to the humble clan, passing through the different eyes of the clansmen, the three generations pushed open Sarutobi Shinnosuke's room.

   This is also a very simple room, no different from others.

   A tatami, a desk, a few books, and nothing else.

  The dull light came in from the window, but it didn't bring much light.

  Three generations did not turn on the lights.

   He just sat down in front of Sarutobi Shinnosuke's desk, imagining whether the unfamiliar son usually sat like this.

  What will he do?

  Three generations reached out to the bookshelf and pulled out the largest book.


   Suddenly, a scroll rolled down from the shelf behind the book and rolled in front of him.

  The three generations were stunned for a while, and there were rays of light in their eyes.

what is this…

   He picked up the scroll.

   The above sealing technique he can see through at a glance, it is a blood contract.

   In other words, only the designated blood can be smeared to unblock it, and in other cases, it will self-destruct.

  Three generations hesitated for a while, but he bit his finger and then smeared his own blood on it.

   Maybe this is the last window for him to get to know his son, and he doesn't want to miss it.

  Fortunately, the sealing technique lighted up and dimmed again...Unlocked!

  The three generations were a little nervous.

  This scroll is not set with Sarutobi Shinnosuke's own blood, but his blood, so...is it specially reserved for him?

   He slowly pulled out the scroll, and rows of unfamiliar handwriting came into view.

   "Father, when you see this, I must have confessed my guilt."

   The first sentence made the eyes of the three generations turn red.

   "From childhood to adulthood, you were dissatisfied with me. Later, you almost forgot about me as a son. I often think, I have to do something in my life to get your approval."

   "It's probably not really good to be a ninja, I don't have that kind of talent."

   "So, I went the other way..."

   "If you want to be a great Hokage, I will help you become the greatest Hokage."

   "But a lot of times you are too idealistic, that's not good, and that Shimura Danzo is too insidious to be your dark side."

   "Since I was a teenager, I have secretly accumulated a lot of wealth in your name in the past ten years, but none of the money has entered the family."

   "I used this money to buy a lot of industries, Konoha's custom street, hot spring shops, casinos, these most lucrative industries are almost all mine."

  Three generations slowly widened his eyes.

   He fully understands what an enormous wealth this is!

   In other words, the village assets that Sarutobi Xinzhisuke embezzled may not only be hundreds of millions of taels, but billions!

   His heart started to throb again, he still didn't understand what his son did with so much wealth...

   "Don't worry, I don't use any of the output of these industries every year for myself or my family. They... are all used by me to win over ninjas."

   "Father, do you understand? In fact, there are really not many ninjas as idealistic as you who pursue the stability and peace of the village."

   "You always say that family ninjas are the biggest obstacle to the integration of the village, but you don't know that the civilian ninjas you admire... Most of them are dissatisfied!"

   "The poorer the ninja, the more likely he is to pursue wealth and status, because people always seek what they lack."

   "So, those civilian ninjas who act selfless in front of you actually get what they want from me every year."

  Three generations of hands trembled slightly.

   Next, he saw the names of the commoner ninjas and the money they would get each year.

   That amount is higher than his Naruto salary!

   anger surged, followed by shame, and then a deep sense of disappointment.

   He always thought, always thought that these civilian ninjas were the future of the village!

   "You must be very angry and disappointed now, aren't you? It's not necessary, because this is a human being."

   "In this ninja world, the pursuit of peace is destined to be a minority. Most people still want their own interests, or want to live a better life. You must see this clearly."

"These civilian ninjas who have received money, ignore this point and think about it again. How are their mission capabilities? How are their ability to handle affairs? Does their existence make the village better? If so, then there is no need to worry about it. their selfishness."

  Three generations' hearts suddenly calmed down again.

   He had never seen these, but he had to admit that his son was right.

   "Not only civilian ninjas, but also family ninjas."

   "Father, let go of your prejudices. Don't punish these family ninjas for doing a little bit of violating the village system, because the existence of many gray areas is necessary, and you can't ask everyone to be as selfless as you are."

   "Like the recent liquidation against these families, it's actually completely unnecessary. To be honest, the benefits they get are not as much as what I get for your civilian ninjas."

   "Why do they follow you if it doesn't do you any good?"

   "Father, I am different from you. You are an idealist, but I am a realist, so I can't see those great ideas and dreams, I can only see the selfish desires in everyone's heart."

   "I use this to help you extend the tentacles of Hokage's power to every corner of the village."

   "Although I am dead, the aftermath has been arranged, those ninjas will still benefit, and even the civilian ninjas you are optimistic about in the future will continue to benefit."

   "If you have any doubts, you can contact Sarutobi Shinyi. He is a one-line contact and a dead man. If anything happens, he will fight alone and will not implicate you."

   "Rixiang Wuye, you have to be careful, because you can't give him what he wants."

   "Orochimaru needs to be watched, he started to feel wrong after the war."

   "Namifeng Minato is a good heir that you can cultivate well."


   Seeing this, the eyes of the three generations have become blurred.

   He never thought that there were always people behind him doing so many things silently.

   Hokage's dark side is Danzo, but his son is doing the gray area.

   "Finally, Father, please eat well, sleep well, take care of your health, live longer, don't come to me, because..."

   "I don't want to see you."

  Three generations could no longer control themselves, and tears fell down like a flood burst.

   "In this life, I have never lived as myself, just to get a recognition, I have worked hard until now, I am really tired, very tired..."

   "Asma is a good boy, he has ninja talent, I hope you don't treat him like me..."

   "That's it, I hope we..."

   "Death and life never see each other again."


  Three generations fell from the chair and sat on the floor, curled up beside the tatami, crying like a child.

  When Sarutobi Shinnosuke committed suicide, in addition to pain, he was more humiliated and puzzled.

   Shame on his son for doing such a thing and don't understand why he would do it.

   Until now, until he found this letter, until he really touched the true heart of this son who was hidden in his shadow...

   He finally felt the existence of Sarutobi Shinnosuke for the first time, but unfortunately the next moment is Yongjue.

  His son is a real genius, not a genius as a ninja, but a genius of the world!

   He has done so much secretly and helped his ideal father, but at the end he said to him...

   Death and life never see each other again.

   How much hatred, how decisive, how painful, to give his biological father a heavy blow after death?


  Three generations hugged their heads and cried, curled up in the corner like a child, and almost fainted from crying.

   "Father! What's wrong with you?!"

   Suddenly, the door was slammed open, and Asma, who was ten years old, rushed in.

   Then, he was completely stupid.

   Growing up, he had never seen his Hokage father have such a weak moment.

   He has always been so amiable, always with such a hazy smile, and always buried his emotions completely...


  Asma crouched down in front of the third generation nervously, at a loss: "You...you..."

   But the three generations suddenly hugged him tightly, tears streaming down his old face.

  Asma even felt that her bones were about to fall apart.

   Then he heard his father, who never showed affection, whisper in his ear: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

  Asma intuitively felt that the sound of sorry was not to him, but he still whispered: "It's okay."

   But the three generations seemed to have not heard, and kept saying: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."


   "Orochimaru, how long do you have to study the primary cell phagocytosis?"

  In the dark underground, there is a huge laboratory.

   Danzo came here by himself and found the scientist Orochimaru.

   "Don't worry, just give me some more time."

  Orochimaru's apricot-yellow vertical pupils looked a little creepy in the shadows, but Danzo didn't notice it.

   "Come on, I can't help but kill Sun Xiang Wu Ye." Danzang said coldly.

   "I'm as anxious as you are," Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, "After all, I've been coveting his body for a long time!"

   "Hmph, he is very wrong, his strength has grown too fast." Danzo said.

  Orochimaru's eyes twinkled faintly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   "How are the primary cells transplanted on your body?" he asked suddenly.

   Danzo shook his head: "It's not good, if the seal is unlocked, there will be a risk of being attacked within half an hour."

   "You have neither the Uchiha bloodline nor the Qianshou bloodline on your body, it's really not suitable," Orochimaru fell into deep thought, "It's day and night..."

   "I asked you to develop a potion that could kill him without knowing it, not to use him as an experimental material!" Danzo said angrily.

   "Don't worry, I know," Orochimaru said quietly, "After all, I still need you to provide materials for human experiments."

   "Huh, you just know."

   After Danzo left, he threw himself back into the experiment, like a ruthless scientific research machine...


   "Uncle, this is what Wuye has been doing recently."

   Under the largest ninja tool store in Konoha, Uchiha Mikoto is reporting the situation to her current uncle's future father-in-law.

  The man still opened his eyes that could barely see the road, and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair, making a slight thumping sound.

   After a long time, he sighed slightly.

   "What's the matter, uncle?" Uchiha Mikoto, who was sitting on her knees, immediately asked with concern.

The man rubbed his forehead with some headache: "Our line and the entire Qianshou clan have paid a great price to slowly integrate into the clan, but now Wuye wants to unite most of the clan to form a group that is opposite to the high-level. Political clique? This is completely contrary to our original intention..."

   "This kind of thing is impossible for ordinary people to do, right?"

   Uchiha Mikoto blinked: "I think he can do it very well!"

  The man couldn't help laughing: "Is this a serious question? This is going against the general trend."

   "But in the past three years, the major families have indeed been suppressed too hard. Coupled with this liquidation, many families are almost unable to sustain themselves, so Wuye will do this."

   Uchiha Mikoto speaks for Hiyori no night beating around the bush.

   "I know, but it was because he liquidated all the families in one day that he got this opportunity, and..."

  The man sighed: "He didn't do it because of political ambitions, but only for women..."

   "Isn't that great!"

   Uchiha Mikoto was not convinced.

  The man waved his hand on his forehead: "Okay, okay, I understand, the child raised hard has run into his bowl..."

   "This little thing," he sucked in a breath of air, like a toothache, "is it a woman killer?"

   Uchiha Mikoto's pretty face was flushed, and her little hands were rubbing the corners of her clothes awkwardly: "No, it's not, it's, it's me and him anyway, it's destined..."

   The man sighed, really too lazy to complain.


  A month passed without knowing it.

  Because the events that happened a month ago were more terrifying than each other, Konoha had to digest it for a month before slowly returning to her former calm.

   During this period, neither the families that were liquidated nor the Shimura family or the Sarutobi family had any movement.

   Everyone tacitly maintained a relative balance, and the terrifying situation was calmed down.

   It is the consensus of all that the village must be stable no matter what the battle is.

   "Wuye, you should resign from the garrison."

   After a month, Hyuga Wuye finally saw the three generations of Hokage again.

   This month, the three generations did almost nothing, and everyone thought that he was immersed in the pain of the death of the eldest son, so no one wondered.

   On this day, Wuye heard such a sentence not long after he stepped into the Hokage office.

   He took a careful look at Sandai, and was surprised to find that he seemed to have returned to the appearance of a month ago, with a gentle mask on his face, but his eyes were as deep as an abyss.

   Has nothing really changed?

   Sun Xiang Wu Ye has no answer.

   "Why do you want me to resign from the garrison?" he asked unceremoniously.

   With his current strength, he has this qualification.

Sandai didn't get angry, but said very calmly: "As you said last time, Tsunade's rumor problem has been solved, and the culprit Danzo you deduced has also been punished, you still need to do your job in the garrison. what?"

  Hyuga Wuye intuitively felt something was wrong.

  Because before that, Sandai obviously wanted him to be in the garrison all the time and become a knife, a knife that Sandai could only use by himself.

   But now he seems to have given up on this idea, so, did the original idea of ​​making him a Hokage candidate also give up?

  Wuye knew that if he kept following the path arranged by the third generation, after the third battle, he would successfully become the fourth generation Hokage.

   Originally, he also planned to go on like this, and do what he wanted to do when he became Hokage.

   But neither he nor the three generations thought that Tsunade would change their tacit understanding.

   Now, everything is different…

   "Hokage-sama, I think the garrison is quite suitable for me, should I stay?"

   This is a test from day to night to see if the three generations have really changed their minds.

The third generation finally looked up at him, watched silently for a long time, and then suddenly said: "Wuye, you really surprised me. The speed of growth, including political means, has far exceeded my expectations, but there are some things I didn't know at the time. Want to understand, now that a month has passed, it is not a very meticulous method, I can still see clearly."

  Hyuga Wuye's face was calm, with a look of listening intently.

   This is a showdown, or, in other words, completely giving up Wuye as a candidate.

   "Danzo and his roots were your goal from the beginning, didn't you?"

The third generation finally started smoking his big cigarette again, puffing the clouds and saying: "You know that those who spread rumors on the dossier are the family members of the root ninja, so they are very measured and blame all the losses on Danzang's head. ."

   No night is noncommittal.

"After that, you took advantage of the situation to solve the big elder of the Hinata clan. Not only did you not cut yourself off from Hinata, but instead strengthened your control; what's even more amazing is that the Uchiha clan, you seemed to be taking revenge on Uchiha, but it did not cause them any real effects. The injury was just a slap in the face, but it helped them ease their relationship with the village..."

   "Then there is the matter of the small and medium-sized families. You deliberately deal with it within a day, forcing me to take out the Shimura family's dossier. This is your most important purpose..."

   "Then block off the Shimura clan and arrange conflicts. If Danzo is calm enough, maybe you will directly attack Danzo as you wish, right?"

  Three generations looked calm, but his tone gradually became chilling.

   Another ninja here, maybe already trembling with fear.

   But Hyuga Wuye didn't seem to feel it, and even spread his hands with a smile: "Lord Hokage, this is just your guess."

   "Wuye, you...have no will of fire." Three generations sighed.

  Hyuga Wuye's eyes finally narrowed slowly: "Lord Hokage, I want to ask you, what is the will of fire?"

   "What is the Will of Fire?"

  Three generations frowned, obviously this question was unexpected to him.

  In his opinion, ninjas born in the era of Hyuga Wuye should be able to recite the content of the will of fire.

   "The will of fire is sacrifice. The elders sacrifice and burn themselves, so that the next generation will shine and continue to pass on." The three generations said in the simplest words.

   "Yes, this is the standard answer when our ninja school tested the will of fire," Hyuga Wuye chuckled, "but it doesn't seem to be the same as what I actually saw!"

   "What's the difference?" Sandai frowned.

   "I didn't see the top of the village sacrificing themselves, I only saw you rejecting dissidents and suppressing the opposition over and over again to achieve the goal of completely controlling Konoha." Sun Xiang Wuye said.

  The pupils of the third generation shrank and said slowly, "Are you serious?"

   He didn't expect that Rixiang Wuye would completely tear his face off, and directly ripped off the things that everyone acquiesced in.

"Of course!"

  Hyuga Wuye spread his hands and said, "Since the so-called will of fire is nothing but an empty slogan, why should I be the fool who practices it seriously?"

   "There is no night in the sun..."

Sandai called out his full name, leaned back on the chair, and focused all his attention on him: "Fortunately, you exposed yourself because of Tsunade, otherwise I don't know that Konoha will become what."

   He picked up the pipe and took a sip, put it back on the table, and said slowly: "You don't understand the will of fire, that is a kind of righteousness, no matter how much you sacrifice, you must maintain the righteousness of the village's peace!"

   "That's it..."

  Rixiang Wuye sneered: "The righteousness that even one's own people can't protect? Is it possible to suppress dissidents at will as long as they are good for the village? That's just a political slogan."

   "It seems that the inflated strength makes you unable to see yourself clearly..."

The three generations looked at him calmly: "Rixiang Wuye, I am very glad that I can see your face clearly now, you go, from now on, you will be relieved of all your duties in the village, you cannot leave the village without my permission, Can't take the mission."

   "So this is the power under the brilliance of the will of fire, I really got to know it once..."

  Hyuga Wuye not only did not feel lost, but instead sarcastically said: "I wonder if Hokage-sama will cancel my Jounin proposal and voting rights?"

"Will not."

   The three generations didn't even look at him, waved their hands and said, "If you won't be called in the future, don't come again."

   He was determined to suppress Sun Xiang Wu Ye.

  Unfortunately, Wuye threw out a scroll in a hurry and rolled it in front of the third generation: "There is just a proposal for Shangnin, why don't you take a look at Hokage-sama?"

   (end of this chapter)