Konoha’s Love Master

Chapter 38: Did I let you use clairvoyance?

  Chapter 38 Did I ask you to use clairvoyance?

   "Is this a white eye...?"

   Kaguya's uncertain voice came, interrupting Hyuga Wuye's messy thoughts.

   Only then did he realize that Kaguya had appeared in front of him, staring into his own eyes.

The   Hyuga brothers were also attracted: "What a strange eye."

   "What's wrong with my eyes?"

  Wuye got up and walked to the window, the glass reflected light, and he could see the condition of his eyes slightly.

  No wonder they were surprised, even though Wuye had seen all kinds of beauty contact lenses in his previous life, he had never seen his current eyes.

  The temples on both sides have no bulging blood vessels, and the eyes seem to be covered with a layer of silvery white light.

   "You must have opened your eyes, right?" Kaguya asked.

  Wuye nodded: "Well, I just saw my sister open her eyes, and suddenly realized how to stimulate the bloodline."

   "It turns out that your white eyes have always been there, but they were just covered up," Kaguya nodded and said, "You also covered the Hokage Building with your pupil power just now, so the third generation will perceive it?"

  Wuye scratched his head: "I didn't expect to see it in the Hokage Building."

   Kaguya was suddenly silent.

   But Hyuga Hizu couldn't help shouting: "You can see three kilometers away the first time you open your eyes?!"

   "Uh, how far did you look when you opened your eyes?" Wu Ye blinked.

  Hyuga's head was swept away, and he threw the back of his head.

   "When Hizu opened his eyes, he only looked at a distance of a thousand meters." Kaguya said calmly.

Puff puff…

   This hand-in-the-knife repair made Hyuga Hizu almost vomit blood, what a real sister!

   "Why do his eyes look different from normal white eyes?"

  Hyuga Ripa said with some envy: "The blood vessels don't need to bulge, they still glow, and they look better than ours."

  Rixiang Wuye spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know it himself.

  Kaguya thought for a moment, then speculated: "It may be because your white eyes are hidden, and the outer ones are writing round eyes, so you can't replace the original eyes, you can only cover the surface with a layer."

   "At the same time, because it is covered with a layer, it does not stimulate the original eyes, so there is no need to deliver blood and blood vessels, and the blood vessels do not need to bulge."

  The ancestor-level white-eyed player analyzed it properly.

   "That's fine. On the battlefield, the enemy won't know that you're a blind eye, and it's not easy to be targeted." She added.

   Brother Hinata immediately showed a small expression of envy.

   Kaguya suddenly said: "By the way, try to see if you can turn on the writing wheel at the same time, if you can use two kinds of blood to follow the boundary at the same time..."

"Let me try."

  Rixiang Wuye once again mobilized Chakra from different blood channels to the eyes, and the spiritual energy was instantly amplified.

   The next moment, a pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes appeared in his eyes, but the white-eye fluorescence disappeared at the same time.

"No, the chakras required by the two eye-opening methods are different. The white eye is the non-attribute chakra to stimulate the blood, and the writing wheel eye is the yin attribute chakra and the ultimate spiritual energy. The two kinds of blood follow the limit and finally reach the same channel Eyeballs, so only one can be turned on." He secretly analyzed.

  Rixiang Wuye tried to open the white eye again, and sure enough, the writing wheel disappeared immediately.

   "It seems that the two kinds of eyes can't be compatible, which is a pity." Kaguya said.

  Rixiang Wuye was not disappointed, but secretly said to himself: "The current white eye is a non-attribute chakra opening, what if it is seven attributes? Does it mean that the conditions for opening the writing wheel eye are met?"

   He raised his head and stared straight at Kaguya... Come fall in love with me, sister, then you can see the magical scene of Sharinyan and Baiyan opening together.

   "What's the matter," Kaguya wondered, "Don't you know how to use Baiyan?"

   "The white eye has two modes. Just now you focused the pupil power to form a perspective eye. Now you can spread the pupil power around the body in a hemispherical shape, which is the penetrating eye of the white eye for all-round observation." She explained.

   "He was able to see three thousand meters before. In theory, he can see at least one hundred meters in all directions, right?" Hyuga Risari asked curiously.

Hyuga Rizu pouted: "It's not like that, it takes far more pupil power to form a hemisphere distributed around the side than to observe in one direction. When I can see three kilometers away, I can only see sixty in all directions. Meter."

  Wuye clearly felt that Brother Hyuga's attitude towards him now seemed to be really starting to get closer, unlike before, he completely looked at the eyes of outsiders.

   It's not a widow but an uneven one. Everyone has cataracts, so they won't be discriminated against... It should be understandable, right?

   "Pupil power spreads in a hemispherical shape, giving insight into 360 degrees..."

  Rixiang Wuye suddenly found himself as if he had opened the whole map, and instantly became the perspective of God.

   He can even see himself in the center... shapely body, delicate features, perfect!

   "So, am I a hero operating the full map mode?"

   Carefully feel it, and it is different.

  Although there is an all-round perspective, the main perspective straight ahead will be clearer and more realistic.

The vision behind    is like a rear-view mirror, and requires judgment to depict the real situation.

   "How is it, how many meters can you see?" Hyuga Hizu asked impatiently.

   "Well...about 90 meters." Sun Xiang Wu Ye said.

  Hyuga Hizu's face collapsed again.

   "It's great not to have limited pupil power. Now I can see as far as 5 kilometers with my penetrating eye, and I can only see 80 meters with my penetrating eye, and there is still a blind spot behind my head."

   When he said this, Hyuga Hizu was embarrassed to show his face... After all, he was not engraved with a caged bird.

   "Okay, let's go practice against each other," Kaguya waved her hand, "Wuye, come here, and now I'll teach you soft boxing."

"Oh, alright."

  Rixiang Wuye Pidianpidian followed.

  Although Rouquan is very hip in the late stage, it is still very useful when the combat power has not inflated to the point where it is not as good as a dog.

   "Accurately speaking, soft boxing is not soft, but a very strong ninjutsu."

  Kaguya stretched out her white jade hand, her four fingers clasped together like a knife, and a shallow layer of chakra light appeared on her fingertips.

   "Because the opponent's chakra meridians can be clearly seen with the white eyes, we can cut off the chakra transport by pushing chakra into the opponent's meridian acupoints, so that the opponent cannot gather chakra."

   Her hand suddenly came forward, making a rushing sound of breaking wind.

   "Just like this, only with enough strength can you successfully punch chakra into the opponent's acupuncture point. This is soft boxing."

   "The next step is to identify the acupuncture points."

  Kaguya took a step back and gestured to Wuye: "I'll make chakra work in my whole body, and you can look at me with your eyes. Every place where chakra flows to a turn is an acupuncture point."

"Let me see."

   Wuye opened his eyes and looked carefully at Kaguya's body.

   But Kaguya's pretty face, like white jade, turned pink and tender, like a drop of first blood falling on the snow.

   "Let you use the penetrating eye! Not the clairvoyant eye!"

  Wuye didn't see it clearly before he banged and the zigzag flew towards the wall...

   (end of this chapter)